Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| SAD TRUMP  (Read 5887614 times)

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11400 on: December 01, 2017, 05:21:56 PM »
If there's a democratic majority in both houses, he absolutely is getting impeached. If not then he won't be.

Even then you need 2/3rds of the Senate to convict.

I feel like it would have to be something amazingly blatant and simple.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11401 on: December 01, 2017, 05:23:18 PM »
2018 is gonna be such an amazing year for US politics :rofl





I'm not looking forward to dying in a fiery hellscape


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11402 on: December 01, 2017, 05:24:14 PM »
If there's a democratic majority in both houses, he absolutely is getting impeached. If not then he won't be.

Even then you need 2/3rds of the Senate to convict.

I feel like it would have to be something amazingly blatant and simple.

What if his approval rating keeps tanking? What if they pass their tax cuts? What do they need him for after that? There are a lot of factors at play.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11403 on: December 01, 2017, 05:29:52 PM »
As long as he's popular among Republicans, it'll be tough to ask Republican politicians to vote with Democrats and against him. You'd need fully one third of Republican Senators to do that. Not impossible, which is why included the caveat, but very tough.

If I was forced to guess how this plays out, I'd say Trump remains through his term but doesn't run for reelection. But really I have no idea.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11404 on: December 01, 2017, 05:33:11 PM »
As long as he's popular among Republicans, it'll be tough to ask Republican politicians to vote with Democrats and against him. You'd need fully one third of Republican Senators to do that. Not impossible, which is why included the caveat, but very tough.

If I was forced to guess how this plays out, I'd say Trump remains through his term but doesn't run for reelection. But really I have no idea.

I'm not sure they will have a choice if he gets indicted. At the least he will get impeached (under my scenario) but not removed. Which would pretty much derail the administration and he wouldn't run for a second term.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11405 on: December 01, 2017, 05:41:39 PM »
You guys are talking like Trump is not going to double down in his reelection aspirations.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11406 on: December 01, 2017, 05:51:21 PM »
He could always start a war with North Korea, war always helps a president's popularity.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11407 on: December 01, 2017, 05:54:03 PM »
Maybe this is all a long con by Trump so Kushner gets thrown in prison and Ivanka's single again.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11408 on: December 01, 2017, 05:56:06 PM »
Maybe this is all a long con by Trump so Kushner gets thrown in prison and Ivanka's single again.


Steve Contra

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11409 on: December 01, 2017, 05:56:44 PM »
Anything that would convince the Republicans to impeach Trump would be enough for him to resign. I also think if there was a chance of his financials getting exposed he'd resign as well.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11410 on: December 01, 2017, 06:05:40 PM »
I also think if there was a chance of his financials getting exposed he'd resign as well.
You don't really believe this, do you?

Financials seem to be one of his more sore points.

Steve Contra

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11411 on: December 01, 2017, 06:16:09 PM »
I also think if there was a chance of his financials getting exposed he'd resign as well.
You don't really believe this, do you?
Trump releasing his financials would do wonders for his image if he was telling the truth about everything, and yet he has steadfastly refused to do so.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11412 on: December 01, 2017, 06:22:17 PM »
I think what will really get him impeached is all the shit he has already done + some policy shit going really poorly and backfiring. This could be trade wars, this could be the tax bill creating huge deficits and the republican cans going full bore on cutting Medicare and social security in an election year. This could be a dumb war.

It could even be completely fucking up the healthcare market. Officially, it will be Russian traitor/General unsuitability that will push him to impeachment by in reality it will be that he sucks in a way that pulls the wool off his bases eyes.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11413 on: December 01, 2017, 06:34:08 PM »
Trump's lawyers have made some "and don't go looking through his financial records!" statements out of nowhere. So there are legal or PR reasons he's paranoid about protecting them.

But the question of what would make him resign is basically asking to do a theory of the mind for Trump, and no thank you.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11414 on: December 01, 2017, 07:06:38 PM »
Also, taking a gander at T_D, of course etoilet is using the same fucking arguments as they are.

More proof that etoilet is a red-pilling T_D fucknugget.

What #metoo here just established

1. He reads T_D more than I do

2. T_D read and understood the statement more than he did


Human Snorenado

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11415 on: December 01, 2017, 07:15:13 PM »
I mean, let's be real. Trump went on tv a couple days after firing Comey and admitted that he did it to obstruct justice. After that, impeaching him has just been a matter of finding the political will to do so.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11416 on: December 01, 2017, 07:20:01 PM »
Can someone post on my behalf how happy they are to see this start unraveling? I’m not allowed to atm.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11417 on: December 01, 2017, 07:34:34 PM »
Also, taking a gander at T_D, of course etoilet is using the same fucking arguments as they are.

More proof that etoilet is a red-pilling T_D fucknugget.

What #metoo here just established

1. He reads T_D more than I do

2. T_D read and understood the statement more than he did


I dont think this is a gotcha post that works against him, Etiolate.

Steve Contra

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11418 on: December 01, 2017, 07:38:19 PM »
I don't think Trump's financials would show him laundering money, but whatever is there is somehow so bad that clearing the bulk of the suspicion about his Russia ties isn't worth it. It's basically Mitt Romney's problem magnified a great deal.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11419 on: December 01, 2017, 08:11:12 PM »
Also, taking a gander at T_D, of course etoilet is using the same fucking arguments as they are.

More proof that etoilet is a red-pilling T_D fucknugget.

What #metoo here just established

1. He reads T_D more than I do

2. T_D read and understood the statement more than he did


I dont think this is a gotcha post that works against him, Etiolate.

He has me on ignore, so no point in gotcha. I'm just laughing at him reading the_donald to spite me and him being mad that a collection of shitposters figured out the same thing.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11420 on: December 01, 2017, 08:14:44 PM »
Also, taking a gander at T_D, of course etoilet is using the same fucking arguments as they are.

More proof that etoilet is a red-pilling T_D fucknugget.

What #metoo here just established

1. He reads T_D more than I do

2. T_D read and understood the statement more than he did


I dont think this is a gotcha post that works against him, Etiolate.

He has me on ignore, so no point in gotcha. I'm just laughing at him reading the_donald to spite me and him being mad that a collection of shitposters figured out the same thing.

You just confirmed you read The_Donald and take their arguments at face value.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11422 on: December 01, 2017, 08:25:52 PM »
I don't even think Mexican Politicians are this blatant...

Joe Molotov

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11423 on: December 01, 2017, 09:06:26 PM »

I'm a Puppy!

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11424 on: December 01, 2017, 09:08:11 PM »
Man, what the hell does Trump have on the Republican party that they're in such a panic to get this done ASAP?

Great Rumbler

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11426 on: December 01, 2017, 09:28:11 PM »
Man, what the hell does Trump have on the Republican party that they're in such a panic to get this done ASAP?

Nah, it's not Trump, it's the donors. They're PISSED that the GOP has wasted nearly a whole year of total fed control doing nothing and they've been cutting off the money supply in a big way recently. The GOP is desperate to get something, ANYTHING pushed out the door.

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11427 on: December 01, 2017, 09:29:20 PM »
Man, what the hell does Trump have on the Republican party that they're in such a panic to get this done ASAP?

Nah, it's not Trump, it's the donors. They're PISSED that the GOP has wasted nearly a whole year of total fed control doing nothing and they've been cutting off the money supply in a big way recently. The GOP is desperate to get something, ANYTHING pushed out the door.

Even if the anything leads to an economic meltdown worse than 2008...

Great Rumbler

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11428 on: December 01, 2017, 09:34:52 PM »
None of the primary culprits got anything more than a light tap on the wrist in 2008, why will it be different this time?


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11429 on: December 01, 2017, 09:51:46 PM »
I thought the open secret about Trump's financials/tax returns/etc. was that he's nowhere near as rich/successful as he claims and probably still has tons of major negative assets on his books.

Remember when his lawyers filed that one statement and it was put in all caps that Trump was worth more than "TEN BILLION DOLLARS"?

It was the only thing that'd get him flustered during the GOP debates too especially by Christie or someone. It was how both Carly Fiorina and Mark Cuban got under his skin so easily.

Great Rumbler

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11430 on: December 01, 2017, 10:07:42 PM »
Trump's likely done a lot of shady deals with bad people [mafia, oligarchs, ect.] and some really creative bookkeeping to avoid taking a loss on bad investments, so I could see him wanting to keep that under wraps and away from actual serious investigators. Hard to say if any of that is illegal, but I wouldn't be surprised.

Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11431 on: December 01, 2017, 10:10:05 PM »
Trump's likely done a lot of shady deals with bad people [mafia, oligarchs, ect.] and some really creative bookkeeping to avoid taking a loss on bad investments, so I could see him wanting to keep that under wraps and away from actual serious investigators. Hard to say if any of that is illegal, but I wouldn't be surprised.

He operated a Casino in the 90's.

He's got dirt and probably a few bodies too.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11432 on: December 01, 2017, 10:26:06 PM »
I mean, let's be real. Trump went on tv a couple days after firing Comey and admitted that he did it to obstruct justice. After that, impeaching him has just been a matter of finding the political will to do so.

Exactly. Trump could say the N word, hit Melania on camera, authorize military force to kill protesters, or get caught with a hooker and the GOP would still stand by him. We won't see serious movement away from Trump until his shenanigans begin threatening to long-term viability of the GOP.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11433 on: December 02, 2017, 12:05:49 AM »
so, a way off hypothetical here, this likely isn't true.

But what if Mueller is building a case as he is not with the goal of entrapping Trump, but forcing his resignation? Mueller already has Manafort and Flynn in his pocket, and as such he likely has already more than enough to press serious charges on Don Jr. and Kushner. And Mueller is almost certainly looking at financial malfeasance within the Trump organization. Its still an open question as to what charges can be levied at Trump while he's President, but Mueller's investigation would be a lot less politically viable if Trump were to step down. The investigation wouldn't stop at once, but so far its scope has been limited only to peripheral characters within the campaign. It could well end with the fish they've already hooked.

Trump can still protect his family (which he, in theory still cares about), his fortune (or the perception of it), and even himself (say Pence gives him the Nixon treatment), all he has to do is quit.

also, lol
« Last Edit: December 02, 2017, 12:17:07 AM by HyperZoneWasAwesome »


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11435 on: December 02, 2017, 12:54:37 AM »
Also, taking a gander at T_D, of course etoilet is using the same fucking arguments as they are.

More proof that etoilet is a red-pilling T_D fucknugget.

What #metoo here just established

1. He reads T_D more than I do

2. T_D read and understood the statement more than he did


I dont think this is a gotcha post that works against him, Etiolate.

He has me on ignore, so no point in gotcha. I'm just laughing at him reading the_donald to spite me and him being mad that a collection of shitposters figured out the same thing.

You just confirmed you read The_Donald and take their arguments at face value.

You seem confused. BN is the one reading the_donald and posting their view, not me. I haven't checked t_d for months. Place was only amusing for the shitposting after they won the election.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11436 on: December 02, 2017, 01:34:14 AM »
so, a way off hypothetical here, this likely isn't true.

But what if Mueller is building a case as he is not with the goal of entrapping Trump, but forcing his resignation? Mueller already has Manafort and Flynn in his pocket, and as such he likely has already more than enough to press serious charges on Don Jr. and Kushner. And Mueller is almost certainly looking at financial malfeasance within the Trump organization. Its still an open question as to what charges can be levied at Trump while he's President, but Mueller's investigation would be a lot less politically viable if Trump were to step down. The investigation wouldn't stop at once, but so far its scope has been limited only to peripheral characters within the campaign. It could well end with the fish they've already hooked.

Trump can still protect his family (which he, in theory still cares about), his fortune (or the perception of it), and even himself (say Pence gives him the Nixon treatment), all he has to do is quit.
Why would Mueller prefer or accept Trump's resignation to prosecuting Trump Jr. and Kushner if those two committed things blatantly more serious than what Manafort and Flynn were known, before this investigation, to have done that Mueller brought charges against them for? Robert Mueller's endgame isn't Trump or even anything to do with Russian interference in the election which is his commission. His endgame goal has always been prosecutions of any kind, that's the whole point.

Manafort got got for the same reason he had to leave the Trump campaign. Flynn got got for the same reason he had to leave as NSA. Neither one was related to the election, and Flynn's charge was only tied to the Russians in that's who he lied about that they agreed to him taking the hit on.

And none of this answers the question I keep having and have had of what exactly is supposed to be the accusation at the center of this? "Trump coordination with the Russians" is meaningless to me in the abstract. Especially since they apparently pulled it off so well that literally nobody else on the planet has discovered this in two years and that to uncover this whole thing Robert Mueller apparently needs Michael Flynn, someone guilty of providing false testimony to the FBI (and admitted to having provided false testimony and documentation to others including the Vice President), to testify to this giant secret that he's also managed to keep secret until now. So secret that not even his idiot son knows about it?

Neither Flynn nor Papadopoulous pled guilty to any overarching scheme or collusion or anything like that. Nobody has been charged for anything related to the campaign. There's no picture at all of what if anything is in the case Mueller is supposedly building that will shock the foundation of Trump's shoddy administration. So not only do we have the most successful secret criminal international conspiracy in history, we have the most successful secret investigation of it, in that neither one has like every other instance in history had even the slightest details exposed.

And just imagine, had Seth Rich not been killed, we would have known exactly all of this, well before the election.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11437 on: December 02, 2017, 01:43:43 AM »
Neither Flynn nor Papadopoulous pled guilty to any overarching scheme or collusion or anything like that.

Tell me why I'm going to tell you this is a dumb point.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11438 on: December 02, 2017, 01:44:20 AM »

Trent Dole

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11439 on: December 02, 2017, 01:57:27 AM »
I can't believe they passed that shit.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11440 on: December 02, 2017, 01:59:16 AM »
The Senate passed a sweeping tax overhaul that would cut taxes for corporations and most individuals.

The legislation passed after Republican leaders made concessions to several holdouts. The Senate and House will have to meld their separate bills before sending legislation to President Donald Trump.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11441 on: December 02, 2017, 02:24:52 AM »
Neither Flynn nor Papadopoulous pled guilty to any overarching scheme or collusion or anything like that.

Tell me why I'm going to tell you this is a dumb point.
I literally have no idea, maybe you could be a good person for a change and actually say things instead of being cowardly.

Neither one can be used as evidence that Mueller is building any kind of case regarding trying to force a Trump resignation, expose criminal election collusion or even bring any kinds of charges against anyone further as neither one was charged with participating in any kind of scheme. Coverage and speculation of this case is building upon assumption upon assumption by punditry who knew the conclusion before there was an investigation while nobody in the government seems the least bit interested in hinting at what the case or scheme even looks like. This case looks literally nothing like any special counsel case I can remember. I'm not even sure how Mueller is supposed to uncover a criminal conspiracy at this point. At least Fitzgerald already knew when he became special counsel what the crime he was supposed to be investigating was, along with who the guilty party was so that he could reach agreements not to prosecute him or Novak, before he started bringing witnesses before his grand jury.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11443 on: December 02, 2017, 02:35:29 AM »
Flynn and Papadopoulous are cooperating with the investigation. The whole nature of these deals is that they've plead to lesser crimes than they had been credibly threatened with.

Pointing to those charges to draw conclusions is dumb.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11444 on: December 02, 2017, 03:20:36 AM »
To take just Flynn for sake of ease. He can cooperate without agreeing to a plea regarding anything. And the guilty plea here doesn't preclude him from being charged for anything else, just being charged further by the special counsel for lying to the FBI and DOJ in these two instances. Because he's already plead guilty to those charges.

Why would he agree to this and then testify to his participation in a criminal conspiracy regarding the election? Is the plea supposed to be a sign of good faith that he's stopped being a convicted perjurer? When he can still be prosecuted for anything else he's done criminally, especially anything he admits he did to a grand jury. Or later being charged for committing further perjury to said grand jury.

I don't understand why this is supposed to show that Flynn has anything regarding criminal collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the election. Or anything that will let Mueller come down on anyone else. Or anything he can testify to that will cause Trump to resign.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11445 on: December 02, 2017, 03:21:52 AM »
To take just Flynn for sake of ease. He can cooperate without agreeing to a plea regarding anything.

You already lost me.

And the guilty plea here doesn't preclude him from being charged for anything else, just being charged further by the special counsel for lying to the FBI and DOJ in these two instances. Because he's already plead guilty to those charges.

That is not how these arrangements work.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11446 on: December 02, 2017, 03:32:37 AM »
He wasn't given any kind of immunity.

Quote from: Flynn Plea Agreement
1. Charges and Statutory Penalties
Your client agrees to plead guilty to the Criminal Information, a copy of which is attached, charging your client with making false statements to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in violation of 18 U .S.C. § I 00 I.
3. Additional Charges
In consideration of your client's guilty plea to the above offense, your client will not be further prosecuted criminally by this Office for the conduct set forth in the attached Statement of the Offense.
The Statement of the Offense lists literally nothing but his twice lying to the FBI in January 2017 (which are the two charges he pled guilty to) and his false statements on FARA filings in March 2017.

Where is he precluded from being charged, by the Special Counsel let alone Justice, for any other crimes he subsequently admits to or commits?


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11447 on: December 02, 2017, 04:30:10 AM »
I think it's way more likely that Flynn felt threatened by heavier prosecution and that the document doesn't necessarily include all the factors, than the idea he decided to cooperate with Mueller out of the goodness of his heart.

Trent Dole

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11449 on: December 02, 2017, 09:03:15 AM »
Without the hysteria that I can't separate from all the twitter analysis (lulz)

Is this tax reform going to fuck me raw or not? 


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11450 on: December 02, 2017, 09:43:20 AM »
Without the hysteria that I can't separate from all the twitter analysis (lulz)

Is this tax reform going to fuck me raw or not?

You'll be fine.

You're a billionaire like everyone here, right ?


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11451 on: December 02, 2017, 11:34:48 AM »
Getting rid of the state tax deduction will probably fuck me pretty well. I guess the mortgage interest deduction elimination is only for new mortgages? Trying to figure out how bad this is gonna be :/


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11452 on: December 02, 2017, 11:36:34 AM »
I’m just trying not to think about how screwed I am.

Great Rumbler

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11453 on: December 02, 2017, 11:46:50 AM »
Screw McCain.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11454 on: December 02, 2017, 11:48:29 AM »
This article helped me understand this shit a bit better


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11455 on: December 02, 2017, 11:57:43 AM »
I found you another explanation.

Joe Molotov

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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11456 on: December 02, 2017, 11:58:02 AM »
Maybe we'll all die before the tax cuts expire.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11457 on: December 02, 2017, 11:59:01 AM »
THe twitters are saying that not only is this tax bill easy to undo, but it makes it easier to increase spending on things Democrats like.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11458 on: December 02, 2017, 12:01:46 PM »
With the way things are going in the US I'm honestly expecting another great depression. And if not something that bad, another recession. But worse than the one that started in 2008.

I usually don't worry about this type of shit but... the fuckery is too immense right now. :doge

It takes years for malinvestment to burst a bubble. Probably 2022 to 2024.


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Re: U.S. Politics Discussion Thread |OT| Okay friend let me explain something...
« Reply #11459 on: December 02, 2017, 12:18:12 PM »
With the way things are going in the US I'm honestly expecting another great depression. And if not something that bad, another recession. But worse than the one that started in 2008.

I usually don't worry about this type of shit but... the fuckery is too immense right now. :doge

It takes years for malinvestment to burst a bubble. Probably 2022 to 2024.

2009-2024 would honestly be one of the longest runs in the modern American economy without a recession.

1975, 1981, 1991, 2001, 2009.  Not that the past is always necessarily prelude, and the severity of 2009 probably alters things, but I would think 2024 is a pretty optimistic forecast for avoiding recession for 15 years.

Though it would seem like the hand grenades the Republicans are throwing into the economy have a very realistic chance of exploding when the Democrats are likely on the watch given current electoral trends. Which if that happens, god help us.