Okay what's the fucking deal with people believing Michelle Obama would make a good national candidate ? She reportedly hates politics too !
They are the same dems who were on team "YASS QUEEN" and still believe everyone who voted for Trump is a racist biggot. And just because Michelle made some good speeches on the campaign trail that she would be good enough, she campaigned for better education and encouraging healthy living (Especially assisting poor people eating healthy) in the position of FLOTUS and did very well with those that she is somehow qualified to run.
Those people are still in the bubble thinking it was racism and not the fact that Hillary's campaign was fucking terrible on top of the fact people fucking hated Hillary that the dems lost. Michelle doesn't want to run, both Obamas said they are done with politics after they leave in January.
They have to eat that L and pray Biden decides to go in 2020 or Bernie doesn't decide "Fuck this gay earth. Peace, I'm out" and dies in the next few years.
It can't be either Biden or Sanders. You need a newcomer, like Obama was.
While a newcomer would help, they don't really have many who could inspire the sort of rallying Bernie and Obama did at the minute. Bernie and Obama were the sort of candidates that wouldn't just get a dem up on their ass to vote, but make sure they brought ten voters along with them. Hilary never had that. Biden I could see, especially in the blue collar Rust Belt regions, getting a lot of support as well because he's confident but easy going. And he'd connect well with the audience. Plus, he would bring along the track record of the Obama administration of showing how they created jobs and got unemployment down to 5%.
Unless there is a newcommer that could really inspire confidence and that buzz Obama had. It would probably be worth putting a known quantity out in 2020 that does have those benefits.
In other news, apparently the Brits are mad as fuck this morning because the first two countries Trump called to discuss policy and trade were Egypt and Ireland. Britain was last in the queue and apparently Trump doesn't give a fuck about a post Brexit trade deal.