Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| SAD TRUMP  (Read 5887371 times)

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11520 on: December 03, 2017, 05:24:11 PM »
With the way things are going in the US I'm honestly expecting another great depression. And if not something that bad, another recession. But worse than the one that started in 2008.

I usually don't worry about this type of shit but... the fuckery is too immense right now. :doge

It takes years for malinvestment to burst a bubble. Probably 2022 to 2024.

2009-2024 would honestly be one of the longest runs in the modern American economy without a recession.

1975, 1981, 1991, 2001, 2009.  Not that the past is always necessarily prelude, and the severity of 2009 probably alters things, but I would think 2024 is a pretty optimistic forecast for avoiding recession for 15 years.

Though it would seem like the hand grenades the Republicans are throwing into the economy have a very realistic chance of exploding when the Democrats are likely on the watch given current electoral trends. Which if that happens, god help us.

2009 lingered a few years and the recovery may have delayed the next recession. But yeah the average PE ratio is a bit high, could happen soon.  Usually the PMI will lead before shit gets bad and it hasn't dived yet.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11521 on: December 03, 2017, 05:26:34 PM »
But I recognize that the actions I acknowledged in court today were wrong, and, through my faith in God, I am working to set things right. My guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with the Special Counsel's Office reflect a decision I made in the best interests of my family and of our country. I accept full responsibility for my actions.

Flynn doing what's right for the country.

 :usacry :salute


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11522 on: December 03, 2017, 05:26:43 PM »
I'm not sure what else could be the inducement for Flynn to agree to one except for a prosecutorial recommendation on sentencing.

Several people I've read with actual expertise/experience have suggested a broader agreement not yet publicly formalized.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11523 on: December 03, 2017, 05:32:18 PM »
My mistake, the agreement already outlines suggested sentencing and that there will not be further prosecutor recommendation to reduce or increase them, so the document proves my baseless speculation to be entirely without support:
D. Estimated Applicable Guidelines Range

Based upon the agreed total offense level and the estimated criminal history category set above, your client's estimated Sentencing Guidelines range is zero months to six months'
imprisonment (the "Estimated Guidelines Range"). In addition, the parties agree that, pursuant
to U.S.S.G. § SEI .2, should the Court impose a fine, at Guidelines level 4, the estimated
applicable fine range is $500 to $9,500. Your client reserves the right to ask the Court not to
impose any applicable fine.
benji debunked yet again by simple facts
« Last Edit: December 03, 2017, 05:37:15 PM by benjipwns »


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11524 on: December 03, 2017, 05:48:17 PM »
This constant downplaying of every piece of trump/Russia news would make brucespringsteen proud

benji has been, I think, clear that he has some "unorthodox" premises on the matter but honestly what you call downplaying I feel is only healthy skepticism. Some people have whipped themselves into hysteria and self convinced that Trump is almost literally to be walked out of the White House in cuffs any day now and that it is Mueller endgame.

It may very well be that the Mueller investigation unravel in a way that ultimately lead to Trump being thoroughly discredited, stepping down or even possibly impeached. Don't get me wrong, this administration was a trainwreck from the start and it is already mindblowing that prominent members of Trump team are getting hounded and charged by a special investigation. There's no doubt that Mueller will find dirt considering the notoriously shady business practices of Trump and his clan and their hilariously incompetent & amateurish handling of overtures made by Russan lobbyists. However it's not out of the question that the investigation stops short of that too and will be content to levy lighter charges at the entourage (relative to TAKING ORDERS DIRECTLY FROM THE KREMLIN TO FURTHER A GRAND EURASIAN DOMINATION PLAN BY RUSSIA), either because the collusion will turn out to be short of some of the fever dreams or to qualify as "mere" corruption (when it comes to Russian lobbying, it's hard to tell if intermediaries -besides the Russian Ambassador to the US- are representing private or state interests), because it may be hard in many cases to prove it conclusively or out of plain political considerations. Building a case is hard labor and would the investigation extend to late 2018 or 2019 (and depending on the midterm results) everyone might just be content to wait for Trump to "gracefully" exit (with polite and firm suggestions to go into retirement) by his term end and try to put it below the rug, as much as it could be.

In short, and as you said yourself, we are not privy to what Mueller is looking for ultimately & how strong or weak their case is at the moment. With regards to Flynn, considering how grave some of the stuff alleged in the press has been (including selling to Turkey the service of extraditing somehow a prominent opposition figure from the US), the charges brought out so far are pretty tame.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2017, 06:08:34 PM by VomKriege »


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11525 on: December 03, 2017, 07:04:45 PM »
There's something that doesn't sound right to me in all of these news stories I'm seeing. They keep referencing that "Flynn is ready to testify that he was directed by Trump official(s) to contact Russia." What Trump official at the time outranked Flynn?  ???
6/ Deals like this are offered *only* when a witness can incriminate someone "higher up the food-chain" than them. In the case of the nation's former National Security Advisor, the *only* people above him in the executive-branch hierarchy are the President and the Vice President.

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11526 on: December 03, 2017, 07:37:39 PM »
This constant downplaying of every piece of trump/Russia news would make brucespringsteen proud

benji has been, I think, clear that he has some "unorthodox" premises on the matter but honestly what you call downplaying I feel is only healthy skepticism. Some people have whipped themselves into hysteria and self convinced that Trump is almost literally to be walked out of the White House in cuffs any day now and that it is Mueller endgame.

It may very well be that the Mueller investigation unravel in a way that ultimately lead to Trump being thoroughly discredited, stepping down or even possibly impeached. Don't get me wrong, this administration was a trainwreck from the start and it is already mindblowing that prominent members of Trump team are getting hounded and charged by a special investigation. There's no doubt that Mueller will find dirt considering the notoriously shady business practices of Trump and his clan and their hilariously incompetent & amateurish handling of overtures made by Russan lobbyists. However it's not out of the question that the investigation stops short of that too and will be content to levy lighter charges at the entourage (relative to TAKING ORDERS DIRECTLY FROM THE KREMLIN TO FURTHER A GRAND EURASIAN DOMINATION PLAN BY RUSSIA), either because the collusion will turn out to be short of some of the fever dreams or to qualify as "mere" corruption (when it comes to Russian lobbying, it's hard to tell if intermediaries -besides the Russian Ambassador to the US- are representing private or state interests), because it may be hard in many cases to prove it conclusively or out of plain political considerations. Building a case is hard labor and would the investigation extend to late 2018 or 2019 (and depending on the midterm results) everyone might just be content to wait for Trump to "gracefully" exit (with polite and firm suggestions to go into retirement) by his term end and try to put it below the rug, as much as it could be.

In short, and as you said yourself, we are not privy to what Mueller is looking for ultimately & how strong or weak their case is at the moment. With regards to Flynn, considering how grave some of the stuff alleged in the press has been (including selling to Turkey the service of extraditing somehow a prominent opposition figure from the US), the charges brought out so far are pretty tame.

To be fair benji is so good at Devils advocate he could be skeptical he isn't actually a robotic communist cat.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11527 on: December 03, 2017, 09:20:46 PM »

In short, and as you said yourself, we are not privy to what Mueller is looking for ultimately & how strong or weak their case is at the moment. With regards to Flynn, considering how grave some of the stuff alleged in the press has been (including selling to Turkey the service of extraditing somehow a prominent opposition figure from the US), the charges brought out so far are pretty tame.

Which I think that is why it is sending strong signals to people more versed and privy to the way these investigations work. And More narrowly how Mueller operates. At least from what I have gathered trying to figure this all out.

Because the charges brought on Flynn are incredibly mismatched with what most reasonable observers think Flynn is exposed to. That such a mismatch would not exist if Mueller was not expecting some major substantive cooperation at exposing at least someone higher up the food chain, whoever that is. But there are only a handful of people that could be.

The second inference I keep reading and listening to prosecutors familiar with these types of investigations is Mueller is engaging in a type of signaling, which I first heard mentioned during the Manafort arrest: look at Flynn and Papadopoulos, if you cooperate with us this can be you, if not, look at Gates and Manafort. The train is leaving, tickets are limited, you would be wise to get the few ones remaining or its come what may be for you. And we will not be gentle if you don't cooperate with us.

Which is all substantiated further by Mueller's prosecutorial history. Where he gave, by any account, an incredibly lenient deal to Sammy Gravano and his laundry list of murders(I think released this year on a light 15 year sentence) in exchange for his enormously substantive deal that turned him into the star witness that brought down the Gotti crime family.

Beyond those two things I think it is hard to infer much else at this point. Except to maybe say it would be a legacy crushing blunder if Mueller doesn't feel confident he can end up catching someone further up the food chain on substantive charges or exposure and he merely lets someone like Flynn skirt on such paltry charges for a failed move on Kushner, McFarland, or Trump himself.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11528 on: December 03, 2017, 09:51:00 PM »
There's something that doesn't sound right to me in all of these news stories I'm seeing. They keep referencing that "Flynn is ready to testify that he was directed by Trump official(s) to contact Russia." What Trump official at the time outranked Flynn?  ???
6/ Deals like this are offered *only* when a witness can incriminate someone "higher up the food-chain" than them. In the case of the nation's former National Security Advisor, the *only* people above him in the executive-branch hierarchy are the President and the Vice President.

Well, all the media outlets have been saying Kushner. Although his job title is merely nebulous "senior adviser," he is Trump's son in law and thus a bigger fish than Flynn.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2017, 10:09:24 PM by agrajag »


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11529 on: December 03, 2017, 10:02:26 PM »
Kushner makes the most sense.

Though on another level, finally processing that Trump's shit-show was structured in such a way that large swaths of people, including a lieutenant-general, were on an ongoing basis, reporting to and taking political direction from Jared Kushner is  :heh
« Last Edit: December 03, 2017, 10:12:28 PM by Nola »


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11530 on: December 04, 2017, 12:16:37 AM »
Why does it have to be either/or and "if not this then that" of such extremes?

The investigation is focused on establishing if there was or was not a working relationship between members of the Trump administration and members of the Russian government as part of the Russian interference of the election. Calling that the Russia-Trump investigation seems sort of natural TBH. The direction from the acting Attorney General certainly allows for pretty far-reaching capacity to investigate other matters, but I guess I just don't see what you do here? If anything, like you frame with watergate, Mueller seems to be starting on the perimeter and inching closer to the inner-circle. Papadopoulos and now Flynn. Moving up the chain to find out what specifically happened, who knew, and when did they know it? Establishing a timeline of events and putting all the relevant actors in their context.

I would argue the two most consequential news items aside from Manafort(which may actually be part of a strategy to that central question) have both related directly to that central question. And the next shoe everyone is expecting to drop is someone slightly further up the chain in Kushner.

It's certainly worth considering how a clown circus like this could possibly of covered up a major impropriety or crime for this long(and to be fair, we might already be aware of when and what that thing is, but just haven't gotten the full context that makes it truly damning), but I don't think its quite the place so early in the investigation to start thinking the absence of that evidence is evidence of its absence.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11531 on: December 04, 2017, 12:52:19 AM »
I mean, is Trump Jr. talking to Russians telling them he would love it it they had dirt on Hillary Clinton and then proceeding to schedule a meeting with Russians regarding said dirt is considered "nothing to leak?"


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11532 on: December 04, 2017, 01:07:59 AM »
"If something had happened we'd already know" is also a Bad Take.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11533 on: December 04, 2017, 01:12:14 AM »
I mean, is Trump Jr. talking to Russians telling them he would love it it they had dirt on Hillary Clinton and then proceeding to schedule a meeting with Russians regarding said dirt is considered "nothing to leak?"

I mean come on, plenty of people interviewing under oath for heading a major US legal institution that will be investigating your boss are unable to answer at least 35 pertinent questions pertaining to the contact they and their circle had with the Russians. Totally normal.

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11534 on: December 04, 2017, 02:55:02 AM »
Benji's not playing devil's advocate and his position really isn't unorthodox. Watergate had a very specific crime at its center and the investigation done inched closer and closer to the president's circle until it was obvious the president had ordered the break-in and wiretapping. The mere fact that people are calling this the Trump-Russia scandal should reveal how amorphous it is in comparison. It's going in the opposite direction: find something wrong that Trump or his company did, and then try to link that back to Trump (impossible if word of mouth) or to the Russians who committed the crime (also probably impossible, or if it wasn't then it would have been discovered by now). The fact that the most "interesting" and "consequential" news always happens to be about something other than the state sponsored hack of the DNC should be a red flag that this will never amount to anything more than a few convictions for some really trivial laws being broken, certainly nothing more serious than when the Bush administration fired lawyers for prosecuting Republicans or when Bill Clinton assassinated William T. Coleman Jr. RIP.

During Watergate, Deepthroat leaked critical details to the press regularly and kept the nation captivated for over a year. This White House in comparison is filled with staff who don't respect and even hate their superiors so, as benjipwns already noted, either there's nothing to leak or this is the most well kept secret conspiracy by the most incompetent people on Earth.

What are you smoking? Like seriously are you even watching the same investigation we all are? That was just a longform version of "nothing is happening".

People like Mueller don't do something like this if there is "nothing" to be had. Get out of fantasy world. This isn't the revenge of the DNC or a witch hunt. And what do you mean no leaks? What the fuck do you think the past 6 months have been? Dear Christ I'd hate to see what you consider a leaky operation to be if Trumps admin is "leakproof". We're literally at a special console because of Leaks.

I also wouldn't call money laundering, conspiracy against the US and espionage trivial.  :doge
« Last Edit: December 04, 2017, 03:04:38 AM by thehunter116 »


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11535 on: December 04, 2017, 09:14:44 AM »
The fact that people say nothhave by is happening is really just direct evidence of how successfully trump and the Republicans have moved the Overton window on this, and how fatigued people have become over the trump administration.

It’s pretty remarkable how much the Trump administration’s story has shifted. In the course of less than a year, it’s went from “of course we didn’t work with the Russians on anything” to “ok, we did talk to them, but only about adoptions” to “ok, we did try to get some illegal information on hillary BUT it was a dud, so no harm no foul”  to “ we might have gotten some information, but c’mon, do you really think it made a difference in the election?”

Now I do agree that this might not end in Trumps impeachment, for various reasons. But I expect there are still a number of bombshells to drop, whether this is more information on how the campaign collaborated with the Russian, or a deep dive into Russian money laundering that Trump was privy to.

Edit: nevermind that the obstruction of justice is case is basically proven even to laymen, already. The defense of that is basically just semantics on what words mean.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11536 on: December 04, 2017, 09:20:37 AM »
Cutting the Corporate Tax from 35% to 20% is pretty major. Good luck ever coming back on that without being blackmailed on killing "growth" and "jobs".

I've been hearing for years that since the effective rate was so much lower than the statutory rate, you could lower it from 35% while closing loopholes, keeping it revenue-neutral while making it fairer across the board.

Instead they lowered the corporate rate and got rid of individual credits to (partially) offset it. The Republican party does not lack for chutzpah these days.

I've been seeing that the cut from 35% to 20% is just domestic. They are actually cutting it even less that 20% for income generated overseas thus giving companies even more incentive to keep shipping jobs overseas.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11537 on: December 04, 2017, 09:36:55 AM »
The funniest thing about all of this is that Trump's lawyers genuinely believe it'll all be over before Christmas, and they've convinced Trump of it. You don't have to be a lawyer to see Mueller hasn't revealed his full hand yet. I'm starting to believe that Trump will attempt to directly obstruct the investigation early next year. After the first big, post-Christmas reveal/indictment/news/etc.

Joe Molotov

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11538 on: December 04, 2017, 09:42:17 AM »
The funniest thing about all of this is that Trump's lawyers genuinely believe it'll all be over before Christmas, and they've convinced Trump of it. You don't have to be a lawyer to see Mueller hasn't revealed his full hand yet. I'm starting to believe that Trump will attempt to directly obstruct the investigation early next year. After the first big, post-Christmas reveal/indictment/news/etc.

Well, his lawyer's are now using the "it's not illegal if the president does it" defense so it's possible they're not very good lawyers.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11539 on: December 04, 2017, 10:16:41 AM »
Try to obstruct the people investigating you for obstruction, brehs

Human Snorenado

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11540 on: December 04, 2017, 10:44:09 AM »
The funniest thing about all of this is that Trump's lawyers genuinely believe it'll all be over before Christmas, and they've convinced Trump of it. You don't have to be a lawyer to see Mueller hasn't revealed his full hand yet. I'm starting to believe that Trump will attempt to directly obstruct the investigation early next year. After the first big, post-Christmas reveal/indictment/news/etc.

I'm pretty sure they're just grifting for cash and will bounce once it becomes inconvenient.

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11541 on: December 04, 2017, 10:46:10 AM »
I'm too lazy to look it up but is there anything in the presidential succession act that says it has to be applied if the president goes to jail?


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11542 on: December 04, 2017, 12:25:59 PM »
“Well, when the president does it, that means it is not illegal.”

- Richard Nixon

Sounds like Trump’s lawyers now have an ironclad defense strategy.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11543 on: December 04, 2017, 12:38:46 PM »
The funniest thing about all of this is that Trump's lawyers genuinely believe it'll all be over before Christmas, and they've convinced Trump of it. You don't have to be a lawyer to see Mueller hasn't revealed his full hand yet. I'm starting to believe that Trump will attempt to directly obstruct the investigation early next year. After the first big, post-Christmas reveal/indictment/news/etc.

I'm pretty sure they're just grifting for cash and will bounce once it becomes inconvenient.

Besides imagine having someone as undisciplined as Trump as a client :kobeyuck


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11544 on: December 04, 2017, 01:57:41 PM »
I think that's clearly in prep for raising the corporate rate to 22% like Trump apparently now suddenly wants.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11545 on: December 04, 2017, 02:09:30 PM »


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11546 on: December 04, 2017, 02:16:44 PM »
What's Bobby Roberts got to do with this


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11547 on: December 04, 2017, 02:20:20 PM »
it was funny lookin


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11548 on: December 04, 2017, 05:28:12 PM »
Mueller better stretch this out to when/if Democrats have a Congress majority. No way this Congress will do anything with people like Jim Jordan being in the judiciary committee.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11549 on: December 04, 2017, 05:36:19 PM »
Mueller better stretch this out to when/if Democrats have a Congress majority. No way this Congress will do anything with people like Jim Jordan being in the judiciary committee.

The average length of a special counsel investigation is something like 900 days.

So as long as trends hold there should at least be some break in the ice come 2018. Though at best it will just be like the Nixon era where Democrats will have a slight majority, so they can strengthen investigations, but lack the numbers to execute any actions without Republican cooperation.

I honestly do think the only way Trump goes is in 2020 or resigns.

Human Snorenado

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11551 on: December 04, 2017, 05:43:32 PM »
Mueller better stretch this out to when/if Democrats have a Congress majority. No way this Congress will do anything with people like Jim Jordan being in the judiciary committee.

The average length of a special counsel investigation is something like 900 days.

So as long as trends hold there should at least be some break in the ice come 2018. Though at best it will just be like the Nixon era where Democrats will have a slight majority, so they can strengthen investigations, but lack the numbers to execute any actions without Republican cooperation.

I honestly do think the only way Trump goes is in 2020 or resigns.

Well, there is another way...

Keep eating like shit, Donny


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11552 on: December 04, 2017, 05:43:41 PM »
And SCOTUS just approved his travel ban no questions asked. They must be reeeeing hard over at Reee.

Speaking of which, wasn't the original executive order a temporary ban. Surely they must have ironed out the extreme vetting of foreign travelers by now.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11553 on: December 04, 2017, 05:45:49 PM »

Speaking of which, wasn't the original executive order a temporary ban. Surely they must have ironed out the extreme vetting of foreign travelers by now.

Yeah, if you are brown don't come around.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11554 on: December 04, 2017, 05:46:13 PM »
Mueller better stretch this out to when/if Democrats have a Congress majority. No way this Congress will do anything with people like Jim Jordan being in the judiciary committee.

The average length of a special counsel investigation is something like 900 days.

So as long as trends hold there should at least be some break in the ice come 2018. Though at best it will just be like the Nixon era where Democrats will have a slight majority, so they can strengthen investigations, but lack the numbers to execute any actions without Republican cooperation.

I honestly do think the only way Trump goes is in 2020 or resigns.

Well, there is another way...

Keep eating like shit, Donny

meh, he's like one of those grandpas that chain smokes, eats like shit, doesn't take care of himself, and lives well into his 90's. That mother fucker will catch a cold at my funeral.

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11555 on: December 04, 2017, 05:46:54 PM »
And SCOTUS just approved his travel ban no questions asked. They must be reeeeing hard over at Reee.

Speaking of which, wasn't the original executive order a temporary ban. Surely they must have ironed out the extreme vetting of foreign travelers by now.

Actually they have understood over at Era that it was procedural.

I'm still laughing at the stupidity of this group. I mean seriously talking and working with known Russian intelligence while under investigation.
 :neogaf :lawd :gurl :dead :whoo


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11556 on: December 04, 2017, 05:53:31 PM »

New evidence that Roy Moore dated a 17 year old

I feel like you when you have already crossed that boundary of looking past or rationalizing away molesting a 14 year old, more evidence of a 34 year old dating a 17 year old just becomes mental gymnastics on easy mode.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11557 on: December 04, 2017, 05:54:06 PM »
Speaking of which, wasn't the original executive order a temporary ban.

Yeah. It was signed in late January and was for 90 days. So should have expired by May anyways.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11558 on: December 04, 2017, 05:59:10 PM »
Speaking of which, wasn't the original executive order a temporary ban.

Yeah. It was signed in late January and was for 90 days. So should have expired by May anyways.

Yeah, I thought it was 90 days but wasn't sure and couldn't find any info on that. So how is it supposed to work now, 90 days from this date? Or will there be some fuckery and it will basically be indefinite?


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11559 on: December 04, 2017, 06:04:17 PM »

New evidence that Roy Moore dated a 17 year old

I feel like you when you have already crossed that boundary of looking past or rationalizing away molesting a 14 year old, more evidence of a 34 year old dating a 17 year old just becomes mental gymnastics on easy mode.

I thought so too but it's actually pretty damning and disturbing. Read the whole thing if you haven't.

Oh by any normal brain that is incredibly damning in the larger context of Roy Moore, I don't know how the InfoWars types spin the evidence now, but so was the pussy tape for Trump, and the 14 year old's allegation, and all of the allegations against Fox News.

My point being, these are people that are true pieces of shit, or are delusional beyond repair. Based on recent polls I think Moore is going to win and clearly Trump is not really paying much in the way of a political price with his base at large for going to battle for him.

My best hope is that the national Democrats can get their shit together on this issue(not exactly confident on that right now) and use it to mobilize supporters and chip away just a little bit with disillusioned moderates.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11560 on: December 04, 2017, 06:05:53 PM »
There was always a suspicion that the "temporary, until we figure out some new rules" ban was really just meant to be a foot in the door for a permanent policy change.

The way they've kept pursuing variations on the ban pretty much confirms that. They'll have to keep going at it through executive orders, since they haven't even started the process legislatively.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11561 on: December 04, 2017, 07:13:12 PM »
The timing of Manafort is around when Flynn made the deal with Mueller, which was very good for Flynn. Mueller's investigation may be hasted significantly.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11562 on: December 04, 2017, 07:14:06 PM »
Herpa la
« Last Edit: December 04, 2017, 08:26:45 PM by Pwnz »


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11563 on: December 04, 2017, 07:18:44 PM »
« Last Edit: December 04, 2017, 08:27:00 PM by Pwnz »

Dickie Dee

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11564 on: December 04, 2017, 07:26:19 PM »
The post so shite he posted it thrice

Dickie Dee

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11565 on: December 04, 2017, 07:33:12 PM »
or maybe he's right?

Took a sabbatical from the news and am trying to find the hottest take on the latest developments and just come away more confused the more I read ???

Does anyone know?


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11566 on: December 04, 2017, 08:03:17 PM »
I got 500 or some other error after timing out, didn't think they made it. I thought this site detected duplicates.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11567 on: December 04, 2017, 08:58:39 PM »
It's safe to assume a post went through when it errors out with a 50X. You have to back out and refresh the page manually, though.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11568 on: December 04, 2017, 09:20:14 PM »





Wait wait wait. Does this mean that Manafort is going back to jail?

Edit : meh, just back to house arrest.
 :heh :gladbron :aah :noah :obama
« Last Edit: December 04, 2017, 11:06:57 PM by kingv »


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11569 on: December 04, 2017, 09:26:12 PM »
I cannot believe how dumb this story sounds.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11570 on: December 04, 2017, 09:46:53 PM »
All you had to do to get out from house arrest was not collude with a Russian operative to ghost write a self-serving op-ed...And you just couldn't help it  :heh

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11571 on: December 04, 2017, 10:14:40 PM »
All you had to do to get out from house arrest was not collude with a Russian operative to ghost write a self-serving op-ed...And you just couldn't help it  :heh


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11572 on: December 04, 2017, 10:27:05 PM »
What outdoor gear and clothing retailer Patagonia have to say about Bears Ears?

 :whoo :ufup :whew


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11573 on: December 04, 2017, 10:45:16 PM »
Cue Trumpkins lighting their already purchased fleeces on fire.

EDIT: Looks like The North Face is doing something similar

If only global warming was real, Trumpkins could maybe skirt on the winter wear.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2017, 11:04:07 PM by Nola »

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11574 on: December 04, 2017, 11:10:18 PM »

When big business turns against Repuiblicans

  :neogaf :lawd :mynicca

Great Rumbler

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11575 on: December 04, 2017, 11:11:56 PM »
At some point Trump's only support will come from some random angry white guy in rural Alabama who doesn't have a TV or the internet.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11576 on: December 04, 2017, 11:13:17 PM »
Huh buy stock in Columbia Sportswear I guess