some of these guys really want you to be murdered, devolution
OP I think you're doing yourself a disservice by ever taking what NeoFAG says seriously when it comes to politics or "muh social justice." Just look at some of the threads about [insert topic about religion/gay marriage/transphobia] and realize you're being set up to fail if you ever have a disagreeing viewpoint. Like a lot of the evil of the day, it preaches one thing (equality) but conducts itself in the opposite manner.
These are the people you're dealing with:
1) Nerds (inbeforelolitscooltobeanerdnow) who are so desperate to fit in to some kind of community, even if it means brainwashing themselves into believing that community's ideals. Trust me when I say the community was never this bad until recent years, but that's what happens when people get banned for voicing dissenting opinions, even in a polite, thoughtful manner. On the same token, NeoFAG has such an ironclad reputation now as a haven for liberals, gays and transgenders that it attracts them too.
2) Social justice wannabes who care only about the following three things: LGBT, feminism and atheism. "Fuck the other issues of human suffering in the world, it's all about my rights!"
3) Man-children who are still pissed at their parents for making them attend Sunday school: [ snort insert study about how atheists/liberals are smarter than religious people/conservatives.]
4) Sexual deviants who find a place where any of their most perverse dreams are freely accepted: bronies, pedophiles, cuckold wannabes, S&M freaks, devolution and timedog.
5) A combination of the above.
I'm sure I could list more if I wanted to, but I think for now that covers it. This group is how Obama got elected and then reelected: 20-somethings who probably attended college/may have graduated and think they're smart and "aware" of the issues of the world. And before any moron offers the obligatory bullshit about my politics, keep in mind I'm apolitical -- it's all the same to me. I just see the same pattern of bullshit and, as InternetAristocrat says, sophistry in every single thread. But, OP, you are ultimately correct about the hypocrisy, and that issue there is what disgusts me the most about that place. And the best part is how these tools will, when in argument, always be the first to call some kind of logical fallacy. It happens every single time, just like how in any thread there's always a banal moron thinking he's cool by saying "butthurt." <---- Oh, and by the way, people who say that are homophobic and approve of rape according to NeoFAG. Hope you have another alias for that place, deathsnugs.
I got myself banned years ago on purpose because it was already apparent to me then how the place was being run. I think you can blame Evilore for the direction of the forum. As soon as it became profitable for him (after it was given to him by the original owner), the place starkly changed. As for why, I have my theories, but that's another beast.
And it's not just NeoFAG. This is typical of a lot of the shit you'll find on Reddit or Tumblr or a bunch of other places.
In before "lol tl;dr," you fucking hiveminded idiots.