Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| SAD TRUMP  (Read 5887459 times)

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  • Senior Member
wat? He ran over a pedicab?


  • Senior Member
surprise surprise assy shows up to swang from my nuts again cuz he doesn't have shit to say about his idol losing his mind lol. your pissgod will be back in a few days don't worry

Admit it. If you cam into a realm that reflected me, that you'd run. I see you horsefuckers and come straight at you. That is not a bubble.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
The new Trump strategy. Rudy going about telling everybody they can't indict the president making comparisons to Nixon.


Thumbs up to all the wounded veterans out there  :dead
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 06:19:38 PM by Nintex »


  • someday you feed on a tree frog
  • Senior Member
What the fuck

Like, I don’t even understand the causal sequence for what set him off here....

teen vogue put etoilet on tilt



  • Estado Homo
  • Senior Member
We must stop the pronoun debate because the Holodomor can't be allowed to happen again.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
What the fuck

Like, I don’t even understand the causal sequence for what set him off here....

Regardless, we’re all supposed to learn by our late 20s that late night drinking + posting on the Bore = bad idea

It's true.  :'(
 I learned it in my late 30's  :mjcry

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
Philip Duffy, president of Woods Hole Research Center, said in response to the question that "the last 100-year increase in sea-level rise, as I mentioned earlier, has clearly been attributed to human activities, greenhouse gas emissions."

Brooks interjected and rephrased his question again, asking if there "are other factors."

"What about erosion?" Brooks offered during the exchange. He added: "Every time you have that soil or rock, whatever it is, that is deposited into the seas, that forces the sea levels to rise because now you've got less space in those oceans because the bottom is moving up."

Duffy responded that he did not believe that explained sea-level rise.

"I'm pretty sure that on human time scales those are minuscule effects," Duffy said.

Brooks then moved to ice levels and asserted that Antarctic ice is growing, to which Duffy responded that satellite records have documented "shrinkage of the Antarctic ice sheet and an acceleration of that shrinkage."

Brooks wrapped up his questioning by saying he had heard differently from NASA, and said there were "plenty of studies" showing an ice sheet increase in Antarctica.

"I've got a NASA base in my district," Brooks said. "And apparently, they're telling you one thing and me a different thing."



  • Senior Member
But the ban is only a couple of days?

Come on, Rumbler. Squiddy died for so much less.


  • Senior Member
Philip Duffy, president of Woods Hole Research Center, said in response to the question that "the last 100-year increase in sea-level rise, as I mentioned earlier, has clearly been attributed to human activities, greenhouse gas emissions."

Brooks interjected and rephrased his question again, asking if there "are other factors."

"What about erosion?" Brooks offered during the exchange. He added: "Every time you have that soil or rock, whatever it is, that is deposited into the seas, that forces the sea levels to rise because now you've got less space in those oceans because the bottom is moving up."

Duffy responded that he did not believe that explained sea-level rise.

"I'm pretty sure that on human time scales those are minuscule effects," Duffy said.

Brooks then moved to ice levels and asserted that Antarctic ice is growing, to which Duffy responded that satellite records have documented "shrinkage of the Antarctic ice sheet and an acceleration of that shrinkage."

Brooks wrapped up his questioning by saying he had heard differently from NASA, and said there were "plenty of studies" showing an ice sheet increase in Antarctica.

"I've got a NASA base in my district," Brooks said. "And apparently, they're telling you one thing and me a different thing."


 :trigger :picard

Healthcare fuckery and Climate Change. Two absolutely wretched backbones of Republican politics that makes any person that votes for them indefensible pieces of shit, real talk.


  • Senior Member
Philip Duffy, president of Woods Hole Research Center, said in response to the question that "the last 100-year increase in sea-level rise, as I mentioned earlier, has clearly been attributed to human activities, greenhouse gas emissions."

Brooks interjected and rephrased his question again, asking if there "are other factors."

"What about erosion?" Brooks offered during the exchange. He added: "Every time you have that soil or rock, whatever it is, that is deposited into the seas, that forces the sea levels to rise because now you've got less space in those oceans because the bottom is moving up."

Duffy responded that he did not believe that explained sea-level rise.

"I'm pretty sure that on human time scales those are minuscule effects," Duffy said.

Brooks then moved to ice levels and asserted that Antarctic ice is growing, to which Duffy responded that satellite records have documented "shrinkage of the Antarctic ice sheet and an acceleration of that shrinkage."

Brooks wrapped up his questioning by saying he had heard differently from NASA, and said there were "plenty of studies" showing an ice sheet increase in Antarctica.

"I've got a NASA base in my district," Brooks said. "And apparently, they're telling you one thing and me a different thing."


In other news, the new head of NASA outrights admits that Climate change is caused by humans.


  • Senior Member

In other news, the new head of NASA outrights admits that Climate change is caused by humans.

Yeah but he also just echos that obfuscation fuckery the oil industry has shifted to after they realized they can't deny the overwhelming science anymore. Which is to muddy the waters and pretend we can't really tell how much or how little human's are contributing therefore we should do nothing. Because at the end of the day industry is seeking to avoid any sort of price put to their clear and enormous negative externality costs and avoid losing any of the enormous subsidies they receive that give them a doubly whammy of a competitive advantage.

Jim Bridenstine
Asked if humans were the primary cause of global warming, Bridenstine responded, “It’s going to depend on a whole lot of factors, and we’re still learning more about that every day. In some years, you could say absolutely. In other years, during sun cycles and other things, there are other contributing factors that would have more of an impact.”

I.E. Yeah we have to concede the change is happening, because it's hard to deny when Miami is starting to drown during parts of the year, the Great Barrier Reef is dying, and sea rise is creeping salt water further up the Nile Delta, but we don't really know how much humans are contributing, so we need to hold off doing anything until the science is all in.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
(Image removed from quote.)

 :usacry :tophat :american

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Sure. You can't pin this all on America but my point being: most ideologies have a death count.
i believe that some of his figures may be inackurrate

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
where was kent state girl 50 years ago


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
blocked by the activist judges who wrote Roe v Wade

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
In other news, the new head of NASA outrights admits that Climate change is caused by humans.

Apparently they’re telling you one thing and telling me something else. :trumps


  • Senior Member
It is shocking how much the republicans have shifted their arguments

It almost reads like the Narcissist manifesto

- there’s no contact with my campaign with Russia
- we’ll, there were no planned meetings
- we’ll, there were planned meetings but we only discussed adoption
- ok we also discussed damaging info on Hillary but didn’t know that they were going to bring it up
- ok, it was the whole point of the meeting but they didn’t have anything
- maybe they did have something, but it wasn’t very good and besides we never used it.
- and maybe there were back channels
- ok, maybe we were cooperating with the Russians, but you never should have found out because the warrants were bad.
- and besides we didn’t break any laws
- you can’t indict the President, I’m not saying that I broke laws, but if I did, I’m safe because I am the President


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
It is shocking how much the republicans have shifted their arguments

It almost reads like the Narcissist manifesto

- there’s no contact with my campaign with Russia
- we’ll, there were no planned meetings
- we’ll, there were planned meetings but we only discussed adoption
- ok we also discussed damaging info on Hillary but didn’t know that they were going to bring it up
- ok, it was the whole point of the meeting but they didn’t have anything
- maybe they did have something, but it wasn’t very good and besides we never used it.
- and maybe there were back channels
- ok, maybe we were cooperating with the Russians, but you never should have found out because the warrants were bad.
- and besides we didn’t break any laws
- you can’t indict the President, I’m not saying that I broke laws, but if I did, I’m safe because I am the President

You forgot

- So yeah, you may have an entire intelligence apparatus, top grade lawyers and the best prosecutors but we have Rudy bitch!

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
The Farm Bill flamed out because Republicans couldn’t agree on whether to just fuck poor people or go for a 2-for-1 and fuck DREAMERS too.



  • Senior Member
So the Washington post clearly just burned Joseph Mifsud as the internal source for intelligence on the trump campaign.

Or maybe it’s some dude called Stephan Halper... shit the article I read made it sound like midwife though.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2018, 11:01:27 PM by kingv »


  • Senior Member
I don't think a warning is sufficient for someone posting images of dead children
We're sensitive to the atrocities of history now?

No, I'm sensitive to people being cockshits

You aren't sensitive. You're soft.

If you were sensitive then you'd care that people were denying the cause of the holodomor on the forum. You'd care that we got some genuine "not real communism" remarks on the starving of millions and the execution or gulag'd vacation of millions for dissent, national pride or faith.

If you were sensitive then you'd not hear the word re-tard and think of your cousin with palsy, because that's fucking insulting to your cousins and a poor understanding of cerebral palsy or the word re-tard.

So you're not sensitive. You're soft. One soft bitch.

In fact, you're so so soft that toilet paper should be graded in measurements of you. Charmin Soft, Ultra Soft, and Brand New Shares an Opinion Soft. The softest toilet paper there can be, Brand New, a two-ply asswipe  for your emotional hemorrhoids.

Hell, you're so soft you got the word re-tard banned here. Boy is this place headed for the shitter.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
  • Senior Member
Behold, the totally not soft and bitchy comment.

I love communism


  • oops
  • Member
What, you guys banned the word "Ted Danson"?  :lol :lol :lol

Etiolate mood swings aside, that's ironically Danson.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
  • Senior Member
We've already seen Peterson's room.


  • Senior Member


  • oops
  • Member
Often times i can relate to your arguments even if i don't necessarily agree with them, but then you go and post Resetera level of butthurt cause mean forum dwellers don't like you.  :-\

Are you arguing in good faith?  :-*


  • Icon
Imagine having 48 whole hours of l'esprit de l'escalier, and the best you've got is that.


  • Senior Member
Honestly, get help Etiolate.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
Unfortunately we didn't have the steady hand of Donald Trump to guide us back then.

"Such horror, really such horror. Just look at it, it could happen here to. We will not sit by idly as the Holomurdor continues. That's what it is folks, murder. Murder by the evil communists."
"They come in. They come in all over the place they take everything. You have like a little grain that you've been saving. BANG BANG BING BING no longer your grain mr. Worker"
"Luckily for us we have great places to eat. Boy do we love eating folks and the Trump Grill. The Trump Grill it's perhaps the best"
"But don't worry. I will meet with Stalin and this new German guy with the weird mustache soon. I told John, John Bolton. John, you have a crazy mustache but not as crazy as this guy. Just look at this guy."
"Look at him SHOUT, did you ever see me shout like that? And the other guy a bank robber. These people voted for a bank robber, unbelievable folks, unbelievable"
"And you had the league of nations and they did nothing. They're supposed to make sure something like this doesn't happen. I'm not paying those crooked liars anymore. It's a rigged system folks."
"Anyway, I will meet with Stalin and we will make a deal. Such a deal that's going to make us win. We have the worst trade deficit with the Soviet Union. They're killing us, not really like these kids"
"We move our product in. Like food and aid stuff and they're not selling anything to us. It's horrible. It's like they don't understand the basics of capitalism"



  • Icon
I think the best part is him yelling at benji for being a dirty commie.



  • Senior Member
I don't think a warning is sufficient for someone posting images of dead children
We're sensitive to the atrocities of history now?

No, I'm sensitive to people being cockshits

You aren't sensitive. You're soft.

If you were sensitive then you'd care that people were denying the cause of the holodomor on the forum. You'd care that we got some genuine "not real communism" remarks on the starving of millions and the execution or gulag'd vacation of millions for dissent, national pride or faith.

If you were sensitive then you'd not hear the word re-tard and think of your cousin with palsy, because that's fucking insulting to your cousins and a poor understanding of cerebral palsy or the word re-tard.

So you're not sensitive. You're soft. One soft bitch.

In fact, you're so so soft that toilet paper should be graded in measurements of you. Charmin Soft, Ultra Soft, and Brand New Shares an Opinion Soft. The softest toilet paper there can be, Brand New, a two-ply asswipe  for your emotional hemorrhoids.

Hell, you're so soft you got the word re-tard banned here. Boy is this place headed for the shitter.

Oh god, those bastards...


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
Gotta give it to Etoliate this is one of the most epic account suicides in the GAF extended universe yet.


  • The Bore's Like Bot
  • Senior Member


  • Icon
with hungryboob vanished into the land of qanon, this makes you the last remaining peterson stan, shosta

congrats on winning the tontine


  • Senior Member
Gotta give it to Etoliate this is the most epic schadenfreude in the GAF extended universe yet.


team filler

  • filler
  • filler


  • Senior Member
Explain to me like I’m five, but why exactly wouldn’t etiolate’s idiotic logic of drawing a straight causation line from Marx writings to Maoism/Stalinism not equally apply to Jordan Peterson’s Gospel positive signaling, a text that has evoked by those that have committed all manner of atrocity? Or aspects of any other political/social/economic philosophy that has been evoked by people that carried out atrocities? Is capitalism and libertarianism now the sole causation of Pinochet’s atrocities in Chile?


  • Senior Member
even when the villain is vanquished, Nola still wants to argue with someone.

Not trying to argue, just seems like a really stupid point to try and make. And I’m wondering if I’m actually missing something?


  • Icon
The Carepostinator 2000 can't be stopped, only slowed down.


  • Senior Member

With the death of his host organism, which shit-tier pseudo-intellectual will filler attach himself next to? Will it be Assimilate? Will it be Optimus? Tune in tomorrow afternoon, only on Bore Prime Time.


  • Senior Member
Explain to me like I’m five, but why exactly wouldn’t etiolate’s idiotic logic of drawing a straight causation line from Marx writings to Maoism/Stalinism not equally apply to Jordan Peterson’s Gospel positive signaling, a text that has evoked by those that have committed all manner of atrocity? Or aspects of any other political/social/economic philosophy that has been evoked by people that carried out atrocities? Is capitalism and libertarianism now the sole causation of Pinochet’s atrocities in Chile?

I think there's an even easier counterpoint to be made, Nola. Peterson considers himself a Christian and the Bible to be the cornerstone of Western morality. We'd run out of pages trying to describe all the atrocities committed in the name of religion over the course of human history.


  • Senior Member
Explain to me like I’m five, but why exactly wouldn’t etiolate’s idiotic logic of drawing a straight causation line from Marx writings to Maoism/Stalinism not equally apply to Jordan Peterson’s Gospel positive signaling, a text that has evoked by those that have committed all manner of atrocity? Or aspects of any other political/social/economic philosophy that has been evoked by people that carried out atrocities? Is capitalism and libertarianism now the sole causation of Pinochet’s atrocities in Chile?

Because Etiolate cannot be wrong or feel humilliated by his own lack of enlightment.


  • Member
What a reasonable rational person, calm and resolved from 1,000 forum fights.


  • Senior Member
What a reasonable rational person, calm and resolved from 1,000 forum fights.

I would love see Etoilet and Evilore locked in a thread together and observe the madness therein.


  • Senior Member
Explain to me like I’m five, but why exactly wouldn’t etiolate’s idiotic logic of drawing a straight causation line from Marx writings to Maoism/Stalinism not equally apply to Jordan Peterson’s Gospel positive signaling, a text that has evoked by those that have committed all manner of atrocity? Or aspects of any other political/social/economic philosophy that has been evoked by people that carried out atrocities? Is capitalism and libertarianism now the sole causation of Pinochet’s atrocities in Chile?

I think there's an even easier counterpoint to be made, Nola. Peterson considers himself a Christian and the Bible to be the cornerstone of Western morality. We'd run out of pages trying to describe all the atrocities committed in the name of religion over the course of human history.

Yeah, that’s basically what I was trying to get at.

Anyaways, I guess etiolate can enjoy another weekend dreaming up new ways to call Benji a Marxist for when he gets back.


  • Senior Member
I think they might as well perma him at this point. Because he's just going to spam images of tortured children again as soon as he is allowed back.

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
Hahaha peace out ho. I know you're reading this so I just wanna say I win, bitch


  • Senior Member
Just assumed it was another standard issue cooling off.

...I guess Voat will soon shine a little bit brighter this afternoon.

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
I love his "if you were sensitive you wouldn't care about people calling your cousin distinguished mentally-challenged" line of logic. whatta fucken clown


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
  • Senior Member
I finally found out why they call you Mr Beak. Flew in like a vulture picking the corpse.


  • Senior Member
Etoilet likes to argue so much that he’ll probably go to boat and post as a Hillary-stan.

Maybe he should just be banned from the politics thread or discussion. He’s fine when he talks about games.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
  • Senior Member

More like Holodumbass.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
so what warranted a perma now? Calling people soft?  ::)

You guys are definitely soft.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
Dude's perm'd as if right now, maybe bork or Joe will have some sympathy for him, but I doubt it.


  • Icon
so what warranted a perma now? Calling people soft?  ::)

You guys are definitely soft.
He was spamming pictures of famine victims across multiple threads, same thing that got him the first two-day timeout.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
Dude's perm'd as if right now, maybe bork or Joe will have some sympathy for him, but I doubt it.
But why? what's the point of the perm? What was so egregious that it was warranted besides the mob here aggressively pushing for it? 

so what warranted a perma now? Calling people soft?  ::)

You guys are definitely soft.
He was spamming pictures of famine victims across multiple threads, same thing that got him the first two-day timeout.
Wait, he did it again?

The balls on that guy!  :neogaf

Still, perm'd is something a communist would do. Let's not be communists. Make it a 2 week timeout or something.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
He started spamming pics of dead kids as soon as he got back from a ban for spamming pics of dead kids.

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
Oh wait so he did the dead kids picture thing again? Lol


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
  • Senior Member
They were the same pictures every time. So they weren't even interesting to look at after the first time.

The true horror. Repetition.