a lot of those ("MRA libertarian") have starting popping up on some of the ol libertarian haunts the last couple years, it's kinda weird, a lot of them (on places where usernames are kept so one could keep track of whoever) eventually started being loudly against gay marriage/rights and immigration too especially all the gay Mexicans that are going to vote for socialists and force bakers to make wedding cakes
like on
reason (which has traditonally been one of the more "socially libertine" libertarian sites in terms of what it writes about, pro-abortion, pro-gay rights/marriage, pro-porn, pro-sex rights, etc.) they swarm the threads about abortion/gays/immigration/sex and post lots of MRA/anti-feminism* stuff in the open threads while seemingly ignoring threads about spending/war/cops/drugs/etc. although some of them whine about how much
reason covers the drug war/cops and there was an odd period where they were attacking some writers for criticizing Paul Ryan's budget proposal (2012 had a period for complaints about them "undermining" Romney by criticizing him for Romneycare, the drug war, foreign policy, social conservative views, etc.)
i assume it's a factor of like the GOP being out of the White House so there's lots of anti-Obama Administration articles to draw them in,
reason used to have way more Democrat/Democrat-leaners on it, especially during the Bush years but they faded away as the site criticized Obama
there i took your post and whined about something else while subtly making it to appear a response

*there were some people who started posting all kinds of the red pill/shaming/etc. stuff, and how you gotta give a woman a "Gibbs slap" sometimes and they never seemed to understand the libertarian "women" on the site (aka guys pretending amirite) and others being "so PC" about that, i guess that's a NAP exception