Read up on the lvl.50 NIN rotations and got some good ideas from it even if I'm missing the last couple major attacks. Now I just gotta figure out how to map all this shit onto 1 main hotbar since I'm playing with a controller lol
Also I want to do a special shout out for how broken PvP Triple Triad is all because it's missing one two second programming bit. Ok so I dunno how much you all play Triple Triad, but there's basically like 3 ranks:
Rank 1 - Can use a single 1-5 star rated card, the rest of your deck has to be nothing but 1-star cards that suck
Rank 2 - Can use a single 1-5 star rated card, the rest of your deck has to be nothing but 1-2 star cards, 2 star being decent (Rank 2 is obtained by gathering 30 unique cards which takes a bit of time)
Rank 3 - Can make your own deck with no limitations, so nothing but 5 star cards? Sure! (Rank 3 is obtained by gathering either 50 or 60 unique cards which is a huge amount of work; also if you want the best 5-star cards deck, this rank is all about grinding and spending money to buy the best cards)
A player with a rank 3 deck will almost always beat rank 2 who will almost always beat rank 1. And I feel like even rank 3 vs rank 3 players will come down to whose grinded & spent the most money on the best cards a lot of the time.
Ok, now if you're still with me, all you have to do to make PvP triple triad fun is when you challenge someone to a match and you're setting up the rule sets (there's a bunch) there should be a rule that says "rank 2 decks only" or "rank 1 decks only". This way someone whose been playing Triple Triad for 10-20 hours can still play against someone whose played for 200 hours and still have a competitive match. But from what I could tell that option isn't there. And almost every human player you find in the triple triad battlehall is a lvl.60 player with a rank 3 deck. So even though I've put like 20+ hours into triple triad probably and have a pretty good rank 2 deck, I have basically no chance against any of these human people since my deck of 2-star cards + a single 5-star card just can't hold up to their nothing but 5-star cards. They've basically made human triple triad matches nothing but endgame only, and there's no one to play on a mostly fair playing ground until there which sucks because if I could play other humans on a level playing ground I would be playing a ton of triple triad. The computer is kinda bs depending on the ai of the npc and their deck, so human players would be much more fun but I can't really play against anyone because they didn't put a rank limiting option into the rule options