Never played Phantom Dust and haven't heard of it till that recent reveal of the sequel that got cancelled. Should dig up some youtube clips of it I guess.
Think Real-Time Magic the Gathering. You build an "arsenal" of spells to use in real-time.
You'll probably think it's "boring" from the gameplay of that, but the real fun of it is the X-box Live (and LAN hopefully they keep that in the PC port) gameplay where you get 2v2 gameplay and have someone going around erasing the skills at their "deck" base with the purple skills and someone destroying an environmental object that they placed a world-skill on that nullifies something or buffs/nerfs certain skills and people can't get it anymore because the game wasn't designed for that tactic (hopefully they fix that?).
Resident Evil 7 currently the runner-up for WOAT reveal/reboot of a series in the last 5 years
I haven't seen 7 yet, but surely it's not as bad as that Umbrella Corps shooter they're doing.
ZZZZzzzz... no Phantom Dust,
I'm happy to be proven wrong, Microsoft.