I made it to the second city/town.
So far this is the most pointless sequel ever made.
Every story revelation is something revealed in II.
The mirrors contain a map to royal treasure?!
Sunming Zhao is Lan Di's father?!?!
And yet Ryo is shocked in every single scene.
Remember the whole goal for Ryo to Guilin to begin with was because that was where the mirrors were made and he could find insight about the treasure? But the whole reveal for the Guilin part is *gasp* the mirrors contain a map to treasure!
Ryo is a fucking dumb ass in this. Asks if Chai is part of the Chi You Men. Did you forget fighting that bald fuck multiple times in Shenmue 1?
The game posits it's "for the fans" but so far is really just an overall overview of the plot points already told in II.
So really, it's for Shenmue 1 fans that skipped the vastly superior Shenmue II.
No answers. No new plot points or development. Just recap of shit we've known for a decade plus.