Author Topic: Game  (Read 389563 times)

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Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
  • Senior Member
I'm gonna go buy a cheapish stereo headset later on today (can't use the USB one I already have  :-\ ), so I'll try the twitch thing out then

My favorite thing so far is being able to plug stereo headsets into the game controller for game audio - the sound is really decent, and when you unplug it automatically reverts back to TV/receiver sound

Although I don't understand why they just didn't enable bluetooth stereo so I could use the same $50 pair I've had for 3 years and can use on everything else I own  :wtf

I guess if I had to give it a number rating, I'd go with 9/10 hardware, 7.5/10 software - there are some nagging software bugs, but nothing that can't eventually be fixed through updates. Hardware is great, though. They really nailed the controller. Although I prefer the stick placement on the 360, this feels a lot better in my hands.

Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
  • Senior Member
Well, except for the included "headset." What a cheap piece of shit.


  • Senior Member
iirc it doesn't support folders at launch.  3DS and Vita also didn't have folders at launch.  Wii U still hasn't been updated with folders.  I don't get it.

So they haven't expanded upon this yet, eh?

I'm hoping it works like 3ds folders.


Purple Filth

  • This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win—and it can—then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace
  • Senior Member
either downloads are very fast or this is that playgo thing.  Warframe is ~4 gigs and downloaded in about 7 minutes.

edit: nope, playgo? says it's ready to install with 3 hours left on the download :wtf

at least it can download several items at once now

edit 2: ok, still faster than PS3.  downloaded ~500 meg resogun in 5 minutes with three or four other downloads going.

that's playgo

iirc once a game reaches a certain size will be be deemed playable while the rest is downloading. Also If a game has single and multi it should pop the option of what part you want to download first

Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
  • Senior Member
Also, I don't know why I can't use the touchpad for the onscreen keyboard, would make things so much faster than scrolling with the analog sticks

cool breeze

  • Senior Member
Also, I don't know why I can't use the touchpad for the onscreen keyboard, would make things so much faster than scrolling with the analog sticks

Click in the right stick and try motion typing.  If you ever used a Wii, it's the same thing.

Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
  • Senior Member
ok, thanks

My review of The Playroom™:

why can't i

delete The Playroom™


  • Fastest selling shit
  • Senior Member
he probably sold another tablet.

Purple Filth

  • This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win—and it can—then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace
  • Senior Member
ok, thanks

My review of The Playroom™:

why can't i

delete The Playroom™


Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Eel, sorry for being so frank, but weren't you short on cash a little time ago? And you bought a PS4 on day 1?

And yes, I'm jelly.



  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Borys - u cant play FF13-3 on PS4. Why bother?


  • QUIT
  • Ebola Carrier
I thought playroom was amazing like all those other great double fine games like:

Purple Filth

  • This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win—and it can—then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace
  • Senior Member
watching the GB stream and it seems alright so far

Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
  • Senior Member
Eel, sorry for being so frank, but weren't you short on cash a little time ago? And you bought a PS4 on day 1?

And yes, I'm jelly.

Yep, I was. My household monthly bills have been halved since the start of Summer, though.  It is nice to have some free cash and not live like a scrounger, although I spent very little actual money on this PS4 stuff. Sold a bunch of bullshit on eBay, and used a Time Warner Cable "better rewards" $100 prepaid visa card. And traded in some bullshit to Gamestop towards the games. Including the games, out of pocket I paid somewhere around...$60-70 total, I want to say?

Smooth Groove

  • Both teams played hard, my man
  • Senior Member
I'm gonna go buy a cheapish stereo headset later on today (can't use the USB one I already have  :-\ ), so I'll try the twitch thing out then

My favorite thing so far is being able to plug stereo headsets into the game controller for game audio - the sound is really decent, and when you unplug it automatically reverts back to TV/receiver sound

Although I don't understand why they just didn't enable bluetooth stereo so I could use the same $50 pair I've had for 3 years and can use on everything else I own  :wtf

I guess if I had to give it a number rating, I'd go with 9/10 hardware, 7.5/10 software - there are some nagging software bugs, but nothing that can't eventually be fixed through updates. Hardware is great, though. They really nailed the controller. Although I prefer the stick placement on the 360, this feels a lot better in my hands.

Any 3d sound with headphones? 

Shaka Khan

  • Leather Jihadist
  • Senior Member
Eel, sorry for being so frank, but weren't you short on cash a little time ago? And you bought a PS4 on day 1?

And yes, I'm jelly.

Yep, I was. My household monthly bills have been halved since the start of Summer, though.  It is nice to have some free cash and not live like a scrounger, although I spent very little actual money on this PS4 stuff. Sold a bunch of bullshit on eBay, and used a Time Warner Cable "better rewards" $100 prepaid visa card. And traded in some bullshit to Gamestop towards the games. Including the games, out of pocket I paid somewhere around...$60-70 total, I want to say?

Responsible consumerism right here.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Eel, sorry for being so frank, but weren't you short on cash a little time ago? And you bought a PS4 on day 1?

And yes, I'm jelly.

Yep, I was. My household monthly bills have been halved since the start of Summer, though.  It is nice to have some free cash and not live like a scrounger, although I spent very little actual money on this PS4 stuff. Sold a bunch of bullshit on eBay, and used a Time Warner Cable "better rewards" $100 prepaid visa card. And traded in some bullshit to Gamestop towards the games. Including the games, out of pocket I paid somewhere around...$60-70 total, I want to say?

Responsible Grown Man Swag

Smooth Groove

  • Both teams played hard, my man
  • Senior Member

Anybody thinks that this meme is funny when you're in normal person mode?

I was gonna show the Banderas gifs to people at lunch but thought better of it.

Probably would have done more damage to my rep than telling them I'm a fan of BBC.



  • Senior Member
Delivered  :jawalrus


  • Senior Member
Anyone know where the fuck you can try put ps4's? Fuck it. I'm going to my friends house.


  • Humble motherfucker with a big-ass dick
  • Senior Member
Told you guys I was the only real poor here!


  • Senior Member
Mario, you have access to food, shelter, clothing, and internet. You are not poor, friend.

cool breeze

  • Senior Member
was able to try out remote play a bit.  pretty impressive, although the Trine 2 demo isn't the best test for responsiveness, and dropping from 60 to 30 fps isn't great.  connecting is quick.  pick up vita, select remote play, ~20 seconds and it's working.  if half my vita's screen wasn't jacked up I could see using it. 

with direct link its reach is almost twice as far as the wii u's (to be fair, wii u has trouble with walls) before it dies.  I'm guessing that Wii U dies when conditions aren't optimal whereas PS4/Vita gradually degrades the further you move away.

through my router I never hit the limit, which is great, but obviously dependent on the router.  more confident about buying the nvidia shield next year.

Smooth Groove

  • Both teams played hard, my man
  • Senior Member
Is Shield limited to 30fps as well? 

Nvidia gave me a $100 coupon for buying a 780 ti


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
(Image removed from quote.)

Anybody thinks that this meme is funny when you're in normal person mode?

I was gonna show the Banderas gifs to people at lunch but thought better of it.

Probably would have done more damage to my rep than telling them I'm a fan of BBC.


They both did it wrong anyway. Looks nothing like the meme.

Howard Alan Treesong

  • キング・メタル・ドラゴン
  • Icon
Yep, I was. My household monthly bills have been halved since the start of Summer, though.  It is nice to have some free cash and not live like a scrounger, although I spent very little actual money on this PS4 stuff. Sold a bunch of bullshit on eBay, and used a Time Warner Cable "better rewards" $100 prepaid visa card. And traded in some bullshit to Gamestop towards the games. Including the games, out of pocket I paid somewhere around...$60-70 total, I want to say?

I wish there was a "What did you sell?" thread, I'd own it pretty hard.

Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
  • Senior Member
I'm gonna go buy a cheapish stereo headset later on today (can't use the USB one I already have  :-\ ), so I'll try the twitch thing out then

My favorite thing so far is being able to plug stereo headsets into the game controller for game audio - the sound is really decent, and when you unplug it automatically reverts back to TV/receiver sound

Although I don't understand why they just didn't enable bluetooth stereo so I could use the same $50 pair I've had for 3 years and can use on everything else I own  :wtf

I guess if I had to give it a number rating, I'd go with 9/10 hardware, 7.5/10 software - there are some nagging software bugs, but nothing that can't eventually be fixed through updates. Hardware is great, though. They really nailed the controller. Although I prefer the stick placement on the 360, this feels a lot better in my hands.

Any 3d sound with headphones? 

no (you can choose surround depending on the game, but it still comes out sounding like stereo)

there's a weird plug next to the audio jack that might be some proprietary port for surround headphones, i guess?

Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
  • Senior Member
Yep, I was. My household monthly bills have been halved since the start of Summer, though.  It is nice to have some free cash and not live like a scrounger, although I spent very little actual money on this PS4 stuff. Sold a bunch of bullshit on eBay, and used a Time Warner Cable "better rewards" $100 prepaid visa card. And traded in some bullshit to Gamestop towards the games. Including the games, out of pocket I paid somewhere around...$60-70 total, I want to say?

I wish there was a "What did you sell?" thread, I'd own it pretty hard.

the thing i've learned about ebay is that if you sell what you consider pure junk, people will buy it for surprising amounts and never complain about anything

if you sell electronics or other things worth actual money...well, it's probably best not to sell electronics or things worth actual money

also, i let a friend sell my stuff through his account and just gave him a cut. my ebay experience was 100% asshole-free this time.


  • Senior Member
Saw a PS4 on the demo unit for the first time yesterday. Its pretty big in person I thought. The top looks huge. The console is much bigger than I expected. The controller felt okay. I wasnt blown away but no complaints. The dpad felt nice. The ds4 is a tad bit tinier than I imagined.


  • Senior Member
Patch is downloading really quick.


  • Senior Member
This controller feels pretty great


  • Senior Member
"Please wait..." when logging into my PSN account.


  • Senior Member
PSN is pretty much fucked right now. Wonder if I can stream if PSN is down...

Shaka Khan

  • Leather Jihadist
  • Senior Member
Everything looked nice and functional on the GB stream, although they need to figure out how to implement patching better, if only from scheduling and details perspective. Shortly after though, Brad's PS4 started chugging (background download/install?) and the whole thing looked frustrating even to me.

Still, not a bad foundation.

G The Resurrected

  • Senior Member
I was playing Killzone and got the "Please Wait" it interrupted my game and everything. WTF is up with that?


  • QUIT
  • Ebola Carrier
upset that Injustice is just a high res port but still a grate game

Howard Alan Treesong

  • キング・メタル・ドラゴン
  • Icon
I was playing Killzone and got the "Please Wait" it interrupted my game and everything. WTF is up with that?

Look closer.

PLEASE WundAerstIandT...


  • Senior Member
UI is really slick.  Nice for a console to have enough memory to actually function like a PC for once.

I'm on "PLEASE WAIT" to lol  Was creating my PSN user account and it's stuck on that.  Guess PSN went down again while I was doing it!

Sho Nuff

  • Senior Member
BF4 campaign is terrible but by god it's amazing seeing a console output something that looks like that at 60fps

cool breeze

  • Senior Member
UI is really slick.  Nice for a console to have enough memory to actually function like a PC for once.

I'm on "PLEASE WAIT" to lol  Was creating my PSN user account and it's stuck on that.  Guess PSN went down again while I was doing it!

There's a fix if this is your first time trying to connect that worked for me. 

if anyone else is stuck at please wait, try this:

For the "Please Wait" PSN issue. I found this at the PS Community forums (Credits to Kikoshi)

1. Hold the Home button and turn off the PS4.
2.Turn it back on and you can skip this part.
3. Go to Settings and factory restore the settings, don't confuse this with Formating. Just restore its settings.
4. Enter everything again and things should work perfectly for you know
« Last Edit: November 15, 2013, 08:36:03 PM by fryinghigh »


  • Senior Member
Sounds good but I think step4 is basically "do it again and if PSN is up things should work perfectly!"  but PSN is realllllly iffy now.  I'll wait a day to log in I guess.


  • Senior Member
Wait. Create pan user account? Bit you already have one. :what

Purple Filth

  • This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win—and it can—then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace
  • Senior Member
just saw a clip on the GB stream that made sharing kinda worth it  :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member


  • Junior Member
I haven't been paying much attention lately but how did the Banderas gif become a PS4 thing?

Purple Filth

  • This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win—and it can—then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace
  • Senior Member
I haven't been paying much attention lately but how did the Banderas gif become a PS4 thing?

it was used mostly by Sony fans is my guess


  • Senior Member
Remote play is actually really good.  I never, ever, ever in my life thought I'd be able to play a streamed FPS because of the millisecond lag but I went through like half a Killzone level on my Vita and it played decent.  It wasn't great because running (clicking the stick in) is on the rear touchpad and a pain to activate, but running around shooting and stuff was surprisingly fine.  I think for most games Remote Play will actually work if you wanna play games in bed or on the can or a treadmill in your home.

Killzone sucks because it's not a corridor shooter lol.  I am so bad at FPS games.  Wide open areas just mean enemies I can't even fucking see a mile away spotting me and a million dudes swarming me.  The alarm system where enemies respawn FOREVER until you turn off the alarm but enemies can shoot your bot while it's disabling the alarm is the dumbest shit ever.  I think I just want a corridor and a shotgun lol  Game looks pretty good, but after playing games on PC at 1080p forever it's nothing special.  Going from 30fps SP to 60fps MP is pretty jarring.  They probably should've capped multi at 30fps too.

Store is down so yeah.  The updating/patching/downloading stuff seems really automated and background and good.  System is always doing shit in the background and I have no idea what.


  • Senior Member
Oh and because Japan doesn't exist yet for the PS4, I'm using my US account and not my main account for PS4.  So I need to add a lot of you guys.  Only have some people added on my US PSN account since my main account is JPN.


  • Senior Member
Knack is pretty solid so far.  At least it makes a better impression than Killzone.  It's nice to play a challenging action game where you have to learn the enemy patterns and dodge them.  Basically it feels like Devil May Cry cute little kid edition with the right stick dashing and enemies that with unique attack patterns that kill you in 3 hits.  Also looks really nice, very colorful and the pieces everywhere look impressive when you get bigger.  Like how as you grow bigger you do more damage and take less so the enemies that were taking 3 hits to kill now take 2 hits and then 1 hit.  It's a small detail but it's neat. 

I can see the game getting repetitive and boring after a few hours (since it's supposedly around 9-12 hours long).  What'll depend on if it's a 7-8 or if it's a 5-6 will be if it keeps introducing new enemies with new patterns and mixing up which enemies you fight. 

Anyhow, Store just went up so grabbed Resogun, Contrast, Flower and Warframe for free.  I'm surprised there's so little to buy on the store.  You get $10 credit but there's nothing to spend it on!  Might buy the ACIV season pass with it if I like ACIV (gonna try that next).  I've got Killzone, Knack, ACIV this weekend with NBA2k14 coming monday and NFS & Lego not coming until god knows when but they were free.  If I get too launch mode excite this weekend maybe I'll go pick up Injustice or Battlefield or CoD.


  • Senior Member
I gotta say, the interface is just about perfect for the system once it gets folders.  So slick and easy to navigate.  Man, can't wait for JPN software.

Smooth Groove

  • Both teams played hard, my man
  • Senior Member
How does Killzone graphics compare with top DX11 titles on PC?


  • Senior Member
badly?  It's no Crysis/Metro.


  • Humble motherfucker with a big-ass dick
  • Senior Member
Mario, you have access to food, shelter, clothing, and internet. You are not poor, friend.

Used ebay clothes, slow internet and third world food :tocry

Smooth Groove

  • Both teams played hard, my man
  • Senior Member
badly?  It's no Crysis/Metro.

Pretty disappointing

I was hoping to see some nice visuals but with some compromises on image quality and framerate, kinda like many PS3 games

Purple Filth

  • This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win—and it can—then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace
  • Senior Member
damn a bunch of people getting broken units.

gonna be interesting to see how it goes as time rolls on

cool breeze

  • Senior Member
Really liking the PS4, DS4, UI and all that, but I wish I had another game to play besides Resogun.  I have to see what's worth getting.  And lots of what I like is probably going to be on the xbone as well; some will be better, some will be worse.  Reasonably happy with the features they're pushing.  Anyway, random thoughts on various games and apps:

-Resogun is fucking awesome.
-Trine 2 looks close enough to my memory of the PC version.  You can draw shapes with the touchpad, which might be the only use the touchpad I've seen.
-Warframe has an FOV slider, no autoaim by default, options to turn off bloom, DOF, and motion blur, and one time text popped up asking me to hit the tilde key.
-If you beat Sound Shapes on Vita/PS3 and sync to Sound Shapes PS4, there's a minute of trophy notifications and you get a third set.
-Playroom is practically a trailer for the camera if you don't own the camera.  Can't delete it.

just saw a clip on the GB stream that made sharing kinda worth it  :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


Smooth Groove

  • Both teams played hard, my man
  • Senior Member
Get NBA 2K14


  • Murdered in the digital realm
  • Senior Member
I found myself still preferring r1 and l1 for aim and shoot in Killzone.

I'm gonna go buy a cheapish stereo headset later on today (can't use the USB one I already have  :-\ ), so I'll try the twitch thing out then

My favorite thing so far is being able to plug stereo headsets into the game controller for game audio - the sound is really decent, and when you unplug it automatically reverts back to TV/receiver sound

Although I don't understand why they just didn't enable bluetooth stereo so I could use the same $50 pair I've had for 3 years and can use on everything else I own  :wtf

I guess if I had to give it a number rating, I'd go with 9/10 hardware, 7.5/10 software - there are some nagging software bugs, but nothing that can't eventually be fixed through updates. Hardware is great, though. They really nailed the controller. Although I prefer the stick placement on the 360, this feels a lot better in my hands.

Wtf, I tried using a pair of crappy Motorola headphones and got no game audio. Sould I try iphone ones? What are the restrictions?


  • Senior Member
Oh, you can change the controls in Killzone?  Maybe I'll like that better.  Wasn't really feeling the DS4 in that game.  Thought it was just cause I'm used to KB+M in FPS games on PC, but maybe that'll help.


  • Senior Member
Also I need to take back the Devil May Cry-lite comparison with Knack.  Thinking about it, that's a bad comparison.  Knack is like the defense gameplay of DMC, the learning enemy attacks and dodging them with good timing and group management, but it lacks the offensive game of DMC since DMC is all about all the crazy awesome offense combos and mixing up you can do where in Knack you just punch or throw projectiles.  Maybe if Knack 2 beefs up the offensive combat depth while keeping the defensive depth and gives more platforming and variety it'll be a quality Ratchet & Clank x DMC game.  Still like it so far, I was worried it'd play bad but it actually plays really really solid.  Between Puppeteer and Knack, Japan Studio shows they're very competent in game programming, just they need more visionary directors (gameplay-wise) leading them.