Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| THE DARKEST TIMELINE  (Read 2656032 times)

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21240 on: October 24, 2016, 01:35:00 AM »
got friends saying they respect trump for "speaking his mind" at the al smith dinner  :beli

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21241 on: October 24, 2016, 01:40:00 AM »
“It’s funny, but it’s also really troubling.” -Hillary Clinton

Although specifically directed at Trump’s view on the validity of national election results, this remark could reasonably describe any event over the past 16 months.



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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21242 on: October 24, 2016, 01:51:13 AM »
It's generally been more along the fringes, though. Trump is basically making it a centerpiece of his campaign, in a way that I can't recall any other major candidate doing.
acorn? p sure Benji posted that debate clip not a week ago. And, sure, what we're seeing from trump is certainly different in degree but it's probably important to keep in mind a lot of his rhetorical staples have been standard gop agitprop since at least the first w administration

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21243 on: October 24, 2016, 02:02:17 AM »
So, you're saying Trump's rhetoric is the same but more bigly?


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21244 on: October 24, 2016, 03:16:42 AM »
Well, he doesn't have the talent to sugar-coat the stuff with the correct political words, unlike all politicians. It's all about acting as if you were reasonable, even when you're not.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21245 on: October 24, 2016, 03:41:17 AM »
It's generally been more along the fringes, though. Trump is basically making it a centerpiece of his campaign, in a way that I can't recall any other major candidate doing.
acorn? p sure Benji posted that debate clip not a week ago. And, sure, what we're seeing from trump is certainly different in degree but it's probably important to keep in mind a lot of his rhetorical staples have been standard gop agitprop since at least the first w administration

Oh for sure, McCain and Palin ran web ads perpetuating and overselling a conflation that Acorn was guilty of voter fraud. McCain even mentioned it in the final debate. It was voter registration fraud, which is a key distinction and the volume of it was heavily oversold.

I guess you could argue that McCain was a forefather in the modern era(amongst mothers)of Trump's stunt but like most Trump things, he takes what the right perpetuated at a 2 or 3 and cranks it up to a 9.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21246 on: October 24, 2016, 08:37:38 AM »


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21247 on: October 24, 2016, 09:56:12 AM »


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21248 on: October 24, 2016, 09:58:40 AM »
I keep clicking on that but I seem to be out of ammo and can't figure out how to switch to melee.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21251 on: October 24, 2016, 12:56:06 PM »


Schilling out there looking like that one distant uncle you only ever see on Thanksgiving and when he shows up he immediately starts talking about UN black helicopters and Agenda 21 and then ends up leaving in a huff because no one wants to buy his apocalypse survival kits. :lol


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21252 on: October 24, 2016, 12:58:54 PM »

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21254 on: October 24, 2016, 01:12:52 PM »
Apparently July was the month that Macy's dropped Trump's fashion line [because of his remarks about Mexicans].


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21255 on: October 24, 2016, 01:13:22 PM »


Calling Breitbart “the last bastion of actual journalism,” Schilling said, “I am proud to be part of a team that will continue to point out the very thing that’s ruining this country: liberal, progressive, socialist agenda driven by the elite globalist connected to American politics and the Clinton family.”

This is why no one takes you seriously, Curt.  :cac



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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21256 on: October 24, 2016, 01:26:55 PM »
He's not that bad, he got to do nothing but have top people design a giant MMO that was impossible to actually develop for four years, hire R. A. Salvatore to create "ten thousand years of backstory" and still stick Rhode Island with not only $28 million of the $31 million left on the bill but the fraud charges from the SEC. :rejoice


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21257 on: October 24, 2016, 01:50:12 PM »


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21258 on: October 24, 2016, 01:51:34 PM »

El Babua

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21259 on: October 24, 2016, 01:55:37 PM »

Fuck Sony. :'(

They were against TPP a decade before everyone else! Truly an innovative company.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21260 on: October 24, 2016, 02:00:28 PM »
Woops wrong thread lawl.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21261 on: October 24, 2016, 02:10:45 PM »
Every time I saw the name lik sang, the picture of the Sherpa from Zoolander would pop in my head.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21262 on: October 24, 2016, 03:31:15 PM »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21263 on: October 24, 2016, 04:26:32 PM »
robby mook is amazing, nothing puts cracks in that smile

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21264 on: October 24, 2016, 05:08:50 PM »

scott "van cruncheon" adams keeping his eye on the prize
« Last Edit: October 24, 2016, 05:41:50 PM by Phoenix Dark »


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21265 on: October 24, 2016, 05:20:56 PM »
Poor wittle Twump supporters need to hide from the Benghazi Butcher  :-\ :-\ :-\


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21266 on: October 24, 2016, 05:38:16 PM »
The afternoon before Clinton’s speech, Mike Cernovich, a thick-chested white man in his late thirties, sitting on a veranda in Southern California, opened the live-streaming app Periscope on his iPad and filmed a video called “How to fight back against Sick Hillary and the #ClintonNewsNetwork.” By “Clinton News Network,” he meant CNN and other corporate media outlets. The word “sick” described Clinton morally and physically: Cernovich was among the first to insinuate publicly that Clinton had a grave neurological condition, and that the media was covering it up. By “fight back,” he meant, basically, tweeting.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21267 on: October 24, 2016, 05:41:57 PM »
Alex Jones recorded a video in which he stood in his back yard, wiping sweat from his brow, as he muttered about the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. “People say, ‘Oh, my God, you’ve hit the big time—Hillary Clinton talked about you,’ ” he scoffed. “Give me a break. Hillary Clinton’s average YouTubes, on her own channel, have, like, five thousand views. Our average one has hundreds of thousands.” His video was viewed more times than the official upload of Clinton’s speech.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21268 on: October 24, 2016, 05:45:54 PM »
Next door, a sticker on a garbage bin advertised WorldNetDaily, a Web site known for promoting birtherism. Cernovich hadn’t met the neighbors yet. “They’d probably geek out if I told them my name,” he said. “Then I’d have to say hi every time I see them, and maybe they’d want to be friends—nah, not worth it.”

this article is amazing


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21269 on: October 24, 2016, 05:46:31 PM »
By “fight back,” he meant, basically, tweeting.


Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21270 on: October 24, 2016, 05:53:15 PM »
By “fight back,” he meant, basically, tweeting.


The white DeRay


  • cultural maoist
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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21271 on: October 24, 2016, 05:55:20 PM »

scott "van cruncheon" adams keeping his eye on the prize

This is why STEM nerds need to be bullied.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21272 on: October 24, 2016, 05:57:22 PM »

scott "van cruncheon" adams keeping his eye on the prize

This is why STEM nerds need to be bullied.

Most STEM nerds are liberal. :ufup


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21273 on: October 24, 2016, 05:59:12 PM »
By “fight back,” he meant, basically, tweeting.


The white DeRay
(Image removed from quote.)

I'm not caught up on the DeRay thing. What did he do (or not do)?


  • cultural maoist
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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21274 on: October 24, 2016, 06:01:49 PM »


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21276 on: October 24, 2016, 06:08:42 PM »
“My first marriage was ruined by feminist indoctrination,” Cernovich told me. He married his first wife in 2003, when they were law students at Pepperdine. Initially, he said, the “power arrangement” was “fifty-fifty.” Then came a realization: “What she actually wanted was for me to be more assertive, to be the man in the relationship. So I would be more assertive, and she’d be happier for a few days. Then she’d go, ‘No, I need to be in charge,’ and we’d butt heads.” They separated in 2011. (Cernovich’s ex-wife declined to be interviewed.)

After law school, his wife became a successful attorney in Silicon Valley. But Cernovich was not admitted to the California bar until nine years after getting his law degree. In the meantime, he says, he got by with “freelance legal research” and “appellate stuff.” Cernovich’s wife earned millions of dollars in stock from an I.P.O.; he told me that he received “seven figures” in the divorce settlement. This seems to have been, and might still be, his primary source of funds. (He insists that book sales provide his main income.)

Cernovich says that during college, at the University of Illinois, he was socialized to be submissive. “I was friends with a lot of girls who had crushes on me, but I was too polite to fuck them,” he said. After his divorce, he reinvented himself as an alpha male. His self-published 2015 book, “Gorilla Mindset,” is a manual for men who want to “unleash the animal” within them. The book is filed under Gender Studies in the Amazon Kindle store. Until recently, it was the top seller in that category, ahead of “We Should All Be Feminists,” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
“What are Trump’s policies? I don’t particularly care,” Cernovich wrote on Danger and Play. And, in another post: “If Trump offends you, it’s because you live in a cucked world where no one speaks their minds.”
He had already insinuated himself into public conflicts in order to gain followers. (“Conflict is attention.”) And in 2014 he became a champion of GamerGate, a vicious campaign against feminists in the video-game industry. He goaded his opponents on Twitter: “Who cares about breast cancer and rape? Not me.” Cernovich’s affiliation with GamerGate made him, he said, “toxic in the eyes of a lot of people,” but he calculated that the exposure was worth it.

He picked fights with celebrities on Twitter. (Seth Rogen took the bait; Cernovich called him “Cuck Rogen.”) “I’m not a pure troll,” Cernovich told me. “Pure trolls are amoral”—they post swastikas, he suggested, not out of an allegiance to Nazism but because they enjoy riling people. “I use trolling tactics to build my brand.”
Cernovich said, “Going by the statistics, I’m less influential than some people”—Trump, say, or Kim Kardashian—“but way more influential than some punk blogger at Politico or The Weekly Standard who thinks of himself as part of the media élite. Objectively, I am the new media.”
hauna Cernovich was leaving the house to visit her parents, she told me, “They don’t fully understand what Michael does. They get that he likes Trump and that he puts stuff on the Internet—they just don’t get how that’s a job.” Her parents are secular Persian Muslims who left Iran before it became a theocracy. “My dad hates when women cover their hair,” she said.

“We sometimes joke that he’s more Islamophobic than I am,” Mike said.

“My dad actually created an anonymous Twitter account so he could troll Muslims,” Shauna said. “At the same time, he hates Trump, because he’s, like, ‘If he’s saying negative things about different groups, then how do we know he’s not going to come after Persians one day?’ Even if you believe certain things, you shouldn’t necessarily say it openly.”
I ran into Lou Dobbs, the Fox Business anchor, who was wearing pancake makeup. I asked him if he’d heard of Cernovich. “Absolutely!” he said. “I follow him on Twitter. Seems very smart.”

We parted, then Dobbs chased me down. “Can I revise that?” he said. “I’m not sure I follow him.” (He does.) “I’ve seen his stuff, and I think it’s interesting,” he added. “Interesting is a good thing, right?”
cuck rogen lol
« Last Edit: October 24, 2016, 06:48:56 PM by benjipwns »


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21277 on: October 24, 2016, 06:51:25 PM »
new yorker cartoon as always is on point:


  • Banana Grabber
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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21278 on: October 24, 2016, 07:02:18 PM »
Asking because I'm dumb

On NPR earlier today, the host had some dude talk about a professor at some Boston college that does consulting work for the military, and this dude claimed this professor said there is absolutely zero proof that the DNC hack was performed by the Russians.

Now, I'm sure that might be true based on how that sentence reads, but I thought it was generally accepted that Wikileaks is acting under the volition of the Russian government.  So, why are people claiming that Russia couldn't be responsible for this?  Is there a good article or summation of the hacks that provides a clear explanation of what happened?

Regardless, the hacks don't do anything for me other than, "huh, the DNC is pretty dumb."  But I'd like to be able to combat shitty Trump defenses given to me from family members (!!!).


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21279 on: October 24, 2016, 07:05:51 PM »
Not totally sure myself, but I believe there's no hard evidence that it was perpetrated by the Russian government other than some people in the US saying so.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21280 on: October 24, 2016, 07:09:24 PM »

Premiums for mid-level Obamacare health plans sold on the federal exchanges will see their biggest jump yet next year, another speed bump in the administration’s push for enrollment in the final months of the U.S. president’s term.
Monthly premiums for benchmark silver-level plans are going up by an average of 25 percent in the 38 states using the federal website, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said in a report today. Last year, premiums for the second-lowest-cost silver plans went up by 7.5 percent on average across 37 states.

Individuals signing up for plans this year are facing not only rising premiums, but also fewer options to choose from after several big insurers pulled out from some of the markets created under the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. While the ACA has brought uninsured numbers to record lows in the U.S., millions remain uninsured. To attract more people, the government has emphasized that subsidies are available for many people to help cushion the premium increases.

Clinton better get her ass in gear on the stump for congressional seats because Republicans are going to be chomping at the bits to continue obstructing any tinkering with components of this bill that are leading to this shit. Leaving them with more ammunition for their charges.

....Then again Obama and Dems should of gone big or go home the first go round. All that political capital and they allowed so many exploitable elements for their opposition to capitalize on like medicaid reimbursement and no wiggle room for subsidies if(and when) actuary projections were off target. Now all Republicans have to do is sit back and laugh.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21281 on: October 24, 2016, 07:15:47 PM »
Tonight, the Trump campaign is kicking off a show that will air on the candidate’s Facebook page every night at 6:30 pm ET via Facebook Live from the campaign war room at Trump Tower. The show will be hosted by Boris Epshteyn, a senior adviser to the campaign, Tomi Lahren, a conservative commentator for Glenn Beck’s TheBlaze, and Cliff Sims, another Trump adviser. In tonight’s inaugural episode they will interview Trump campaign manager KellyAnne Conway and adviser Jason Miller.

The series, which will stream Trump’s rallies directly each night and feature pre-and post-event commentary, comes on the heels of the campaign’s debate night Facebook Live last week, which brought in more than 9 million views.

Members of the media quickly seized on the event, calling it a test drive for Trump TV, the post-election television network that Trump is rumored to be considering in the event he loses in November. Despite reports that his son-in-law has been talking to media dealmakers about Trump TV, Trump himself has denied he has any interest in such a thing.

Epshteyn says this nightly Facebook Live stream is simply a way for the campaign to circumvent the mainstream media Trump so publicly loathes. “We all know how strong the left wing media bias is. This is us delivering our message to voters,” he says. “It has nothing to do with Trump TV. It’s about using 21st century technology and communication in a way that’s effective.”


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21282 on: October 24, 2016, 07:19:57 PM »
Asking because I'm dumb

On NPR earlier today, the host had some dude talk about a professor at some Boston college that does consulting work for the military, and this dude claimed this professor said there is absolutely zero proof that the DNC hack was performed by the Russians.

Now, I'm sure that might be true based on how that sentence reads, but I thought it was generally accepted that Wikileaks is acting under the volition of the Russian government.  So, why are people claiming that Russia couldn't be responsible for this?  Is there a good article or summation of the hacks that provides a clear explanation of what happened?

Regardless, the hacks don't do anything for me other than, "huh, the DNC is pretty dumb."  But I'd like to be able to combat shitty Trump defenses given to me from family members (!!!).

Though, I mean, if they are true Trump converts, not just people that are jumping on him because they hate Clinton or are party loyalists, facts and reason might not do much.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21283 on: October 24, 2016, 07:36:50 PM »
Or you could just send them this:


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21284 on: October 24, 2016, 07:40:59 PM »
I'm wary of "screenshots" like those.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21285 on: October 24, 2016, 07:41:17 PM »
Asking because I'm dumb

On NPR earlier today, the host had some dude talk about a professor at some Boston college that does consulting work for the military, and this dude claimed this professor said there is absolutely zero proof that the DNC hack was performed by the Russians.

Now, I'm sure that might be true based on how that sentence reads, but I thought it was generally accepted that Wikileaks is acting under the volition of the Russian government.  So, why are people claiming that Russia couldn't be responsible for this?  Is there a good article or summation of the hacks that provides a clear explanation of what happened?

Regardless, the hacks don't do anything for me other than, "huh, the DNC is pretty dumb."  But I'd like to be able to combat shitty Trump defenses given to me from family members (!!!).
It's not that Russia couldn't be responsible it's that there's no actual evidence to the claim that they are solely responsible and/or that it's directed by the Russian government. Even the "source" people are running to are just the DNI suggesting it has some similarities to past hacks (like the Sony one) and that one of the security violations could be tracked back to a Russian IP (doesn't necessarily mean anything with proxies, etc.) while the Clinton campaign has gone overdrive into using it as a cudgel to beat off any questions about them also how it's illegal rather than have to actually say anything about the content or why it's not anything (which almost all of it isn't) because they're scared to death about saying something and then Wikileaks putting out something to contradict that which then gives credibility.

While some eager beavers wanted so desperately to discredit the leaks before anyone knew what was even in them that they immediately claimed RUSSIA, DOCTORED, DON'T BELIEVE THE LIES and then just repeated it endlessly until it became the dominant narrative.

The Director of National Intelligence office stated:
“We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities. Some states have also recently seen scanning and probing of their election-related systems, which in most cases originated from servers operated by a Russian company. However, we are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government.”
That's not exactly a confirmation.

Here's a take by anti-American Kremlin puppet Glenn Greenwald that comes straight from Putin himself:

Podesta wasn't even "hacked" like the DNC was, he fell for a fake gmail link.

The main thing to consider is that falling back on IT'S RUSSIA says nothing about the actual content. If Wikileaks dropped Trump's dealings like the Panama Papers I doubt anyone not pro-Trump would just accept "IT'S RUSSIA!" as reason to ignore it. It's silly to expect Trump supporters to dismiss these e-mails, and they probably don't even really know what the content is either. JUST MORE DAMAGING EMAILS. You're not really going to get anywhere either IT'S RUSSIA or IT'S FUCKING NOTHING.

Especially if they're also getting the O'Keefe stuff.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21286 on: October 24, 2016, 08:21:31 PM »
in an June 2012 interview with CNBC's Squawk Box reviewed by CNN's KFile, Trump said he didn't believe in deporting undocumented immigrants who, he said, "had done a great job."

Asked about his views on immigrant labor, Trump said, "You know my views on it and I'm not necessarily, I think I'm probably down the middle on that also. Because I also understand how, as an example, you have people in this country for 20 years, they've done a great job, they've done wonderfully, they've gone to school, they've gotten good marks, they're productive — now we're supposed to send them out of the country, I don't believe in that, Michelle, and you understand that. I don't believe in a lot things that are being said."


spoiler (click to show/hide)
Watch the media completely drop this rather than undermining his base with it.

I'm a Puppy!

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21287 on: October 24, 2016, 09:12:59 PM »
This would put Trump supporters in a bad spot. Having to chose between their two great loves. Racism and Trump.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21288 on: October 24, 2016, 09:14:17 PM »

Is it too late to move to Long Island?


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21289 on: October 24, 2016, 09:32:06 PM »
lol glenn greenwald


UPDATE II: lolol

UPDATE III: nah he's aight tho
« Last Edit: October 24, 2016, 09:54:10 PM by Mandark »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21290 on: October 24, 2016, 09:55:08 PM »
lol glenn greenwald


UPDATE II: lolol

UPDATE III: nah he's aight tho
hold on what happened


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21291 on: October 24, 2016, 10:01:57 PM »
Please share with the class


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21292 on: October 24, 2016, 10:07:54 PM »
I just saw benji mentioned Greenwald talking about the Ruskies and the emails.  Don't really care enough to click through but I wanted an excuse for the "UPDATE" gag.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21293 on: October 24, 2016, 10:29:48 PM »
Okay, so there's no real proof.  Understood.

Regardless, what's WikiLeaks end goal here, particularly considering a lot of their social media posts are either copy-paste declarations from Russian sources or they conveniently ignore anything relating to Trump?

There's no proof of of a Russian connection but it seems pretty fucking clear.

Great Rumbler

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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21294 on: October 24, 2016, 10:58:57 PM »
Assange really, really hates Hillary. The end.


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21295 on: October 24, 2016, 11:44:03 PM »


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21296 on: October 24, 2016, 11:45:46 PM »
pls no

Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21297 on: October 25, 2016, 12:34:52 AM »
Assange hates Hillary and when it comes to the email hacks, it's hard to say what the US intelligence community knows. Wonks and aspiring wonks like to pretend they know everything going on in the world because they stay on top of the news, but there is a whole classified world of information we won't have access to for 30 years at least.

Either DHS and the DNI have gone fully partisan and are protecting Hillary by releasing a statement based on weak speculation, or they know more than they are willing to tell the public. Since we don't know for sure which one it is, you just have to speculate yourself.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2016, 12:44:26 AM by Samson Manhug »


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21298 on: October 25, 2016, 02:39:34 AM »
So, MAGA I suppose


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Re: US Politics Thread |OT| What a nasty woman!
« Reply #21299 on: October 25, 2016, 02:59:31 AM »
Not to defend Russia, but the hysterical and paranoid treatment from some circles never completely faded away even after the end of the Cold War. Everything they do tend to be painted within the frame of a very stark black and white morality, and with the very worst intentions assumed. As such it wouldn't be too much of a surprise that the conclusions presented might skip a couple of steps of evidence to attribute it to the "highest level of power in the Kremlin".