Trump won't win, but it's not going to be the blowout that many people predicted. Not enough to shake the party up.
It's going to be ugly. I don't think many folks are discussing the fact that Trump has zero GOTV or grassroots infrastructure. His HQ is going to basically be blind on election day as Hillary's camp determine where they are and aren't meeting benchmarks. Should make for some interesting case studies one day in terms of polling averages and what importance ground game has on election results.
I do agree that nothing will change. Let's not forget republicans commissioned an "autopsy" after 2012 and came to the conclusion that they needed to be more inclusive and less focused on the rich, job creators, etc. Four years later they nominated a billionaire racist misogynist bigot. They're going to have to take a look at their primary process, specifically the way southern states are stacked in late January and February. If not Trump, Cruz likely would have won based solely on the primary schedule and his position on illegal immigration.
Republicans aren't going to magically start liking brown people next year. To paraphrase The Wire, the base stay the base. Which means we'll get more obstruction and fear mongering, more intense anger over Hillary's inevitable executive orders on immigration (once liberals have a 5-4 edge on the SC), etc etc. And in four more years they'll throw out Tom Cotton or another extremist.