Just finished ep4 uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I thought the first two eps, besides being modern Lynch slow compared to the old show, were really great! Very well directed and interesting.
Then ep3&4 happened.
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Mentally damaged Cooper
Is the high school mentality Nadine subplot of S2. It's so bad and just drags on scene after scene after scene. It's like everyone waited all this time to get that COOPER magic back again, and instead we get
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and a totally shitty Michael Cera scene.
And then yeah, seeing everyone back and so OLD and lacking energy is incredibly depressing. That's gonna be us in 25 years fuck. 25 years doesn't sound like that much time, but the visual change for everyone is super depressing. And then you have the dead actors, and even more depressing is that Albert, who was awesome in the original and is nice to be back here, died making this new season :'(
It also doesn't make a lot of sense either. Hawk's actor is only 66, dude is acting like he's in his 80s wtf. My Dad is like 68 and he isn't all slow geriatric. The mention above about the Ben & Jerry scene because depressing is spot on. There's no energy that the two had in the original. Again, not all of these actors are in their 80s or older. Some of these guys are in their 60s or early 70s and should not be coming across this old and slow. I gotta wonder if that's more Lynch than these actor's age. Either that or some of them haven't been acting in 20 years and don't remember how to act. idk.
Hoping it'll be good. Some of the parts are solid, and there's a ton of eps to go, but if they drag out this terrible subplot the entire season...yikes. Gonna be all Arrested Development S4/Fire Walks With Me in here.