Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| THE DARKEST TIMELINE  (Read 2656080 times)

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Re: US Politics Thread of Walrus vs. HA Goodman in the Rage Cage |OT|
« Reply #17461 on: July 12, 2016, 12:13:39 PM »
it's happening again, democracy died! this was it, the end of the usa as we know it just happened!


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Re: US Politics Thread of Walrus vs. HA Goodman in the Rage Cage |OT|
« Reply #17462 on: July 12, 2016, 12:25:42 PM »


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Re: US Politics Thread of Walrus vs. HA Goodman in the Rage Cage |OT|
« Reply #17463 on: July 12, 2016, 12:39:11 PM »
[–] [score hidden] 6 minutes ago
What a lying piece of shit.
This whole time he lied to our faces.
At least with Clinton you knew that she was a fuck. Now we find out that Bernie was even worse- he was pretending to give a shit and now he's selling us all out.
What a complete fuck.
I'm done with this politics shit. Fuck this, let whatever happen in November happen. Who the fuck can ever trust anyone again after the 1 person who promised to actually give a shit about us just stabbed us int he back.

[–] [score hidden] a minute ago
Never did I imagine that I be witness to the creation of a new political hope, a party that truly represented the people, by a person who lived those morals and values their entire life. And never did I imagine that same person, so steadfast in their beliefs, get bought and sold to destroy that movement in an instant...


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Re: US Politics Thread of Walrus vs. HA Goodman in the Rage Cage |OT|
« Reply #17464 on: July 12, 2016, 12:41:46 PM »
The Walrus' zipper just burst open.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Walrus vs. HA Goodman in the Rage Cage |OT|
« Reply #17465 on: July 12, 2016, 12:42:01 PM »
Stella Guluchi
11:37 AM EDT
Independent Socialist Bernie Sanders is NOT a Democrat and should NEVER have been allowed to run on the Party that he has not contributed, period. Sanders endorsement today means absolutely nothing and he might as well just shove it!
Sanders has continued to campaign because of his big ego, bitter, self-righteous, holier-than-thou, sore loser! Bernie has an exaggerated impression of himself and he actually thought the Democrats will reward him with being our 2016 presidential nominee???? Not happening!!!
Hopefully, now the Independent Socialist will give up the FBI detail that cost we tax payers at least $38,000.00 a day. Where are all the self righteous Sanders Bernie Surrogates...loud, foul mouthed Tina Turner, inept Ben Jealous, rabid Cornel West, etc. to advise their candidate to produce his tax returns and give up the security detail.
Bernie Sanders and his 13 million supporters are free to form their own Party and QUIT the Democratic Party. It is mind boggling that the Democratic Party and the Hillary Campaign allowed Bernie Sanders to drive the Party Platform (that fortunately is not a governing document) and give too much credence to Sanders for issues the Democrats have been and continue to fight education -President Obama has forcefully campaigned for 2 years of free Community College, $15 Minimum Wage - California has already passed into law, Public Option - nothing new here Hillary Clinton ran on this in 2008 and was included in Obamacare until the Blue Dog Democrats booted it out, etc.
I am life long Democrat and do not want the Democratic Party pulled to the EXTREME left. The Party must remain in the center to govern effectively and not be driven by the so called Progressives who think they have all the answers and refuse to listen to the other side of the issues.
Hillary 2016!!!!!!!


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Re: US Politics Thread of Walrus vs. HA Goodman in the Rage Cage |OT|
« Reply #17466 on: July 12, 2016, 01:01:51 PM »
The Walrus' zipper just burst open.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Walrus vs. HA Goodman in the Rage Cage |OT|
« Reply #17467 on: July 12, 2016, 01:02:38 PM »
Someone check on HA Goodman.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread of Walrus vs. HA Goodman in the Rage Cage |OT|
« Reply #17468 on: July 12, 2016, 01:07:27 PM »
How entitled do you have to be to hope for Trump because your liberal messiah didn't win smh. Supreme Court? Voting rights laws? Obamacare? Gay rights? Department of Justice? Fuck all that shit, let everything burn for...what exactly. scust


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: US Politics Thread of Walrus vs. HA Goodman in the Rage Cage |OT|
« Reply #17469 on: July 12, 2016, 01:10:27 PM »
Some people have a moral code and care about principles!

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread of Walrus vs. HA Goodman in the Rage Cage |OT|
« Reply #17470 on: July 12, 2016, 01:12:03 PM »
How entitled do you have to be to hope for Trump because your liberal messiah didn't win smh. Supreme Court? Voting rights laws? Obamacare? Gay rights? Department of Justice? Fuck all that shit, let everything burn for...what exactly. scust

If Trump is Bush 2.0 and everything is super shitty for 8 years, then we can get Obama 2.0 elected. It'll be great!

spoiler (click to show/hide)
for two years until the Tea Party 2.0 comes and takes a dump on everything

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Re: US Politics Thread of Walrus vs. HA Goodman in the Rage Cage |OT|
« Reply #17471 on: July 12, 2016, 01:15:07 PM »
People actually thought that Berniecrats would bother to vote if Bernie didn't win. :neogaf


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Re: US Politics Thread of Walrus vs. HA Goodman in the Rage Cage |OT|
« Reply #17472 on: July 12, 2016, 01:30:43 PM »
Someone check on HA Goodman.

Don't worry for him, he already has his exit strategy.


Lots of options on the table if Bernie is forced to play ball with the machine. Still will ALWAYS love Bernie. JILL STEIN is one option!!!

IF BERNIE endorses, writing-in Bernie, Jill Stein and Green, several other options in 2016. BLAME HRC if Trump wins, not Bernie or Bust.

Bernie Sanders is an honorable man and I love and respect him. He didn't want to endorse Dear Leader Hillary. But, he was forced to do so.

We all love Bernie Sanders, but there's a truly remarkable woman in the race named @DrJillStein THE MOVEMENT LIVES, STRONGER THAN EVER.

And well, if the movement STRONGER THAN EVER fails, no big mystery on what he'll do...

Yes, Hillary Clinton is by far the greater evil compared to Trump

If Bernie endorses Dear Leader Hillary, I will still LOVE and respect Bernie. Still NEVER voting for Clinton. HRC more dangerous than Trump.

Cynically, Bernie being old means his cuckoo support probably won't be a liability next cycle.

I mean :

« Last Edit: July 12, 2016, 01:50:12 PM by VomKriege »


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Re: US Politics Thread of Walrus vs. HA Goodman in the Rage Cage |OT|
« Reply #17473 on: July 12, 2016, 01:38:44 PM »
How entitled do you have to be to hope for Trump because your liberal messiah didn't win smh. Supreme Court? Voting rights laws? Obamacare? Gay rights? Department of Justice? Fuck all that shit, let everything burn for...what exactly. scust

Basically the same people who thought Dems should have voted against the ACA so we could get single payer.

So white people who read Matt Taibbi and already have insurance.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Walrus vs. HA Goodman in the Rage Cage |OT|
« Reply #17474 on: July 12, 2016, 03:24:39 PM »

So it's Hillary's fault the Bernie or Busters are gonna give the election to Trump?

Even putting aside that won't happen, and most Bernie voters will vote Hillary... what?

HA Goodman just outed himself as the human personification of r/politics: not actually pro-Bernie or pro-Democrat, just anti-Hillary.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread of Walrus vs. HA Goodman in the Rage Cage |OT|
« Reply #17475 on: July 12, 2016, 03:44:33 PM »
But they aren't going to give the election to Trump. We're talking about what, 15-20% of Sanders supporters at best? Probably not even that much given that polls are showing that his supporters are supporting the nominee at a higher rate than Hillary supporters did in 08.

The thing that gets me Walrus-level mad is the idea that these people matter, and have enough sway to shift the election. They don't matter, I don't give a fuck if they vote or not. We're talking about a small minority of BernieBros and I'm tired of their worth being trumped up.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Re: US Politics Thread of Walrus vs. HA Goodman in the Rage Cage |OT|
« Reply #17476 on: July 12, 2016, 04:06:17 PM »

"When will the president call it radical racial hatred?"

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread of Walrus vs. HA Goodman in the Rage Cage |OT|
« Reply #17477 on: July 12, 2016, 04:45:15 PM »

holy shit I sold my Gingrich shares at a loss yesterday  :lol

I bought half back pretty cheaply this morning which has worked well but fuck...I should have just stayed up.


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Madrun Badrun

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Re: US Politics Thread of Walrus vs. HA Goodman in the Rage Cage |OT|
« Reply #17479 on: July 12, 2016, 05:38:06 PM »
Benidict Bernie :dead

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread of Walrus vs. HA Goodman in the Rage Cage |OT|
« Reply #17480 on: July 12, 2016, 05:38:17 PM »
Prostitutes pay you?


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Madrun Badrun

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Phoenix Dark

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Dickie Dee

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Tasty works the long con



  • you might think that; I couldn't possibly comment
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I am so confused

Madrun Badrun

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Bernie Sanders Just Made Jill Stein the Most Powerful Woman in American Politics

Speaking of HA Goodman, he's in a bit of feud (on Twitter, so don't worry, everyone is safe) with the Daily Beast who did a "hit piece" on him, found here : The poet laureate of Bernie porn

I never thought about it twice but I'm not surprised that he was in fact not a pundit by trade but a blogger turned cult sensation. Very apt for riding the Bernie Sanders train.

Goodman lists not a single connection on LinkedIn, but does note that his business is a member of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. Under “honors and awards” he says that he was voted “the biggest mensch” at his local synagogue.

The second book, as Goodman described it in a press release, “creates an afterlife never before seen in a novel. God is nowhere to be found, hell is an office, Satan is a female CEO, demons in suits peddle evil to fulfill sales quotas, and heaven is taken over by fundamentalists.”
« Last Edit: July 13, 2016, 10:27:10 AM by VomKriege »

Human Snorenado

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This is what happens when you run someone corrupt as Hillary Killthem #sheliedtheydied #benghazi

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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The second book, as Goodman described it in a press release, “creates an afterlife never before seen in a novel. God is nowhere to be found, hell is an office, Satan is a female CEO, demons in suits peddle evil to fulfill sales quotas, and heaven is taken over by fundamentalists.”

HA Goodman wrote a Terry Pratchett book from 1990?

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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The GOP platform has been a complete disaster from the start. They even inserted a plank calling coal "clean energy." :neogaf

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Bernie Fans Say 'Fart-In' Against Hillary Will Go On
Unswayed by his endorsement, progressives continue to stockpile beans for the Democratic convention.

:doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge

Madrun Badrun

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Walrus better pack a gasmask with his gun. 


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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In PPP's last poll (the date is typo'd) they asked a variation of the Brexit for the US with Texas leaving.

Among almost every crosstab it was roughly 20-25% for Texas to leave, 60-65% for them to stay. Except three.

Among 18-29 year olds it was 37% to leave, 46% to stay. Among Hispanics it was 40% to leave, 44% to stay. Among those who say they're very liberal it was 43% to stay, 53% to leave.

Also, a lot of the Democratic-lean demographics (hispanics, 18-29, very liberal) seem to think Hillary is in her mid-50's and Trump his mid-70's.

More important poll findings in the NBA thread.


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Joe Molotov

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Alaska is too far away for Sarah to make it to the RNC. :dead

Unless, she's secretly going to be there as Trump's VP. :doge

Phoenix Dark

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IE Trump wouldn't pay to fly her to Cleveland.

I'm a Puppy!

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So apparently the VP is going to be Pence.

Great Rumbler

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Saw this and thought it was worth reading:

This isn't getting a lot of attention. But it should. Everybody took note when Donald Trump repeatedly claimed that American Muslims across the river in New Jersey celebrated and cheered as the Twin Towers fell on 9/11 - an entirely fabricated claim. Last night on Bill O'Reilly's show and then separately at a rally in Westfield, Indiana he did something very similar and in so doing cemented his status an impulsive propagator of race-hatred and violence.

The details of the rapid-fire fulmination are important. So let's look at them closely.

Trump claimed that people - "some people" - called for a moment of silence for mass killer Micah Johnson, the now deceased mass shooter who killed five police officers in Dallas on Thursday night. There is no evidence this ever happened. Searches of the web and social media showed no evidence. Even Trump's campaign co-chair said today that he can't come up with any evidence that it happened. As in the case of the celebrations over the fall of the twin towers, even to say there's 'no evidence' understates the matter. This didn't happen. Trump made it up.

Godwin and all that, but go through the whole thing. It's pretty clear that Trump will just flat out say anything if he thinks it'll get Southern whites spoiling for a war, doesn't matter what it is or how dangerous it might be. Actually, the more dangerous the better. When it gets to that point, what good does fact-checking this 'story' even do? Trump is lying, he knows he's lying, and the people he's talking to believe in their hearts that he's telling them the truth. Any fact-checking done by the media is just a liberal attempt to deceive the faithful about what's really going on. Trump's conservative proposals are a big whatever. He's the Republican nominee, of course he's going to take all those positions. But it's stuff like this that raises Trump from just a doofy clown to being genuinely frightening.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Alaska is too far away for Sarah to make it to the RNC. :dead

Unless, she's secretly going to be there as Trump's VP. :doge
IE Trump wouldn't pay to fly her to Cleveland.
fiscal responsibility  :lawd

Cerveza mas fina

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better trump than sanders right

Trent Dole

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r/politics has completed its transformation into r/trump. Pretty amazing, actually. I didn't post much, but I remember it being more of a generic liberal/techno-libertarian-who-supports-safety-net place like GAF up until about a year ago. Unless I'm completely remembering wrong.
/r/4chan makes it to the frontpage. That's all you need to know about that.

My filter list keeps growing. :goty2


  • 🤷‍♀️
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It's easier to just filter out reddit entirely

I'm a Puppy!

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The only way I can see using reddit is going directly to the subreddit I'm interested in and stop. It's all garbage.


  • 🙈🙉🙊
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It's easier to just filter out reddit entirely
My account is almost a decade old, bratan. I'm in too deep. :doge

The only way I can see using reddit is going directly to the subreddit I'm interested in and stop. It's all garbage.
That is esentially what I do, but I 'run out' early and end up checking r/all anyway...


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Donald Trump has picked Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate, the presumptive Republican nominee announced in a tweet, a move that adds an established, mainstream conservative politician to his unconventional bid for president.

"I am pleased to announce that I have chosen Governor Mike Pence as my Vice Presidential running mate. News conference tomorrow at 11:00 A.M." Trump said on Friday morning.


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I'm a Puppy!

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It seems with this pick that Trump is trying to "pivot" a little and be a little less bombastic. I can see why conventional wisdom would say to do that. But, let's be honest, conventional wisdom is not what got Trump this far.

Joe Molotov

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Remember when Mike Pence proudly signed the Right to Discriminate Act and then shat his pants and the bed so badly on national TV trying to defend it that he had to go back and rewrite it? Good times. Truly the skilled politician we need to keep Trump in check.


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I'm a Puppy!

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But that's the thing. You'd expect Trump to go with someone who wouldn't back down from that and be all "tough"

edit: Is that T penetrating the P?

Joe Molotov

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I'm pretty sure Trump wants somebody who's competent enough to do most the of actual job of Presidentin', but won't be getting too uppity and will be completely servile to him. Gingrich probably had too many of his own ideas, and Christie might have wanted it too much.

Pence will make a fine boot lick, as a bonus he's got a good relationship with the Koch's, and Donnie clearly needs to tap that well.


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Right now, a thousand keyboards are clacking as political reporters churn out stories saying in so many words that the selection of Pence will likely help reassure Republicans who have their doubts about Trump's understanding of and commitment to conservative principles.

Don't believe any of them.
Though the Indiana law is not in conflict with other LGBT protections, it was decried as an act of bigotry. Journalists started fishing for villains, settling on the religious owners of an Indiana pizza parlor who said they would not (hypothetically) want to cater a gay wedding. Companies such as Apple and Ebay, which have no problem doing business in bastions of enlightened attitudes on gays as Saudi Arabia and Indonesia, threatened to boycott Indiana. (Curiously, they have not also threatened to boycott the existing 21 states with RFRAs.)

Once it became clear that Pence was going to have to make a stand on religious freedom, he folded. Indiana's religious freedom law was gutted at Pence's direction within a week of it being passed.
Pence's actions surrounding Indiana's RFRA controversy (and to a lesser extent, his cozying up to the unprincipled and amoral Trump) seem positively Judas-like.

And over the course of the last year, Pence's actions look even worse. It would be one thing if the impetus behind the attack on religious liberty was actually to prevent discrimination, but it seems believers have more to fear from gay rights advocates than vice versa. The Iowa Civil Rights Commission recently tried—unsuccessfully—to criminalize Christian teaching on sexual sins even inside churches. (Canada has actually tried to legally muzzle pastors in the issue, so suggesting this is a goal of the more noxious elements of the gay rights movement isn't exactly far fetched.) Religious liberty is actually foundational to all First Amendment protections, because whether or not your beliefs are formally codified by a church, synagogue, or mosque, the private process at which everyone arrives at the truth is nonetheless so sacred it should be protected from government intrusion.

The fact that Pence, who is otherwise loudly socially conservative, can't be trusted to stand up for religious freedom is a stinging rebuke to religious voters.
According to CNN, "Removing Pence from the governor's race, several senior Indiana Republican officials, aides and operatives said, would allow the state GOP to escape from the turmoil of years of social battles over same-sex marriage and religious freedom."

That's accurate but slightly misleading. The problem wasn't that Pence caused turmoil by taking on religious freedom issues, but rather that he handled it so badly. Right now, the GOP's nominee for Indiana's third congressional district, which includes Ft. Wayne, is state senator Jim Banks. Banks emerged victorious in the highly competitive primary in no small part because he and his wife—who filled his seat while he served in Afghanistan—emerged as leaders in pushing back on Pence's cowardice toward religious freedom and made it an issue in Banks's campaign.