Author Topic: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.  (Read 3519717 times)

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Let's Cyber

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27000 on: September 18, 2016, 05:00:35 AM »
Haha that Count Dookkake always with the funny goofs...

(Image removed from quote.)

Surely he'll get in trouble over that...


You'd better hope this wasn't an offensive post or something might be done at a future date if and when you make another problematic post (assuming I get the OK from overlord evilore first) AND YOU CAN TAKE THAT TO THE BANK MISTER! 

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27001 on: September 18, 2016, 05:05:35 AM »

That Fallon thread is amazing.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27002 on: September 18, 2016, 05:15:44 AM »
Aaronology is something special.

He barely posted, and rarely ever posted outside the One Man Punch TV thread.

Then after the first thread about how Bernie was leading in polls and could win the Presidency he's started a massive anti-Bernie/pro-Hillary operation that he continues to fight to this day. Complete with 2006 fisking style going on.

And it's almost entirely that, anti-Trump not so much. Only anti-Trump as it can be used against Bernie-clingers. He's still fighting the last war.

I knew B-Dubs posted a ton in election threads but I didn't know it was THAT much. Now I feel bad about singling out adam387 since he's mostly contained safely in PoliGAF.

Let's Cyber

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27003 on: September 18, 2016, 05:24:52 AM »
Aaronology is something special.

He barely posted, and rarely ever posted outside the One Man Punch TV thread.

Then after the first thread about how Bernie was leading in polls and could win the Presidency he's started a massive anti-Bernie/pro-Hillary operation that he continues to fight to this day. Complete with 2006 fisking style going on.
That $hillary money hard at work, friend  :P

Also did you know that I, as a voter, get to nominate supreme court justices?  It is my civic duty  :tocry


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27004 on: September 18, 2016, 05:33:27 AM »
My favorite new line is that Hillary voters are the ones "getting their hands dirty and doing the real work" while non-voters or third party voters are just sitting back all smug without having to sacrifice anything. (Most of this from people who aren't even fucking working on the campaigns. At least some of the Poli-GAFer nuts actually phone bank and canvass and do other dumb shit like that.)

Talk about "participation trophy" culture.

And then they don't understand how someone could want to use their oh so important and valuable vote in a way that they value most versus what a rabid Hillary supporter wants them to do. YOU'RE TELLING THEM THEY CONTROL THE ELECTION!


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27005 on: September 18, 2016, 05:40:01 AM »
Also, I tried to do one of those shitpost posts that Dr. Forester does but I don't have the patience, so I only got about three people before I gave up. But basically the concept was all the people saying "you could vote your conscience if this was Romney" or something like that. Along with their 2012 posts calling Romney a vile racist and bigot and how you can't risk it because of Supreme Court.

Favorite ones were from that thread after Romney got photographed a couple weeks after he lost all disheveled and not caring late at night pumping gas, and there's a whole bunch of people outraged at how GAFers were being non-critical of and "fawning over" (by mostly making jokes) "this racist shitbag."


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27006 on: September 18, 2016, 05:40:29 AM »
Also, I tried to do one of those shitpost posts that Dr. Forester does but I don't have the patience, so I only got about three people before I gave up. But basically the concept was all the people saying "you could vote your conscience if this was Romney" or something like that. Along with their 2012 posts calling Romney a vile racist and bigot and how you can't risk it because of Supreme Court.

Favorite ones were from that thread after Romney got photographed a couple weeks after he lost all disheveled and not caring late at night pumping gas, and there's a whole bunch of people outraged at how GAFers were being non-critical of and "fawning over" (by mostly making jokes) "this racist shitbag."
:derp :umad :paul


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27007 on: September 18, 2016, 05:49:43 AM »
Japan virgins thread:
Why not use hookers? That's what I did just to get it over with.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27008 on: September 18, 2016, 06:14:42 AM »
copy and paste their past posts



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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27009 on: September 18, 2016, 06:28:01 AM »

get 'em nintendo ninjas samurai, and take valve with em unless they pledge to abandon PC for NX exclusive!

For this case, Nintendo could:
- Potentially sue them for bad competitive practices or maybe trademark infringement if they're trying to unfairly use the Super Mario Maker name/brand for their own benefit.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27010 on: September 18, 2016, 07:47:27 AM »
Haha that Count Dookkake always with the funny goofs...

(Image removed from quote.)

Surely he'll get in trouble over that...



GAF Mods really want to get rid of any posters with wit and personality, eh?

Cause honestly most OT posters all sound the same these days because of the culling of the posters with strong personalities. 

I'm not a huge Count fan, but his quips bring some nice levity to the OT.

Aaronology is something special.

He barely posted, and rarely ever posted outside the One Man Punch TV thread.

Then after the first thread about how Bernie was leading in polls and could win the Presidency he's started a massive anti-Bernie/pro-Hillary operation that he continues to fight to this day. Complete with 2006 fisking style going on.

And it's almost entirely that, anti-Trump not so much. Only anti-Trump as it can be used against Bernie-clingers. He's still fighting the last war.

I knew B-Dubs posted a ton in election threads but I didn't know it was THAT much. Now I feel bad about singling out adam387 since he's mostly contained safely in PoliGAF.

Aaronlogy never ever reads.  Dude is a terrible online debater.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27011 on: September 18, 2016, 08:15:51 AM »
lol GAF really hates Red Letter Media now.

How quickly we turn and eat ourselves.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27012 on: September 18, 2016, 08:19:42 AM »
The first thing these fuckers think when a tragedy happens is "i hope it doesn't help candidate x" yet they'll be the first to call out politicians when they try to use tragedies to their advantage. They're just as twisted.

I know we talk about if PoliGAF was always this bad but there is one change I noticed when it comes to stuff like this.  In the past, people would usually wait a few pages before questioning how this helps or hurts their political party/agenda of choice.  Now they just autistically barrel in and start asking about this right away.  So I guess the unwillingness to even show empathy towards victims first before wondering how this hurts or helps their cause is a sign of the new PoliGAF.

Haha that Count Dookkake always with the funny goofs...

(Image removed from quote.)

Surely he'll get in trouble over that...



I wonder if MHWilliams knows that he's protected by Evilore and any ban he gets seems to be turned over within minutes.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27013 on: September 18, 2016, 09:17:57 AM »
The first thing these fuckers think when a tragedy happens is "i hope it doesn't help candidate x" yet they'll be the first to call out politicians when they try to use tragedies to their advantage. They're just as twisted.

I know we talk about if PoliGAF was always this bad but there is one change I noticed when it comes to stuff like this.  In the past, people would usually wait a few pages before questioning how this helps or hurts their political party/agenda of choice.  Now they just autistically barrel in and start asking about this right away.  So I guess the unwillingness to even show empathy towards victims first before wondering how this hurts or helps their cause is a sign of the new PoliGAF.
Now, now, they were blasting Trump for not showing empathy for the victims by mentioning it and saying he didn't know any more at the moment.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27014 on: September 18, 2016, 09:25:41 AM »
Clinton campaign going to have ANYONE on the sunday shows?



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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27015 on: September 18, 2016, 10:17:14 AM »
George Lucas salad unboxing video.

Right on cue:

Quote from: StaticJam;217250295
RLM continues to confuse me because I've never seen a video where they are actually funny.

Quote from: Inferno313;217250334
Or insightful

Quote from: Inferno313;217250544
I guess they're kind of insightful if your only other source of film crit is cinemasins.

Quote from: Breads;217250631
This is aggressively unfunny. And I say that as a subscriber to their channel.

Quote from: geardo;217250571
They fucked with Lucas, and this is the ultimate nerd forum.

Quote from: Jacobi;217250907
Unfunny as hell but it's RLM so no wonder


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27016 on: September 18, 2016, 10:23:36 AM »


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27017 on: September 18, 2016, 10:26:18 AM »
When you tell people they should do as they please without being concerned about anyone else's opinion because it won't affect anything, they get really really angry for some reason. And start talking about reality this and reality that, yet none of what they're saying has to do with reality. It's very odd to see.

It's weird too. I would have thought such an intellectually high level and powerfully curated board like would be above such trifling kerfluffles bringing out such rage.

Ah, well. You live, you learn I suppose. Or don't. Whichever you prefer is fine with me. I won't *ack* why *arg* are *guh* you chok *ghrr* ing me *blegh*

Let's Cyber

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27018 on: September 18, 2016, 10:36:02 AM »
You know, it used to be the christian fundamentalists and evangelical right wingers that hated Disney for the "demonic" magic in their movies and their support of the LGBT community and gay marriage. 

GAF pushed too hard and came out the other side of the political spectrum  :doge
« Last Edit: September 18, 2016, 12:08:36 PM by HackFraudDoctorScientist »


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27019 on: September 18, 2016, 10:41:26 AM »
Same thing with the anti-porn people really.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27020 on: September 18, 2016, 10:45:10 AM »
Clinton campaign going to have ANYONE on the sunday shows?


I think PoliGAF knows deep down that Clinton is going to lose.  So they're already starting to generate their list of excuses.  It's kind of like when a game they like does shitty in sales, they blame it on "bad marketing"


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27021 on: September 18, 2016, 10:53:40 AM »
lol GAF really hates Red Letter Media now.

How quickly we turn and eat ourselves.

Damn it, Dennis. :punch

Clinton campaign going to have ANYONE on the sunday shows?


I think PoliGAF knows deep down that Clinton is going to lose.  So they're already starting to generate their list of excuses.  It's kind of like when a game they like does shitty in sales, they blame it on "bad marketing"

I will cackle for years if Clinton does lose. As much as I don't want Trump, this has to be a wake-up call to BOTH parties that the people are tired of their bullshit.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27022 on: September 18, 2016, 10:58:12 AM »
Japan virgins thread:
Why not use hookers? That's what I did just to get it over with.

Japan using massive scale prostitution ? What could go wrong ?


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27023 on: September 18, 2016, 11:07:59 AM »

Disney is problematic now.

You know who's really, really problematic?

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27024 on: September 18, 2016, 11:08:56 AM »
I think PoliGAF knows deep down that Clinton is going to lose.  So they're already starting to generate their list of excuses.  It's kind of like when a game they like does shitty in sales, they blame it on "bad marketing"
Obama and the Democrat's only real problem the last eight years has been his inability to get his message out. If the Democrats were able to get their message out to the people and explained so they understood there wouldn't even be a Republican Party.

~Vox explainer


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27025 on: September 18, 2016, 11:11:15 AM »
RLM continues to confuse me because I've never seen a video where they are actually funny.


EDIT: The instantaneous hate boner Gaf has for RLM due to their Ghostbuster review  :rofl

"All their stuff sucks!"

How much of it have you humor and fun leeches seen?
« Last Edit: September 18, 2016, 11:15:23 AM by mormapope »


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27026 on: September 18, 2016, 11:18:06 AM »

"Prequel apologists"
"Prequel lovers"

I'd argue like that says more about the person typing them than the people they're trying to criticize. You do realize that one can enjoy something regardless of flaws and that even recognizing that something is flawed doesn't automatically mean one must hate it

More_Badass' taste in media borders on comical.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27027 on: September 18, 2016, 11:22:46 AM »
tfw you've watched the RLM Star Wars reviews more times than the prequels.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27028 on: September 18, 2016, 11:27:46 AM »
The RLM Star Wars prequel reviews are really masterpieces.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27029 on: September 18, 2016, 11:29:58 AM »
You know, it used to be the christian fundamentalists and evangelical right wingers that hated Disney for the "demonic" magic in their movies and their support of the LGBT community and gay marriage. 

They've pushed too hard and come out the other side of the political spectrum  :doge

There was a time when Jack Thompson was hated, with a furious passion, on NeoGAF.

Now that fucker and his ideologies would fit right in.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27030 on: September 18, 2016, 11:35:11 AM »
There was a time when Jack Thompson was hated, with a furious passion, on NeoGAF.

Now that fucker and his ideologies would fit right in.

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the language is usually a dead giveaway


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27031 on: September 18, 2016, 11:39:48 AM »
brandonh83 is fucking insufferable with his apologist stannery. He pulls that schtick fucking everywhere on GAF.

That guy is extremely dumb. And he stans for the lamest movies.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27032 on: September 18, 2016, 11:44:55 AM »
Outrage culture is toxic.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27033 on: September 18, 2016, 11:45:58 AM »
Jack Thompson would not make it in this current environment.  Video games are unable to make you violent but video games can and will make you a sexist.  Learn the difference, shitlord :doge


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27034 on: September 18, 2016, 11:51:27 AM »
Japan virgins thread:
Why not use hookers? That's what I did just to get it over with.

Japan using massive scale prostitution ? What could go wrong ?

All the vaginas are blurry so how do they have sex anyway


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27035 on: September 18, 2016, 11:52:03 AM »
When you tell people they should do as they please without being concerned about anyone else's opinion because it won't affect anything, they get really really angry for some reason. And start talking about reality this and reality that, yet none of what they're saying has to do with reality. It's very odd to see.

It's weird too. I would have thought such an intellectually high level and powerfully curated board like would be above such trifling kerfluffles bringing out such rage.

Ah, well. You live, you learn I suppose. Or don't. Whichever you prefer is fine with me. I won't *ack* why *arg* are *guh* you chok *ghrr* ing me *blegh*
Sounds like you are more outraged about the outrage than the original so called "outragers" are. Checkmate, shitlord. :smug


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27036 on: September 18, 2016, 11:52:46 AM »
Get so offended on behalf of a people and culture you've never thought about until today, spend the whole thread using a racism term for a different minority and culture to describe it.



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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27037 on: September 18, 2016, 12:04:16 PM »
brandonh83 is fucking insufferable with his apologist stannery. He pulls that schtick fucking everywhere on GAF.

Yeah. I like the new Blair Witch but every other fucking post in the OT is him defending it from even the slightest of criticisms. It's exhausting.

We had a guy on call tonight at my company's HQ directly across the street from FIT. He finally chimed into our Slack feed letting us know he's back home.
Holy shit, thank God I stayed home today, my heart goes out to anyone injured
I work on 42nd and 8th... Time Square, Port Authority, heavy tourist area and a bunch of crazy homeless people. I always felt that area is a giant bullseye for these kind of attacks.

Not looking forward to going to work Monday...

To be fair, I was pretty shook when the marathon bombing happened, and that was 1.5 miles away from where I was at the time.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27038 on: September 18, 2016, 12:05:22 PM »
Is the whole "Trump is a racist!" screed repeated ad nauseum having any effect on the undecided or the voting populace? It seems to me like an echo chamber and that most people have tuned it out. I'll admit while I would never vote for the guy in a million years I don't think he's a racist nor will his more questionable campaign promises (blocking Muslim immigration, building the wall) ever pass.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27039 on: September 18, 2016, 12:06:05 PM »
I will cackle for years if Clinton does lose. As much as I don't want Trump, this has to be a wake-up call to BOTH parties that the people are tired of their bullshit.

Lol, you really are the worst.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27041 on: September 18, 2016, 12:16:41 PM »
In this year alone, GAF

Turned on RLM...for mocking the Ghostbusters hysteria
Turned on AVGN...for making a video explain why he won't watch Ghostbusters
Turned on H3H3...for daring to use the term "social justice warrior" in its proper context
Turned on Jimmy Fallon...for doing his job doing fluff celebrity interviews

And they're clearly still mad as hell at Southpark.

Who is next to land on GAF's shitlist?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27042 on: September 18, 2016, 12:19:05 PM »
Is the whole "Trump is a racist!" screed repeated ad nauseum having any effect on the undecided or the voting populace? It seems to me like an echo chamber and that most people have tuned it out. I'll admit while I would never vote for the guy in a million years I don't think he's a racist nor will his more questionable campaign promises (blocking Muslim immigration, building the wall) ever pass.
It probably makes him more popular considering how many boys cried "racist!" about every single Republican for the past fifty years. Regular Republicans see it said about Gingrich, Bush, Kemp, Romney, McCain, Trump, etc. and just dismiss it as noise or as another reason to dislike Democrats.

At the same time, the people who are posting on GAF and elsewhere with that (and the alt-right RLM gamegator jimmy fallon opposite) don't interact with the rest of the world too often otherwise their constant "TRUMP IS LITERALLY HITLER, YOU ARE SUPPORTING THE KKK, DAVID DUKE AND MENGELE" mantra would just fall on deaf ears if they had any actual outlet for it.

People writ large turned against the Iraq War, but they didn't suddenly start supporting Code Pink and the Workers World Party. They were angry about the bailouts but didn't hold up in tent cities in random parks.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27043 on: September 18, 2016, 12:26:40 PM »
In this year alone, GAF

Turned on RLM...for mocking the Ghostbusters hysteria
Turned on AVGN...for making a video explain why he won't watch Ghostbusters
Turned on H3H3...for daring to use the term "social justice warrior" in its proper context
Turned on Jimmy Fallon...for doing his job doing fluff celebrity interviews

And they're clearly still mad as hell at Southpark.

Who is next to land on GAF's shitlist?

I think they turned on Anita Sarkeesian for being a Bernie supporter


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27044 on: September 18, 2016, 12:35:35 PM »
It's possible they could turn on Sony soon. Lots of distaste for PS4 Pro and that Sony exec clowning on the No Man's Sky dude

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27045 on: September 18, 2016, 12:39:13 PM »
Is the whole "Trump is a racist!" screed repeated ad nauseum having any effect on the undecided or the voting populace? It seems to me like an echo chamber and that most people have tuned it out. I'll admit while I would never vote for the guy in a million years I don't think he's a racist nor will his more questionable campaign promises (blocking Muslim immigration, building the wall) ever pass.
It probably makes him more popular considering how many boys cried "racist!" about every single Republican for the past fifty years. Regular Republicans see it said about Gingrich, Bush, Kemp, Romney, McCain, Trump, etc. and just dismiss it as noise or as another reason to dislike Democrats.

At the same time, the people who are posting on GAF and elsewhere with that (and the alt-right RLM gamegator jimmy fallon opposite) don't interact with the rest of the world too often otherwise their constant "TRUMP IS LITERALLY HITLER, YOU ARE SUPPORTING THE KKK, DAVID DUKE AND MENGELE" mantra would just fall on deaf ears if they had any actual outlet for it.

People writ large turned against the Iraq War, but they didn't suddenly start supporting Code Pink and the Workers World Party. They were angry about the bailouts but didn't hold up in tent cities in random parks.

The mainstream media sputtering into irrelevance is a big story for 2016.  I think this is probably the first election where most people are getting their political news from social media, not from TV, newspaper, or radio.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27046 on: September 18, 2016, 12:41:03 PM »
In this year alone, GAF

Turned on RLM...for mocking the Ghostbusters hysteria
Turned on AVGN...for making a video explain why he won't watch Ghostbusters
Turned on H3H3...for daring to use the term "social justice warrior" in its proper context
Turned on Jimmy Fallon...for doing his job doing fluff celebrity interviews

And they're clearly still mad as hell at Southpark.

Who is next to land on GAF's shitlist?

Lena Dunham.

Then Alison Rapp.

At then at some point Anita Sarkeesian will either say something that can be construed as white girl privileged, or she will just not be radical enough anymore. 

My predictions.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27047 on: September 18, 2016, 12:42:30 PM »
Is the whole "Trump is a racist!" screed repeated ad nauseum having any effect on the undecided or the voting populace? It seems to me like an echo chamber and that most people have tuned it out. I'll admit while I would never vote for the guy in a million years I don't think he's a racist nor will his more questionable campaign promises (blocking Muslim immigration, building the wall) ever pass.
It probably makes him more popular considering how many boys cried "racist!" about every single Republican for the past fifty years. Regular Republicans see it said about Gingrich, Bush, Kemp, Romney, McCain, Trump, etc. and just dismiss it as noise or as another reason to dislike Democrats.

At the same time, the people who are posting on GAF and elsewhere with that (and the alt-right RLM gamegator jimmy fallon opposite) don't interact with the rest of the world too often otherwise their constant "TRUMP IS LITERALLY HITLER, YOU ARE SUPPORTING THE KKK, DAVID DUKE AND MENGELE" mantra would just fall on deaf ears if they had any actual outlet for it.

People writ large turned against the Iraq War, but they didn't suddenly start supporting Code Pink and the Workers World Party. They were angry about the bailouts but didn't hold up in tent cities in random parks.

(Image removed from quote.)(Image removed from quote.)

The mainstream media sputtering into irrelevance is a big story for 2016.  I think this is probably the first election where most people are getting their political news from social media, not from TV, newspaper, or radio.

The mass media has stumbled around the issue of a Donald Trump presidency like a punch drunk prize fighter.

They do all their usual stuff but nothing is as usual.

He will say the most outlandish and extreme stuff and the media goes: "got 'em". But his supporters couldn't give less of a fuck.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27048 on: September 18, 2016, 12:45:32 PM »
It's possible they could turn on Sony soon. Lots of distaste for PS4 Pro and that Sony exec clowning on the No Man's Sky dude

Source on the NMS mocking? Not that i dont believe you, it's just that the game seemingly faded into irrelevancy almost overnight. I remember just a couple of weeks ago it was the hottest topic and now no one even mentions it. Of course its stans would prefer that everyone would just forget about it and move on, doubt they're even playing it.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27049 on: September 18, 2016, 12:47:29 PM »
Source on the NMS mocking? Not that i dont believe you, it's just that the game seemingly faded into irrelevancy almost overnight. I remember just a couple of weeks ago it was the hottest topic and now no one even mentions it. Of course its stans would prefer that everyone would just forget about it and move on, doubt they're even playing it.

king of the internet

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27050 on: September 18, 2016, 12:47:51 PM »
I think Shu said Hello Games made too many promises. That's about it.

I wonder if they're still giving out refunds. Need 2 do that.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27051 on: September 18, 2016, 12:55:36 PM »
In this year alone, GAF

Turned on RLM...for mocking the Ghostbusters hysteria
Turned on AVGN...for making a video explain why he won't watch Ghostbusters
Turned on H3H3...for daring to use the term "social justice warrior" in its proper context
Turned on Jimmy Fallon...for doing his job doing fluff celebrity interviews

And they're clearly still mad as hell at Southpark.

Who is next to land on GAF's shitlist?

Lena Dunham.

Then Alison Rapp.

At then at some point Anita Sarkeesian will either say something that can be construed as white girl privileged, or she will just not be radical enough anymore. 

My predictions.

Forgot about Dunham. I definitely see GAF turning on her soon. In the last thread about her, a lot of them were giving her the stink eye. She probably have one or two more "problematic" incidents before she lands in GAF's doghouse.

Take My Breh Away

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27052 on: September 18, 2016, 12:58:28 PM »
It's possible they could turn on Sony soon. Lots of distaste for PS4 Pro and that Sony exec clowning on the No Man's Sky dude

God no. They are stanning hard for the "Upscaled Checkerboard Rendering looks just like Native resolution" line Sony is feeding them after spending a month shitting on Quantum Break on Xbone for using the same method (And there was a lot more shit you could throw at Quantum Break instead of a resolution compromise) and stood by "Arrogant Sony" even after Sony said dumb shit like calling the 3DS a "Babysitting tool" in comparison to Vita. The stupid bird is still going and now blaming Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics for making the pro look bad as the party line.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27053 on: September 18, 2016, 12:59:24 PM »
Source on the NMS mocking? Not that i dont believe you, it's just that the game seemingly faded into irrelevancy almost overnight. I remember just a couple of weeks ago it was the hottest topic and now no one even mentions it. Of course its stans would prefer that everyone would just forget about it and move on, doubt they're even playing it.

Haha, priceless! Sony is absolutely washing their hands off the Sean Murray fiasco!


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27054 on: September 18, 2016, 01:03:03 PM »
Is the whole "Trump is a racist!" screed repeated ad nauseum having any effect on the undecided or the voting populace? It seems to me like an echo chamber and that most people have tuned it out. I'll admit while I would never vote for the guy in a million years I don't think he's a racist nor will his more questionable campaign promises (blocking Muslim immigration, building the wall) ever pass.

What :lol
The dude is super racist, does he need to put on a hood and robes to prove it? Because he's about halfway there


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27055 on: September 18, 2016, 01:09:57 PM »
It's an endless cycle and it's all over the board because it's the same mentality. Everything is decided by display of intentions. The goal, whether to expose an xbot or gator is to personally call into question a persons intentions, thus being able to forever sidestep their actual statements or arguments, and hopefully spark the pile on.

And as the one poster openly said about H3H3, he looks for reasons to get suspicious of people. Either through words they might use or whatever. Because he's looking for those to know its safe to exclude the person without having to hear them out.

The constant virtue signaling is a race to declare and display the highest intentions and thus trump everyone else. Their identities are all tied up with corporations and products that they identify with first before defining themselves.

It's why they're insecure about review scores, and there MUST BE A MOTIVE underlying it. It makes them more uncomfortable that dissenting opinions exist than what the dissenting opinions actually are. You don't need to read the review, you know they're monsters just because they gave it a 4/10. You didn't need to read the review to buy the game and like it, you intended on it, you need confirmation though.

Once you can create a simple concept, Trump is the biggest racist in history, which is clearly obvious to me and thus should be to everyone, therefore anyone who likes him must also be massively racist. There are no other potential explanations. Everyone must deplore monogamous relationships and transcend such lower class plebes. No Man's Sky is perfect, you're just enjoying it wrong by not enjoying it. Or you probably have some kind of motive like trying to hurt their jobs out of jealousy.

Nobody is to be trusted until they display the proper virtue signals. And since these are easily adopted it increases the amount of people within the circle which increases the chances of dissenting voices necessitating higher oaths of fealty that both lump more people into the deplorables category and thus increase the exclusivity of the superior circle. It's why they turn on their own the worst. Harsher and harsher punishments for lesser and lesser crimes.

And lol you actually read this far I think I lost the plot two paragraphs ago. TL;DR: benji is a fucking moron who shouldn't ever wax philosophical about anything ever. What a loon, why doesn't he just play clicker games instead of forum shitposting?


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27056 on: September 18, 2016, 01:16:33 PM »
glad no one was killed. I hope buying pressure cookers doesn't become a suspicious activity in the future.

 :lol :doge :lol

Joe Molotov

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27057 on: September 18, 2016, 01:30:13 PM »
Sounds like people getting super triggered by GAF itt.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27058 on: September 18, 2016, 01:34:00 PM »
Sounds like people getting super triggered by GAF itt.

That is the purpose of this thread, yes.



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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27059 on: September 18, 2016, 01:36:44 PM »
Sounds like people getting super triggered by GAF itt.

It's just criticism. It's allowed. Don't you understand that? Why are you annoyed by people just criticizing? Are you outraged about our outrage?