Author Topic: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People  (Read 3365517 times)

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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25740 on: September 19, 2017, 01:15:32 AM »
bu-bubububut QUEEN!

You went from supporting someone who said to be non-violent towards NAZIS to shitting on white people in one post!




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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25741 on: September 19, 2017, 01:18:10 AM »
while you're 100% right, people hoping for the day that white people are eradicated doesn't bring much to the table either. turns out neogaf in particular aren't great about talking about anything really

Who is asking for white genocide? We're just talking about fragility. I'm saying it's not bait like Daemon said, it's a real, actual thing.


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25742 on: September 19, 2017, 01:20:17 AM »
there have been a number of posts highlighted in this thread alone of people on gaf saying those things. while remaining unbanned. it's sketchy at best


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25743 on: September 19, 2017, 01:23:16 AM »


I don't want white people to die. I just want us to hold hands and appreciate each others differences while at the same time acknowledging history (and the present) for what it well and truly is.

The bustas in this thread can argue race all they want. Whatever. That's all I'll say about race talk. ST time.



  • Junior Member
Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25744 on: September 19, 2017, 01:30:21 AM »
Umm when did Wong say Muslims are equivalent to nazis? I am not seeing how he insinuated that all Muslims were a part of ISIS. Also why are they responding to a dude that is banned lol

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25745 on: September 19, 2017, 01:55:53 AM »
set this thread on fire and then nuke the world


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25746 on: September 19, 2017, 02:14:14 AM »
Ok gaf has massive double standard thats for sure. Suddenly it is ok to shit on a womans look without problems. The same forum that makes sure you treat women with respect.

Poor Alicia.


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25747 on: September 19, 2017, 02:14:39 AM »
White people do act like babies about race a lot tho

Just being honest :idont

(Image removed from quote.)

I really don't see how this is up to debate. A white person will try to defend 300 years of chattel slavery that deemed people not human and without any rights at all much less freedom, 100 years of second class citizenship, lynchings, and fear, and 50 years of systemic discrimination (via drug laws, housing discrimination, privatized prisons, slipping crack into black neighborhoods, assassinating black leaders with impunity;etc) and still tell you with a straight face that "slavery was a long time ago, it doesn't matter anymore!"


Many white people are fully incapable of talking about race in a mature, frank manner.

Yeah okay.

Except white people gave their life too to supress the slavers.

white people too fought for the civil rights of every human in society, regardless of race. Let this sink in, there is no way that less than 10% of the population could shift the balance in their favor at any level if the often blamed white people didn't actually allow it.

Now systemic oppression is a cop out in many cases to say: why do I pay for a crime when that white buddy does it too and doesn't pay? Well, that's a hard one to answer but the african american community has a problem that belongs to them alone (this sounded weird, I mean they have a problem with how as a whole they see their future and how crime is statistically way higher starting at their youth) and pointing it out gets only reactions like coon or uncle tom, which is pretty sad.

I do believe, by the way, that the main issue in america is classism, which in many cases gets misinterpreted as racism because there's a bigger range of poor black people in relative numbers.

Btw the problem is you have to compare apples to apples.

Cops wrongfully kill white people too

white people get wrongfully convicted too

white people are being told constantly they're living in the embodiment of sin for essentially every historical mistake ever committed by a fellow caucasian.

and the aftermath or response to any of that isn't a shitstorm of violence and rioting.

Being part of any ethnic group and bonding in a community/group over that fact is generally positive unless you're white. if that's the case you're essentially a weirdo and most likely a white supremacist too. And I say this as a guy who would think that a caucasian-esque form of a community would be weird as fuck. I think white people don't actually segregate that way unless they're consciously racist and proud of it, to send a message.

Also the first and most mature thing to do is to accept a mistake and not shift blame at the first chance.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2017, 02:27:46 AM by daemon »


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25748 on: September 19, 2017, 02:15:46 AM »


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25750 on: September 19, 2017, 02:45:37 AM »
Ok gaf has massive double standard thats for sure. Suddenly it is ok to shit on a womans look without problems. The same forum that makes sure you treat women with respect.

Poor Alicia.



  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25751 on: September 19, 2017, 02:46:58 AM »
If you want to read about the history behind current racial wars, campus radicalism and the history of far left domestic terrorism, I recommend this book:

It covers a period of violence overlooked by most people. Even those that lived through the time period are often unaware. These terrorists not only were freed but sometimes ended up teaching in colleges, which just recycled the mentality into a newer generation with less cause. Here is a paragraph quote from one of the lawyers who defended them (one lawyer group on stand-by to defend them was started by the American Communist Party, but that's another rabbit hole.):

"Race comes first, always first," says Elizabeth Fink, a radical attorney in Brooklyn who represented scores of underground figures. "Everything started with the Black Panthers. The whole thrill of being with them. When you heard Huey Newton, you were blown away. The civil rights movement had turned bad, and these people were ready to fight. And yeah, the war. The country was turning into Nazi Germany, that's how we saw it. Do you have the guts to stand up? The underground did. And oh, the glamour of it. The glamour of dealing with the underground. They were my heroes. Stupid me. It was the revolution, baby. We were gonna make a revolution. We were so, so, so deluded."

There are legit racial issues and an obvious history. You can go back to slavery and point to recent redlining. However, the movements tend to be basically bored, naive and listless youth that need justification for violence. The black movement quickly became believers of a race war. That paragraph sounds eerily like now only because certain actors keep up the old act. Within the mindset, progress doesn't matter and isn't really the goal. The goal is revolution and that's the goal because it was the old subversive goal. It no longer fits without the powers that funded or trained it, (Again, that rabbit hole.) but it persists because it is romanticized to black and white alike.

I have increasingly found that the most prevalent bigotry and racism towards blacks tends to be the soft bigotry of low expectations. Naive, angry and eloquent sermon preachers are held up as black intellectuals, while the black scientists and engineers who go out to solve issues are ostracized within the black community and the public at large. It is better to have a gripe than a degree and that's destructive to a community.

Judging by the patterns, NeoGAF will eventually have yet another wave of purges that won't be for any wrong-doings, but for lack of right-doings. There are still normal, decent people on GAF, but they don't post in any thread that would get linked here. They just post about video games or music or movies or anything that GAF is actually capable of discussing. However, they don't post about politics or the struggle or radicalism, and so they will become the enemy. For if you're not fighting the X then you are the X. And the X can be white supremacy, misogyny, gamergate or whatever the boogeyman comes to be at that time. Tribalism and rage in place of discussion and problem-solving.

As for thebore, no I don't care to fucking respond to you. I left because I have only so much tolerance for vile people and too many of you are vile, worthless people. I take my fill of your filth and exit. I just wanted to comment on this particular discussion because I feel the book I linked is strangely relevant today. If a few people here still have functioning minds and read it then it's worth it.


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25752 on: September 19, 2017, 02:52:24 AM »
wow. thats something there


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25753 on: September 19, 2017, 02:53:05 AM »
a wild etoilet appears

Let's Cyber

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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25754 on: September 19, 2017, 02:58:38 AM »
I left because I have only so much tolerance for vile people and too many of you are vile, worthless people.
Take a look in a mirror, champ.



  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25755 on: September 19, 2017, 03:06:54 AM »
If you want to read about the history behind current racial wars, campus radicalism and the history of far left domestic terrorism, I recommend this book:

It covers a period of violence overlooked by most people. Even those that lived through the time period are often unaware. These terrorists not only were freed but sometimes ended up teaching in colleges, which just recycled the mentality into a newer generation with less cause. Here is a paragraph quote from one of the lawyers who defended them (one lawyer group on stand-by to defend them was started by the American Communist Party, but that's another rabbit hole.):

"Race comes first, always first," says Elizabeth Fink, a radical attorney in Brooklyn who represented scores of underground figures. "Everything started with the Black Panthers. The whole thrill of being with them. When you heard Huey Newton, you were blown away. The civil rights movement had turned bad, and these people were ready to fight. And yeah, the war. The country was turning into Nazi Germany, that's how we saw it. Do you have the guts to stand up? The underground did. And oh, the glamour of it. The glamour of dealing with the underground. They were my heroes. Stupid me. It was the revolution, baby. We were gonna make a revolution. We were so, so, so deluded."

There are legit racial issues and an obvious history. You can go back to slavery and point to recent redlining. However, the movements tend to be basically bored, naive and listless youth that need justification for violence. The black movement quickly became believers of a race war. That paragraph sounds eerily like now only because certain actors keep up the old act. Within the mindset, progress doesn't matter and isn't really the goal. The goal is revolution and that's the goal because it was the old subversive goal. It no longer fits without the powers that funded or trained it, (Again, that rabbit hole.) but it persists because it is romanticized to black and white alike.

I have increasingly found that the most prevalent bigotry and racism towards blacks tends to be the soft bigotry of low expectations. Naive, angry and eloquent sermon preachers are held up as black intellectuals, while the black scientists and engineers who go out to solve issues are ostracized within the black community and the public at large. It is better to have a gripe than a degree and that's destructive to a community.

Judging by the patterns, NeoGAF will eventually have yet another wave of purges that won't be for any wrong-doings, but for lack of right-doings. There are still normal, decent people on GAF, but they don't post in any thread that would get linked here. They just post about video games or music or movies or anything that GAF is actually capable of discussing. However, they don't post about politics or the struggle or radicalism, and so they will become the enemy. For if you're not fighting the X then you are the X. And the X can be white supremacy, misogyny, gamergate or whatever the boogeyman comes to be at that time. Tribalism and rage in place of discussion and problem-solving.

As for thebore, no I don't care to fucking respond to you. I left because I have only so much tolerance for vile people and too many of you are vile, worthless people. I take my fill of your filth and exit. I just wanted to comment on this particular discussion because I feel the book I linked is strangely relevant today. If a few people here still have functioning minds and read it then it's worth it.

Any new updates on Seth Rich?


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25756 on: September 19, 2017, 03:12:20 AM »
White people do act like babies about race a lot tho

Just being honest :idont
It's almost as if starting a conversation with 'you're all malicious racists, gleeful at the destruction of black communities and revelling in the misery of those you oppress' triggers some sort of defensive reflex. Those crazy white people, when will they learn how to have a woke conversation?


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25757 on: September 19, 2017, 03:12:47 AM »
ok, how did I not know about this forum?


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25758 on: September 19, 2017, 03:15:10 AM »
Quote from: David H Wong
So you'd support armed mobs taking it upon themselves to root out radical Islam? You trust them to do that, to go around to mosques beating the shit out of Muslims they think are promoting jihad?

See, I think that would go wrong real fast; I think violent mobs are shitty at due process.
Quote from: David H Wong
You intentionally dodged the point because you know you're wrong. If you truly see these as the same as the guys we fought in World War II, you wouldn't be talking about punches - you'd be talking about bombs. Do you support that? Do you support killing them on sight, as if we were in a combat zone?

If not, then yeah, there apparently is nuance in how we react, because we're just talking about mild physical violence and not drone strikes. When you say, "We always treat Nazis the same!" you're saying something you know isn't true. No, we have never treated hate mongers or extreme right politicians the same as we treat uniformed soldiers in a combat zone.

So now that we've agreed on that, let's talk about how we do want to treat them. But remember that 99.9% of the racist/nationalist movements in the world have been put down by peaceful means - David Duke holds no power because he lost one election after another. It required no war to stop him - just public mockery and people going to the polls. Virtually no open white supremacists hold office in the USA, even though tens of thousands would like to. They run for city council, mayor, governor, and they lose. Not at the hands of armed mobs, but because they just fail to sway public opinion or to get donors.

Sorry if that doesn't satisfy the easy dopamine rush of violence, but the vast majority of time, that's what victory looks like.
Quote from: David H Wong
And here's the thing - the world actually faced that scenario and those random German citizens who went along with the Nazis actually changed their minds and formed a progressive society. Nazis aren't a different species, they didn't arrive here from another planet. They're people who didn't used to be Nazis, and at some point in the future may not be any longer.

I want Nazis "wiped out" but not in the sense that I want the termites under my house "wiped out." I want them to stop being Nazis. And it happens all the time! People change. But suggesting that only mob violence will change their minds is like suggesting that the death of Heather Heyer will end the movement to get rid of Confederate statues. You know, because violence is how you convince people, right? We're all so scared off by her death that we've dropped the cause?

OR did she become a rallying cry? So what the hell do you think is going to happen the first time some dipshit with a tiki torch gets killed, because the fight got out of hand? You honestly think that makes the racists standing around him realize they're wrong?

If you're not talking about killing them in actual military combat, then you have to think in terms of what actually works in terms of how extremists movements are stopped. And they are stopped - that's how we have a functioning society. Here's a hint: it's not violent mobs on the "good" side.

Incredibly articulate and well thought out response.

Sets a firm ground to have a reasonable discussion, confronts perceived hyperbole and disagreements with civil, respectable responses. Responds in a way to try and invite calm and deliberating discussion instead of heightening aggressions...Gets banned.


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25759 on: September 19, 2017, 03:34:43 AM »
Anyone know why dragona and red scarlet was demodded. Evilore explained it here but he he deleted thw post


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25760 on: September 19, 2017, 03:40:43 AM »
EviLore explains the iapetus de-modding

I.E. I am going to twist your words around and de-mod you for that misinterpreted wrong-think. Please praise me angry dopamine seeking mob and endure my infested site... I must remind you, Chapelle tickets and disinterested dates don't buy themselves.

team filler

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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25761 on: September 19, 2017, 03:49:04 AM »
the fuckery  :rofl

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25762 on: September 19, 2017, 03:54:46 AM »
As for thebore, too many of you are vile, worthless people. I take my fill of your filth and exit.


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  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25764 on: September 19, 2017, 04:01:22 AM »
Temp leper everyone with more than 5 posts per day in this thread

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25765 on: September 19, 2017, 04:04:09 AM »
ok, how did I not know about this forum?

Lolol fuck this topic

BTW I don't know if it's a lost in translation thing (though most borks actually speak english better than I do) but you come off legit slow as fuck dude


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25766 on: September 19, 2017, 04:04:23 AM »
White people do act like babies about race a lot tho

Just being honest :idont
It's almost as if starting a conversation with 'you're all malicious racists, gleeful at the destruction of black communities and revelling in the misery of those you oppress' triggers some sort of defensive reflex. Those crazy white people, when will they learn how to have a woke conversation?

It's almost like not every race discussion starts with that and you brought up a straw man. One I agree with, certainly, but not necessarily relevant to the discussion as race discussion rarely go as they do on neogaf.


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25767 on: September 19, 2017, 04:17:17 AM »
No one made those horns in the 5th Symphony sing like Karajan did.

My favorite Beethoven symphony is #7.


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25768 on: September 19, 2017, 04:52:53 AM »
EviLore explains the iapetus de-modding

Would quite like a chat about it with EviLore. Not to ask for it back - I'd argue against that if he suggested it


Not saying he deserved to be de-modded, but lines like that are hilarious. Sure, you were a mod for at least 12 years, but no, you totally don't care that you lost your title.  ::)


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25769 on: September 19, 2017, 04:59:32 AM »
re: Sony TGS press conference:

"so we got a cool teaser, MonHun release date and a bunch of already announced stuff

I simply cannot believe I missed my daughter's first day of primary school and got into a huge fight with the wife just so I could stay and watch this shit..."


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25770 on: September 19, 2017, 05:05:11 AM »
TGS has been garbage for, what, 5 years now? More? Wife should get a divorce IMO.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25771 on: September 19, 2017, 05:07:17 AM »
Lol @ all the "let the law deal with it" crowd. The fucking cops ARE Nazis. Same with most of the judges and the whole system. Get outta town.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25772 on: September 19, 2017, 05:11:35 AM »
7 year account and like 13k posts too. Lol probably was looking to scamper back to 4chan or whatever so he committed account suicide.
Why does YouTube remove the video but continue to let the racist PewDieNazi still have a channel?
Also I see the Muslims = Nazis point has been reached, I look forward to the shitty cracked article

middle one is real clever by hiding "DieNazi" in the text he'll be seen as an ally as it triggers the neurons in the brain instead of the mocking of people in the thread he's actually doing


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25773 on: September 19, 2017, 05:18:02 AM »
can we at least sometimes get a shout out for the hardline anti-violence stance but doesn't give a shit about cac's (who probably deserve what's coming to them for their past violence...if violence was to be used) shitposters who vomit on this thread when we're condemning anyone who finds fun in the armchair revolutionaries endless one upmanship arms race of, for lack of better description, "social studies warrior" virtue signaling?

it's not like i invited em over here, even if i normalize their views by what i mock :fbm


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25774 on: September 19, 2017, 05:37:05 AM »
also, even though it's way too favorable to the FBI, focuses on one side and it's wise to be leery if etoliate is promoting it, Days of Rage actually isn't a terrible introduction to the 1970s violence...though the main critique should be that the 1970's was not unique in regards to this, from the First World War on, bombings and other violence were the norm until those movements (all of which actually started in the 1960s and were active then but I dunno why they're moved to the 70's) all failed and arguably stagflation plus Watergate plus the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan turned them impotent even within the "Left"

Until Oklahoma City and then 9/11 the two most deadliest bombings in the U.S. happened in the 1920s, with the Wall Street Bombing (which officially ushered in the FBI as an entity and still has its damage left on the building according to wiki) and the Bath School bombing. (Not to mention that the same decade had the one-sided Tulsa race war occur.) Small scale and politically motivated bombings were a regular thing in the U.S. until the 1980s. (Even Canada had issues with this. We both became more peaceful after Mulroney signed the secret deal to allow the US to annex Canada at any time.)

And even with OKC and 9/11 on their side of the ledger, the time millenials have grown up in have been the least violent decades in American history. Especially when you factor in crime. Which is one reason I might recommend a book like that, or one on the bombings between the wars. Even when biased or someone is trying to connect them to something now like etoliate did. Historical perspective is always needed for the  yutes.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
The most violent decade in American history is obviously the 1860s. And hopefully, despite the video gamers on's glee about such a possibility, we won't have to ever challenge its record setting, it can be like Wilt's 55 rebounds. (Especially, if like me, you count the casualties on both sides of the war as American casualties.)


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25775 on: September 19, 2017, 05:38:04 AM »
That's the proper way to shitpost in this thread btw noobs.


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25776 on: September 19, 2017, 05:50:10 AM »
I miss the good old days when all we did was make fun of Nintendo fanboys.  :fbm


  • Do the moron
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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25777 on: September 19, 2017, 05:53:42 AM »

Many Puerto Rican's do not have A/C in their houses in the first place. Most of my family is from Aguada and Aguadilla area, and none have A/C in their homes
How do y'all live? Is it humid there? If it's anything like the South A/C should be a necessity.

I probably would find it unbearable a climate too but :comeon


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25778 on: September 19, 2017, 05:56:38 AM »
Is it anything like the South? :neogaf

Look at a fucking map u doofus it's like smack dab in the middle of the Caribbean.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25779 on: September 19, 2017, 05:57:45 AM »
Wow, better get onto educating women better about their problematic support of white supremacy:


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25780 on: September 19, 2017, 06:15:47 AM »
Toxic patriarchal masculinity something something


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25781 on: September 19, 2017, 06:32:54 AM »
re: Sony TGS press conference:

"so we got a cool teaser, MonHun release date and a bunch of already announced stuff

I simply cannot believe I missed my daughter's first day of primary school and got into a huge fight with the wife just so I could stay and watch this shit..."
5 years? Try 10. The only tgs i bothered with was iwatas revealing of the wiimote. Was 2005 i think.

Edit. Quoted wrong post


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25782 on: September 19, 2017, 06:42:41 AM »
White people do act like babies about race a lot tho

Just being honest :idont
It's almost as if starting a conversation with 'you're all malicious racists, gleeful at the destruction of black communities and revelling in the misery of those you oppress' triggers some sort of defensive reflex. Those crazy white people, when will they learn how to have a woke conversation?

It's almost like not every race discussion starts with that and you brought up a straw man. One I agree with, certainly, but not necessarily relevant to the discussion as race discussion rarely go as they do on neogaf.

Ah, cool. Didn't realise you were talking about conversations outside the nut-hutch. I'm much more in agreement then.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25783 on: September 19, 2017, 07:14:50 AM »
the nut-hutch.
This is why no women oppose white supremacy and fascism.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25784 on: September 19, 2017, 07:19:53 AM »
That was the quickest ban I've ever seen. Why the fuck are people feeling sorry for a god damn NAZI getting punched ONE FUCKING TIME after accosting people all over the the city with their hateful rhetoric and harassing minorities. I've been punched in the face for far less and I deserved it. Yeah, thats what matters is that the real victim here (the nazi) gets some justice. Fuck outta here with that nonsense. What the fuck is wrong with people?
I'm pretty sure they are against violence even towards nazis in the sense that they want law enforcement to deal with then instead of mob justice. I'm also quite sure nobody that thinks like that weeps for this particular nazi or any single person similar to him as an isolated incident. mods wanna do something about this Nazi supporter or are we already allowing things to return to how they were after bish was thrown from power and the forum descended into a breeding ground for gamergate?


  • Do the moron
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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25785 on: September 19, 2017, 07:25:16 AM »
Military parade thread delivers :

We NK now.

Isn't the Bastille day parade more ceremonial military than...."fighting" military.

No ?

The good news is, hell probably be out of power by then. Mueller should be done by memorial day


The perfect occasion for a military coup.

Hail Mou Barack ?

Quote from: FyreWulff
Nationalistic military preening and obsession with 'military defense' are literal components of fascism.

Also components to most "nation-states".

Quote from: FyreWulff
What some of the European area posters are missing here is the United States doesn't have the military doing general every day security presence. We're historically not fans of the military being heavily present in civilian areas, which is rooted in the Third Amendment.

(AFAIK soldiers doing everyday security is a recent occurence due to context in most of Western Europe. Unless you count Gendarmes, Carabinieris and al. but while part of the army they're fairly distinct and exclusively perceived as law enforcement in every citizen's minds.)

doubt too many in the military would even wanna partake in it. Put your leave chits in now bruhs

Hopes his grand children will be proud of this post about World US Civil Twitter War II :usacry


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25786 on: September 19, 2017, 07:28:12 AM »
Violence against nazis is always self-defense.

The thing a lot of people get wrong is that they see Nazism as an opinion. It isn't. It is an act of violence. Fascist speech is an act of violence. Wearing that armband is an act of violence. Because it gets people killed.
This is a good post that states the history and the realities as clearly as they possibly can be. Fascism is fundamentally incompatible with tolerant society.
I see no flaws in this, which states historical reality as clear as possible.

If only the state of Weimar Germany had had the foresight to use violence against the Nazi's and Communists and throw them in prison permanently rather try and win over the Moderate Darlings™ by letting them out after a few years and removing the ban on their parties from elections in hopes of quelling the street violence they were incapable of combating.

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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25787 on: September 19, 2017, 07:31:39 AM »
how about we arrest and charge the nazi

but wait

where was the police while a goddamn nazi was roaming the streets spewing hate?
now wants the Nazi police to rush to help the Nazi carry out his genocidal attacks so he can then get paid off thanks to the Nazi judges that control the judicial system?


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25788 on: September 19, 2017, 07:34:42 AM »
Vom, sorry breh, we fascists now. Thought you got the memo.


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25789 on: September 19, 2017, 07:35:05 AM »
Quote from: FyreWulff
My country does it every year. People enjoy it. It is not even the top ten worst thing he will ask for today.

What's your country?


Belgium. It is not the biggest military, but we still send examples of all the material we have, from personnel to tanks. And we do plane flyovers.

We have a parade every year in Lithuania too, it's pretty cool to watch!

Hopefully mods look into this hive of Yuro fascists infiltrating GAF.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25790 on: September 19, 2017, 07:37:50 AM »
Goddamn it nerds, move this shit into the politics thread or some other shitty thread that I won't bother to read.  This thread is about making fun of NeoGAF.


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25791 on: September 19, 2017, 07:41:00 AM »
This thread is about alerting moderation staff to gamergate infiltrators who have elevated their hate to supporting Nazi's in their genocidal rampages.


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25792 on: September 19, 2017, 07:47:46 AM »


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25793 on: September 19, 2017, 07:48:14 AM »
Though it is interesting that this is when you try to distract us all, when it's just been exposed that's moderation staff had been itself infiltrated by GamerGatzi's from the same geographical hemisphere as PewNaziNazi that was actively pushing his hateful but non-ideological violence under the banner of for years. Yes, somehow, right under their noses the entire time was someone doing not just heinous but criminal acts and it went entirely unnoticed until now.

And you rush in to try and deflect.

Very curious.


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25794 on: September 19, 2017, 07:51:09 AM »
If you can't release your game on time for all consoles, you probably should quit the game industry.



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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25795 on: September 19, 2017, 07:55:37 AM »

Smack talk a dictator dead for 70 years brehs.

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25796 on: September 19, 2017, 08:00:25 AM »

Smack talk a dictator dead for 70 years brehs.
Yeah how dare people talk shit on.....



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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25797 on: September 19, 2017, 08:06:54 AM »
I'm surprised he's writing for given his history of racism and islamophobic stances. Are they aware of this?


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25798 on: September 19, 2017, 08:11:00 AM »
I miss the time when gaming forums were about gaming and not an outlet for angry people posting stuff that reads like Atari Teenage Riot lyrics.

How about that new Gundam game next week?


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25799 on: September 19, 2017, 08:12:49 AM »

Meanwhile in the actual text of The Open Society and Its Enemies:
Quote from: Karl Popper
Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.   In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.