Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| THE DARKEST TIMELINE  (Read 2656099 times)

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Madrun Badrun

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18840 on: September 03, 2016, 01:08:39 AM »
Dislike.  edit: like 4 posts to late.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18841 on: September 03, 2016, 01:38:26 AM »
this could have been done so much better, especially since it's CALIFORNIA...but that Philosophy major (4:25-5:15) saved it so hard it made the rest all worth it :lol

liked the old white woman so excited she got Hillary, and the college girl who opposes obamacare and "absolutely [big smile]" supports marijuana

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Shining Hawkstar1 month ago
You ugly girls need to shove a plug up your own filthy, over-penetrated  "VAG's". Hillary is a rapist defender. She tried to get a grown man off raping a 12 year old CHILD & FEMALE. Take that, SEXIST feminists!
Dextera Domini3 weeks ago
Women's right??? Are parents in this country really this stupid?Like someone who defends a child Rapist and proudly confesses her ability to discredit a little Girl that was raped to get a lighter sentence for the Rapist has room to talk about anything like this. People are so stupid.. They wish to elect someone that will defend someone that Raped your child.. She is Trash PERIOD !!! Careless???? Heartless Hillary!! makes me sick to look at her, Twisted bitch
wateri42 months ago
They are voting for her because she is a "woman". This country is fucked in the future
SeedfulMusic2 months ago
It blows my mind that women would vote for someone just b/c they are a woman. Sexism is so rampant that its worse than the race bating thats being glorified. The white male is hands down the most persecuted of all. The irony of it is... I genuinely give two shits less if a woman, or a black man are president, I just want someone with some god damn substance that will at least tell the truth, even if its wrong, or against what i stand for. BE REALLL for a change. Which is why Trump seems to be so likeable by many, despite his lack of political talk.
derty QWERTY2 months ago
All these feminazis are happy about is a vagina is making the decision, yet they say they are all about equality and such, but they are voting totally sexist. Not to mention SHE IS GOING TO LOSE, LOOK AT THE NUMBERS FOLKS. Hillary never ever had a chance to win, which is why the sexist foolish women should have voted Bernie (at least the young women in this country are smart and know about Hillary, the older women are insanely sexist and dont research her negatives, simply because they trust anyone with a vagina and hate men)

But more importantly:
krrrcht2 months ago
So great to see all female libertarians in the US in one place
:dead :dead :dead :dead

Madrun Badrun

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18842 on: September 03, 2016, 01:48:39 AM »
 Philosophy major lol


  • The Smooth Canadian
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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18843 on: September 03, 2016, 07:36:05 AM »
How's malek doing these days, anyway?


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18844 on: September 03, 2016, 08:02:45 AM »
He hopefully wifed that lady of his. :whew

Madrun Badrun

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18845 on: September 03, 2016, 01:43:52 PM »
Ya hope he's doing well.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18846 on: September 03, 2016, 04:48:35 PM »

Cable news segment of the year :bow

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18847 on: September 03, 2016, 05:57:58 PM »
lol @ the shot of the black reporter nodding his head at the beginning, waiting to roast that nicca

Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18848 on: September 03, 2016, 06:47:32 PM »
You'd think they sucked the air out of the room 4 minutes in.  Roast of the year.

Great Rumbler

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18849 on: September 03, 2016, 06:54:49 PM »


Actually, just a few minutes ago, I said that this was off the record...


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18850 on: September 03, 2016, 07:24:20 PM »
Stop political correcting me ! :brazilcry


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18851 on: September 03, 2016, 08:37:04 PM »


Actually, just a few minutes ago, I said that this was off the record...


What a little bitch.

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18852 on: September 03, 2016, 09:23:05 PM »

Bold move, Cotton. We'll see if it works out for him.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18853 on: September 03, 2016, 10:50:18 PM »

skip to 40 seconds in.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18854 on: September 04, 2016, 08:45:46 AM »
From back in April but an interesting piece about the steps that have been taken over the last decade to make the Presidential transition better:
Walking through the offices in the West Wing on January 19, 1993, Bolten remembers it as something of a construction zone, as workers were making modifications requested by the incoming Clinton team. “It’s quite striking that there is nothing on the walls, nothing on the bookshelves, computers on the desks but the hard drives have been replaced,” Bolten told me in a recent phone interview. “The new White House team basically walks onto a blank playing field.”

By the time Bolten returned to the White House as a deputy chief of staff eight years later, the transition process wasn’t much different.
There had been no particular advance in planning or infrastructure,” Bolten said. “The Clinton crew was courteous to us but had not undertaken any particularly strenuous effort to facilitate our effectiveness on Day 1. They just tried to turn it over in responsible condition for us to start our jobs.”

Less than eight months later, on September 11, Bolten was sitting in his office when his phone rang. The inside line. This wasn’t a call routed from his assistant, but from someone who knew the direct number, which, Bolten recalled, even he didn’t know at the time.

The man on the other end was Steve Ricchetti, who had sat at his desk at the end of the Clinton administration. “Do you know about the bunker?” Ricchetti asked.
In 2008, Bush resolved to do things differently, recognizing that, as the president told Bolten in a private meeting about a year before he left office, this would be “the first modern presidential transition at a time when the United States itself was under threat.” Bush told Bolten to make transition-planning a priority and to ensure that not just the White House but the entire government got the message. Years later, it remains one of the few areas for which members of the Obama administration lavish unqualified praise for their predecessors.

“To the credit of the Bush White House, they could not have been better partners with us,” said Lu, who served as executive director of Obama’s transition team and is now deputy secretary of Labor. “The success of the transition planning,” he added, “was in large measure because of the cooperation we got from the Bush White House.”
The main problem, according to Max Stier of the Partnership for Public Service, is that the Obama transition didn’t aim high enough, and it lost momentum after the first wave of appointees were put in place.

The transition had built a team of 300 volunteers to usher in around three dozen top officials. “After that first wave occurred, that group of people—poof!—disappeared,” Stier said. Obama, he said, should have set a goal of getting 100 people confirmed by the time he was inaugurated and 400 by the August recess, which is closer to what Mitt Romney’s team was shooting for had he won in 2012. Studies of the 2009 transition found there was an average of 50 days between the Senate confirmations for agency leaders and the next highest ranking official. “As a result, you end up with agencies where the secretary is home alone,” Stier said. “They don’t have the complete set of people they really need to run the agency effectively.”
With help from the Partnership for Public Service, a D.C.-based nonprofit, officials in the administration and in Congress ramped up efforts to formalize the process—to take what worked in 2008 and make it the standard for future transitions. The Partnership had convened a conference north of New York City in 2008 that drew former administration officials, good-government advocates, and representatives of the major campaigns that year. In 2010, it released a report called Ready to Govern with a series of recommendations for transition-planning, including measures that made it into new federal legislation, the Pre-Election Presidential Transition Act of 2010. That law boosted funding for the transition and for the first time authorized the General Services Administration to provide office space to the major-party candidates (and, potentially, a serious third-party contender) to begin planning their governments months before the election. It also allowed the outgoing administration to set up the kind of transition councils that Bush established by executive order in 2008. Recognizing that transition-planning would still be underfunded, however, the law allows campaigns to raise outside money as well.

In 2012, Mitt Romney made use of the new resources—and then some. Running as a management guru and turnaround expert, Romney shook off any concern about appearing presumptuous and named Mike Leavitt, a former Utah governor and Cabinet secretary in the Bush administration, to lead his transition planning soon after he clinched the Republican nomination in the spring.


By Election Day, the Romney transition—which had been dubbed the Readiness Project—had swelled to a staff of more than 600. As Leavitt put it: “We had built essentially a federal government in miniature.” The Romney team had set a goal of filling the 150 most important positions by Inauguration Day and a total of 400 by the August congressional recess—an ambitious schedule by historical standards but one that would still leave hundreds of posts vacant for the entirety of President Romney’s honeymoon. (There are more than 4,000 political appointees in the federal government.) By November, Romney, Leavitt, and the transition team had amassed enough material to fill an entire book on the Readiness Project and what-might-have-been, which they published in the spring.
The Romney campaign performed what amounted to a dry run, and Congress has now passed two new laws codifying the responsibilities of the Obama administration to prepare the government for new leadership. In March, Obama signed legislation requiring the government to set up transition councils, identify agency leaders responsible for transition planning, and to make sure that career civil servants are ready to step in for the hundreds of political appointees who are expected to leave the government before the First Family does. Congress has also enacted legislation reducing the number of positions that require Senate confirmation, a step aimed at helping the new administration get to its feet faster.


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Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18856 on: September 04, 2016, 11:10:05 PM »

"God made all this stuff for me to own by making amazing deals, the greatest deals of all time, so he's pretty good."


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18857 on: September 04, 2016, 11:33:34 PM »
I have a question about the voting process in America and some stuff i read on NeoGaf. I am from Canada, and for election, you have to be registered and show an piece of ID from a list of 3-4 when you vote.

Why is the Voter ID Law considered to be some sort of racially targeted tactic used by politicians? I read some posts there saying that law makers wanting to push for that law were doing it for obvious racist reasons against black people and other minorities.

As a Canadian, this is very confusing to me because

  • I had no idea people could vote without showing ID in the United States. WTF. That's super weird and looks like it would lead to fraud?
  • Why is it racist against black people in particular?  :doge

I understand that it's super complicated for undocumented immigrants since they would NORMALLY have no real legit papers and I doubt they could find a way to sneak into a voter list but are they such a voting force in the USA that it could change the tides of a presidential election? Is this is why it's an issue?


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18858 on: September 04, 2016, 11:40:41 PM »
1. From what I understand, lower income workers can't take the time off required to get a certified ID.

2. The US historically has same-day registration that these people can do, but those are forbidden by voter ID laws.

3. Voter ID laws restrict the type of "acceptable" IDs, like state school-issued IDs.

4. Even without restrictive voter ID laws, voter fraud is barely a statistical anomaly in the US election process. You're more likely to see a UFO or get struck by lightning.

5. It is the Republicans that exclusively push for restrictive voter ID laws.

Here's what happened when North Carolina implemented a recently-struck down voter ID law:

In North Carolina, the legislature requested racial data on the use of electoral mechanisms, then restricted all those disproportionately used by blacks, such as early voting, same-day registration and out-of-precinct voting. Absentee ballots, disproportionately used by white voters, were exempted from the voter ID requirement. The legislative record actually justified the elimination of one of the two days of Sunday voting because “counties with Sunday voting in 2014 were disproportionately black” and “disproportionately Democratic.”

« Last Edit: September 04, 2016, 11:45:22 PM by Tasty Meat »

El Babua

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18859 on: September 04, 2016, 11:43:33 PM »
Short story: They specifically and deliberately target forms of ID that certain groups of people would be less likely to have, and then shut down the places near them where they could obtain them.

Actual voter fraud has been less than insignificant, both statistically and in general, while voter ID laws have prevented a large number of people from voting who would otherwise have done so legitimately.

The voter ID process in Canada is a lot simpler since you can use a million forms of ID and the government sends you one for free IIRC.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18860 on: September 04, 2016, 11:49:35 PM »

Why is the Voter ID Law considered to be some sort of racially targeted tactic used by politicians?

Because it's a racially targeted tactic used by politicians.

Voter fraud is extremely rare, the laws would disproportionately affect voter turnout among minorities and the poor, they're proposed by Republicans who would benefit from less black people voting and designed the laws to have that effect

Edit: pretty much what everyone else says


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18861 on: September 04, 2016, 11:52:12 PM »
Also I don't think undocumented immigrants even vote, whether they want to or otherwise.

They do pay taxes though, usually. :usacry


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18863 on: September 05, 2016, 02:02:33 AM »
I had no idea people could vote without showing ID in the United States. WTF.

I always found that peculiar too. Part of it is that, as far as I always understood, there's really no compulsory ID papers issued by public authorities to all the citizenry, which would make potential discrimination a non issue. Discussing or reading with Americans, it always came across to me that there was some deep resistance to even the concept of mandatory & comprehensive documentation in a public registry rooted in distrust for the (federal) state.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18864 on: September 05, 2016, 03:27:43 AM »
I once listened to a guy go off on someone who had to pull his credit about how social security numbers were never meant to be a form of id, so yeah we don't like to be documented I guess :lol

Great Rumbler

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18865 on: September 05, 2016, 11:49:52 AM »
Ideally, voter registration would be mandatory [like Selective Service] and would include a free ID, but neither of those things are going to happen

Human Snorenado

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18866 on: September 05, 2016, 12:03:14 PM »
I had no idea people could vote without showing ID in the United States. WTF.

I always found that peculiar too. Part of it is that, as far as I always understood, there's really no compulsory ID papers issued by public authorities to all the citizenry, which would make potential discrimination a non issue. Discussing or reading with Americans, it always came across to me that there was some deep resistance to even the concept of mandatory & comprehensive documentation in a public registry rooted in distrust for the (federal) state.

Funny story- the US Constitution provides no affirmative right to vote. The particulars of registration, administration, etc of elections are all left up to the states, so you have 50 different overworked, underfunded administrative plans for carrying out democracy. GOOD JON, FOUNDERS.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18868 on: September 05, 2016, 07:52:56 PM »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18869 on: September 05, 2016, 08:08:09 PM »
Hillary kills again.


She was so disgusted at the idea of a woman becoming President of The United States that she died. That's dedication.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18870 on: September 05, 2016, 09:18:19 PM »

Probably fake but nothing surprises me about this election anymore.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2016, 09:24:25 PM by Mary Tyler Whore »

Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18871 on: September 06, 2016, 12:36:32 AM »
Maybe Trump could initiate a national ID by touting its benefits in deporting illegals. Compulsory voting just seems like a major revenue earner for the federal government and he does like to make money.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18872 on: September 06, 2016, 07:08:36 AM »


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Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18874 on: September 06, 2016, 10:12:13 AM »
Maybe Trump could initiate a national ID by touting its benefits in deporting illegals. Compulsory voting just seems like a major revenue earner for the federal government and he does like to make money.

Maybe one day we'll have 99.9% voter turnout and be as free as North Korea.  :usacry

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18875 on: September 06, 2016, 10:26:42 AM »

No reason given, but another blow to Fox News either way.

Human Snorenado

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18876 on: September 06, 2016, 10:28:08 AM »

No reason given, but another blow to Fox News either way.

IIRC, she was an Ailes loyalist. Probably cause he never tried to fuck her, or maybe she was into it, who knows.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18877 on: September 06, 2016, 10:51:46 AM »
She will join Trump News after he loses the election. A lot of fox 'talent' will also jump ship after the election.


Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18878 on: September 06, 2016, 10:59:29 AM »
Agreed. I'd expect Manafort to be involved too. The NYT story on his Russian ties noted he was involved with an oligarch who purchased television/network equipment from a Ukrainian channel. Trump doesn't have the cash to start his own network but I can definitely imagine him being financed by Russian interests.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18879 on: September 06, 2016, 04:55:23 PM »
Who Said It, Mandark Or Trump edition.


Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18880 on: September 06, 2016, 05:17:33 PM »
Saddam would do the gas, but he always blamed it on the dog.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18881 on: September 06, 2016, 05:24:21 PM »
Saddam would do the gas, but he always blamed it on the dog.

Shouldn't have made me laugh, but did


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18882 on: September 06, 2016, 11:21:06 PM »
IIRC, she was an Ailes loyalist. Probably cause he never tried to fuck her, or maybe she was into it, who knows.
She's a Scientologist.

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18883 on: September 07, 2016, 09:30:26 AM »

somewhat unfortunate wording :doge but lol @ Trump being a exposed as a cheap fuck yet again

Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18884 on: September 07, 2016, 10:48:38 AM »
There's a "Commander in Chief Forum" tonight on NBC/MSNBC hosted by Matt Lauer with Trump and Hillary. I haven't seen any press about this, but wouldn't this be essentially the first presidential debate?

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18885 on: September 07, 2016, 10:50:54 AM »
There's a "Commander in Chief Forum" tonight on NBC/MSNBC hosted by Matt Lauer with Trump and Hillary. I haven't seen any press about this, but wouldn't this be essentially the first presidential debate?
Haven't heard of it but I assume it'll be like similar events in the past where the candidates are interviewed on stage separately, so no debate/iteration.

Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18886 on: September 07, 2016, 10:57:19 AM »
There's a "Commander in Chief Forum" tonight on NBC/MSNBC hosted by Matt Lauer with Trump and Hillary. I haven't seen any press about this, but wouldn't this be essentially the first presidential debate?
Haven't heard of it but I assume it'll be like similar events in the past where the candidates are interviewed on stage separately, so no debate/iteration.

Ah, thanks. Missed the "back to back" part:

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18887 on: September 07, 2016, 02:12:41 PM »
There's a "Commander in Chief Forum" tonight on NBC/MSNBC hosted by Matt Lauer with Trump and Hillary. I haven't seen any press about this, but wouldn't this be essentially the first presidential debate?
Haven't heard of it but I assume it'll be like similar events in the past where the candidates are interviewed on stage separately, so no debate/iteration.

Ah, thanks. Missed the "back to back" part:

Here's a sneak preview:

“We are going to convey my top generals and give them a simple instruction,” Trump told a crowd in Greenville, N.C., on Tuesday. “They will have 30 days to submit to the Oval Office a plan for soundly and quickly defeating ISIS. We have no choice.”

Genius! Why didn't Bush/Obama think of that?


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18888 on: September 07, 2016, 02:31:31 PM »


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18889 on: September 07, 2016, 06:52:32 PM »
Here's a sneak preview:

“We are going to convey my top generals and give them a simple instruction,” Trump told a crowd in Greenville, N.C., on Tuesday. “They will have 30 days to submit to the Oval Office a plan for soundly and quickly defeating ISIS. We have no choice.”

Genius! Why didn't Bush/Obama think of that?

Didn't he have a secret plan for that ? Maybe he wrote it on his tax form...


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18890 on: September 07, 2016, 08:22:14 PM »

I'm a Puppy!

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18892 on: September 08, 2016, 09:28:03 AM »
To be fair, it's not a mountain to climb or an Ayn rand book

Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18893 on: September 08, 2016, 12:23:32 PM »
I bet most people don't know what Aleppo is just like they don't know the difference between Quds and Kurds.

Human Snorenado

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18894 on: September 08, 2016, 12:31:54 PM »
In Johnson's defense, he has been eating a lot of weed edibles and keeping busy by planning to dismantle our social safety net, so.

I'm a Puppy!

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18895 on: September 08, 2016, 12:52:36 PM »
I bet most people don't know what Aleppo is just like they don't know the difference between Quds and Kurds.
Most people aren't running for president.
that's like me saying "I can't blaming a job candidate for not knowing how to utilitze Kafka for real time big data ingestion. When they're interviewing for a big data job."

Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18896 on: September 08, 2016, 12:59:22 PM »
I bet most people don't know what Aleppo is just like they don't know the difference between Quds and Kurds.
Most people aren't running for president.
that's like me saying "I can't blaming a job candidate for not knowing how to utilitze Kafka for real time big data ingestion. When they're interviewing for a big data job."

I didn't say "I can't blame him," though. My point is that since most people don't know what Aleppo is, especially without some context, this won't affect his (tiny, pointless) campaign, just like the Quds/Kurds mixup didn't hurt Trump.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18897 on: September 08, 2016, 01:42:59 PM »
Correction: September 8, 2016
An earlier version of this article misidentified the de facto capital of the Islamic State. It is Raqqa, in northern Syria, not Aleppo.

Correction: September 8, 2016
Because of an editing error, an earlier version of the above correction misidentified the Syrian capital as Aleppo. It is Damascus.

“For those who believe this is a disqualifier, so be it,” he said.

Great Rumbler

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18898 on: September 08, 2016, 01:57:49 PM »
Your paper of record, ladies and gentlemen.

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Donald Trump's Mexcellent Adventure
« Reply #18899 on: September 08, 2016, 02:01:07 PM »
Is this the NYT's "road to Damascus" moment?