Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| THE DARKEST TIMELINE  (Read 2656118 times)

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Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19140 on: September 20, 2016, 02:41:06 PM »
Bubububu, why don't Muslims ever report other Muslims for being terrorists? Don't they love America?


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19141 on: September 20, 2016, 08:30:10 PM »
Elizabeth Warren DESTROYS Wells Fargo CEO For Unauthorized Accounts "YOU SHOULD RESIGN"

Makes Hillary look like a wet noodle in comparison.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19142 on: September 20, 2016, 08:38:21 PM »
You know it's serious when "DESTROYS" is in all caps.

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19143 on: September 20, 2016, 09:49:31 PM »
Try not to laugh!


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19144 on: September 20, 2016, 10:04:03 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

I have no idea where that image is from, but that headline and H.W.'s smile just makes it for me. :lol


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19145 on: September 21, 2016, 02:33:05 AM »
“How many times do we have to see this in our country?” Clinton said. “In Tulsa, an unarmed man with his hands in the air. This is just unbearable. And it needs to be intolerable. Maybe I can, by speaking directly to white people, say, look, this is not who we are,” she continued. “We have got to do everything possible to improve policing, to go right at implicit bias.”
wtf at that quote
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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19146 on: September 21, 2016, 03:11:20 AM »
Seems pretty simple. What part's confusing you?

Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19147 on: September 21, 2016, 09:36:47 AM »
Conservatives only like to acknowledge whiteness exists when making faux tongue in cheek jokes about white supremacy. "I never get pulled over in the city. Must be because I'm white LOL!"


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Great Rumbler

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19149 on: September 21, 2016, 11:52:42 AM »
What happens if Trump literally strangles Hillary to death on stage? Do they just keep going or is that the end of Trump's campaign?


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19150 on: September 21, 2016, 11:59:25 AM »
The Obama economy is causing enormous chaos.

My God....

For many in the local restaurant industry, however, it’s another figure that’s generating attention, and worry. That number is 600 — as in, the number of employees Eataly hopes to hire in the coming weeks.

With Boston in the midst of a massive shortage of food-industry workers, the influx of 600 new jobs threatens to deplete an already small pool of workers.

“It spreads what’s already in short supply even thinner,” said Jason Santos, a Boston restaurateur who plans to open his new Back Bay restaurant, Buttermilk and Bourbon, around the same time Eataly debuts.

Said Bob Luz, president and CEO of the Massachusetts Restaurant Association, “It’ll obviously exacerbate what is already a very delicate ecosystem as it is today. There’s no question it’s going to have an impact.”

Entitled millennials are no longer willing to make under $10 an hour for these garbage jobs.


Madrun Badrun

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19151 on: September 21, 2016, 12:20:09 PM »
O shit Toronto is getting a Eataly at Yonge and Bloor.  Yes.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19152 on: September 21, 2016, 12:44:47 PM »
What happens if Trump literally strangles Hillary to death on stage? Do they just keep going or is that the end of Trump's campaign?

No, the beginning of his reign. :usacry


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19153 on: September 21, 2016, 02:39:49 PM »

watch out for aleppo guys

Human Snorenado

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19154 on: September 21, 2016, 02:59:13 PM »
Some good hate in this piece. Lofty hate, even.

Trump is human waste. He is the worst of America stuffed into a nacho cheese casing, and he is emblematic of the kind of arrogant, flag-waving, trashy, racist moron that the rest of us have to DRAG kicking and screaming into the 21st century: Cliven Bundy, Sean Hannity, Kim Davis, and on and on and on. Trump voters are the people who have spent the past decade or so voting insipid obstructionists into office, sending death threats to anyone who even mentions the idea of gun control, demanding 100% tax cuts on millions of dollars they can only daydream about making, and getting suckered in by any Oil Party candidate waving a NO GAYS flag. Fuck them. These are needy hillbilly loons who are just as starved for attention as Trump himself. And voting for Trump is their way of emulating him, of saying FUCK YOU to everyone else as a mission statement, with no regard for the fallout.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19155 on: September 21, 2016, 03:19:57 PM »
This is why I dont put a D next to my name

According to yet another sordid and sad tabloid report, Anthony Weiner sexted with a 15-year-old girl for months via various social media messaging services. The girl, whose name was not released because of her age, talked to the Daily Mail about their months-long sexting relationship, in which he allegedly exchanged nude photos, pressured her to dress up in school girl outfits for him, and shared his "rape fantasies."

Hillary is not a good judge of character

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19156 on: September 21, 2016, 03:25:19 PM »
Hillary is not a good judge of character

Please explain to us why Hillary Clinton is at fault for the actions of the husband of one of her campaign aides. Likewise I have a feeling I'll have to ask you why Huma is at fault for the actions of her husband.

And I kinda get the impression you also think Hillary is at fault for her own husband's extra-marital actions.

Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19157 on: September 21, 2016, 03:28:36 PM »

watch out for aleppo guys

Smug gray haired guy who got Gary Johnson said the UN convoy bombed was going to Aleppo, but it was leaving Aleppo. :wag

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19158 on: September 21, 2016, 03:30:17 PM »
Oh shit, I heard this already-disgraced Democrat is a big ol' pervert, better vote for Trump.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19159 on: September 21, 2016, 03:38:17 PM »

Madrun Badrun

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19160 on: September 21, 2016, 03:42:34 PM »
That can't be real


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19161 on: September 21, 2016, 04:37:48 PM »
It's on that alt-right anti-Trans gamergate supporting Daily Show.

Interesting facts about Magic Johnson exposed.

Great Rumbler

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19162 on: September 21, 2016, 05:04:44 PM »
The Washington Post reported on Tuesday that Trump used a total of $258,000 from his foundation to settle personal legal issues. For example, when Trump was fined in 2006 by the town of Palm Beach over the height of the flag pole at Mar-a-Lago, Trump settled the issue by donating to a charity of the town's choice. However, Trump wrote a check with funds from his foundation. This follows Washington Post reporting showing that Trump's Foundation has largely used other people's money in the past few years.

Bill and Hillary only wish their charity was this sleazy.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19163 on: September 22, 2016, 12:01:48 AM »

watch out for aleppo guys
wow this was bad
surprised to see this kind of backbone on msnbc but gotta give credit where credit is due
also that laugh is creepier than trump kissing ivanka  :holeup


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19164 on: September 22, 2016, 12:21:44 AM »
You'd never see MSNBC grill Trump or another candidate like that, only Hillary gets that kind of treatment. Only Hillary's people are attacked for saying "ask the candidate" when questioned on new policy based off breaking news of the second.

The corporate media is trying to drown America they're so far in the tank for Trump.
If, in questioning Clinton, Holt simply echoes the subjects his colleagues have been repeating for the last year and a half (or longer, in some cases), he’ll automatically tilt the debate in Trump’s favor.
With a few tweets and demeaning nicknames, Donald Trump handily dispatched some of the most powerful and well-funded Republicans in the country. So why is he struggling against Hillary Clinton in the general election despite a monumental and well-documented effort by the national media to tilt the playing field in his favor?

In addition to the corporate media’s tireless efforts to derail his rival, Trump has several other major advantages in 2016:

He is a reality TV star in a reality TV culture.
He laid waste to the GOP field and built a head of steam out of the primaries.
He appeals to a highly energized segment of the U.S. electorate.
He has the well-honed conservative messaging infrastructure behind him.
He is allowed to lie, obfuscate and play dirty with few repercussions.
He is given a pass for an unprecedented lack of transparency.
He bullies the press, taunts his opponents, and maligns people with impunity.
He surrounds himself with some of the shadiest operatives in American politics.
His opponent has the disadvantage of three decades of false narratives and conspiracies.
Moreover, a Republican is typically favored after a two-term Democratic presidency.

So what’s wrong with Donald Trump’s campaign? Why isn’t he leading Clinton? All things considered, why isn’t this a Republican blowout?

Is it his weakness or her strength? Or both?

Perhaps he should be asked that question at the September 26 debate.

Trent Dole

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19165 on: September 22, 2016, 03:36:19 AM »
Why in the fuck is a piece of shit from fox news allowed to moderate a debate? And the last one, no less. Good jon, Dems. ::)

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19166 on: September 22, 2016, 08:27:25 AM »
Syria seems more like Morning Joe's pet issue now. The hosts studied it for ten minutes and have decided it is the issue Americans need to know about. I get the faint insinuation they're cheerleading for a war but I don't watch enough (any) of Morning Joe to be sure.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19167 on: September 22, 2016, 08:41:54 AM »
Syria seems more like Morning Joe's pet issue now. The hosts studied it for ten minutes and have decided it is the issue Americans need to know about. I get the faint insinuation they're cheerleading for a war but I don't watch enough (any) of Morning Joe to be sure.

Isn't the US and its western Europe allies already conducting military operations anyway ? The war drums have been on for several years but even without a ground intervention, I don't think we'll extract from this whatever way the cookie crumbles. It's gonna end up either with a clusterfuck like Libya or Bachar left standing on top of a slightly less agitated clusterfuck.

What is everyone opinion about the debates ? I honestly have a hard time believing they'll have a massive effect. His core voters didn't flinch at any of the shit he spewed so far, they'll soldier through inept performances. Guess he could alienate some more "moderates" but that's already done, right ? The only thing I see is Trumps bullying Clinton to the point of embarassment and discredit, but it's hard to imagine she will take it.

Really I expect them to speak past each other. Trump is just operating on a wholly different plane than the norm of what politics are supposed to be.

Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19168 on: September 22, 2016, 09:07:07 AM »
Syria seems more like Morning Joe's pet issue now. The hosts studied it for ten minutes and have decided it is the issue Americans need to know about. I get the faint insinuation they're cheerleading for a war but I don't watch enough (any) of Morning Joe to be sure.

This. Syria is a pet issue for me so it's like seeing your favorite underground band go mainstream and someone mispronouncing the singer's name or something.

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19169 on: September 22, 2016, 09:44:16 AM »
Syria seems more like Morning Joe's pet issue now. The hosts studied it for ten minutes and have decided it is the issue Americans need to know about. I get the faint insinuation they're cheerleading for a war but I don't watch enough (any) of Morning Joe to be sure.

This. Syria is a pet issue for me so it's like seeing your favorite underground band go mainstream and someone mispronouncing the singer's name or something.

tfw you were googling Aleppo before it was cool

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19170 on: September 22, 2016, 09:59:25 AM »
If Trump wasn't a factor I'd probably feel confident saying both the dem and GOP candidates probably would not put US forces (beyond the special forces that are there already) on the ground in Syria. It's a shitty situation with a lot of variables and chances at fuck ups/escalations.

I've seen some polls where most Americans want an intervention...but you don't have to be a genius to know that sentiment would quickly shift if we actually sent troops.

Samson...if you found yourself at a bar with Barry O and he asked what should he do about Syria, what would you say.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19171 on: September 22, 2016, 11:26:40 AM »
Syria seems more like Morning Joe's pet issue now. The hosts studied it for ten minutes and have decided it is the issue Americans need to know about. I get the faint insinuation they're cheerleading for a war but I don't watch enough (any) of Morning Joe to be sure.

This. Syria is a pet issue for me so it's like seeing your favorite underground band go mainstream and someone mispronouncing the singer's name or something.

tfw you were googling Aleppo before it was cool

He liked Syria when the mass graves were still underground. 

Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19172 on: September 22, 2016, 12:24:23 PM »
If Trump wasn't a factor I'd probably feel confident saying both the dem and GOP candidates probably would not put US forces (beyond the special forces that are there already) on the ground in Syria. It's a shitty situation with a lot of variables and chances at fuck ups/escalations.

I've seen some polls where most Americans want an intervention...but you don't have to be a genius to know that sentiment would quickly shift if we actually sent troops.

Samson...if you found yourself at a bar with Barry O and he asked what should he do about Syria, what would you say.

I'd tell him what he already knows, which is that he has three options:

A. Keep doing what you're doing. It's low risk and keeps the greatest amount of people "happy"—the American people seem okay with it, the international community seems okay with it, the Kurds seem okay with it, the Islamists FSA seems okay with it, Assad seems okay with it, Congress seems okay with it, and you are unlikely to be faced with anything requiring a major course correction in the next four months.

B. Stop everything until you get Congress on the hook with a new AUMF. Starting foreverwars is too easy these days and a bad legacy to have as president. If Congress won't do it, then maybe count your blessings. No matter what we do in the Middle East, we lose, so maybe stop pretending IS is a legitimate threat to NATO and use existing legal international framework to do humanitarian aid/or peacekeeping.

C. Decide peace cannot happen in Syria until Assad goes and lean into removing him. Start WW3.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19173 on: September 22, 2016, 12:52:11 PM »
I think the biggest question with regards to Syria is what comes after we bombed them into freedom...

Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19174 on: September 22, 2016, 01:02:36 PM »
We've currently got an incubator for that in Libya. Current models show rise of JFS, multiple governments, and more profits for bomb makers.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19175 on: September 22, 2016, 01:40:14 PM »
Hillary's America:

THE Chris Coon @Coondawg68
First they came for Charles C Johnson
Then they came for R.S McCain
Then they came for Milo
Now they've come for @instapundit
7:20 AM - 22 Sep 2016
THE Chris Coon @Coondawg68
Note the progression. Note how they've moved from fringe to mainstream, small fish, to big. #FreeInstapundit @instapundit
7:21 AM - 22 Sep 2016

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19176 on: September 22, 2016, 02:39:17 PM »

Madrun Badrun

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19177 on: September 22, 2016, 02:49:06 PM »
At first I thought Zack had shaved his beard. 

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that was pretty good

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19178 on: September 22, 2016, 03:40:40 PM »
THE Chris Coon @Coondawg68
First they came for Charles C Johnson
Then they came for R.S McCain
Then they came for Milo
Now they've come for @instapundit
7:20 AM - 22 Sep 2016

And nothing of value was lost. :rejoice


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19179 on: September 22, 2016, 03:44:09 PM »
THE Chris Coon @Coondawg68
First they came for Charles C Johnson
Then they came for R.S McCain
Then they came for Milo
Now they've come for @instapundit
7:20 AM - 22 Sep 2016

And nothing of value was lost. :rejoice
i only know one of those names but free speech

also the between two ferns video was great hildog should show that side of her more often


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19180 on: September 22, 2016, 03:46:07 PM »
also the between two ferns video was great hildog should show that side of her more often
heavily scripted banter with edits? can be hard to do in person


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19181 on: September 22, 2016, 04:05:39 PM »
benji I like you, don't make me murder you in the digital realm


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19182 on: September 22, 2016, 05:19:33 PM »
We've currently got an incubator for that in Libya. Current models show rise of JFS, multiple governments, and more profits for bomb makers.

Yeah that's my point. Lebanon is deeply affected by this, Turkey is not changing for the better and Israël is unwilling or unable to weight in. Irak is fucked too... That's a whole lot of broken states on NATO and EU doorstep and that's not conclusive to weakening islamist violent group (though IS monopoly might be broken). Adding Lybia and Afghanistan, Egypt and Iran are also engulfed by more rogue elements...

Kicking the can 10 years down the road is maybe the only thing that can be done but man... It's not great.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19183 on: September 22, 2016, 07:04:29 PM »
benji I like you, don't make me murder you in the digital realm
shadow realm


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19184 on: September 22, 2016, 08:31:04 PM »
benji I like you, don't make me murder you in the digital realm
Clintonista turning to murder in order to hide inconvenient facts? Who could have seen that coming?

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19185 on: September 23, 2016, 10:15:39 AM »
i only know one of those names but free speech

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the tweets of patriots

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19187 on: September 23, 2016, 12:02:56 PM »
Textbook blowback.

Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19188 on: September 23, 2016, 12:04:10 PM »
Seriously though, can you imagine how it would feel to be made fun of by the President of the United States while people cheer for several minutes?


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19189 on: September 23, 2016, 01:04:04 PM »
when patronage gets awesome.

I hope Mr. Cuban is loudly eating popcorn every time Donald speaks.

Stoney Mason

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19190 on: September 23, 2016, 02:49:20 PM »
Has nothing to do with Cuban but these debates are gonna be a nightmare. The crowd will be hooting and hollering like they are at a jv pep rally when these candidates go for they cutsie fuck you lines.

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19192 on: September 23, 2016, 04:22:44 PM »
Cruz can't even hara kiri properly  :lol

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19193 on: September 23, 2016, 05:53:59 PM »
Cruz, buddy, what are ya doing?


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19194 on: September 23, 2016, 10:58:38 PM »
Cruz, buddy, what are ya doing?

What he was born to do. Grovel.

Human Snorenado

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19195 on: September 24, 2016, 01:17:31 AM »
Cruz, buddy, what are ya doing?

Trailing to Rick Perry in early 2018 primary polls, mostly



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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19196 on: September 24, 2016, 02:47:14 AM »


seagrams hotsauce

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19197 on: September 24, 2016, 05:41:37 AM »

Madrun Badrun

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19198 on: September 24, 2016, 12:20:29 PM »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Register for the Hillary Clinton Death Pool
« Reply #19199 on: September 24, 2016, 01:45:31 PM »
Take notes Pallando