-Zelda will be a launch title for Switch, but will release later on for the Wii U as a last 'fuck you' from Nintendo.
-Tekken 7 will be announced as a launch title.
-Hyrule Warriors XL will be announced, combining the Wii U version's graphics with all the extras in the 3DS version, plus more content.
-Mario Kart, Splatoon, and Smash ports will be announced.
-Some Ubisoft crap will be announced like Ass Crud.
-Bayonetta 2 (with Bayonetta 1!!!) will be announced so I can ditch my Wii U. NINTENDO PLS
-Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash will be announced (apparently the Senran producer will be at the event), perhaps not shown on the stream for obvious reasons.
-We'll all laugh at the lack of an account system or an entirely too-basic, fucked-up account system missing obvious features.
-Virtual Console will be barebones and fanboys will rage that they can't transfer shit over, but buy everything again for the third time anyway.
-The Switch will be too hard to find for months after launch.
-The Switch price will be $299.
-This will be too high and sales will suck.
-Nintendo will slash the price by $50-$70.
-It will be too late and the system will be another flop.
-It will, however, end up doing well in Japan, where it will eventually replace the 3DS and Vita.
-What else is new?