One of my aunts has had a rough year. She's a little over 80 years old, and her mom was over 102 when she passed earlier this year. She also lost a grandchild and husband the previous year. So I'm all about cutting her as much slack as she needs.
But she's going full Trump train and is convinced that Hillary is some kind of psychotic, possessed creature. I mean, I even bought into the "Hillary is crooked" thing earlier in the campaign. I'm sure Hillary is, and her husband is, but I also believe it's part of politics-as-usual in the USA, and that she actually wants to help Americans; I believe she is trying to live a life of service, and that frequently means compromise. Trump on the other hand is actually directly involved with much shadier shit than an average politician, let alone his predatory sexual nature and his apparent pathological need to come out ahead in every single interaction.
Actually, I have several relatives who are backing Trump actively. The
blog post David Wong wrote at Cracked pretty well explains that side of my family, and how (despite being as-caucasian-as-can-be) they feel disenfranchised. To them, I'm the intellectual elite urbanite (how sad is that?) who wants to take away their guns (I just want responsible gun control) and votes for free government rides (welfare and state support tends to go more toward them than others). I'm unsympathetic to their plight.