Raist, is not even close.
I've been vaguely accused of false equivalency and being a Fox News mouthpiece here for some reason

but false equivalency is what you are doing.
Sam Harris said it best. I'll try to paraphrase "The lesser of two evils approach is the only valid approach when you have no good options. Sometimes the lesser of two evils is the only thing that stands between you and true evil. It's like a life preserver. It doesn't matter if it's dirty."
Trump is a dangerous, unhinged nincompoop. Hillary is a deeply flawed candidate (no matter how many times Andrex and Mandark insist she isn't), but she is qualified for the job and overall seems to have decent values and her head screwed on straight. Trump has no values. He changes his mind every other day, and will use aggressive doublethink to convince you that he always believed what he is saying today, even though he was saying the exact opposite yesterday. I have dealt with malignant narcissists in my life, and I believe that's exactly what he is. With a dash of psychopathy. His only mission is to feed his enormous ego. His thought process appears lacking. He constantly says dumb things, like we should've taken all the oil from Iraq during the war, that he is going to build a giant wall across the Mexican border, that more countries should have nukes and that using nukes is an option he would keep open, that he is going to extort money from his NATO allies, that he is going to have a 'deportation force' to remove millions of illegal immigrants from the country, etc. Completely baffling, ludicrous things that don't make sense theoretically, logistically, or ethically. He constantly says things without thinking them through. To defer to Harris once again, Trump is a "child in a man's body."
That is a little harsh to children, however. The idea is the younger the children are, the more narcissistic and self-centered they are, which they grow out of. But children aren't sexual predators, which Trump clearly is. That alone should disqualify him from running. In my estimates that is much worse than whatever vaguely nefarious speeches she gave to the fat cats in Wallstreet.
We haven't even gotten to the countless discrimination lawsuit against his businesses, him not paying his employees, etc. If Hillary has a troubled past, Trump is a downright piece of shit.
The most upsetting thing I hear people say is that Trump is such a great businessman and that he would run the country like one of his businesses. If Trump ran the country like one of his businesses, it would be bankrupt. He has an awful track record, with four of his companies filing for bankruptcy, and himself being very close to being personally bankrupt. Not to mention, with his history of stiffing his own employees and discriminating against others, I sure wouldn't want to live in a country that's run like a Trump corporation. Not a good precedent.