Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| THE DARKEST TIMELINE  (Read 2656075 times)

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Tune in for Debate Night to See Democracy Take Another L
« Reply #19620 on: September 30, 2016, 06:00:28 PM »
Wow, Crooked Hillary was duped and used by my worst Miss U. Hillary floated her as an "angel" without checking her past, which is terrible!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 30, 2016

Using Alicia M in the debate as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT! Hillary was set up by a con.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 30, 2016

Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 30, 2016

Remember, don't believe "sources said" by the VERY dishonest media. If they don't name the sources, the sources don't exist.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 30, 2016



  • Banana Grabber
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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Tune in for Debate Night to See Democracy Take Another L
« Reply #19621 on: September 30, 2016, 06:01:42 PM »
dude knows he fucked up


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Tune in for Debate Night to See Democracy Take Another L
« Reply #19622 on: September 30, 2016, 06:14:35 PM »
Remember, don't believe "sources said" by the VERY dishonest media. If they don't name the sources, the sources don't exist.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 30, 2016
Quote from: Star Citizen Forums
It was mostly innuendo and hearsay. No real newspaper editor would ever publish that article. No real journalist would ever submit an article that was "unnamed source said this, then another unnamed source said this."
These articles are the poster children of emberassingly shitty 'journalism'.
Of course, unnamed sources at Kotaku and PC Gamer have repeatedly told me both authors are crack-addled pathological liars with a penchant for goat-fucking. (...) Real journalism quotes exactly ZERO anonymous sources.

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Tune in for Debate Night to See Democracy Take Another L
« Reply #19623 on: September 30, 2016, 06:33:54 PM »
I saw a Hillary For Prison t-shirt irl for the first time. Dude seemed like a real asshole too, he was screaming at his kid for no reason.

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Tune in for Debate Night to See Democracy Take Another L
« Reply #19624 on: September 30, 2016, 06:49:55 PM »
Based on new evidence, I'm revising my opinion to total fucking asshole.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Tune in for Debate Night to See Democracy Take Another L
« Reply #19625 on: September 30, 2016, 06:55:34 PM »
Debate commission: Trump had audio 'issues'

can't say I ever thought that had any chance of being true but maybe there was some truth? details scarce right now it seems


  • Banana Grabber
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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Tune in for Debate Night to See Democracy Take Another L
« Reply #19626 on: September 30, 2016, 07:02:49 PM »
What?  He was still clearly heard and able to interrupt both Hillary and Holt.  This is fucking stupid.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Tune in for Debate Night to See Democracy Take Another L
« Reply #19627 on: September 30, 2016, 07:08:25 PM »
What?  He was still clearly heard and able to interrupt both Hillary and Holt.  This is fucking stupid.

The audio issues were in the debate room, not on television. Apparently he was really low for a few minutes at the beginning before they fixed it.


  • Banana Grabber
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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Tune in for Debate Night to See Democracy Take Another L
« Reply #19628 on: September 30, 2016, 07:09:52 PM »
Ah.  Still don't get why that's a big deal


  • The Smooth Canadian
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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Tune in for Debate Night to See Democracy Take Another L
« Reply #19629 on: September 30, 2016, 07:11:54 PM »
dude knows he fucked up

No, he really doesn't.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Tune in for Debate Night to See Democracy Take Another L
« Reply #19630 on: September 30, 2016, 07:25:20 PM »
Ah.  Still don't get why that's a big deal
because it altered his words!1!
he was actually saying "im a well-tempered normal human being who is capable of leading this country and can maintain some semblance of professionalism."
what you heard on tv was lester holt using trump as a ventriloquist dummy


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| Tune in for Debate Night to See Democracy Take Another L
« Reply #19631 on: September 30, 2016, 07:35:57 PM »
How do we know they didn't replace Trump with an impostor and loop in all his "answers" to make him look bad? If he goes out telling the truth about what Crooked Hillary did people will just dismiss it as a far-fetched conspiracy, "there goes Trump again" and Hillary would make some snarky remark to journalist Jimmy Fallon to "end the controversy." And Hillary can delete the real footage and anyone who tries to say different like she did the e-mails and Ambassador Stevens.

She can't keep getting away with it.


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"Wheyl, I'm a fayun of... tweetin' durin' the waken' 'ours like most folks, I'm not up at three AM generally so I don't know if that's great advice, but again, maybe there are people who are interested issues at three AM."



  • Do the moron
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I saw a Hillary For Prison t-shirt irl for the first time. Dude seemed like a real asshole too, he was screaming at his kid for no reason.

Kid had it coming, with his private email server.


  • We've *all*
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Ah.  Still don't get why that's a big deal
because it altered his words!1!
he was actually saying "im a well-tempered normal human being who is capable of leading this country and can maintain some semblance of professionalism."
what you heard on tv was lester holt using trump as a ventriloquist dummy

In a New York Times interview released Friday night, Trump said he "spent 50% of my thought process" dealing with the issue.

Oh ok


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 30, 2016

Check out the sex tape? Don't mind if I do...

Dickie Dee

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Ah.  Still don't get why that's a big deal
because it altered his words!1!
he was actually saying "im a well-tempered normal human being who is capable of leading this country and can maintain some semblance of professionalism."
what you heard on tv was lester holt using trump as a ventriloquist dummy

In a New York Times interview released Friday night, Trump said he "spent 50% of my thought process" dealing with the issue.

Oh ok

So he's only half as dumb as we think. Great?

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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Quote from: HILLDAWG
“My opponent's only infrastructure plan is to build a wall! I loved that he went down to Mexico and he choked,” Clinton said. “He didn't even raise it. He's been going around telling people for months we're going to build a wall, make Mexico pay for it, so he's sitting with the president of Mexico and he doesn't even bring it up.”



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Phoenix Dark

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Joe Molotov

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Plenty of people in the South are still registered Democrats that only vote Republican (my parents, for example).


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  • Nylonhilist
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So is it right to say that this "billionaire" probably didn't earn a billion dollars in 15 years? Or at least that's what his tax forms say?


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This next debate?

It's going to be huge.


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“I don’t even think she’s loyal to Bill, if you want to know the truth,” Trump said.

The entire audience laughed at this remark, also clearly expressing surprise that he had gone there. Trump then followed this up by saying, “And really, folks, really, why should she be?”



  • Do the moron
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Second debate is a "townhall" format right ? Over / under on Trump stepping on Clinton's personal space ?


  • Nylonhilist
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Second debate is a "townhall" format right ? Over / under on Trump stepping on Clinton's personal space ?

Ya the next time Trump and Clinton meet is townhall style with very limited response times. But on Tuesday is the one between running mates and they're sorta polite and saccharine types which makes it all the more hilarious with the shit slinging going on around them.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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lawl, I hope this is true. Her leaking it right after Trump said he's gonna start attacking Hillary over Bill's affairs would be too perfect.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2016, 02:41:44 PM by Joe Molotov »


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I have a feeling that the tax thing is going to get glossed over just like every other of Trump's transgressions. Anything Hilary does is magnified x1000, but nothing stops the Trump train.  :fbm


  • Banana Grabber
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Have you been watching the news or Twitter?  This shit is all they're talking about.

Great Rumbler

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Quote from: Donald Trump
The problem we have right now—we have a society that sits back and says we don't have to do anything. Eventually, the 50 percent cannot carry—and it's unfair to them—but cannot carry the other 50 percent.

HALF of Americans don't pay income tax despite crippling govt debt...

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 23, 2012

Quote from: Donald Trump
[Mitt Romney] should never apologize. Actually bring on this discussion....It's a discussion that maybe should be had. You do have a large percentage of people not paying taxes. You do have a large percentage of people that feel they're entitled.

Quote from: Donald Trump
Well, I don’t mind sacrificing for the country to be honest with you. But you know, you do have a problem because half of the people don't pay any tax. And when he's talking about that he's talking about people that aren't also working, that are not contributing to this society. And it's a problem. But we have 50 percent. It just hit the 50 percent mark. Fifty percent of the people are paying no tax.



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Have you been watching the news or Twitter?  This shit is all they're talking about.

So what? No one is going to do anything about it and his dumbass supporters will still come out in droves to vote for him. He could say he eats babies at this point and nothing is going to happen to him.

When are new polls coming out? I want to see if any of his recent meltdowns, the tax thing and the child rape thing have any impact on them.


  • Do the moron
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Have you been watching the news or Twitter?  This shit is all they're talking about.

So what? No one is going to do anything about it and his dumbass supporters will still come out in droves to vote for him. He could say he eats babies at this point and nothing is going to happen to him.

When are new polls coming out? I want to see if any of his recent meltdowns, the tax thing and the child rape thing have any impact on them.

Truth be told, Trump is probably hurt by these stories, he seems to have a very low ceiling aka he doesn't have any outreach outside of his core. It's pretty depressing there's a third of the voters at least that will carry through with such a clown but heh...

I don't know if the 900m loss thing will hurt him that much. It means he had at least that much to lose, you know ?

Stoney Mason

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I don't think the polls will move very much based on this stuff. The debate or the tax stuff. That being said, all Hillary has to do is essentially run out of the clock until the election and early voting starts. Every day the media has to cover such stuff is essentially a day wasted for Trump to make up any ground. So while I don't think for example the debate really changed anything. It was a completely wasted week for Trump who can't really afford to waste days much less weeks on these things.


  • Senior Member
Have you been watching the news or Twitter?  This shit is all they're talking about.

So what? No one is going to do anything about it and his dumbass supporters will still come out in droves to vote for him. He could say he eats babies at this point and nothing is going to happen to him.

When are new polls coming out? I want to see if any of his recent meltdowns, the tax thing and the child rape thing have any impact on them.

Truth be told, Trump is probably hurt by these stories, he seems to have a very low ceiling aka he doesn't have any outreach outside of his core. It's pretty depressing there's a third of the voters at least that will carry through with such a clown but heh...

I don't know if the 900m loss thing will hurt him that much. It means he had at least that much to lose, you know ?

He'll probably say using loopholes like that to get out of debt makes him smart and that's how he's going to slash our national deficit.

thankfully the only bernie supporter i've seen who bought into #basementdwellers is the idiot from the convention with the tape over her mouth

seagrams hotsauce

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I mean she could have phrased it a little more delicately but the gist of her sentiment was pretty on point imho


  • Banana Grabber
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I don't think the polls will move very much based on this stuff. The debate or the tax stuff. That being said, all Hillary has to do is essentially run out of the clock until the election and early voting starts. Every day the media has to cover such stuff is essentially a day wasted for Trump to make up any ground. So while I don't think for example the debate really changed anything. It was a completely wasted week for Trump who can't really afford to waste days much less weeks on these things.

All indications point to the debate having a pretty large affect on the polls.


  • Do the moron
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Speaking of Trump's wealth, it's been pretty weird to see left leaning liberals cheer "real billionnaires" Bloomberg & Cuban as they call out The Don for being a parvenu. I get that shattering his image as a successulful businessman has value but still...

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Speaking of Trump's wealth, it's been pretty weird to see left leaning liberals cheer "real billionnaires" Bloomberg & Cuban as they call out The Don for being a parvenu. I get that shattering his image as a successulful businessman has value but still...
Nah, I'm all for it. He's a narcissistic fascist whose jimmies are easily rustled. I want him embarrassed and lampooned for as long as possible, and I get the sense that his business dealings are going to take a major hit in the coming years.

I get that debt is a part of real estate but how do you portray yourself as a business genius when you lost nearly a billion dollars during one of the most economically profitable years in modern US history. And a lot of that debt is due to running trash tier unsuccessful casinos into the ground.



  • Senior Member
Speaking of Trump's wealth, it's been pretty weird to see left leaning liberals cheer "real billionnaires" Bloomberg & Cuban as they call out The Don for being a parvenu. I get that shattering his image as a successulful businessman has value but still...

I think it's just basic schadenfreude at this point. He has inspired seething hatred in a lot of people, and they enjoy seeing him fall. It's just human nature.


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Yeah, it gets under his skin and we're just enjoying the petty.


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Giuliani Says Trump Better for US 'Than a Woman'

Big G really hitting it on all fronts.


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Giuliani is such a piece of shit  :lol

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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You can tell Rudy and a few other surrogates are still fully convinced Trump is going to win so A) ultimately their fuckery won't matter B) he'll be a generous daddy and offer them some type of administration/cabinet role. It makes sense because if you're on the "Trump can win" wagon nothing has really changed in the race for you. You'd still be operating based on the idea that the white vote is going to be so massive that Trump's problems with minorities/women don't matter. Nevermind that he's doing worse with whites, especially suburban white women, than McCain/Romney.

It's hard for me to envision debate #2 and not also envision Trump imploding again, this time with a town hall audience. He's either going to get into a damning back-and-forth with someone who asks a question or he'll go crazy on Hillary, or both or all types of other scenarios. The dude is 70 years old, this is who he is. He's not changing in a matter of weeks, which means he won't be preparing for this debate (after all he won the first one!) either.


  • Junior Member
Speaking of Trump's wealth, it's been pretty weird to see left leaning liberals cheer "real billionnaires" Bloomberg & Cuban as they call out The Don for being a parvenu. I get that shattering his image as a successulful businessman has value but still...
Billionaire Republicans sure seem to love Hillary


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
It's hard for me to envision debate #2 and not also envision Trump imploding again, this time with a town hall audience. He's either going to get into a damning back-and-forth with someone who asks a question or he'll go crazy on Hillary, or both or all types of other scenarios. The dude is 70 years old, this is who he is. He's not changing in a matter of weeks, which means he won't be preparing for this debate (after all he won the first one!) either.

Trump is one of those idiots who doesn't know how to read people but just bullies his competition to try to win in life. That's why he always says nasty things about people he barely knows like Alicia and the Khans but then gets all befuddled when people think he's a dick.

That's why I'm expecting some random dirty-ass tweets about the audience members after the second debate is wrapped. He needs time to formulate his words.


  • Do the moron
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"You've got to go out, and you've got to get your friends, and you've got to get everybody you know, and you gotta watch the polling booths, because I hear too many stories about Pennsylvania, certain areas," (...) "I hear too many bad stories, and we can't lose an election because of you know what I'm talking about. So, go and vote and then go check out areas because a lot of bad things happen, and we don't want to lose for that reason.”

From the same rally :

" “You’re unsuspecting,” Trump said. “Right now, you say to your wife: ‘Let’s go to a movie after Trump.’ But you won’t do that because you’ll be so high and so excited that no movie is going to satisfy you. Okay? No movie. You know why? Honestly? Because they don’t make movies like they used to — is that right?”"

« Last Edit: October 03, 2016, 08:16:43 AM by VomKriege »


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Make Hollywood Great Again

Joe Molotov

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tfw you want to take your wife to a movie but you're too high


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And USA Today, which has “never taken sides” in a presidential race before, declared Trump “unfit for the presidency” in an editorial this morning.



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rumblings of a big wikileak announcement...stay tuned

Great Rumbler

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How long has wikileaks been drudge report tier?


  • Banana Grabber
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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| :drudge OCTOBER SURPRISE :drudge
« Reply #19676 on: October 03, 2016, 03:47:02 PM »
Benjamin Emali Ghazi


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« Last Edit: October 03, 2016, 04:11:08 PM by Tasty Meat »


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| :drudge OCTOBER SURPRISE :drudge
« Reply #19678 on: October 03, 2016, 03:52:59 PM »
They are only "fiscally conservative" when a dem is in power.  :doge

El Babua

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| :drudge OCTOBER SURPRISE :drudge
« Reply #19679 on: October 03, 2016, 05:05:50 PM »
Donald Trump MMT'er confirmed.