Author Topic: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...  (Read 2738884 times)

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  • Senior Member
A few more consoles and Nintendo's legacy will be crappy hardware instead of Mario. I have a Wii U, i like some of their games, but the consoles since 64 are a piece of shit.

The Switch is actually a pretty well designed piece of hardware (Nvidia probably helped a lot) and positions them well going into the future. Switch 2 in 4-5 years at PS4 levels would be pretty cool to see. The market has spoken - raw power is important, but they're not the most important aspect of a console.

That Doom is even coming to Switch at all speaks volumes about the system's technical flexibility and also Nintendo's improving relationships with third parties (especially western ones.)

Or, as DigitalFoundry said themselves:

"Bottom line, I've played a respectable looking version of DOOM on what is effectively a tablet. And that is seriously impressive."

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
A few more consoles and Nintendo's legacy will be crappy hardware instead of Mario. I have a Wii U, i like some of their games, but the consoles since 64 are a piece of shit.

Gamecube :ufup

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
PD burned by Robby Bobby’s nemesis.

Whoever said Avatar won't make $1b worldwide is the new PheonixDark

Nearly ten years later my prediction is more memorable than the actual film. I won.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
A few more consoles and Nintendo's legacy will be crappy hardware instead of Mario. I have a Wii U, i like some of their games, but the consoles since 64 are a piece of shit.

Gamecube :ufup

Yes, GameCube is one of the many shitty products Nintendo has made since N64.

The real :ufup part of that Nabbis post is that N64 was also a piece of shit.


  • oops
  • Member
A few more consoles and Nintendo's legacy will be crappy hardware instead of Mario. I have a Wii U, i like some of their games, but the consoles since 64 are a piece of shit.

Gamecube :ufup

Yes, GameCube is one of the many shitty products Nintendo has made since N64.

The real :ufup part of that Nabbis post is that N64 was also a piece of shit.

Oh yeah, forgot about that one. Oh well.


  • Senior Member
Nintendo haters sure like to spend a lot of time thinking about Nintendo...


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
Nintendo haters sure like to spend a lot of time thinking about Nintendo...

I like Nintendo games! I just hate their shit hardware and have missed some of their games because of it. I do love Switch, though.


  • Senior Member
The Switch is conceptually brilliant.  I just wish the hardware matched the idea.

Let's Cyber

  • Banned (duration pending)
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  • oops
  • Member
I don't think Dennis gets to make fun of people for buying stupid shit, considering he is willing to pay for Gaf gold.  :doge


  • Senior Member
I don't think Dennis gets to make fun of people for buying stupid shit, considering he is willing to pay for Gaf gold.  :doge


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
Go easy on him, guys. We all make mistakes. For example...



This is tough to say...

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i have a new 3ds


Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
Not only did I buy a Wii U, I think I was the only loser who re-U'd.


  • Estado Homo
  • Senior Member
Nintendo :holeup


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member

Lots of weirdos upset about the Doom port on Switch. Switch is pretty much Wii U+ which itself was 360/PS3ish. Unless you're a complete idiot, why would you expect modern AAA games to run on Switch at 60 FPS?

With it's graphics, what the fuck do they expect? iD can only do so much with the engine without making it look like a PS2-era game on a Tegra.

Even if Square pulls off Voodoo magic with getting the console/PC version of FF15 on the system (instead of the chibi-rific mobile port) it's gonna be like 15-30FPS itself.

Only Rocket League, which is aiming for 60FPS for good reasons (cross-play) is the only port that is doing 60. And that's because it's not that graphically demanding.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
I'm more interested in seeing how terribly the game plays with those baby controllers.

For real. I'm interested in the Rocket League port for that alone. I'm sure it's painful to play on those.


  • Senior Member

this thread has everything... people lookin' for burner accounts, duckroll saying they are going to migrate to a new forum software "eventually." people begging to pay for GAF GOLD to like posts and/or have an animated avatar.... Evilore chiming in about how they've already streamlined the conversion process so the switch over of the forum will only take "a few minutes" etc.


Mr. Nobody

  • Groovy.
  • Senior Member
Having a blast playing Samus Returns on my N3DS  :heart


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
Having a blast playing Samus Returns on my N3DS  :heart

Mine is sitting in a drawer. I’m never subjecting my eyes to those awful screens again now that Switch is out. You could fuckin’ grate cheese on those visible pixels.

Mr. Nobody

  • Groovy.
  • Senior Member
Having a blast playing Samus Returns on my N3DS  :heart

Mine is sitting in a drawer. I’m never subjecting my eyes to those awful screens again now that Switch is out. You could fuckin’ grate cheese on those visible pixels.

pls no bully  :'(


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
You’re definitely doing physical damage to your eyes looking at that thing. To your eyes, an hour on the 3DS is probably equivalent to two packs of Camels on your lungs.


  • Senior Member
Doom on Switch is pretty cool, but it's not something I'd want to play.

Years ago when smart phones and iPod videos were coming out it was cool to me that they existed. The novelty of watching Simpsons episodes on my creative zen video was amazing. Yet for all the Gundam Seed Destiny and Code Geass episodes I loaded on it I hardly watched them. Same thing happen when I went on a trip and loaded anime unto my iPad. It was older stuff I watched, not something I hadent watched before.

Today I only use my phone and iPads multi media stuff to well read and listen to music. I wouldn't say watch wonder Women on these things or Star Wars episode VIII or even something like Logan Lucky on them. Because I rather have my experince with newer things happen on a better suited hardware. In this case something like a movie theater or my home theater set up.

That's going to kind of be my problem with 3rd party games on the Switch. I rather have those first time playthroughs on better hardware and the novelty of playing them on the go while neat doesn't appeal to me past that. With new movies or games I tend to want to give them my attention and portables I don't find are conductive of that.

I had a vita to play MGS or FFX but I played those games plenty of times so it didn't matter. I didn't have to pay attention and had already experinces them at thier best.

On the train I rather just tune out with music and read something.


  • Senior Member
Having a blast playing Samus Returns on my N3DS  :heart

I refuse to play anything from mercurysteam after they destroyed castlevania. I consider AM2R to be the real remake as it was glorious.


  • Senior Member
The Switch is awesome but you're on dust if you think it ought to run Doom at 60fps.  30fps with good textures and AA will be impressive enough.


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member
good textures and AA will be impressive enough.



  • Senior Member
 :neogaf at all the people that shit on the switch and act all superior but choose to play their games on PS4/XBONE instead of PC


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
:neogaf at all the people that shit on the switch and act all superior but choose to play their games on PS4/XBONE instead of PC



  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member

But I find it hilarious there has been more than one mad crapper in the world and now I am wondering if it is somehow a NJ thing.



  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member

The kind of shitposting banned users like benjipwns, Dennis or convicted pedophile Amirox should have done.

Mr. Nobody

  • Groovy.
  • Senior Member
Having a blast playing Samus Returns on my N3DS  :heart

I refuse to play anything from mercurysteam after they destroyed castlevania. I consider AM2R to be the real remake as it was glorious.

They did a pretty good job on this. Even the circle-pad movement feels good after a half hour of getting used to it.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member

Lots of weirdos upset about the Doom port on Switch. Switch is pretty much Wii U+ which itself was 360/PS3ish. Unless you're a complete idiot, why would you expect modern AAA games to run on Switch at 60 FPS?
Especially since it's capped at 35 fps. It's not like they're going to reprogram the game after 15 years.


  • Senior Member
:neogaf at all the people that shit on the switch and act all superior but choose to play their games on PS4/XBONE instead of PC

shut up nintenDUMB


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
I agree, but wouldn't something to show you were a supporter like a icon next to the username encourage more people to support though?
I think, if you want to support the site, you will. I don't think it should be a status thing in any sense. People looking at you shouldn't be able to tell if you're a premium member or not. These things create a bias - however minor. It's best that the decision to pay for GAF be kept a private one.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
Having a blast playing Samus Returns on my N3DS  :heart

I went to a few stores looking for a Collector's Edition today and no dice  :-\

Girl I'm seeing says she's gonna look around midtown Manhattan for me tomorrow though  :-*


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
  • Senior Member
Mods got PM, mods been online since.

Much like the "haha white guy got sexually assaulted" nothing happened after it was reported and mods locked it figuring pointing out that backseat modding is not O-K but leaving the people to make fun of it unbanned.

Apparently you cant be racist or anything as long as the targeted person is white.

Quote from: Boss Moogle
I'm surprised you're asking other people to PM mods about a racist post instead of doing it yourself; I mean isn't that kinda your forte? Oh wait nvm, I get it now...

From what I read of the thread I don't think anybody here is denying that what she did was highly inappropriate for somebody in her position or that she shouldn't lose her job for it. Some are just questioning the racism aspect since the baby seems to be white (and I'm not saying 100% that it is but if I was forced to guess I would honestly guess white because of the rosy complexion) and if she should be charged with a crime (and again I'm not saying she shouldn't).

Also I think your statement is pretty disingenuous since I've seen plenty of posters try to justify or defend awful behavior from some black people, like the thread about the guy that body slammed an elderly woman on concrete at a pool party, the one about the teens that let that poor guy drown or more recently the one about rapper xxxtentacion's physical abuse scandal to name a few off the top of my head, you know, since Enzom21 is gonna want those receipts and all. And it's not just my opinion since people caught bans in those threads.

And with that Enzom21 raised his hand, pointed at the two offenders, and they were gone.

Quote from: Enzom
Am I in a thread complaining about a post and asking mods to do something about it?
Your shit is transparent and most people know your thoughts on race/black people at this point.
Also, I don't send mods PMs about post but believe what you want it is quite irrelevant.


  • Senior Member
I agree, but wouldn't something to show you were a supporter like a icon next to the username encourage more people to support though?
I think, if you want to support the site, you will. I don't think it should be a status thing in any sense. People looking at you shouldn't be able to tell if you're a premium member or not. These things create a bias - however minor. It's best that the decision to pay for GAF be kept a private one.

leave it hidden so only mods can see, then there will be no bias  :doge


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
And with that Enzom21 raised his hand, pointed at the two offenders, and they were gone.

Quote from: Enzom
Am I in a thread complaining about a post and asking mods to do something about it?
Your shit is transparent and most people know your thoughts on race/black people at this point.
Also, I don't send mods PMs about post but believe what you want it is quite irrelevant.
he edited that so go ahead and call him what you really want to

this seems like a reasonable fix:

Let's Cyber

  • Banned (duration pending)
  • Senior Member
Mods got PM, mods been online since.

Much like the "haha white guy got sexually assaulted" nothing happened after it was reported and mods locked it figuring pointing out that backseat modding is not O-K but leaving the people to make fun of it unbanned.

Apparently you cant be racist or anything as long as the targeted person is white.

Quote from: Boss Moogle
I'm surprised you're asking other people to PM mods about a racist post instead of doing it yourself; I mean isn't that kinda your forte? Oh wait nvm, I get it now...

From what I read of the thread I don't think anybody here is denying that what she did was highly inappropriate for somebody in her position or that she shouldn't lose her job for it. Some are just questioning the racism aspect since the baby seems to be white (and I'm not saying 100% that it is but if I was forced to guess I would honestly guess white because of the rosy complexion) and if she should be charged with a crime (and again I'm not saying she shouldn't).

Also I think your statement is pretty disingenuous since I've seen plenty of posters try to justify or defend awful behavior from some black people, like the thread about the guy that body slammed an elderly woman on concrete at a pool party, the one about the teens that let that poor guy drown or more recently the one about rapper xxxtentacion's physical abuse scandal to name a few off the top of my head, you know, since Enzom21 is gonna want those receipts and all. And it's not just my opinion since people caught bans in those threads.

And with that Enzom21 raised his hand, pointed at the two offenders, and they were gone.

Quote from: Enzom
Am I in a thread complaining about a post and asking mods to do something about it?
Your shit is transparent and most people know your thoughts on race/black people at this point.
Also, I don't send mods PMs about post but believe what you want it is quite irrelevant.
tbf, Boss★Moogle actually is a hateful piece of shit.


  • Senior Member

Lots of weirdos upset about the Doom port on Switch. Switch is pretty much Wii U+ which itself was 360/PS3ish. Unless you're a complete idiot, why would you expect modern AAA games to run on Switch at 60 FPS?
Especially since it's capped at 35 fps. It's not like they're going to reprogram the game after 15 years.

 :lol underrated post


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
  • Senior Member
tbf, Boss★Moogle actually is a hateful piece of shit.

I was unawares.  Enzom and Slayven always pull that, "your post history shows," on everyone, true or not.


Let's Cyber

  • Banned (duration pending)
  • Senior Member
I'm not going to pull receipts (I don't have the credentials of someone like TestofTide  :'(), but I specifically remember Boss★Moogle posting big anti-roma* manifestos a few years ago and I think he had some shitty opinions on muslim refugees coming into Europe as well.

*of course roma are one of the few marginalized groups it's totally cool to hate on GAF.  :thinking


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
  • Senior Member

*Heavy Breathing

team filler

  • filler
  • filler
Literally shaking rn


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
I'm not going to pull receipts (I don't have the credentials of someone like TestofTide  :'(), but I specifically remember Boss★Moogle posting big anti-roma* manifestos a few years ago and I think he had some shitty opinions on muslim refugees coming into Europe as well.

*of course roma are one of the few marginalized groups it's totally cool to hate on GAF.  :thinking
The roma situation is weird though, as I understand it they dont really want to change their lifestyle and integrate with local communities and their lifestyle leaves a wake of petty crime and littering behind them. Seems like more of a culture issue than racism. Someone described Irish travelers to me once and I left that conversation thinking they are less tan roma, as the complaints were near identical. 

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
I'm not going to pull receipts (I don't have the credentials of someone like TestofTide  :'(), but I specifically remember Boss★Moogle posting big anti-roma* manifestos a few years ago and I think he had some shitty opinions on muslim refugees coming into Europe as well.

*of course roma are one of the few marginalized groups it's totally cool to hate on GAF.  :thinking
The roma situation is weird though, as I understand it they dont really want to change their lifestyle and integrate with local communities and their lifestyle leaves a wake of petty crime and littering behind them. Seems like more of a culture issue than racism. Someone described Irish travelers to me once and I left that conversation thinking they are less tan roma, as the complaints were near identical.

Yeah Roma and travelers want to keep their culture as is

Only difference I can see is that travelers would not take up begging


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
The one thing I like about anime, is that it often faithfully recreates real world locations.



  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member

Mel Brook has seen and fought nazi firsthand as he was deployed in Normandy as a combat engineer when he was 17 years old.. He was a spotter for artillery, sabotaged bridges and defused land mines.

But "lol guys he's old! He doesnt know what he's talking about!"


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member

Holy shit!


I need a gun, right now. This is not happening.

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Because Uber lost its licence in London
« Last Edit: September 22, 2017, 09:00:33 AM by VomKriege »

Let's Cyber

  • Banned (duration pending)
  • Senior Member
The roma situation is weird though, as I understand it they dont really want to change their lifestyle and integrate with local communities and their lifestyle leaves a wake of petty crime and littering behind them. Seems like more of a culture issue than racism. Someone described Irish travelers to me once and I left that conversation thinking they are less tan roma, as the complaints were near identical.
I still think GAF moderation is pretty hypocritical to let it slide considering how strict they are on other topics. But yeah, there is a discussion to be had on this topic but it might be better to not have it in this thread. I probably shouldn't have brought it up.

Holy shit!


I need a gun, right now. This is not happening.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Because Uber lost its licence in London
He sounds like an American.  :american

Why do you hate freedom, Vom?

« Last Edit: September 22, 2017, 09:47:25 AM by Let's Cyber »


  • Junior Member
It's no surprise that the usual suspects are in that thread defending that alt-reich Brooks fellow. 

I miss Bish :(

spoiler (click to show/hide)
and Amir0x. #Ami0xWasFramed

Mr. Nobody

  • Groovy.
  • Senior Member
Does Nintendo actually discount their games now that the Switch is out or...?

 :dead :dead :dead :dead

Not on your life  :fbm


  • Senior Member

Mel Brook has seen and fought nazi firsthand as he was deployed in Normandy as a combat engineer when he was 17 years old.. He was a spotter for artillery, sabotaged bridges and defused land mines.

But "lol guys he's old! He doesnt know what he's talking about!"

"Comedy is the lecherous little elf whispering in the king's ear, always telling the truth about human behaviour"

gaf certainly has its lecherous little elf.


  • Senior Member
I swear I remember a similar thread about Mel Brook. But in that people tried to argue that he was PC or not offensive.


  • Senior Member
Who here remembers their ICQ number???

I barely remember ICQ


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
why is this mel brooks thread not a bunch of quotes from his movies


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Quote from: royalan
Fuck that.

Sorry, Mel. But fuck. that.
Quote from: royalan
Not as dead as reading comprehension going by this thread!

Reading hint: the 'personally' part of his quote is why it's not really hypocritical.
The inclusion of "personally" doesn't change the meaning of his statement if it's still the isolation of his own personal history. Nice try, though.
Quote from: royalan
The difference between own personal limits and general limits. It shouldn't be that hard to understand.
"So...I won't trash (oops, "parody") my own history, but I'll trash yours. And feel free to do the same!"

I mean....
Quote from: royalan
No, the point is, it's a fairly hollow statement to make. So hollow, why make it all.

In one breath, he bashes "political correctness." The next he admits there are lines he wouldn't personally cross. He's admitting to the same limits that other people and creators are admitting to and are bashed for being PC. It's the same thing this bullshit argument always boils down to.

So...which is it?
Quote from: royalan
My position is that if Mel Brooks has limits, then he should respect the fact that other people have limits, or that they might even make the choice to be sensitive to the limits of others.

Nobody is being persecuted for their comedy, so this argument gets dangerously close to the "don't criticize me for my comedy" argument that a few comedians and irresponsible writers like to lean on.
Quote from: royalan
He has limits for what he'd perform, he may enjoy a good holocaust joke but not feel comfortable dwelling on the process of creating the joke on that topic. And if he didn't feel like hearing it then he doesn't have to. Seems like a non-issue!
Then let Mel Brooks say that.
Quote from: royalan
Mel Brooks can do what he wants.

My criticism of his personal view here is that he doesn't seem to acknowledge that other people might be operating from the same position he is, because he ties his view to such a loaded statement "PC is the death of comedy."

How about...maybe, comedy is evolving. Like it always has and will continue to. And if that means more people are being aware of the historical sensitivities of other groups, what's the big deal? That your racist joke won't be met with the same overwhelming social acceptance it once would have been?
Quote from: royalan

I don't have to give a shit about Mel Brooks. I have my own history I can draw from.
Quote from: royalan
No, I still think he's a hypocrite. I think most people who rely on the PC argument are.

Mel has the right to believe what he wants, just like all comedians have the right to tell the jokes to hey want to tell. And in both cases, I reserve the right to criticize them for it.

Old white guy misunderstands political correctness, news at 11.
Monty Python, the best comedy show ever created was largely intelligent humour with little to no easy jokes based on offensive crap.

Go home Mel.
Jewish man doesn't think holocaust jokes are ok but sexuality and racism (as long as it's not about Jewish pepole) are ok. What a fucking moron.
So he's not okay with jokes about things that draw on his and his community's history... buuut every other group and their history is fair game?

Pretty much my take-away from this. Well, respect lost for Mel today.

And we got ourselves another milkshake duck
perfect :lawd


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
I feel like people who get mad at political correctness and people who apply political correctness to everything regardless of context don't understand what PC actually means. Like always, people going to extremes are ruining it for everyone else.


  • Senior Member
The "personally I will not joke about the holocaust " seems to be confused with "anybody that jokes about the holocaust is in my shit list".