Since lyte edge locked and, after a while, deleted my thread because he got triggered by it let me summarize this for you, SJWs only have themselves to blame.
Holier than thou morons like the neogaf hugbox brigade that turned many normal people into Trumptards with their hateful rhetoric, authoritarianism, divisive language and identity politics obsession are responsible for this mess. I watched live as reddit turned from an overwhelmingly liberal site to a Trump haven thanks to the site's mods and admins who heavily antagonized the userbase with their obnoxious hipster attitude that translated to censorship and manipulation of the site to shove down our throats their ideology. And reddit isn't some random site, it's the 8th most popular site in the country, it's a community that actually influences opinion in the country.
Corporate media also followed the SJW narrative for purely self serving reasons since a divided and distracted middle class is perfect for their rich bosses. The same of course applies for Hollywood and the rich pretentious fucks that live there. These two groups though only emboldened Trump because people were sick and tired of their hypocritical shit.
Being accused of having privilege when you're dirt poor must be fucking enraging, honestly I kind of understand the reaction of these people, even though I can't forgive it.