If you want to read about the history behind current racial wars, campus radicalism and the history of far left domestic terrorism, I recommend this book:
https://www.amazon.com/Days-Rage-Underground-Forgotten-Revolutionary/dp/0143107976It covers a period of violence overlooked by most people. Even those that lived through the time period are often unaware. These terrorists not only were freed but sometimes ended up teaching in colleges, which just recycled the mentality into a newer generation with less cause. Here is a paragraph quote from one of the lawyers who defended them (one lawyer group on stand-by to defend them was started by the American Communist Party, but that's another rabbit hole.):
"Race comes first, always first," says Elizabeth Fink, a radical attorney in Brooklyn who represented scores of underground figures. "Everything started with the Black Panthers. The whole thrill of being with them. When you heard Huey Newton, you were blown away. The civil rights movement had turned bad, and these people were ready to fight. And yeah, the war. The country was turning into Nazi Germany, that's how we saw it. Do you have the guts to stand up? The underground did. And oh, the glamour of it. The glamour of dealing with the underground. They were my heroes. Stupid me. It was the revolution, baby. We were gonna make a revolution. We were so, so, so deluded."
There are legit racial issues and an obvious history. You can go back to slavery and point to recent redlining. However, the movements tend to be basically bored, naive and listless youth that need justification for violence. The black movement quickly became believers of a race war. That paragraph sounds eerily like now only because certain actors keep up the old act. Within the mindset, progress doesn't matter and isn't really the goal. The goal is revolution and that's the goal because it was the old subversive goal. It no longer fits without the powers that funded or trained it, (Again, that rabbit hole.) but it persists because it is romanticized to black and white alike.
I have increasingly found that the most prevalent bigotry and racism towards blacks tends to be the soft bigotry of low expectations. Naive, angry and eloquent sermon preachers are held up as black intellectuals, while the black scientists and engineers who go out to solve issues are ostracized within the black community and the public at large. It is better to have a gripe than a degree and that's destructive to a community.
Judging by the patterns, NeoGAF will eventually have yet another wave of purges that won't be for any wrong-doings, but for lack of right-doings. There are still normal, decent people on GAF, but they don't post in any thread that would get linked here. They just post about video games or music or movies or anything that GAF is actually capable of discussing. However, they don't post about politics or the struggle or radicalism, and so they will become the enemy. For if you're not fighting the X then you are the X. And the X can be white supremacy, misogyny, gamergate or whatever the boogeyman comes to be at that time. Tribalism and rage in place of discussion and problem-solving.
As for thebore, no I don't care to fucking respond to you. I left because I have only so much tolerance for vile people and too many of you are vile, worthless people. I take my fill of your filth and exit. I just wanted to comment on this particular discussion because I feel the book I linked is strangely relevant today. If a few people here still have functioning minds and read it then it's worth it.