Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| SAD TRUMP  (Read 5631122 times)

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  • Do the moron
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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10020 on: October 29, 2017, 06:57:32 AM »
I mean, as a final aside, Flynn is also attached to suspicions of being beholden to interests in Turkey. The same Turkey who had some official agents apparently so convinced of impunity they engaged in a brawl on US soil against protestors, a major diplomatic faux-pas by every metric. Just to keep in mind that sketchy foreign influence isn't a Russian monopoly.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10021 on: October 29, 2017, 09:40:54 AM »
What's their direct threat to the United States?

Sowing discord and propaganda.

At this point it’s quite clear that Russia is at least trying to fan the flames of the alt-right, the extreme left, pro trump, and anti-trump to try to destabilize the United States and undermine faith in its elections and government. Arguably it has been effective.

Yes Russia couldn’t really challenge the US in a hot war, but it’s still a threat.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10022 on: October 29, 2017, 09:51:39 AM »
Do left wing politicians even exist in the US?  :neogaf


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10023 on: October 29, 2017, 10:28:19 AM »
Attacking our democracy and feed bullshit and lies.
Sowing discord and propaganda.

At this point it’s quite clear that Russia is at least trying to fan the flames of the alt-right, the extreme left, pro trump, and anti-trump to try to destabilize the United States and undermine faith in its elections and government. Arguably it has been effective.
The American political class has done far more than Russia could ever hope to.

Russia is an excuse, a scapegoat, a reason to deny American agency, a way to deflect from real failures at home by blaming insidious foreigners.

Paranoia about Russia gives a free pass to legitimate threats. It's amazing how eagerly people seem to want to eat it up no matter how much nonsense gets thrown in the pot.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10024 on: October 29, 2017, 10:29:53 AM »
What's their direct threat to the United States?

Sowing discord and propaganda.

At this point it’s quite clear that Russia is at least trying to fan the flames of the alt-right, the extreme left, pro trump, and anti-trump to try to destabilize the United States and undermine faith in its elections and government. Arguably it has been effective.

Yes Russia couldn’t really challenge the US in a hot war, but it’s still a threat.



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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10025 on: October 29, 2017, 11:04:17 AM »
What's their direct threat to the United States?

Sowing discord and propaganda.

At this point it’s quite clear that Russia is at least trying to fan the flames of the alt-right, the extreme left, pro trump, and anti-trump to try to destabilize the United States and undermine faith in its elections and government. Arguably it has been effective.

Yes Russia couldn’t really challenge the US in a hot war, but it’s still a threat.


It’s.. a real term. It’s in dictionaries and everything   ::)
« Last Edit: October 29, 2017, 11:10:09 AM by kingv »


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10026 on: October 29, 2017, 11:09:25 AM »
Attacking our democracy and feed bullshit and lies.
Sowing discord and propaganda.

At this point it’s quite clear that Russia is at least trying to fan the flames of the alt-right, the extreme left, pro trump, and anti-trump to try to destabilize the United States and undermine faith in its elections and government. Arguably it has been effective.
The American political class has done far more than Russia could ever hope to.

Russia is an excuse, a scapegoat, a reason to deny American agency, a way to deflect from real failures at home by blaming insidious foreigners.

Paranoia about Russia gives a free pass to legitimate threats. It's amazing how eagerly people seem to want to eat it up no matter how much nonsense gets thrown in the pot.

That’s a lot of words that don’t really say anything.

In a sense, I agree with you. That DNC types, especially, want to use Putin and Russia as a scapegoat to cover up the fact that Hillary sucks and the DNC sucks and Obama sort of sucked too. Yes, Trump could never have beaten a less shiny candidate, Putin or no.

But it doesn’t necessarily follow from there that Russia is not a problem, or that Presidential campaigns colluding with a foreign government is something we should just ignore. It’s almost like the country can have multiple problems.


  • Do the moron
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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10027 on: October 29, 2017, 12:12:39 PM »
I'd be curious to see the vying for influence in the US by other foreign agents (for instance... Israël) spun in as sinister a light as used for Russia. To compare and contrast. Russian meddling might have been beyond business as usual, I don't deny that, I'm just making a point at the singling out.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10028 on: October 29, 2017, 12:50:15 PM »
We are a hyperpower, we have been a superpower for a century, our elections and politics don't operate in a bubble. Many of them have turned on foreign policy issues, we debate earth changing events as a common function of our politics. We overthrow governments constantly. The United States cannot have a national election free from "foreign influence" whatever that means.

Russia's been futzing with our computers, so has China, even our formal allies have been caught spying in the United States. All the time, whether it's an election or not.

No matter what Trump or Hillary did with the Russians pales in comparison to every incumbent of the post war era. All of whom "colluded" with foreign governments because it was the nature of their job to not stop foreign policy for two years while we hold a Presidential election. LBJ and Nixon both tried to play the Vietnam negotiations against one another in the 1968 election. The Ford and Carter Administrations both tried to leverage foreign policy to promote their re-election campaigns. The last incumbent we have infamously saying he'll "have more flexibility after the election" to a foreign power.

What exactly is this "threat" that Russia exclusively poses? Russia didn't cause the last two administrations to wage frankly illegal wars, torture, perform illegal spying on American citizens nor cause them to declare the right to murder American citizens without due process.

We don't even have a supposed act that Russia did in the 2016 election to either help Trump or harm Hillary...or vice versa. The Podesta e-mails are too many steps removed from a plan that makes sense and that's ignoring that they had nothing in them. The "fake news" on social media thing is beyond laughable considering again how good Americans are at doing that themselves. And that was the main theory of known perjurer and former DNI James Clapper.

Denying American agency or crimes by blaming insidious foreigners who did something non specific is pretty much the oldest trick in the book. Trump showed this to great effect.

These are boogeymen to help us blame others and think there's a quick fix rather than look at what we've been doing to ourselves. Russia pulling the strings behind the scenes means we don't have to grapple with the "alt-right" or "extreme left" or Trump's Presidency being American products, instead we can handwave it away by saying if only Russia wasn't "colluding" or "fanning the flames" with their magical powers all would be well.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10029 on: October 29, 2017, 01:06:21 PM »
Denying American agency or crimes by blaming insidious foreigners who did something non specific is pretty much the oldest trick in the book. Trump showed this to great effect.
Agree with general outline of your post but you already know why I'm not down for this equivalence, right?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10030 on: October 29, 2017, 01:17:49 PM »


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10031 on: October 29, 2017, 01:38:47 PM »
Attacking our democracy and feed bullshit and lies.
Sowing discord and propaganda.

At this point it’s quite clear that Russia is at least trying to fan the flames of the alt-right, the extreme left, pro trump, and anti-trump to try to destabilize the United States and undermine faith in its elections and government. Arguably it has been effective.
The American political class has done far more than Russia could ever hope to.

Russia is an excuse, a scapegoat, a reason to deny American agency, a way to deflect from real failures at home by blaming insidious foreigners.

Paranoia about Russia gives a free pass to legitimate threats. It's amazing how eagerly people seem to want to eat it up no matter how much nonsense gets thrown in the pot.

You know, both issues can be true at the same time. America can have issues with its ruling class(though this is a bit vague for my tastes), it's foreign policy, its domestic media environment, and corporatism that has infected the political process while also having a problematic issue of increased Russian cyber aggression and possible direct coordination in our political affairs that goes beyond the espionage countries like China have engaged in. And both require awareness and action(though what can realistically be done on the domestic front IDK). Though I would argue the more powerful, and dangerous forces internally will be harder to curb or counter-act.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10032 on: October 29, 2017, 02:13:25 PM »
HOT: Republican congressional candidate colluding with Soviet political officer.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10033 on: October 29, 2017, 02:16:58 PM »
We are a hyperpower, we have been a superpower for a century, our elections and politics don't operate in a bubble. Many of them have turned on foreign policy issues, we debate earth changing events as a common function of our politics. We overthrow governments constantly. The United States cannot have a national election free from "foreign influence" whatever that means.

Russia's been futzing with our computers, so has China, even our formal allies have been caught spying in the United States. All the time, whether it's an election or not.

No matter what Trump or Hillary did with the Russians pales in comparison to every incumbent of the post war era. All of whom "colluded" with foreign governments because it was the nature of their job to not stop foreign policy for two years while we hold a Presidential election. LBJ and Nixon both tried to play the Vietnam negotiations against one another in the 1968 election. The Ford and Carter Administrations both tried to leverage foreign policy to promote their re-election campaigns. The last incumbent we have infamously saying he'll "have more flexibility after the election" to a foreign power.

What exactly is this "threat" that Russia exclusively poses? Russia didn't cause the last two administrations to wage frankly illegal wars, torture, perform illegal spying on American citizens nor cause them to declare the right to murder American citizens without due process.

We don't even have a supposed act that Russia did in the 2016 election to either help Trump or harm Hillary...or vice versa. The Podesta e-mails are too many steps removed from a plan that makes sense and that's ignoring that they had nothing in them. The "fake news" on social media thing is beyond laughable considering again how good Americans are at doing that themselves. And that was the main theory of known perjurer and former DNI James Clapper.

Denying American agency or crimes by blaming insidious foreigners who did something non specific is pretty much the oldest trick in the book. Trump showed this to great effect.

These are boogeymen to help us blame others and think there's a quick fix rather than look at what we've been doing to ourselves. Russia pulling the strings behind the scenes means we don't have to grapple with the "alt-right" or "extreme left" or Trump's Presidency being American products, instead we can handwave it away by saying if only Russia wasn't "colluding" or "fanning the flames" with their magical powers all would be well.

The only thing in your great list of electoral crimes that even comes close to what is alleged was Nixon torpedoing the LBJ’s peace talks in the 68 election. Which was illegal. And probably should have resulted in impeachment as well as everything else he did.

The rest of it reads as some sort of long winded what-about-ism argument that essentially boils down to “amerikkka has done lots of shitty things, why would you care about one more shitty thing? Amerikkka is the real hypocrite”

I don’t buy that line of thinking. What’s bad is bad, even if some other person tried to overthrow Cuba in the 60’s.

That said, it seems to me to be an issue to says that it’s perfectly fine for a Presidential candidate negotiates away national security issues in exchange for illegal foreign campaign spending, access to a twitter bot net, and government funded hacking on their oponnent. Maybe next election, the candidates should just say they’ll look the other way on Ukraine if Russia assassinates their opponent?

We know:
- that Russia is running twitter bots
- Russia sent a lawyer to meet with Donal trumps kid and campaign manager and brother in law, with documents from the kremlin
- they talked about the Magnitsky Act
- they offered opposition research
- donald trumps campaign tried to coordinate with Wikileaks, which is cozy with Russia
- the first release of Hillary’s emails had Russian footnotes and was compiled on a Russian version of Word.
- Russia was buying digital advertising in support of Trump.
- we know trump has been against any sort of sanctions on Russia.

Maybe you can say that whatever Russia did did not actually change the results, but “he cheated but it didn’t matter” or “he tried to cheat but never actually got it done “ doesn’t make trying to cheat less illegal.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10034 on: October 29, 2017, 02:31:14 PM »
"know" is a word and it's even in the dictionary, too


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10035 on: October 29, 2017, 02:51:43 PM »
"know" is a word and it's even in the dictionary, too

So is "credulous."

EX: Etiolate's passionate credulity toward right-wing conspiracies and 4chan rumors calls into question his ability to competently navigate many political topics.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10036 on: October 29, 2017, 02:54:20 PM »
So the historically unmatched actions that prove Russia is a unique and existential threat to the United States:
-Russia posted things on the internet.
-People within the Trump circle briefly met with some random Russians both of whom had nothing of value for any parties.
-President Trump signed a bunch of new sanctions on Russia.

It's not really "whataboutism" to argue that Russia's two or more layers minimum removed internet trolling is a borderline nothingburger as the driver of "attacking/undermining our democracy and trust in our government" in comparison to the things that said government and American political actors are doing constantly and above the board and in the open and actually are targeting Americans.

Suggesting that Russia has done more damage than anything else let alone everything else over the years by posting irrelevant things on the internet is truly believing they have some kind of magical powers. I mean, you're leaping from internet trolls, e-mail dumps from phishing and brief half-hearted meetings that went nowhere to candidates engaging in elaborate coordinated assassination plots on their opponents. All to justify the hyperbole that some unprecedented crime occurred that changes everything.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10037 on: October 29, 2017, 03:01:32 PM »


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10038 on: October 29, 2017, 03:06:00 PM »
can't escape the hillary cucks even on here :(


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10039 on: October 29, 2017, 03:26:43 PM »
-People within the Trump circle briefly met with some random Russians both of whom had nothing of value for any parties.
Why are we taking Don Jr's word on that?

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10040 on: October 29, 2017, 03:31:02 PM »
Attacking our democracy and feed bullshit and lies.
Sowing discord and propaganda.

At this point it’s quite clear that Russia is at least trying to fan the flames of the alt-right, the extreme left, pro trump, and anti-trump to try to destabilize the United States and undermine faith in its elections and government. Arguably it has been effective.
The American political class has done far more than Russia could ever hope to.

Russia is an excuse, a scapegoat, a reason to deny American agency, a way to deflect from real failures at home by blaming insidious foreigners.

Paranoia about Russia gives a free pass to legitimate threats. It's amazing how eagerly people seem to want to eat it up no matter how much nonsense gets thrown in the pot.

I think you are mistake my agency on Russia as an carte blance acceptance of the status quo. I wholly recognize the DNC has it's failings as does the democratic party but those of you on the left ignoring how evil, vile and depraved the current administration is with weak false equivalence and lamenting prior admins failures as being the same are fools.

Take care of the demons you can first, then focus on the sinners next. The DNC and the domestic issues within our own pale in comparison to the failures of the RNC and the GOP.

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10041 on: October 29, 2017, 03:32:01 PM »
I'd be curious to see the vying for influence in the US by other foreign agents (for instance... Israël) spun in as sinister a light as used for Russia. To compare and contrast. Russian meddling might have been beyond business as usual, I don't deny that, I'm just making a point at the singling out.

I don't like the fact Isreal has so much say in our politics either if it means anything.

I'm consistent in my disgust. :doge

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10042 on: October 29, 2017, 03:34:12 PM »
can't escape the hillary cucks even on here :(

Either bring a real argument in here or shut up trumpet.  :ufup

And I was a Bernie supporter.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10043 on: October 29, 2017, 03:35:21 PM »
Motherfucker, three consecutive quote-posts? Were you raised by wolves?


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10044 on: October 29, 2017, 03:53:24 PM »
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 09:08:18 AM by joe_zazen »

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10045 on: October 29, 2017, 04:01:36 PM »

We know:
- that Russia is running twitter bots
- Russia sent a lawyer to meet with Donal trumps kid and campaign manager and brother in law, with documents from the kremlin
- they talked about the Magnitsky Act
- they offered opposition research
- donald trumps campaign tried to coordinate with Wikileaks, which is cozy with Russia
- the first release of Hillary’s emails had Russian footnotes and was compiled on a Russian version of Word.
- Russia was buying digital advertising in support of Trump.
- we know trump has been against any sort of sanctions on Russia.

Can you source all of these?  I’m genuinely curious as to the sources.  Eg. was the Russian lawyer from Russian govt, because I thought I read she was connected to gpsfusion. 

Part of the problem with all of this is who can you trust not to lie?  It is a real shitty state of affairs.  ESP. When those who do tell the truth about us govt malfeasance are threatened with death(snowden, assange) by both parties.

Here's a hint...don't trust the two people who work for Russia.

Jesus people this isn't hard. Russia is the bad guy no matter how badly we've fucked up.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10046 on: October 29, 2017, 04:41:53 PM »
If we're going to drag up old enemeis as scapegoats every time the Dems blow an election then y'all gonna lose your jrpgs soon.


  • cultural maoist
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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10047 on: October 29, 2017, 04:48:13 PM »
Russia talk  :snore :snore :snore

Anthony Weiner's weiner had a bigger impact on the election than Russia.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10048 on: October 29, 2017, 05:01:21 PM »
So the historically unmatched actions that prove Russia is a unique and existential threat to the United States:
-Russia posted things on the internet.
-People within the Trump circle briefly met with some random Russians both of whom had nothing of value for any parties.
-President Trump signed a bunch of new sanctions on Russia.

It's not really "whataboutism" to argue that Russia's two or more layers minimum removed internet trolling is a borderline nothingburger as the driver of "attacking/undermining our democracy and trust in our government" in comparison to the things that said government and American political actors are doing constantly and above the board and in the open and actually are targeting Americans.

Suggesting that Russia has done more damage than anything else let alone everything else over the years by posting irrelevant things on the internet is truly believing they have some kind of magical powers. I mean, you're leaping from internet trolls, e-mail dumps from phishing and brief half-hearted meetings that went nowhere to candidates engaging in elaborate coordinated assassination plots on their opponents. All to justify the hyperbole that some unprecedented crime occurred that changes everything.

About what I suspected form someone that consumes Lou Dobbs and Tucker on the regular  :doge

I'll save the wall of text(even by Benji standards) for spoilers:
spoiler (click to show/hide)

I get the gist and agree with aspects of your arguments so far, but seriously, I don't know anyone personally, or in this thread, that has claimed Russia has done more damage than anything else that exists in terms of influencing power toward the electorate. Heck, I'm pretty sure Jack is on some lists at this point for his fury over the Comey letter.

Russia has, with a pretty strong degree of certainty, developed and incubated a cooperative and active cyber and political influence strategy that has been used in many countries to advance their political goals. Nearly a dozen(or two dozen depending on different investigations) we know about. An asymmetrical warfare strategy likely to compensate for their inability to project power directly(or at least in combination with more classic levers). A strategy of propaganda, collusion, indirect funding, targeted hacking, and disinformation used to sow chaos in democracies and create doubt in political institutions, and hopefully drive people to choosing politicians that most favor their foreign policy agenda. Or at a minimum create enough suspicion in those they deem opponents to cripple their ability to govern effectively.

The difference is they now turned it on the US. Which is not something that is a nothing-burger IMO. If other countries are the map to what Russia seeks in America, that is not something you can just scoff at and brush off. It is a major threat, which is different from saying it is the ultra causation to Trump's ascent.

What we are fairly confident(if not all but confirmed) is knowing the Russians engaged in is a sustained disinformation campaign using troll farms, sanctioned hacking groups, and attempted(potentially successful) coordination with politicians they deem aligned with their self-interests. They have successfully hacked and disseminated information that was able to be weaponized by attacking the DNC, DCCC, several political campaigns, breached voting software companies to attain voter rolls and apparently wanted to go further, and showed some suspiciously sophisticated understanding of political dynamics down to very micro levels in how they targeted their efforts. Something that was not really seen in even recent history from the Kremlin's prior efforts.

As to Trump, I think there is more than enough smoke to justify suspicion, scrutiny, investigation, and not offer the benefit of the doubt in the court of public opinion. This is a guy that has had known(or at best blind-eye passivity) dealings with criminal aspects of the Kremlin for decades. From washing their dirty money through his real estate holdings, to surrounding himself with Russian actors like Felix Sater to Manafort to Flynn. From his suspicious consistency on matters of Russia compared to almost everything else about his political agenda(and behavior in pushing back on this issue), including his own holdings and business interests with Russian groups tied to some of these activities.

My personal view of Russia's influence is that clearly served both as a catalyst for propaganda with their hacking efforts, and an amplifier with their disinformation campaign. However, I have long been more critical of the enormously powerful apparatus of disinformation that is the right-wing media echo chamber than anything Russia could do with disinformation directly on their own. There is no greater in-kind contribution in American politics than getting Fox News, the Mercer's, Sinclair's, and those echo chambers fighting for you.

The moment the Podesta emails were released it was all but guaranteed that right-wing chamber was going to catastrophize and amplify the issue as far they could. Because it was in their self-interest to do so. You only need to look at opinion polls from almost any point in the last two decades to see how powerful they are at getting a decent chunk of the population to believe their narratives, specifically those narratives that are objectively false or at best highly misleading. A topical example would be threads like this where multiple people peddle the long pushed false equivalency narrative between right-wing and fringe outlets with 'mainstream' news outlets in print and broadcast. As if they are on equal planes in terms of their standards, motivations, credibility, and historical trustworthiness. A consequence that leads to a greater openness to even less vetted fringe outlets and an over-ruling trust in highly questionable actors like Wikileaks.

Back to the point, if anything, Russia's greatest success(which likely had nothing to do with their direct actions at all) has come because those echo chambers, aware of it or not, see mutual opportunity and self-interest to advance the disinformation and actions they(the Russian groups) have pushed or initiated with their efforts.  So the question becomes, absent Russian actions, would you have places like Fox News and every right-wing outlet defacto defending the Kremlin's actions? Pushing narratives of false equivalence that serve Russia's interest? Running with specific whataboutisms right out of their handbook? Pushing hyper-partisan institutional distrust narratives? Propping up a full-time Russian apologist president in a way that seeks to push legitimacy to those views by feeling an obligation to defend and spin them? Pushing conspiracies like Seth Rich in response to damaging interviews admitting obstruction of justice? Softening the hawkishness on the right-wing voting public toward Putin and Russia? Does Russia deserve some credit for that? IDK, I think at least a little.

Likewise though, we likely wouldn't have seen the sort of backfire-effect institutionally that has hardened those institutions in scrutinizing Russia and politicians seeking harsher measures to counter-act Russia. Which, at least in the short-term, has been unsuccessful in achieving policy goals.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2017, 05:07:02 PM by Nola »


  • Do the moron
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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10049 on: October 29, 2017, 05:03:57 PM »
Part of the problem with all of this is who can you trust not to lie?  It is a real shitty state of affairs.  ESP. When those who do tell the truth about us govt malfeasance are threatened with death(snowden, assange) by both parties.

Here's a hint...don't trust the two people who work for Russia.

Snowden worked for Russia when he denounced NSA policies ?

Jesus people this isn't hard. Russia is the bad guy no matter how badly we've fucked up.

PoliSci majors hate him ! Click here to discover the simple trick to all political discussions Kissinger and Brzeziński didn't want you to know.

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10050 on: October 29, 2017, 05:14:56 PM »
Part of the problem with all of this is who can you trust not to lie?  It is a real shitty state of affairs.  ESP. When those who do tell the truth about us govt malfeasance are threatened with death(snowden, assange) by both parties.

Here's a hint...don't trust the two people who work for Russia.

Snowden worked for Russia when he denounced NSA policies ?

Jesus people this isn't hard. Russia is the bad guy no matter how badly we've fucked up.

PoliSci majors hate him ! Click here to discover the simple trick to all political discussions Kissinger and Brzeziński didn't want you to know.
You think the asylum he got didn't come with strings attached?

Ya'll really are gullible fools if you think Russia's interference in 2016 was minor or simple distraction by democrats for losing.


  • Do the moron
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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10051 on: October 29, 2017, 05:17:29 PM »
Joking aside it's maye worth something to ponder why Russia developed this so called "hybrid" (or assymetrical) warfare capacity beyond just the fact they're "the bad guys" even if only to know how to approach them in international talks.

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10052 on: October 29, 2017, 05:23:39 PM »
Joking aside it's maye worth something to ponder why Russia developed this so called "hybrid" (or assymetrical) warfare capacity beyond just the fact they're "the bad guys" even if only to know how to approach them in international talks.

The problem is in how we currently approach cyber warfare. If we're making it a sport don't you think it's a part of the war chest?


  • Do the moron
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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10053 on: October 29, 2017, 05:26:18 PM »
You think the asylum he got didn't come with strings attached?

Snowden had already done all of his leaks before setting a foot in Moscow AFAIK and started taking contact months before being in HK. He was planning, by all known accounts, to try to join Ecuador. He was only stranded in Moscow because his passport was revoked by the US. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

So again, are you claiming Snowden worked for Russia when he denounced NSA policies and leaked documents ? Because the original quote you responded to was just :

Part of the problem with all of this is who can you trust not to lie?  It is a real shitty state of affairs.  ESP. When those who do tell the truth about us govt malfeasance are threatened with death(snowden, assange) by both parties.

Which (edit for clarity : the exposure of US govt malfeasence in intelligence affairs) doesn't really pertain to the truthfulness of the allegations levied at Russia.

I'd be interested to see your evidence if your answer is yes.

Joking aside it's maye worth something to ponder why Russia developed this so called "hybrid" (or assymetrical) warfare capacity beyond just the fact they're "the bad guys" even if only to know how to approach them in international talks.

The problem is in how we currently approach cyber warfare. If we're making it a sport don't you think it's a part of the war chest?

OK sure but that's not what I am talking about tho.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10054 on: October 29, 2017, 05:40:35 PM »
Joking aside it's maye worth something to ponder why Russia developed this so called "hybrid" (or assymetrical) warfare capacity beyond just the fact they're "the bad guys" even if only to know how to approach them in international talks.

 I alluded to my thoughts in my wall of text, but I suspect part of the motivation(or inspiration) is Russia lacks the capacity to exert through other levers. That and Putin is seeped in some questionable paranoia that would invite endorsing this.

Espionage is a well treaded field amongst major powers(I'm pretty sure we explicitly designate spending on this), so is attempting influence in lower level power players, so it is sort of an understandable step for a place like Russia, with a paranoid dictator with a feeling of pressure internally and externally, to go from espionage to active cyber measures toward the major powers.

Putin has a devil's deal with the oligarchs and criminal enterprises of his country as I understand it. Which is reflective in a foreign policy that seeks to maximize state interests, such as diminishing the power of the western alliances that were built up to curb Russian aggression post WWII, discredit democratic nations to prop up Russia's form of government to his domestic audience, and advancing the interests of those criminal oligarchs though active policy and by seeking to remove things like sanctions on some of those criminal enterprises. Which TBH, the actions that led to those sanctions is pretty solid evidence of that cooperation and a window into some of those motivating factors behind the scenes.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10055 on: October 29, 2017, 05:45:16 PM »
Part of the problem with all of this is who can you trust not to lie?  It is a real shitty state of affairs.  ESP. When those who do tell the truth about us govt malfeasance are threatened with death(snowden, assange) by both parties.

Here's a hint...don't trust the two people who work for Russia.

Snowden worked for Russia when he denounced NSA policies ?

Jesus people this isn't hard. Russia is the bad guy no matter how badly we've fucked up.

PoliSci majors hate him ! Click here to discover the simple trick to all political discussions Kissinger and Brzeziński didn't want you to know.
You think the asylum he got didn't come with strings attached?

Ya'll really are gullible fools if you think Russia's interference in 2016 was minor or simple distraction by democrats for losing.

What is your method for measuring the impact of the involvement?

Once you have figured it out, what would you think is a rational response? Hypothetically let us assume that they significantly impacted the result of the election and swung it. Are we pursuing a proportional response by rigging their next election? Oops we cant he's a dictator.  Engage in cyber and conventional aggresion that inches us closer to another cold war?

In the scenario they had a non insignificant impact, how about we take the L and focus on actually winning the next election. We can at least agree with benji's assesment that outside of MAD, they cannot compete with us in most confrontational scenarios.

Edit. Im cool with sanctions.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2017, 06:10:30 PM by warcock »


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10056 on: October 29, 2017, 06:05:16 PM »
Joking aside it's maye worth something to ponder why Russia developed this so called "hybrid" (or assymetrical) warfare capacity beyond just the fact they're "the bad guys" even if only to know how to approach them in international talks.

 I alluded to my thoughts in my wall of text, but I suspect part of the motivation(or inspiration) is Russia lacks the capacity to exert through other levers. That and Putin is seeped in some questionable paranoia that would invite endorsing this.

Espionage is a well treaded field amongst major powers(I'm pretty sure we explicitly designate spending on this), so is attempting influence in lower level power players, so it is sort of an understandable step for a place like Russia, with a paranoid dictator with a feeling of pressure internally and externally, to go from espionage to active cyber measures toward the major powers.

Putin has a devil's deal with the oligarchs and criminal enterprises of his country as I understand it. Which is reflective in a foreign policy that seeks to maximize state interests, such as diminishing the power of the western alliances that were built up to curb Russian aggression post WWII, discredit democratic nations to prop up Russia's form of government to his domestic audience, and advancing the interests of those criminal oligarchs though active policy and by seeking to remove things like sanctions on some of those criminal enterprises. Which TBH, the actions that led to those sanctions is pretty solid evidence of that cooperation and a window into some of those motivating factors behind the scenes.

I listened to some interviews by academics well versed on the matter and one of them, which had excellent networks in Russia (I believe an American or British teacher now stationed in Prague), heard it directly from Russian public servants that hybrid warfare was a Russian interpretation of the Western combination of so called hard and soft power. The propaganda, as we label it, being the gemini to the huge influence of US and Western media. Now of course you can think Russians are warping the truth, but it seems fairly obvious they genuinely believe this and it is entrenched in a long tradition of perceived double standards and slights from the West -from which "whataboutism" originated even, IIRC- going back to the Soviet era if not a couple of centuries back as evidenced by the Russian ambivalence towards Europe and its liberal modernization which is well documented in both archive and fiction.

Russian motivations are only a tangent in the discussion here but I think it's worth bringing it up because it's the other side of the coin of all the hyperbole in current US discourse labeling Russia an hostile power, an enemy, bad guys : It's not exactly conclusive to any thoughtful debate on how, if possible, to de-escalate tensions with Russia which for all its weaknesses is still a major player in world affairs which cooperation will be needed for everyone's benefit at points. In fact, fanning such flames constantly is probably increasing the risk of a kneejerk reaction in the near future. It's potentially harmful political theater with human lives in the balance. (Though to be fair to Western powers, Russia is not the easiest partners to have and often won't give an inch).

It's all of course a tangent to the debate on alleged Russian interference which if proven true will have to be met with appropriate sanctions, much like the coup de force in Crimea had justifiable consequences for them.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2017, 06:17:07 PM by VomKriege »


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10057 on: October 29, 2017, 06:19:53 PM »
I dunno why Rissia will be a scapegoat when everyone agrees that, at the end of the day, it was the U.S. that elected Trump. I don't think the DNC or the RNC will ever accept wrongdoing in their own behavior.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10058 on: October 29, 2017, 06:22:58 PM »
I dunno why Rissia will be a scapegoat when everyone agrees that, at the end of the day, it was the U.S. that elected Trump. I don't think the DNC or the RNC will ever accept wrongdoing in their own behavior.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10059 on: October 29, 2017, 06:24:21 PM »

What is your method for measuring the impact of the involvement?

Once you have figured it out, what would you think is a rational response? Hypothetically let us assume that they significantly impacted the result of the election and swung it. Are we pursuing a proportional response by rigging their next election? Oops we cant he's a dictator.  Engage in cyber and conventional aggresion that inches us closer to another cold war?

In the scenario they had a non insignificant impact, how about we take the L and focus on actually winning the next election. We can at least agree with benji's assesment that outside of MAD, they cannot compete with us in most confrontational scenarios.

I think by and large, outside of the expected foot-dragging(intentional or by incompetence) of the Trump administration implementing sanctions and not being proactive, political institutions, the more responsible players in the business community(which isn't exactly saying much) and journalistic institutions(of course right-wing media continues to be a powerful hedge against it) have taken some actions to bring awareness and curb the avenues we found vulnerabilities in 2016. And at least by all appearances we have some quality investigations into the matter underway. Though clearly a lot less than what would of happened under a different administration that sees less self-interest in burying this stuff. Or a congress trapped between polar ends on this issue.

But frankly we are not going to know whether those actions remain effective(or determine how effective they were) until we get further into analyzing this, see how investigations play out, and likely get past another election and assess what damage or lack thereof can be attributed to these tactics(maybe not even then). And most importantly, analyze how the long-term public sentiment shapes out and how politicians act, and how policy evolves in the wake of this over time.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10060 on: October 29, 2017, 06:31:44 PM »
I dunno why Rissia will be a scapegoat when everyone agrees that, at the end of the day, it was the U.S. that elected Trump. I don't think the DNC or the RNC will ever accept wrongdoing in their own behavior.

Not saying that US shouldn't no sanction Russia or give Trump a free pass. There is a reason why you guys have those electoral laws against foreign interference.

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I mean, you were as good as Russia in this.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10061 on: October 29, 2017, 06:34:33 PM »
My biggest gripe with the Russia blaming is how greatly it overestimates Russia's influence and the efficacy of their methods. A bunch of fake facebook accounts run from a troll farm in Russia by people with a marginal understanding of English and American politics isn't sophisticated, high-level stuff, it's a cheap and dirty way to project power when other methods are sealed off to you. RT reaches maybe 50k households? As a propaganda machine it's minuscule compared to Fox. Their biggest successes were in feeding a right wing echo chamber, but is replicating the efforts of racist uncles and pepes really all that impactful?

These sort of efforts are both crude and extremely difficult to prevent. Misinformation, fake accounts, hearsay come bundled with the internet, and it's far from a Russian only thing to use sock puppet social media accounts (see Brock, David). That Russia uses these tactics is the best evidence of their relative weakness and lack of influence.

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10062 on: October 29, 2017, 06:42:35 PM »
RT isn't a powerhouse and I don't know anyone who watches it, but it reaches more than 50,000 households. Comcast carries RT (I get it) and it's on a pretty low subscription-tier.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10063 on: October 29, 2017, 06:47:24 PM »
From what i remember RT would have more reach with angry lefties than trumpeters. I will admit I did not watch it during the election tough so i am not entirely sure. Unless you want to argue that RT had major pull with pushing bernibros towards trump.  ??? ???


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10064 on: October 29, 2017, 07:11:47 PM »
RT's viewership is low and its commentary swings left.  Curious to see how it compares ratings wise to Al Jazeera or BBC America.

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10065 on: October 29, 2017, 07:17:07 PM »
RT's viewership is low and its commentary swings left.  Curious to see how it compares ratings wise to Al Jazeera or BBC America.

You mean BBC World News, right? BBC America doesn't have news coverage.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10066 on: October 29, 2017, 07:19:06 PM »
Don't watch RT but I would bet they pushed voting Jill Stein with a side of "Hillary is worse than Trump b/c she's more of a hawk."

RT isn't a powerhouse and I don't know anyone who watches it, but it reaches more than 50,000 households. Comcast carries RT (I get it) and it's on a pretty low subscription-tier.

You're right I was thinking of average viewership.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10067 on: October 29, 2017, 07:30:35 PM »
RT's viewership is low and its commentary swings left.  Curious to see how it compares ratings wise to Al Jazeera or BBC America.

You mean BBC World News, right? BBC America doesn't have news coverage.

You are correct sir.

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10068 on: October 29, 2017, 07:35:45 PM »
Don't watch RT but I would bet they pushed voting Jill Stein with a side of "Hillary is worse than Trump b/c she's more of a hawk."

RT isn't a powerhouse and I don't know anyone who watches it, but it reaches more than 50,000 households. Comcast carries RT (I get it) and it's on a pretty low subscription-tier.

You're right I was thinking of average viewership.

I think I've watched a total of 5 minutes of RT ever. It was weird.

I miss Al Jazeera America, they had good journalists and programming.

I actually watch a lot of BBC World News, they cover international stories that CNN and MSNBC never bother to talk about.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10069 on: October 29, 2017, 07:39:09 PM »

I listened to some interviews by academics well versed on the matter and one of them, which had excellent networks in Russia (I believe an American or British teacher now stationed in Prague), heard it directly from Russian public servants that hybrid warfare was a Russian interpretation of the Western combination of so called hard and soft power. The propaganda, as we label it, being the gemini to the huge influence of US and Western media. Now of course you can think Russians are warping the truth, but it seems fairly obvious they genuinely believe this and it is entrenched in a long tradition of perceived double standards and slights from the West -from which "whataboutism" originated even, IIRC- going back to the Soviet era if not a couple of centuries back as evidenced by the Russian ambivalence towards Europe and its liberal modernization which is well documented in both archive and fiction.

Russian motivations are only a tangent in the discussion here but I think it's worth bringing it up because it's the other side of the coin of all the hyperbole in current US discourse labeling Russia an hostile power, an enemy, bad guys : It's not exactly conclusive to any thoughtful debate on how, if possible, to de-escalate tensions with Russia which for all its weaknesses is still a major player in world affairs which cooperation will be needed for everyone's benefit at points. In fact, fanning such flames constantly is probably increasing the risk of a kneejerk reaction in the near future. It's potentially harmful political theater with human lives in the balance. (Though to be fair to Western powers, Russia is not the easiest partners to have and often won't give an inch).

It's all of course a tangent to the debate on alleged Russian interference which if proven true will have to be met with appropriate sanctions, much like the coup de force in Crimea had justifiable consequences for them.

Spoiling again because, well, apparently efficiency in words is not my strong suit today(or most days  :doge)
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The point I would make is that Russia's rulers know they are not governing by consensus, but by control. They maintain power by control and direct influence and this has been a near constant in their governance since before WWII and in the aftermath. Which by its nature is going to require different priorities and relationships to maintain that power than high-functioning Western democratic countries exhibit. Which should invite a different standard of judgement and level of skepticism, especially when coming from places within that explicit control(RT), reliant upon it(wikileaks) or propping it up(leaders in the Kremlin). Since by its nature that control and arrangement is purposed toward advancing the interests and maintaining power for its rulers.

Whataboutism was a tool domestically and in foreign propaganda to distract from their own crimes and one of the original sins that was the Iron Curtain that resulted from the refusal to recognize sovereignty of held territories post WWII.

Certainly there are true believers in what they are doing, the whataboutisms they espouse. IMO, in the same way you see cold-war jingoists or trickle-down theorists of later generations take as dogmatic truth the purposeful exaggerations and perceived noble lies of prior generations.

 There is certainly truth to the notion that western media had a notable anti-communist bias during the Cold War, and was by and large winning the information war, but that bias is fairly true of any media on either side at the time. What is also true, but denied context by people advancing that argument you mentioned, is its hard to look at the context behind The Magnitsky Act and the investigations, underlying issues, and subsequent murders that led to it as a pretty strong case against their policies merely being a good-willed effort to counter unfair characterizations by outsiders. Exhibiting clear objective differences between the two by the actions they have taken and between the media their country projects onto the world.

As to cooperation, like any actor, I personally think you seek cooperation where it can happen, defend against actions that are against your self-interest(like passing the recent sanctions), and don't sacrifice your self-interests or give disproportionate concessions for that cooperation. Measure twice, triple-check, and cut once. The problem with fostering stronger Russian relationships is that their motivations, as their controlling leaders see them, are to set a more favorable groundwork for their criminal enterprises and advance their sphere of influence. Which they believe must come at the expense of reducing ours. And to formulate a more explicit real politik of the world stage that would reverse the sort of post-WWII enlightenment ideals that have been established. So I feel that put a hard upper limit on how much cooperation can actually be fostered. Which is why amongst other reasons, I think it makes sense as to why they both feed certain left-wing narratives and foster far right movements in countries because they often tend to take more isolationist, anti-alliance stances that align with their interests.

As a side note, the question I had to reconcile and come to terms with(and subsequently changed my views on) is whether these right-wing and left-wing movements that advocate strong isolationism and abandoning or weakening the post WWII hegemonic power structure and the alliances arisen from them, truly understand and can live with what those isolationist policies would likely lead to. Which is different from tacit endorsement of all the policies within that structure. Which I certainly don't endorse.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10070 on: October 29, 2017, 08:26:35 PM »
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 09:07:43 AM by joe_zazen »


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10071 on: October 29, 2017, 08:33:34 PM »
globalresearch :holeup


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10072 on: October 29, 2017, 09:05:27 PM »
Just so we can get some common ground, are there folks here who believe the US to be a good nation?  and that the democrats or republicans or both are good?  that the mainstream corporate media are honest and trustworthy?  Because I'm coming from the perspective that they are not, which would make discussing things hard.  This is the kind of view that I hold, and I recommend reading more if you find the snippets interesting
How do you know what news is and isn't trustworthy if you don't trust any of them reporting on it?   :idont

Serious answer:

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Why the need to operate in such black and white terms? The nature and fallibility of human decision-making and government structures, be it democracy or dictatorship, pretty much guarantees you will forever be locked into a shades of grey dynamic when judging the collective actions of any government, political figure, or political party. For instance, in America, obviously people that voted more Democratic are going to be incensed by America, through the leadership of a Republican government, trying to set up Reagonomics in Iraq ministries using unqualified cronies after invading a country on false pretenses.

In a vacuum is America the good guy? Depends on the question, the situation, and the choices. Do I think Russia or China would be a more responsible hegemon? Or that leaving the role to a power vacuum will lead to a peaceful transition to a more just and moral non-hegemonic global order? Not by any accounting of the evidence I have seen. Do I think America's actions in many situations are condemnable? Absolutely.

Do I think there are aspects of corruption in our political parties? Absolutely. Do I think both parties exist on equal planes of moral depravity? Absolutely not.

Do I think the media is all equally corrupt and untrustworthy? Not by any stretch. There is a world of difference between an organization like Propublica or The Washington Post and Breit Bart. BBC, PBS, compared to Fox News. If people have managed to find some sort of rationalization process to equivocate them all, or worse find places like Global Research a trustworthy alternative, I would be curious how they reconcile the vast contrast in internal structure and editorial standards and the contrast in reliable story accuracy measured over time? And how poorly their chosen sites have performed when faced with similar scrutiny?

« Last Edit: October 29, 2017, 09:17:51 PM by Nola »


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10073 on: October 29, 2017, 09:25:58 PM »
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 09:06:48 AM by joe_zazen »


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10074 on: October 29, 2017, 09:54:38 PM »
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 09:06:16 AM by joe_zazen »

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10075 on: October 29, 2017, 10:34:52 PM »
You think the asylum he got didn't come with strings attached?

Snowden had already done all of his leaks before setting a foot in Moscow AFAIK and started taking contact months before being in HK. He was planning, by all known accounts, to try to join Ecuador. He was only stranded in Moscow because his passport was revoked by the US. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

So again, are you claiming Snowden worked for Russia when he denounced NSA policies and leaked documents ? Because the original quote you responded to was just :

Part of the problem with all of this is who can you trust not to lie?  It is a real shitty state of affairs.  ESP. When those who do tell the truth about us govt malfeasance are threatened with death(snowden, assange) by both parties.

Which (edit for clarity : the exposure of US govt malfeasence in intelligence affairs) doesn't really pertain to the truthfulness of the allegations levied at Russia.

I'd be interested to see your evidence if your answer is yes.

Joking aside it's maye worth something to ponder why Russia developed this so called "hybrid" (or assymetrical) warfare capacity beyond just the fact they're "the bad guys" even if only to know how to approach them in international talks.

The problem is in how we currently approach cyber warfare. If we're making it a sport don't you think it's a part of the war chest?

OK sure but that's not what I am talking about tho.

No I was referring to currently; if he is in fact still "leaking" info it should be taken with a grain of salt since our conversation was about who you can trust right now with information.

My biggest gripe with the Russia blaming is how greatly it overestimates Russia's influence and the efficacy of their methods. A bunch of fake facebook accounts run from a troll farm in Russia by people with a marginal understanding of English and American politics isn't sophisticated, high-level stuff, it's a cheap and dirty way to project power when other methods are sealed off to you. RT reaches maybe 50k households? As a propaganda machine it's minuscule compared to Fox. Their biggest successes were in feeding a right wing echo chamber, but is replicating the efforts of racist uncles and pepes really all that impactful?

These sort of efforts are both crude and extremely difficult to prevent. Misinformation, fake accounts, hearsay come bundled with the internet, and it's far from a Russian only thing to use sock puppet social media accounts (see Brock, David). That Russia uses these tactics is the best evidence of their relative weakness and lack of influence.

The issue  most of us have isn't just the fact Russia interfered, it's that Trump more than likely encouraged it and wanted to collude which IS illegal.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10076 on: October 29, 2017, 10:50:09 PM »

The point of my question/post was to gauge beliefs and POV, not to convince anyone of anything.  The quotes from the academic were merely illustrating where I’m coming from.  I see the US as a rapacious and unaccountable agent in international affairs.  I see the leaders of both parties as complicit.  And the MSM, being owned by rich, powerful, profit driven entities, have no desire or interest in changing the system or exposing things that would question the basis of the system they benefit from.  And I see little differences in the parties.  Certainly there are individual differences—Bernie Sanders is not the same as GWB or either Clinton, Alex Jones is not equivalent Walter Cronkite—but taken as a whole, they aren’t all that different.

 If others feel differently, I’d like to know, then we can argue or debate.

Are we accountable? Yes and no. And that is the nature of hegemonic power and the lack of enforceable accountability under the UN structure.  Domestically we can hold civilian leadership accountable through democratic means. Which is more than is allowed by the two obvious challengers if America stood down as hegemon. Which is partly why I made the point about asking compared-to-what in my earlier post? What do you propose should be changed, how, and to what effect do you think it will have? That is a much more difficult but important question than just listing off value judgements held against America while being devoid of important contexts. Like your author does.

As to the media, those are pretty powerful claims without powerful evidence to match. The Washington Post spent more time than any paper reporting on and exposing issues surrounding drone strikes during Obama's tenure. McClatchy did incredible reporting leading up to and during the invasion of Iraq. That is not exactly a sign of complicity in government actions abroad. Nor is the current dynamic going on between many news outlets and the actions being stoked by the current administration.

Are there issues of media ownership and consolidation? Absolutely, that is a real and growing problem, affecting those very places I just mentioned, as is the operating behavior of many of the largest news sources, for different and distinct reasons. But you do no service to that issue by trying to lump them all into a single basket and ignore pretty important and glaring contextual differences IMO. There just is not a world where someone can be honest and equivocate Walter Cronkite and Alex Jones, 60 Minutes and Sean Hannity. Mercer owned news outlets and CNN/Time Warner. Or even under the same umbrella like the WSJ and Fox News. Even if some of those represent shared issues of corporate consolidation that should be addressed for their own reasons. Reasons that sometimes, but certainly not universally, are evidenced in the way those outlets operate.

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10077 on: October 29, 2017, 10:53:00 PM »
I mean yes America has it's faults, and we can and we should try to fix them and never fall into our old ways. That said to compare our crimes as a nation to what Putin and the Checkist are doing is naive at best and showing ulterior motives at worst.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10078 on: October 29, 2017, 11:19:18 PM »
The Iraq war was worse and more destructive than anything perpetrated by the Russian government on domestic American politics. It's basically impossible to argue against that.

I hope that's a concrete example of part of what benji's trying to get across.

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Bring Obama Back Already #boba
« Reply #10079 on: October 29, 2017, 11:42:10 PM »
The Iraq war was worse and more destructive than anything perpetrated by the Russian government on domestic American politics. It's basically impossible to argue against that.

I hope that's a concrete example of part of what benji's trying to get across.

I maintain it's up to a nations people do decide their fate; while yes Americans have done far worse to their own democracy it's natural that would happen.

Undue influence on the scale of the Russians is morally wrong. And I condemn the U.S. for having done it in the past.