Author Topic: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.  (Read 3703775 times)

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22320 on: July 19, 2016, 10:20:24 PM »

So was SFV. SFIV came out back in what, 2009? That's seven years of revisions and new versions.

SF4 came out in arcades in 2008.  SFV came out in 2016.  Eight years, sure...if you don't count all the upgrades.  And they absolutely count.  SFV is following Ultra Street Fighter IV, which came out in 2014.  In comparison, SF4 followed Third Strike...which came out in 1999.  Capcom didn't do anything new for almost a decade.  All they did was re-release and rehash games.  The closest thing to something "new" was Capcom Fighting Jam/Evolution...which was another game that the FGC proclaimed shit and didn't bother with.  The community at large doesn't stan for these (bad) games.

It's not a good game, it has good gameplay. Good gameplay can only go so far when there's not much to do with it, and what is there to do is either easy and cheap(both single player modes) or frustrating and lacking(survival mode for colors, shitty online issues). It is a bad game, I just hope it becomes a good one a few years down the line.

Nah, game play is king when it comes to fighters and this game succeeds in that area.  The online play is fine.  This is a good game marred by shitty DLC practices and a lack of single player content.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22321 on: July 19, 2016, 11:22:17 PM »

If you don't like the new Ghostbusters you are a Gamergator  :doge

Apparently, ComicGirl19 is a GG sympathizer now... :ryker


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« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 12:01:47 AM by benjipwns »


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22325 on: July 19, 2016, 11:57:39 PM »


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22326 on: July 20, 2016, 12:00:06 AM »
Something something regressive left.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22327 on: July 20, 2016, 12:00:42 AM »
That Milo Yapalapalopalous thread is a fun read. So many hills everywhere  :doge


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22328 on: July 20, 2016, 12:07:30 AM »
Hey, at least this time it's someone who actually identifies as a Gamergater!


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22329 on: July 20, 2016, 12:07:53 AM »
people defending Milo  :kobeyuck


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22330 on: July 20, 2016, 12:09:48 AM »
I like how you can track the talking points of these fucks across different websites.

"where's the proof" is a common phrase across Twitter, Reddit, GAF, and other places.
secret gamergater alt-right catch phrase exposed!


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22331 on: July 20, 2016, 12:12:16 AM »
Hopefully this is the beginning of a purge. Twitter really needs to scrape all the scum off their hull if they want to continue being the first name in online discourse.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22332 on: July 20, 2016, 12:13:22 AM »
Whoever made this GIF is a genius


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22333 on: July 20, 2016, 12:16:03 AM »
Can someone explain why that sea lion cartoon is good? I mean, I get what it's about, but in the cartoon the lady is clearly a sea lion bigot, and was so before the sea lion got all up in her shit.

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22334 on: July 20, 2016, 12:18:33 AM »


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22335 on: July 20, 2016, 12:21:41 AM »
Hopefully this is the beginning of a purge. Twitter really needs to scrape all the scum off their hull if they want to continue being the first name in online discourse.

 :lol Twitter is getting left behind by every other major social entity and become myspaced by facebook, snapchat, instagram.

like no one realizes that twitter itself is moving towards more news site than social because its not built for that shit.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22336 on: July 20, 2016, 12:24:02 AM »

That obsession is a two way street, breh

Those guys are so obsessed with me, I know cause I check their reddit regularly


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22337 on: July 20, 2016, 12:30:57 AM »
as far as my experience with these things goes, the Persona fanbase tends to attract more moderate people, while SMT gravitates towards a public where hate speech can bloom. Also, GAF is an outlier when it comes to these things
From my interactions with the Persona fandom outside of GAF and Tumblr, it generally attracts the seedier side of the anime fandom, the sort of people who legitimately argue over waifus, usually are apart of the new alt-right.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22338 on: July 20, 2016, 12:33:01 AM »


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22339 on: July 20, 2016, 12:33:07 AM »

That obsession is a two way street, breh
Those guys are so obsessed with me, I know cause I check their reddit regularly
No no, see, they were once only in hidden locations that cool people never went to.
I can't anymore with those alt-right types that plagued the internet with their trolling and buzz words and teenage-boy demeanor. They were contained in their basements in 4chan and subreddits but now they're fucking everywhere.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22340 on: July 20, 2016, 12:35:05 AM »


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22341 on: July 20, 2016, 12:35:55 AM »
Oh look, another GAF poster going "LEAVE STREET FIGHTER 5 ALONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNE  :'("  ::)

Don't like the "weekly shit on the game" thread (which is completely valid due to the numerous issues Capcom has yet to fix), don't click on them. Mods need to start banning posters for this shit as it's getting tiring and is a throwaway post with no value.

SFV is like one of those games, I struggle to think up an example but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, where it's a sequel that came out years down the line and might spell complete doom for an entire franchise so the fanbase decides it's actually pure gold and all the reasonable gripes are bullshit.

SFV is a shitty game, nobody is more disappointed by that than I am.

Not sure what game you're talking about, honestly. :lol

Oh look, another GAF poster going "LEAVE STREET FIGHTER 5 ALONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNE  :'("  ::)

Don't like the "weekly shit on the game" thread (which is completely valid due to the numerous issues Capcom has yet to fix), don't click on them. Mods need to start banning posters for this shit as it's getting tiring and is a throwaway post with no value.

SFV is like one of those games, I struggle to think up an example but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, where it's a sequel that came out years down the line and might spell complete doom for an entire franchise so the fanbase decides it's actually pure gold and all the reasonable gripes are bullshit.

SFV is a shitty game, nobody is more disappointed by that than I am.

Nah.  It's a legit good game that Capcom fucked up, content-wise, by leaving out certain features and a crappy DLC model.  It's not a shitty game- the people spending all this time playing these games will not accept games that they feel are shit -see SSF2T HD Remix and SFxTK- and as far as Capcom players go, they're used to sticking with older games for years on end...look at the 2000s.

This is not the sequel that came out years down the line...that was SF4.

You're missing our point. SF5 has less content than SF4. You may be fine with that since you play online and that's fine and dandy. But: Capcom's offerings for offline/non-online warriors has been piss-poor. I mean, like A_I_A said:

When a free to play(ish) game for Xbox shits all over your delivery and actually impacts your sales you need to start pondering a more fan friendly approach. Just sayin.

I couldn't get into KI but it's F2P content is more in line with offline and online people than SF5's. The only thing SF5 has over KI is the number of characters available to you, and that's only due to charging $60 compared to KI's "F2P" demo-ish state.

Nah, game play is king when it comes to fighters and this game succeeds in that area.  The online play is fine.  This is a good game marred by shitty DLC practices and a lack of single player content.

And nobody is saying the gameplay isn't good. However everything else about the game is poor. People circling the wagons despite Capcom not fixing the rest of the game isn't helping matters.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22342 on: July 20, 2016, 12:40:20 AM »

except everyone else's trash waifu

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22344 on: July 20, 2016, 12:54:28 AM »
this side discussion  :lol
I think with weirder/more obscure games it takes up a larger portion of the fanbase. Like, most people who play Pokemon or CoD are just normal people (or children/teens honestly with those two specific series), but there are weird subsets of the fanbase. But with weird/obscure Japanese games it always seems like a very significant portion of the fanbase is composed of Channers.

It also frustrates me because as a shut-in weirdo guy who's a fan of obscure Japanese games I used to relate to a lot of those fanbases (mostly when I was a teenager) until I realized how awful those people really are.
Exactly. And there in lies the rub; when it comes to more obscure, very Japanese games (Persona is becoming less of this but the remnants remain) you get those type of people who are indeed toxic little shit stains that get their abilities in interacting with others from the chans.

Again, most of the time I don't see this in places like Tumblr or GAF. But for Persona, I have seen it, and it is quite disgusting.
I can relate, I used to be big into the JoJo and SMT fanbases until I realized that those were basically composed of human garbage and I didn't had to allow these people to reach me with their disgusting reasoning just because of a fucking game.

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22345 on: July 20, 2016, 12:55:11 AM »


next 10 posts from op are backpedaling

this is so fucking harmless

of course virgin shut ins that never even tried to pick up a girl think its harrasment cause they are jealous this poke special fellow even had the nerve to talk to her

his attempt is sad bit still he gave it a go


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22346 on: July 20, 2016, 12:56:35 AM »
Capcom is not in any way, shape or form equipped to deal with SF as an online game service like they are trying for it to be. KI changed developers after release and still somehow managed to completely embarrass Capcom at what they're trying to do in every single way.

Capcom is slow, have horrendous communication with the community and even when they do listen they pick up on none of the important stuff.

Tons and tons of people have been calling SFV's gameplay shallow and boring yet Capcom hasn't said a single word about this. The game has some core design flaws that will not go away unless they do make some big changes.

They say they are going to make system changes after Capcom Cup, and I'd bet money those changes will consist of surface level balance tweaks while the core issues will remain untouched.

SFV is a rushed and under budgeted piece of crap. Even vanilla SFIV was 10 times the game SFV currently is.

Mr. Nobody

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22347 on: July 20, 2016, 01:40:20 AM »


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22348 on: July 20, 2016, 02:16:31 AM »
Hopefully this is the beginning of a purge. Twitter really needs to scrape all the scum off their hull if they want to continue being the first name in online discourse.

I'm pretty sure Twitter just wants to make bank.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22349 on: July 20, 2016, 02:56:50 AM »
5 is lacking content, no doubt, but i dont get the complaints about poor gameplay


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22350 on: July 20, 2016, 03:19:01 AM »
Gaffers slowly coming to the conclusion that fandoms are ugly places. Next step : The self awareness that you're barely better.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 03:23:55 AM by VomKriege »


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22351 on: July 20, 2016, 03:36:27 AM »
5 is lacking content, no doubt, but i dont get the complaints about poor gameplay

Basically this:

Capcom systemically reduced walkspeeds, the range of normals, the effectiveness of specials and the ability to whiff punish at mid range. The V-trigger system also ended up being little more than a combo extension mechanic rather than a tool that could change the shape of the neutral game like focus attacks, parries, etc did in past SF titles.

They went to great lengths to homogenize character playstyles. SFV greatly restricts you in the ways you can play your character when compared to older SF games.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22352 on: July 20, 2016, 03:46:21 AM »
5 is lacking content, no doubt, but i dont get the complaints about poor gameplay

Basically this: (Image removed from quote.)

Capcom systemically reduced walkspeeds, the range of normals, the effectiveness of specials and the ability to whiff punish at mid range. The V-trigger system also ended up being little more than a combo extension mechanic rather than a tool that could change the shape of the neutral game like focus attacks, parries, etc did in past SF titles.

They went to great lengths to homogenize character playstyles. SFV greatly restricts you in the ways you can play your character when compared to older SF games.

as someone who doesnt use the v trigggers, and barely throws, ive never encountered this issue when playing. in fact, ive had much more close to the letter matches with V than the one sided move spamming sets i would encounter in super 4.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22353 on: July 20, 2016, 03:56:55 AM »
5 is lacking content, no doubt, but i dont get the complaints about poor gameplay

Basically this: (Image removed from quote.)

Capcom systemically reduced walkspeeds, the range of normals, the effectiveness of specials and the ability to whiff punish at mid range. The V-trigger system also ended up being little more than a combo extension mechanic rather than a tool that could change the shape of the neutral game like focus attacks, parries, etc did in past SF titles.

They went to great lengths to homogenize character playstyles. SFV greatly restricts you in the ways you can play your character when compared to older SF games.

as someone who doesnt use the v trigggers, and barely throws, ive never encountered this issue when playing. in fact, ive had much more close to the letter matches with V than the one sided move spamming sets i would encounter in super 4.

Now I'm not trying to be condescending when I say this, but you are not at the skill level yet where you are really taking advantage of all the game's mechanics. Yes, it is not as noticeable at your level but it becomes very, very apparent the more you play and the better you get. Capcom's simplification of the mechanics might be better for the short term as it might attract the more casual players, but it is very bad for the game in the long run.. and that is directly at odds with their plans of turning SF into a modern "games as a service" title because people will get bored of the game once they realize how shallow it is.

SFIV was able to retain lots of players over 7-8 years because of how varied the game was.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22354 on: July 20, 2016, 04:25:07 AM »
5 is lacking content, no doubt, but i dont get the complaints about poor gameplay

Basically this: (Image removed from quote.)

Capcom systemically reduced walkspeeds, the range of normals, the effectiveness of specials and the ability to whiff punish at mid range. The V-trigger system also ended up being little more than a combo extension mechanic rather than a tool that could change the shape of the neutral game like focus attacks, parries, etc did in past SF titles.

They went to great lengths to homogenize character playstyles. SFV greatly restricts you in the ways you can play your character when compared to older SF games.

as someone who doesnt use the v trigggers, and barely throws, ive never encountered this issue when playing. in fact, ive had much more close to the letter matches with V than the one sided move spamming sets i would encounter in super 4.

Now I'm not trying to be condescending when I say this, but you are not at the skill level yet where you are really taking advantage of all the game's mechanics. Yes, it is not as noticeable at your level but it becomes very, very apparent the more you play and the better you get. Capcom's simplification of the mechanics might be better for the short term as it might attract the more casual players, but it is very bad for the game in the long run.. and that is directly at odds with their plans of turning SF into a modern "games as a service" title because people will get bored of the game once they realize how shallow it is.

SFIV was able to retain lots of players over 7-8 years because of how varied the game was.

people played 4 due to constant character tweaks and being a street fighter game. its not like people were playing vanilla for 8 years like they were 3rd strike


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22355 on: July 20, 2016, 04:38:18 AM »
SF4 never had the deeply ingrained problems that 5 has though. No one was calling SF4 shallow at this point in time. People called it slow sure but by this point in time in SF4's life it was apparent that the game had a lot of depth. Meanwhile lots of mid tier online players as well as tournament top players have criticized SF5 for being too simple.

We'll see how active the online is by Jan-Feb next year  :doge


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22357 on: July 20, 2016, 07:07:32 AM »
I like how you can track the talking points of these fucks across different websites.

"where's the proof" is a common phrase across Twitter, Reddit, GAF, and other places.
secret gamergater alt-right catch phrase exposed!
Proof. Such a pesky thing for muh narrative. :doge


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22358 on: July 20, 2016, 07:22:24 AM »
5 is lacking content, no doubt, but i dont get the complaints about poor gameplay

Basically this: (Image removed from quote.)

Capcom systemically reduced walkspeeds, the range of normals, the effectiveness of specials and the ability to whiff punish at mid range. The V-trigger system also ended up being little more than a combo extension mechanic rather than a tool that could change the shape of the neutral game like focus attacks, parries, etc did in past SF titles.

They went to great lengths to homogenize character playstyles. SFV greatly restricts you in the ways you can play your character when compared to older SF games.

Ok, this makes a lot of sense.  I'm not high level or anything, but my impressions after playing coming from IV or other fighters was that it felt like a game where all the characters are basically nerfed and equally weak. 


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22359 on: July 20, 2016, 08:00:52 AM »
5 is lacking content, no doubt, but i dont get the complaints about poor gameplay

Basically this: (Image removed from quote.)

Capcom systemically reduced walkspeeds, the range of normals, the effectiveness of specials and the ability to whiff punish at mid range. The V-trigger system also ended up being little more than a combo extension mechanic rather than a tool that could change the shape of the neutral game like focus attacks, parries, etc did in past SF titles.

They went to great lengths to homogenize character playstyles. SFV greatly restricts you in the ways you can play your character when compared to older SF games.

Ok, this makes a lot of sense.  I'm not high level or anything, but my impressions after playing coming from IV or other fighters was that it felt like a game where all the characters are basically nerfed and equally weak.

It's not that they're "nerfed," (Balrog vs Karen 4 hit video here) it's that Capcom removed individual tools (and put some on V-triggers) that players would normally use sporadically.

Like, I forget but: I don't think Dhalsim had a "hold in the air" move in previous entries, but because they needed to give him a V-skill and V-trigger, they made his Yoga teleports (and flames) into these weird properties so he'd be more "beginner friendly" to new players. This is good for attracting players, but also bad for retaining players with "finding new tech."


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22360 on: July 20, 2016, 08:06:17 AM »
Gaffers slowly coming to the conclusion that fandoms are ugly places. Next step : The self awareness that you're barely better.
It's just so weird that an innocuous group, like people who watch JoJo, could be considered a toxic cesspool.

 The most they're guilty of is repeating memes.

Fandoms in general, whatever they are centered on, will have bottom of the barrel stuff : insularity, defensiveness and narrow-mindedness, an inflated sense of their importance. Fans stands for fanatics, after all. The object of attention will compound this by its subject matter and the demographics it caters too, obviously. Of course, it generally only is a minority of people, but they tend to be omnipresent in any gathering (virtual or real) and will often sour the mood quite a bit. I've seen that first hand with the same creepy movie buffs haunting on a regular basis the film museum, premieres, festivals and every specialty shop in the city.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22361 on: July 20, 2016, 08:12:33 AM »

I hope he found that kid and he got fucking punished hard (Like, making him pay for the repairs which probably cost more than he makes a year, not anything physical or violent)

That car is worth more than that kid will most likely ever make in his life working. You don't fuck with expensive property.

EDIT: oh shit there was a stop sign.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22363 on: July 20, 2016, 08:30:54 AM »
SF4 never had the deeply ingrained problems that 5 has though. No one was calling SF4 shallow at this point in time. People called it slow sure but by this point in time in SF4's life it was apparent that the game had a lot of depth. Meanwhile lots of mid tier online players as well as tournament top players have criticized SF5 for being too simple.

We'll see how active the online is by Jan-Feb next year  :doge

It's too early to be casting these kinds of judgements onto the game.  People are still learning it and will be finding out new 'tech' just like they do in everything else.  PR Rog complaining on 6/16 about the game? about after 7/1 when he finally got his character to use in the game?   :doge

This game isn't going anywhere.  The huge amount of players who signed up for Evo should be proof enough that it's a hit on the tournament scene, too.

One thing that remains broken?  Capcom's addressing of single player features.  Hey, how about fixing the borked survival mode AI problems?  Nah...let's just release the colors you get from it as DLC instead!

SFV Survival Mode color (3-10) bundles for each character will be available for purchase via FM or the PS/Steam stores. More details soon!
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 09:35:30 AM by bork pls »


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22364 on: July 20, 2016, 08:39:30 AM »

I'd be fine with a guy like Trump ruling some tier-3 smalltime country. Free entertainment and not much harm done.


Cerveza mas fina

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22365 on: July 20, 2016, 08:44:19 AM »

I hope he found that kid and he got fucking punished hard (Like, making him pay for the repairs which probably cost more than he makes a year, not anything physical or violent)

That car is worth more than that kid will most likely ever make in his life working. You don't fuck with expensive property.

EDIT: oh shit there was a stop sign.
(Image removed from quote.)

:bow Kid did what had to be done :bow2


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22366 on: July 20, 2016, 09:03:03 AM »

I'd be fine with a guy like Trump ruling some tier-3 smalltime country. Free entertainment and not much harm done.

(Image removed from quote.)
Bokassa I was a joke. Francisco Macías Nguema and Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo. Those guys knew how to make things a barrel of laughs without much harm done to any people living in Western nations.

Mr. Nobody

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22367 on: July 20, 2016, 10:24:27 AM »
I remember people complaining about SF4 throughout it's entire lifetime and now it's suddenly "the good old days"  :doge


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22368 on: July 20, 2016, 10:24:55 AM »

I caught my ex the same way. All her messages synced from her phone to ipad, so I saw every detail including when she was sexting her furry sidepiece while riding with me to my dads for Thanksgiving

 :lol  :lol


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22369 on: July 20, 2016, 10:26:29 AM »
I remember people complaining about SF4 throughout it's entire lifetime and now it's suddenly "the good old days"  :doge

So true.  :lol  Even the much-heralded Third Strike was often called "Strike Three" back in the day.  :doge


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22370 on: July 20, 2016, 10:43:30 AM »

I caught my ex the same way. All her messages synced from her phone to ipad, so I saw every detail including when she was sexting her furry sidepiece while riding with me to my dads for Thanksgiving

 :lol  :lol

Trust other people brehs.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22371 on: July 20, 2016, 10:52:45 AM »
SF4 never had the deeply ingrained problems that 5 has though. No one was calling SF4 shallow at this point in time. People called it slow sure but by this point in time in SF4's life it was apparent that the game had a lot of depth. Meanwhile lots of mid tier online players as well as tournament top players have criticized SF5 for being too simple.

We'll see how active the online is by Jan-Feb next year  :doge
This game isn't going anywhere.  The huge amount of players who signed up for Evo should be proof enough that it's a hit on the tournament scene, too.

I mean, its the newest Street Fighter and its been five or six months since its release. Street Fighter x Tekken had a scene in its first year.

Capcom has a lot of work to do with adding more shit into the game, and not just characters or single player content. The online play should not be getting a pass for how shitty it is. "It works" is the least flattering thing that can be said in 2016.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22372 on: July 20, 2016, 11:17:33 AM »
Ninthings : We're thirsty for games, but dat stock price chart tho.
They just put Snorlax in the zoo, we're doing great.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22373 on: July 20, 2016, 12:00:45 PM »
When a new junior member talks to you like he has known you for years.

"Oh Dennis"


Srsly Dennis, this isn't like you.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22374 on: July 20, 2016, 12:28:56 PM »

I caught my ex the same way. All her messages synced from her phone to ipad, so I saw every detail including when she was sexting her furry sidepiece while riding with me to my dads for Thanksgiving

 :lol  :lol

That thread has gotten a lot of gaffers feeling some kind of way. Someone asked if the OP was playing a lot of games. He replied that to him an usual evening consists of him playing PS4 with his back to her whilst she sits on her iPad. Sure sounds riveting. 

Others jumped in saying that's no excuse for sexting which is slightly true but it's understandable from her POV if someone was showing her attention. As uncomfortable that is for anyone to hear.

« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 12:36:03 PM by Vertigo »


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22375 on: July 20, 2016, 12:36:21 PM »
No one was calling SF4 shallow at this point in time.

5 is lacking content, no doubt, but i dont get the complaints about poor gameplay

Basically this: (Image removed from quote.)

Capcom systemically reduced walkspeeds, the range of normals, the effectiveness of specials and the ability to whiff punish at mid range. The V-trigger system also ended up being little more than a combo extension mechanic rather than a tool that could change the shape of the neutral game like focus attacks, parries, etc did in past SF titles.

They went to great lengths to homogenize character playstyles. SFV greatly restricts you in the ways you can play your character when compared to older SF games.

SFIV was deemed shallow its entire run because people could punch out lights on wakeup, focus attacks were dubbed as a poor replacement for parries, the game had an execution barrier never before seen in Street Fighter which has always been pretty lax on that compared to other fighters, you had a ridiculous number of option selects, gimmick characters like El Fuerte, Ibooty, and U2 Elena, in hindsight original SFIV was pretty terrible and everyone in the community agrees and the game didn't get good until Super. Before V's release, people were heralding it as a return to form after casualization that was SFIV, in that the game stressed fundamentals over gimmick systems and option selects. When SFIV came out, many people went to 3S six months later. I've played more fundamental thinking games with bronze players in SFV than I ever did with people online in Super ranked, or even Ultra ranked. The reason Mika is so hated is because of her mixup loop, which is as anti-SFV as it gets and is the closest the game has to an SFIV esque gimmick character. SFIV had a whole slew of oldschool dogs who couldn't hang. SFIV was considered a shit game by many and many of those same old guys are back in V.

The reality is every major Street Fighter has its audience. When SFIV came out many considered it inferior to 3S and went back to that. Many never came back and only play 3S and V. SFIV is going to have its own audience. People who prefer that will stick to that. People still play Super Street Fighter II Turbo to this day.

I'm pretty sure you have no idea what you're talking, and citing PR Rog before he gets his character (Balrog) is ridiculous. The best you could possibly come up with regarding "homogenized playstyles" is that it's usually safer to do a target combo, so you'll see people use the same combo. But if you watch Infiiltration's Nash and compare it to LI Joe's Nash or Yukadon's Nash and you think the game has "homogenized play styles" then you have effectively no idea what you're watching, how to dissect it, and it should probably stop talking about SF seriously.

Saying V-trigger is only for combo extension is illogical. V-trigger's main value is for punishing. If someone whiffs and you've got trigger, a good crush counter -> v-trigger -> combo -> CA will keep you ahead. It's used as a purpose to keep you alive just like v-reversal. This is obvious because not every characters v-trigger is the same. For example, Nash's v-trigger is his savior because Nash lacks a good wake up option and is a sitting duck in the corner. So it's wise to use v-trigger over v-resersal because v-trigger will get you out of the corner. Saying Nash's v-trigger is nothing more than combo extension, or Dhalsim's which creates space, or Fang's, or Guile's which gives him endless pressure options as merely combo extension makes it makes it obvious you have probably spent all of two hours playing Street Fighter V.

Walk speed depends on the character. Bison has I think the slowest walk speed in the game but the fastest dash. This is true for a reason. Ryu's walk speed is way faster than his USFIV walk speed. Also his dash is way faster. Cammy's walk speed is fast as always. You say Paralax isn't high enough level, but you're not considering the disparity between walk speed and dash as options. Why do you think Infiltration uses dash so much? Nash has one of the fastest Dash's in the game and it's supposed to be utilized as weapon of weaving in and out to win out footsy skirmishes. The range of normals too, depends on the character. Karin st.MK has a great range one of - if not the best - normal in the game.

The effectiveness of specials? What? They're the same they've ever been.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 12:44:12 PM by Queen of Ice »


  • Do the moron
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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22376 on: July 20, 2016, 12:40:50 PM »
SFV is the trigger that broke the camel's back.

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Welcome back  :drake


  • Senior Member
Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22377 on: July 20, 2016, 12:42:31 PM »
The idea that a competitive player's criticism or complaints aren't really valid because they didn't get their previous main back is one of the worst arguments possible.

The way you talk about Street Fighter with that weird smugness and superiority makes the conversation shitty immediately. "Do you know what you're talking about?" with a big paragraph about random design and mechanical ramblings isn't a great way to approach a conversation.



  • Senior Member
Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22378 on: July 20, 2016, 12:45:16 PM »

Because it exposes how wrong you are?

Last I remember, you don't even have SFV.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #22379 on: July 20, 2016, 12:51:59 PM »
If you typed all that shit just to say you're right about SFV being a gift from god and how SFIV was actually a stinky turd laid from a demon's anus, then yeah, I guess you're right when it comes to that perspective. You've reached platinum status with SFV forum posting.

I've put in at least 500 hours into SFIV, and you don't see me trying to defend the game from your criticism like its part of my lifeforce.