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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #540 on: July 20, 2016, 01:01:33 AM »
Tried out the KOF XIV demo last night.  The PSN AU store had it up already.

You get seven characters to try -I used everyone except for Kyo and Iori- and they feel pretty unique from each other.  Not just their movesets, but walking/jumping speed and weight.  The game feels a little stiff compared to other fighting games, but this makes it feel a bit more like the sprite-based SNK fighters did.  Gameplay is a little closer to the classic KOF style and feels a little easier to get into than XIII, which is a good thing.   Visually the game isn't going to be winning awards and it still looks "last-gen," but it's acceptable and the characters have a lot of personality.  The backgrounds look great and pretty's the character models that need work.  Both in detail and in things like clipping.

I tried:

Mai Shiranui- Good lord is that bounce as ridiculous as ever.  :lol  Feels like classic Mai.  Was able to pick up and play her pretty easily.

Sylvie Paula Paula- Thought I'd hate this character -her design is so stupid- but in-game...I liked her.  Use electrical-based moves and has some pretty funny animations.  Love her backwards-walking animation.

TIZOCKing of Dinosaurs- Has some different moves compared to Tizoc, but is a crazy-fun grappler to use.  Has both grapples and slashing attacks.

Shun-Ei- He summons two giant hands that do most of his specials for him.  Feels pretty fast and has some air stuff he can do, too.

Nelson- This boxer plays more like a Buriki One character-- he has no special moves and instead of you can chain his various punches together with directions, like doing f+lp, b+lk, u+hp, etc.  Definitely feels a lot different than most other characters.  Good variety.

Yeah, just tried the demo.  Like the character variety.  Characters have a fuckload of supers and with EX mods, everyone not Nelson has a ton of attacks.  I'm not entirely sold on this idea of locking ex moves behind max mode and characters seem to have a ton of life, but gotta play against people and see if it feels right.

Loading could still use some help, especially since this demo is running off the HDD and still had loads between every round :/


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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #541 on: July 20, 2016, 03:28:23 PM »
SFIV was deemed shallow its entire run because people could punch out lights on wakeup,

Wait so are you saying SF4 was shallow because you could break through knockdown pressure by just mashing lights? If that were even remotely true then SF4 wouldn't be known as such a setup heavy fighter. You're accusing me of not knowing what I'm talking about and the very first line in your post is complete nonsense wtf

focus attacks were dubbed as a poor replacement for parries
Focus attacks had a variety of uses in the neutral such as punishing poke attempts by focusing just before you predict they will hit a button, focus absorbing attacks to gain ultra meter and as a pressure tool depending on the character because a number of them were positive on block after focus attack lvl 2 which meant you got to start your offense if you made them block your FA lvl 2. That's three ways in which focus attacks changed and shaped the way neutral was played in SF4. Far more than V-Trigger.

in hindsight original SFIV was pretty terrible
In what ways?

the game didn't get good until Super.
In what ways did it get good during Super?

Saying V-trigger is only for combo extension is illogical. V-trigger's main value is for punishing. If someone whiffs and you've got trigger, a good crush counter -> v-trigger -> combo -> CA will keep you ahead.

That's called a combo extension lmao

Nash's v-trigger is his savior because Nash lacks a good wake up option and is a sitting duck in the corner. So it's wise to use v-trigger over v-resersal because v-trigger will get you out of the corner. Saying Nash's v-trigger is nothing more than combo extension, or Dhalsim's which creates space, or Fang's, or Guile's which gives him endless pressure options as merely combo extension makes it makes it obvious you have probably spent all of two hours playing Street Fighter V.

First of all, Nash is unique in the roster when it comes to V-trigger. His has usage for more than just combo extensions and that is one of the reasons why he is top tier. His v-trigger can be used to get out of bad situations.
to mixup your opponent and as a simple combo extension as well. The problem is that extremely few VTs in the game are like this. Sim's v-trigger is easily countered by v-reversal his slide xx VT attempt and that massively reduces its effectiveness because the move is very easy to avoid if sim does it raw. Fang's VT is often cited as being one of the worst v-triggers in the game. FANG's poison does extremely little damage and moreover it cannot kill no matter if you have 1 pixel of life left. I would love for you to show me a single FANG player who uses v-trigger in neutral effectively.

Also, your bit about Guile's "endless pressure" options in VT mode is complete fantasy. Guile cannot cancel his v-trigger booms into anything other than another boom. This means that the answer to beating Guile's "endless pressure" is holding back because he gets no mixups or setups off his VT. The best you can get out of it in neutral is maybe a few seconds of your opponent blocking, but only if they are far away from you. The start up on guile's VT booms is long so you are in danger of getting jumped in on if you raw activate at close range. The main way that Guile players use his VT is, you guessed it, as a combo extension.

Walk speed depends on the character.

Every single character except for Ryu is slower in SFV compared to their SFIV version

you're not considering the disparity between walk speed and dash as options. Why do you think Infiltration uses dash so much? Nash has one of the fastest Dash's in the game and it's supposed to be utilized as weapon of weaving in and out to win out footsy skirmishes.

I'm not considering it because you don't play footsies by dashing rofl. Footsies is about spacing and the control of said spacing. Dashing is about bypassing said spacing and instantly getting in your opponent's face to mix them up. You're either dashing into close range or dashing out of the mid range to avoid footsies. This is precisely the reason why Capcom lowered walkspeeds and and buffed dashes. They wanted to create a more confrontational game where it is harder for your opponent to keep you out in the mid range. This is also why anti-airs are so shit. They want jumping to be more effective because jumping is much easier than trying to fight your way in on the ground.

The range of normals
Like walkspeeds, are lower and slower pon average compared to SF4.

The effectiveness of specials? What? They're the same they've ever been.

??? what the fuck lol. Have you looked at Guile's frame data? Or Balrog's? Or Bison's? Or Cammy's? Or Gief's? Or the rest of the characters? You sound completely clueless.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 05:08:19 PM by Yulwei »


  • 8 diagram pole rider
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #542 on: July 20, 2016, 04:02:58 PM »
how old is that post/does QoI even post anymore ???


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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #543 on: July 20, 2016, 04:17:41 PM »
Yeah it's from today in the gaf thread lol

I decided to reply here as to not derail that thread more


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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #544 on: July 20, 2016, 04:34:00 PM »
Last time I played SFV was when Alex/Guile came out?  And that was just one session checking them out in training mode.  I don't know when I'll ever put it back in again.  I like it, but for instance I'm having a local fighting game night this Friday and we're playing Xrd Rev & KoFXIV demo.  When I tried playing SFV with local casuals, after about an hour everyone wanted to change games because SFV wasn't flashy enough.  I think SFV is great for its market (competitive multiplayer game), but terrible for everything else.  As a single player gamer I just don't see any reason to boot it up over Xrd Rev where I'm loving the arcade mode stories, the story mode, M.O.M rpg-ish mode, training challenges and then by the time I get through all that Blazblue CF will be out with just as much single player content.  KoF will be fun for local casual competition with a billion characters and turbo max mode, but yeah I don't think we'll ever go back to SFV.  SFxTekken didn't last more than 1 session either.  SFIV lasted for a few months.  People liked the focus system and the cast.


  • 8 diagram pole rider
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #545 on: July 20, 2016, 04:43:11 PM »
making me look at the gaf thread smh

anyway, it's strange how perceptions change on these things. third strike was this godly game that was unfairly shafted because it was 'too high level' or 'because they threw out fan favorite characters', then it's re-released and all that fizzles out because people just wanna remember it fondly rather than play it I suppose. reminds me how Ketsui was always hyped up as the lowkey best cave game, but then ps3 release came out and you didn't need a J360 to play it anymore and now you don't really hear that same fervor about it. Jockeying for prestige of being seen as in the know seems v exhausting.


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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #546 on: July 20, 2016, 04:49:18 PM »
Last time I played SFV was when Alex/Guile came out?  And that was just one session checking them out in training mode.  I don't know when I'll ever put it back in again.  I like it, but for instance I'm having a local fighting game night this Friday and we're playing Xrd Rev & KoFXIV demo.  When I tried playing SFV with local casuals, after about an hour everyone wanted to change games because SFV wasn't flashy enough.  I think SFV is great for its market (competitive multiplayer game), but terrible for everything else.  As a single player gamer I just don't see any reason to boot it up over Xrd Rev where I'm loving the arcade mode stories, the story mode, M.O.M rpg-ish mode, training challenges and then by the time I get through all that Blazblue CF will be out with just as much single player content.  KoF will be fun for local casual competition with a billion characters and turbo max mode, but yeah I don't think we'll ever go back to SFV.  SFxTekken didn't last more than 1 session either.  SFIV lasted for a few months.  People liked the focus system and the cast.

Yeah I like a lot of things that SFV does such as less reliance on setups, option selects, etc but the game just isn't very fun to play due to how much they simplified characters and certain mechanics.

KoF14 and Xrd Revelator definitely deserve the praise. Kof14 looks really fun from all the footage I've seen and Xrd is a great game that I wish was more popular in my area.


  • 8 diagram pole rider
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #547 on: July 20, 2016, 04:53:58 PM »
i only play revelator online and it's usually super nice.  wish the fishing mini-game was more involved tho :'(


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #548 on: July 20, 2016, 04:57:20 PM »
Yeah it's from today in the gaf thread lol

I decided to reply here as to not derail that thread more

You should at least ping her with the quote callback.


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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #549 on: July 20, 2016, 05:30:19 PM »
i only play revelator online and it's usually super nice.  wish the fishing mini-game was more involved tho :'(

I think it's hilarious how fishing is like a staple of Japanese gaming.  Fishing in Trials of the Sky/Cold Steel, Fishing in Nier, Fishing in Revelator, Fishing in Dark Cloud 2.  I wonder how simple fishing games became an iconic mainstay of Japanese videogames.


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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #550 on: July 21, 2016, 03:21:29 AM »
Been listening to the Xrd soundtrack.  Ky's theme Magnolia Eclair's guitar intro as Ky walks out on his stage is pretty much the epitome of badass.  I also really like Millia's theme Lily of Steel and May's theme (forgot what it's called) is really 80s happy guitar rock melody.

Was trying to find them on youtube the other day to link them to someone and wtf ASW/Xseed or someeone's been purging Guilty Gear music off youtube.  90% of the playlists are dead and people have to use weird sped up or remixed versions to keep them online.  Super lame, especially since GG has great music that should be shared.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #551 on: July 21, 2016, 09:32:02 AM »
making me look at the gaf thread smh

anyway, it's strange how perceptions change on these things. third strike was this godly game that was unfairly shafted because it was 'too high level' or 'because they threw out fan favorite characters', then it's re-released and all that fizzles out because people just wanna remember it fondly rather than play it I suppose. reminds me how Ketsui was always hyped up as the lowkey best cave game, but then ps3 release came out and you didn't need a J360 to play it anymore and now you don't really hear that same fervor about it. Jockeying for prestige of being seen as in the know seems v exhausting.

This is my perspective on it as a frequent denizen/game shop employee/arcade player at the time- New Generation came out and basically "bombed."  In my area, only one arcade had it for a brief amount of time.  It didn't seem to get much praise on Usenet and felt kind of unfinished.  2nd Impact fixed a lot of issues, but the arcade release seemed very limited.  Nobody in my area had it and players didn't seem to care...Tekken and the Vs. games had all the attention.  In fact, the first time I played it was when a buddy and I went in together and bought a Supergun and CPS3 in the summer of '99. 

Then 3rd Strike hit.  More arcades had it, but it went largely ignored.  I don't remember making much of a splash, but there certainly was interest in Double Impact and 3rd Strike when they came out on the Dreamcast. 

But it still didn't seem to be a hug thing among the growing "FGC" until stuff like Evo moment #37 happened, years later.  I mean, there was definitely interest in the game, but people didn't really seem to be going nutso for it until the around 2003 or so. 

The game was then an instant-classic, super-deep, the best fighter EVAR, etc etc., especially when a lot of people saw what SF4 was going to be.

I was never that big on the game and hated that Chun/Ken/Yun were the clear top tiers and dominated the game, too.  Never was able to find a main, either.  I was way more into the Alpha games and was glad to have SFA3 when it came out, even though I didn't really warm up to that game until it hit home consoles.  I was nutso for KOF '98 and Real Bout 2 at the time.

People just like to bitch and whine and say that the older games are better, even though they bitched and whined about those games, too.  :lol  Street Fighter V is far from perfect and deserves to be shit on for some of the design choices they made, but the fighting engine is solid and I like that certain things were toned down/simplified from 4 (and I sure as hell don't miss that vortex crap).  The game feels a little more old school in that regard and it actually kind of makes me scratch my head that casual players, like Bebpo's buddies, wouldn't be all over that.  It should be far easier to pick up and play...especially compared to KOF and GG.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2016, 09:47:01 AM by bork pls »


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #552 on: July 21, 2016, 09:58:46 AM »
Another thing about Street Fighter (in general) is that I can always go online at any time of the day and find shitloads of matches available.  Sadly that is not the case for a lot of other fighting games, and that's a big reason why I play SFV so much- plenty of players and good netcode.  These are important to me because I'm 100% an online warrior at this point.  I never play locally with anyone.

I'd like to play more DOA5 LR, but the netcode is so poor that most matches run like dogshit for me, so I'll boot it for a bit and mess around in practice mode, go into a match, and then get frustrated at all the lag and go back to SF. 

Guilty Gear/BB have great netcode too, but the lobby system is too complex for its own good.  You have to choose a region/area, then go into a 64 man lobby, then from there you can guide your avatar to a machine and wait for someone to play, or enter yourself in ranked/player matches and wait, or go into a smaller player lobby and queue up or wait for people.  I would much rather just have simplified Ranked/Player and mini-lobby options from the main menu.

I really hope that KOF XIV plays well online.  SNK did an absolutely horrible job with their online games last gen, and while The Last Blade 2 on Vita/PS4 is better, you get virtually no options for filtering/searching and there's barely anyone playing.  That's also a problem with their PC games.  The ports of KOF XIII and the UM games play great online...but there's virtually nobody playing, especially the UM games.  :-\  I'm sure that KOF XIV will have more people on, but if the netcode isn't up to par it's going to drop off and die for me too quickly.


  • Live Más
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #553 on: July 21, 2016, 11:10:00 AM »
Another reason Tekken is great. You can still find matches no problem. Hell I even popped on to T5DR recently and there were folks still playing. :lol


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #554 on: July 21, 2016, 11:24:26 AM »
The game feels a little more old school in that regard and it actually kind of makes me scratch my head that casual players, like Bebpo's buddies, wouldn't be all over that.

No offline content, breh. Casuals don't want to fight online. They want offline options. Vs Player is fine and dandy, but when they don't have another player, what then? :doge


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #555 on: July 21, 2016, 11:46:58 AM »
Another reason Tekken is great. You can still find matches no problem. Hell I even popped on to T5DR recently and there were folks still playing. :lol

Tekken definitely has an active community, too- even the last time I tried TTT2 on WII U, I found matches pretty easily.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #556 on: July 21, 2016, 11:50:06 AM »
The game feels a little more old school in that regard and it actually kind of makes me scratch my head that casual players, like Bebpo's buddies, wouldn't be all over that.

No offline content, breh. Casuals don't want to fight online. They want offline options. Vs Player is fine and dandy, but when they don't have another player, what then? :doge

I was talking specifically about Bebpo's buddies...I.E. versus, bruh.
:ufup have character story, you have story, you have broken survival, you have have offline options.  We just know that it's fucked up without a straight-up vs. AI mode.  I don't believe that casual players don't want to play online, either- at this point it's normal to get online on everything and I certainly have run into plenty of newbies.



  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #557 on: July 21, 2016, 11:59:37 AM »
.you have character story,

Smash LP/LK for two minutes while smashing them to get through the story lines.

you have story

Okay, but even then not everyone wants that.

you have broken survival,

Which is ass.

you have training...

You think casuals are using training mode? :doge

I don't believe that casual players don't want to play online, either- at this point it's normal to get online on everything and I certainly have run into plenty of newbies.

Everyone I know that bought Marvel didn't play it online. That's just one example and ancidotal, I know. But I wouldn't be shocked if a majority of casuals never touch the online mode more than like maybe 10 mins.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #558 on: July 21, 2016, 01:17:03 PM »
.you have character story,

Smash LP/LK for two minutes while smashing them to get through the story lines.

Sounds perfect for casuals!  :doge

you have story

Okay, but even then not everyone wants that.

OK...?  It's more content that has been added.

you have broken survival,

Which is ass.

Hence "broken."

you have training...

You think casuals are using training mode? :doge

Well...I wasn't actually referring to just casuals when I said this.  Just offline in general.

Everyone I know that bought Marvel didn't play it online. That's just one example and ancidotal, I know. But I wouldn't be shocked if a majority of casuals never touch the online mode more than like maybe 10 mins.

The last Marvel game was released four years ago on the previous gen consoles.  Times have already changed that much.  It's all about the online now.  Street Fighter V was released as a "service" and clearly was made to be played as a multiplayer game with a heavy online focus.  We've already talked about this before and I'm absolutely not saying that this is an excuse not to have an arcade mode and all that kind of stuff, either.  I mean they could have looked to games like Titanfall and seen what the reaction was when the game shipped without single player content and they are dumb for not A) fixing survival and B) announcing an arcade ladder.

Then again...I don't see too much bitching about Overwatch not having single player content.  Maybe I'm just not looking at the right threads/sites.


  • 𝕩𝕩𝕩
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #559 on: July 22, 2016, 05:05:19 PM »


  • Live Más
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #560 on: July 22, 2016, 06:04:24 PM »
jesus those faces :lol


  • 8 diagram pole rider
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #561 on: July 22, 2016, 06:36:27 PM »
netherrealm  :shaq2


  • 𝕩𝕩𝕩
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #562 on: July 22, 2016, 08:03:40 PM »


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #563 on: July 22, 2016, 09:57:40 PM »
Everything else is visually improved...and then Wonder Woman's face is just  :rofl

I guess that's why they have all that armor and shit...cover 'em up.  :doge


  • 𝕩𝕩𝕩
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #564 on: July 22, 2016, 09:59:07 PM »
I think her face is fine.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #565 on: July 22, 2016, 10:01:42 PM »
I think her face is fine.

spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Senior Member
Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #566 on: July 22, 2016, 10:51:38 PM »
SFIV was deemed shallow its entire run because people could punch out lights on wakeup,

Wait so are you saying SF4 was shallow because you could break through knockdown pressure by just mashing lights? If that were even remotely true then SF4 wouldn't be known as such a setup heavy fighter. You're accusing me of not knowing what I'm talking about and the very first line in your post is complete nonsense wtf

focus attacks were dubbed as a poor replacement for parries
Focus attacks had a variety of uses in the neutral such as punishing poke attempts by focusing just before you predict they will hit a button, focus absorbing attacks to gain ultra meter and as a pressure tool depending on the character because a number of them were positive on block after focus attack lvl 2 which meant you got to start your offense if you made them block your FA lvl 2. That's three ways in which focus attacks changed and shaped the way neutral was played in SF4. Far more than V-Trigger.

in hindsight original SFIV was pretty terrible
In what ways?

the game didn't get good until Super.
In what ways did it get good during Super?

Saying V-trigger is only for combo extension is illogical. V-trigger's main value is for punishing. If someone whiffs and you've got trigger, a good crush counter -> v-trigger -> combo -> CA will keep you ahead.

That's called a combo extension lmao

Nash's v-trigger is his savior because Nash lacks a good wake up option and is a sitting duck in the corner. So it's wise to use v-trigger over v-resersal because v-trigger will get you out of the corner. Saying Nash's v-trigger is nothing more than combo extension, or Dhalsim's which creates space, or Fang's, or Guile's which gives him endless pressure options as merely combo extension makes it makes it obvious you have probably spent all of two hours playing Street Fighter V.

First of all, Nash is unique in the roster when it comes to V-trigger. His has usage for more than just combo extensions and that is one of the reasons why he is top tier. His v-trigger can be used to get out of bad situations.
to mixup your opponent and as a simple combo extension as well. The problem is that extremely few VTs in the game are like this. Sim's v-trigger is easily countered by v-reversal his slide xx VT attempt and that massively reduces its effectiveness because the move is very easy to avoid if sim does it raw. Fang's VT is often cited as being one of the worst v-triggers in the game. FANG's poison does extremely little damage and moreover it cannot kill no matter if you have 1 pixel of life left. I would love for you to show me a single FANG player who uses v-trigger in neutral effectively.

Also, your bit about Guile's "endless pressure" options in VT mode is complete fantasy. Guile cannot cancel his v-trigger booms into anything other than another boom. This means that the answer to beating Guile's "endless pressure" is holding back because he gets no mixups or setups off his VT. The best you can get out of it in neutral is maybe a few seconds of your opponent blocking, but only if they are far away from you. The start up on guile's VT booms is long so you are in danger of getting jumped in on if you raw activate at close range. The main way that Guile players use his VT is, you guessed it, as a combo extension.

Walk speed depends on the character.
(Image removed from quote.)
Every single character except for Ryu is slower in SFV compared to their SFIV version

you're not considering the disparity between walk speed and dash as options. Why do you think Infiltration uses dash so much? Nash has one of the fastest Dash's in the game and it's supposed to be utilized as weapon of weaving in and out to win out footsy skirmishes.

I'm not considering it because you don't play footsies by dashing rofl. Footsies is about spacing and the control of said spacing. Dashing is about bypassing said spacing and instantly getting in your opponent's face to mix them up. You're either dashing into close range or dashing out of the mid range to avoid footsies. This is precisely the reason why Capcom lowered walkspeeds and and buffed dashes. They wanted to create a more confrontational game where it is harder for your opponent to keep you out in the mid range. This is also why anti-airs are so shit. They want jumping to be more effective because jumping is much easier than trying to fight your way in on the ground.

The range of normals
Like walkspeeds, are lower and slower pon average compared to SF4.

The effectiveness of specials? What? They're the same they've ever been.

??? what the fuck lol. Have you looked at Guile's frame data? Or Balrog's? Or Bison's? Or Cammy's? Or Gief's? Or the rest of the characters? You sound completely clueless.

I don't think you read my post and you're assuming a lot.

I love SFIV. But those are common complaints. SFIV was considered shallow as fuck by many.  That's just pure facts, so this claim of yours that no one considered SFIV shallow is false and lol worthy. I gave you examples of common SFIV complaints. I don't agree with them, but they are common complaints. Here's your vortex, here's your shitty gimmick character. People complained about mashing lights quite a bit especially on how easy was to get out of pressure and why they SALIVATED over crush counters. A lot of them were flat out wrong, but that doesn't take away that people complained about it. People hated how in SFIV it seemed more about looking systems and option selects than about space, footsie. People said V was a return of footsies. Before it came out people like PR Rog that you quoted were like "SFIV players gonna have trouble because you need fundamentals in this." This is straight facts. Debate it. I'll bring up examples easy. People complained about SFIV its entire run as inferior to Third Strike. Another fact. Were they a minority? Oh yeah. This was common on SRK as well as within general fighting game meet ups. I remember people complaining about focus attacks being a poor replacement for parries and the game being slow af for an SF for years.

I didn't say that v trigger didn't allow combo extension. I said that your claim was fucking stupid and that it's more than combo extension. Laura's v trigger let's her use her v skill dash and get in your face at almost full screen. Her fireballs also travel further and last longer.  For a grappler who has to get in I shouldn't have to say why this important and can help you win matches. Sure sounds just like combo extension! Dhalism's lays out a fire carpet which enables a fire effect that whittles life bit by bit, allowing Sim to trap the player in his fire carpet and play space wars. Sure sounds like combo extension! Gief's v trigger gives him a buff and armor and a whirlwind to suck people in. Sure sounds like combo extension! But Nash is unique from the cast!

Every character except Ryu is slower? Did you even read the same chart you listed? Back walk speed isn't slower for a lot of characters. Claw's forward walk speed is the SAME. Sim's back walk speed is the same. Ken's back walk speed is FASTER. You say they're slower when most aren't even dramatically slower.  They're slower by .2 or 3 points. Either way, SFV is a faster game.

I asked you about specials because I had no one idea what you meant by that comment. What is this frame data? You mean the frame data of the specials?

You say dashing isn't how you play footsies but I never said you play footsies by dashing. :doge I'm talking about dashing as a utilization of space and pressure. This should be obvious with characters like Bison, Cammy, Nash;etc. Also, let me get this straight: you are incapable of doing footsies because of SFV's walk speeds?

SFV normals are definitely stubby. Not sure why this makes it worse than SFIV besides the inconsistent anti air hit boxes.

My main takeaway is that you don't like SFV. Fine. A lot of us think it's a great game and play it happily. But don't use your favorite pro players as proof that SFV sucks. Like I said, different games have different audiences. I think simplifying SFV to what Rog said is dumb. Most players think the game is fine.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2016, 11:24:26 PM by Queen of Ice »


  • 8 diagram pole rider
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #567 on: July 22, 2016, 11:07:18 PM »
I don't think you read my post and you're assuming a lot.


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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #568 on: July 22, 2016, 11:10:49 PM »
Also Ibuki is a vortex character in V, Lyte. Thought it's not as  dumb as in IV.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #569 on: July 22, 2016, 11:25:16 PM »
Also Ibuki is a vortex character in V, Lyte. Thought it's not as  dumb as in IV.

That's what I mean.  It's not ridiculous anymore.

....Or people just haven't discovered something yet.  :lol


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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #570 on: July 22, 2016, 11:25:34 PM »
"No one called SFIV shallow."



How could I ever forget. Invincible back dash on wakeup. "SFIV gives players too many options." Ahhhhh yes. No one ever said SFIV was shallow. Read the comments. Remember when SFIV was considered Safe Fighter? :rofl No one considered SFIV shallow eh, Yulwei?

Straight stiches over here.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2016, 11:30:29 PM by Queen of Ice »


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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #571 on: July 22, 2016, 11:34:12 PM »
Also Ibuki is a vortex character in V, Lyte. Thought it's not as  dumb as in IV.

That's what I mean.  It's not ridiculous anymore.

....Or people just haven't discovered something yet.  :lol

So far the only issue is Mika who is a trash character. I felt so happy seeing that bitch get wrecked by infiltration at EVO. Fuck your mixups. Seeing Infiltration adapt to Mika by using space (via backdash Yulwei-san :doge) was too good. I was hoping Fuudo would adapt to Infil's new game plan but maybe so many perfects didn't go too well for him. Too much pressure.


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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #572 on: July 23, 2016, 01:39:04 AM »
I suspected it before but now I know it's true. I'm guessing you have 50 hours max of playtime across all of street fighter :neogaf

That's okay I'll take the L for seriously replying to you



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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #573 on: July 23, 2016, 11:18:46 AM »
Haven't played it much since we got Alex, but I didn't realize Mika was so hated in SFV. Won't stop me from using her though. :patel


  • Do the moron
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #574 on: July 23, 2016, 12:19:49 PM »
FGC on FGC violence, when will it stop ? :brazilcry

Take My Breh Away

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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #575 on: July 23, 2016, 12:30:54 PM »
FGC on FGC violence, when will it stop ? :brazilcry

So Cal Regionals dropped Mahvel for Smash.

Civil War, soon :goty


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #576 on: July 23, 2016, 12:38:05 PM »
I suspected it before but now I know it's true. I'm guessing you have 50 hours max of playtime across all of street fighter :neogaf

That's okay I'll take the L for seriously replying to you


Only one way to settle this- IN THE RING.  You guys need to have a match.


  • perennial loser
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #577 on: July 24, 2016, 12:37:16 AM »


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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #578 on: July 24, 2016, 09:36:19 PM »
KoFXIV didn't do so well with my casual fighting game group on Friday night.  Maybe it's because the demo had such a small cast, but I think it's more the loading between rounds just makes it a weird pace of "really intense round.  Stop and watch a loading screen.  Really intense round with different characters.  Stop and watch a loading screen." and then 5 minutes later someone has finally won the match (I'm exaggerating slightly).  I think if we do get KoFXIV to take off, it'll be in 1 on 1 mode.  That being said I really like KoFXIV personally, so I'm hoping the single player stuff will be decent enough to keep me entertained playing on my own or the netcode will be good enough to play on line with other non-serious KoF players (I've played every KoF since 94, but it's never been a dedicated series for me, so I know everyone's moves [returning chars], but I just roll BnB combos and nothing advanced).

About halfway through the arcade mode stories in Rev, it's interesting in how the story is a lot more satisfying having played all of Sign's story.  I'm actually interested in all these various subplots like Axl/I-No's time travel out of alignment stuff, Slayer/Eddie/Millia/Venom's Assassin Storyline, Chip/Johnny/Faust/May's mystery of the Japanese storyline, and of course all the Sol/The Man stuff.  Bedman's really interesting too.  After I catch up with Guilty Gear's story I'm planning on finally getting around to Blazblue's storyline.  Kind of on the fence between just reading a synopsis and going through Central Fiction's ending storyline to the series, or jumping back to CT and going through CT, CS, and CP's stories before CF to enjoy the plot and characters more.  I've never really had the patience to sit through stories in fighting games because in Japan they've always been done as Visual Novels and I fucking hate visual novels, so now that Xrd is fully 3rd cutscenes I'm super enjoying it (kind of like how Time Travelers was the first VN I really loved because it was full 3d cutscenes w/voice).

Also after playing a lot of Rev versus with a arcade stick, I think I actually play way better with a pad in GG.  Arcade stick is great for SFV and six button fighters, but GG is so fucking fast that I can double tap air-dash around much easier and quicker on a d-pad than my arcade stick.  Think I might switch back to a pad, although I'm a little better than my fighting game friends so playing on a stick gives me a bit of a handicap and makes it more even haha


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #579 on: July 24, 2016, 10:15:20 PM »
KoFXIV didn't do so well with my casual fighting game group on Friday night.  Maybe it's because the demo had such a small cast, but I think it's more the loading between rounds just makes it a weird pace of "really intense round.  Stop and watch a loading screen.  Really intense round with different characters.  Stop and watch a loading screen." and then 5 minutes later someone has finally won the match (I'm exaggerating slightly).  I think if we do get KoFXIV to take off, it'll be in 1 on 1 mode.  That being said I really like KoFXIV personally, so I'm hoping the single player stuff will be decent enough to keep me entertained playing on my own or the netcode will be good enough to play on line with other non-serious KoF players (I've played every KoF since 94, but it's never been a dedicated series for me, so I know everyone's moves [returning chars], but I just roll BnB combos and nothing advanced).

Holy shit, Bebpo actually might play online!  :o

The load times are super-short between rounds.  I see little to complain about there.  Did your friends pick up on the LP mash auto-combos, btw?


  • Senior Member
Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #580 on: July 24, 2016, 11:44:13 PM »
KoFXIV didn't do so well with my casual fighting game group on Friday night.  Maybe it's because the demo had such a small cast, but I think it's more the loading between rounds just makes it a weird pace of "really intense round.  Stop and watch a loading screen.  Really intense round with different characters.  Stop and watch a loading screen." and then 5 minutes later someone has finally won the match (I'm exaggerating slightly).  I think if we do get KoFXIV to take off, it'll be in 1 on 1 mode.  That being said I really like KoFXIV personally, so I'm hoping the single player stuff will be decent enough to keep me entertained playing on my own or the netcode will be good enough to play on line with other non-serious KoF players (I've played every KoF since 94, but it's never been a dedicated series for me, so I know everyone's moves [returning chars], but I just roll BnB combos and nothing advanced).

Holy shit, Bebpo actually might play online!  :o

The load times are super-short between rounds.  I see little to complain about there.  Did your friends pick up on the LP mash auto-combos, btw?

Eh, for a game like this there really shouldn't be any loading at all between rounds.  Breaks the flow of the matches imo.  And yeah we knew about the auto-combo but no one uses it.  I mean when I say my casual fighting game friends, it's people who've been playing FGs since the original SF2 and know basic moves, movement footsies, wake up game and generic BnB jump, ducking short, fireball type combos.  Just nobody's read faqs or guides on more advanced play specific combos or move properties for which are the best normals.  That's what I define as "casual".  I guess it's more like something between button-mashing casual players & people who follow fighting game/character guides/tournaments advanced players and learn how to play characters very intricately.  Dunno what people call the between skill level these days.  Outside of Virtua Fighter I play everything in that mid-tier level myself.  VF is the only FG where I know deep tactics and have fairly high execution with a handful of characters over the decades.


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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #581 on: July 31, 2016, 03:22:57 AM »

@12:15 vs Johnny

First of all Leo is an awesome character, really dig all the new cast Arc's created for Xrd so far.  Guile + Fei-Long + back stance is a cool mix. 
Second of all, gotta love the in-game story-telling presentation.  The colors are just OH MAN THE COLORS  :dizzy plus the interactions between the characters are great.  No other fighting game's done story as well as this so far from my experience.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #582 on: August 01, 2016, 01:57:09 PM »
Oh man, SFV runs on my Surface Pro.  Gotta turn everything way the hell down and run it in low spec mode...but it runs at 60 FPS.

Time for SFV anywhere.

(I already have a laptop, but this is way more portable  :doge)


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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #583 on: August 02, 2016, 08:17:56 AM »
If MvC4 does happen I hope Capcom takes a cue from Xrd's visuals.

Those kind of graphics with Capcom quality animations would be :mouf


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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #584 on: August 05, 2016, 11:55:57 PM »
Random thought of the day,

I always thought Slayer in Guilty Gear was cool.  British suave Vampire dude smoking a pipe who beats dudes down with his fist?  Just like Dudley from SF I always thought that was legit classy stylish.

Then playing Xrd I noticed that Slayer is basically the M'lady trope to the extreme down to his "Dandyism"; all he's missing is a fedora  :'(


  • Live Más
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #585 on: August 06, 2016, 10:33:06 AM »
Random thought of the day,

I always thought Slayer in Guilty Gear was cool.  British suave Vampire dude smoking a pipe who beats dudes down with his fist?  Just like Dudley from SF I always thought that was legit classy stylish.

Then playing Xrd I noticed that Slayer is basically the M'lady trope to the extreme down to his "Dandyism"; all he's missing is a fedora  :'(
He's also ass, which fits the M'lady thing in a way too.


  • Senior Member
Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #586 on: August 07, 2016, 03:13:07 AM »
Had some good online GGXrd Rev fights tonight.  Any of you guys have Rev and wanna play sometime?

Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #587 on: August 10, 2016, 01:02:25 AM »

so glad i caught this live


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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« Reply #588 on: August 10, 2016, 11:27:17 AM »
Had some good online GGXrd Rev fights tonight.  Any of you guys have Rev and wanna play sometime?

Sure man, any time!   :)


  • Senior Member
Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #589 on: August 10, 2016, 11:36:55 PM »
Me and Bork had some good matches that came down to the wire.  My favorite win was with slayer where we both had one hit until we were dead and you got up with a jab and I back-dashed and hit you with a super.  And then there was one time where we were both down to 1 hit until dead and I did a low dash attack with Sin and you do the horizontal body attack with I-No and you turned your body right above my sliding attack and hit me with your attack.

Then you kicked my butt with Millia  :dizzy  Sin's pretty slow.  In fact, all my mains Slayer, Leo, Sin are basically slower ground game players that hit hard.  Never been one for quick characters.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #590 on: August 11, 2016, 07:24:58 AM »
I forgot a lot of the moves/supers for the characters I was using, lol.  :-[ 

Milia spam won the day.  Milia RAGE, indeed.

But the VIP here was the game itself, kicking both our asses and not letting us see the rooms we created.  :doge

Before I played you, I was in a Neogaf SFV lobby.  First one I've joined since the SF4 days-- got six wins in a row, straight away, until I got to the room host, who beat me in a Cammy mirror match.  This was LOL-worthy since I steamrolled over the rest of the much higher-ranked room and then got beaten by a beginner.  :lol


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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #591 on: August 11, 2016, 02:54:54 PM »
Yeah that was really weird how we couldn't find each other's rooms in search.  Kind of a sucky since you can't do instant rematch and have to go back to the lobby between each fight, but oh well.


  • 8 diagram pole rider
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #592 on: August 11, 2016, 02:59:28 PM »
yeah, for how cute the lobby system in revelator is and how much better than sign it is, it could still be a great deal better.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #593 on: August 11, 2016, 09:49:17 PM »
Arc's lobbies are too damn complex.  Lobbies and rooms within rooms.  :dizzy

Here's #1 ranked SFV player Wolfkrone rage-quitting when he gets beat.


  • Senior Member
Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #594 on: August 11, 2016, 10:17:57 PM »
Have they started punishing that yet? lol


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #595 on: August 12, 2016, 12:35:47 AM »
Have they started punishing that yet? lol


spoiler (click to show/hide)
Hahahahaha, no. Despite Capcom saying they're working on it.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #596 on: August 15, 2016, 11:37:20 AM »
Independent game shops are breaking the KOF XIV street date-- just ordered a copy off eBay that they say will be here by Thursday.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #597 on: August 15, 2016, 11:53:06 AM »
Have they started punishing that yet? lol


Rage Quitting Penalty

We are aware of the Rage Quitting issue, and this update will continue our efforts toward resolving it. We will make a second update to the existing Rage Quitting system with stricter guidelines for players who disconnect before the match is over. Players who are penalized will lose League Points and be locked out of online matching for a set time. The update will be implemented after the maintenance on 8/16.

Since the initial Rage Quitting system rollout, we have seen a rapid decrease in rage quitting players, and we believe that this new update will reduce that number even further. That being said, we’re still working on implementing a new, more robust system that will address the issue more completely by early next year.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #598 on: August 16, 2016, 02:53:28 PM »
Holy shit, KOF XIV already arrived!  One week early.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Fighting Games Thread ~ The Bore Pugilists Gathering
« Reply #599 on: August 16, 2016, 06:25:29 PM »
Played in a USA lobby. My first impressions on the net code aren't very favorable...hope there's a day one patch next week or this game is gonna get shelved and it will be back to SFV. The matches I played showed as 4 and 5 bars, but it sure as hell didn't feel like it. Had matches that were both incredibly slow (like playing underwater) and laggy to the point of feeling choppy. Didn't have a match that felt good, but I also only got to play a few people.

I really, really want to play this but if nothing is done about the netcode, this game is dead in the water, unfortunately. As far as PS4 fighting games go, this game easily has the worst net code of any fighter I've played. So I'm gonna say it again- PLS SNK...PLS have a day one patch! T_T

Also Robert Garcia is now Orlando Bloom. Cannot unsee.