You can tell Rudy and a few other surrogates are still fully convinced Trump is going to win so A) ultimately their fuckery won't matter B) he'll be a generous daddy and offer them some type of administration/cabinet role. It makes sense because if you're on the "Trump can win" wagon nothing has really changed in the race for you. You'd still be operating based on the idea that the white vote is going to be so massive that Trump's problems with minorities/women don't matter. Nevermind that he's doing worse with whites, especially suburban white women, than McCain/Romney.
It's hard for me to envision debate #2 and not also envision Trump imploding again, this time with a town hall audience. He's either going to get into a damning back-and-forth with someone who asks a question or he'll go crazy on Hillary, or both or all types of other scenarios. The dude is 70 years old, this is who he is. He's not changing in a matter of weeks, which means he won't be preparing for this debate (after all he won the first one!) either.