This may be a good opportunity to talk about that to show what kind of people we're dealing with.
I was arguing about Ferguson in one of the default sub reddits one Sunday evening. As usual, the basket cases had racist and myopic rationale justifying it. The very next morning when I woke up, I checked Reddit out and got a message. This message detailed that the person knew me in real life, has been following me for months on reddit and offline, and all of this because of my gender identity. This person said they knew me, that they knew where I live, that I was a filthy cheeseburger, and that I will be raped. It was sent with a throwaway account. I was on edge an entire week, had to make a new Reddit account. I even bought pepper spray and a knife. I was scared that the threats were true, and I was distrustful of people in real life. I didn't go out of my house except for work for a week. In the end, my friends and I concluded that it was just trolling and some person waging psychological warfare on an innocent person just for kicks.
And I'm not a well known person within the gaming industry, and this was just over Ferguson and having boobs. If you doubt these messages and threats you're a moron and you've never really lived it. Even if they're fake, they're still scary as shit, and Gamersgate is an entire "movement" full of people doing things like this.