Where do we get our Boreanights On?
- Seattle, they have uh a lot of Boreans and coffee
24 (22%)
- Las Vegas, drinks, buffets, Bore poker, lots of flashing things
24 (22%)
- Brandnew's place, It's somewhere in the middle of the US
8 (7.3%)
- New Orleans, the South! Good food/music/voodoo
5 (4.6%)
- Boston, the North! There is ummm, stuff and it's old I guess.
8 (7.3%)
- New York City, best.city.ever
13 (11.9%)
- Canada, where in Canada? Who knows, we can figure that out later
9 (8.3%)
- London, because that's where the Beatles came from (I think, I don't know Beatles history)
4 (3.7%)
- Japan, if it still exists in 2016
6 (5.5%)
- Italy, let's all hang out with magus
- 0 (0%)
- Jamaica, because ACIV and relaxing days on the beach with some local grass
5 (4.6%)
- Hawaii, the boring Jamaica
3 (2.8%)
Total Members Voted: 62