Can’t post about Witcher without Username being triggered when my interest in the game was sincere. Saying that you don’t like modern games but giving one of the most acclaimed modern games a fair shot is a “flip flop” is distinguished mentally-challenged. That’s like saying you’re a flip flop for not liking modern Hollywood but seeing Black Panther just to see what the fuss is about.
You're miscontruing my post and being distinguished mentally-challenged. I'm honestly not even sure why I'm bothering because 1) I like you and 2) you'll see it as an "attack" anyway.
Re-read my post that you quoted.
*people are talking about the Witcher 3 and think it's great*
You: "Ok, I'll try it
despite thinking modern games suck!" *plays for about 2 hours and doesn't even get to the best part of the game yet, makes a thread*
Me: "Why the fuck did you even bother then, cut the middle-man and stick with your older fighting games if you think modern games suck. Stop wasting your time?"
Me: :eyeroll
My "flip-flop" comment is how you 180 on various things. Like when the dems lost. You were all "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE!" (and lost a huge amount of respect from me, because while I can understand your anger at white folks, it's not
as-if every fucking white person voted Trump.) You then came around on it and said you were "wrong to hate that hatred." Ok, great. Fantastic. Put that one to bed.
Meanwhile, you think the Democrats are in shambles (they are) and are going to take your guns away because... you need them for safety(?). Which is kinda dumb, but ok. So then you go
from Democrat to Republican instead of doing the
smart thing and sitting right in the middle of that shit-cake two-party system and voting
for the issues. But let's ignore that.
You have this tendency to "flip-flop" between various opinions. I'm not the only person that has noticed this and it's not just on the Witcher (which isn't even where my side-comment on this even was going). That "Himuro Plinko" is the manifestation of your bipolar opinions.
But feel free to think I'm "hostile" or "triggered" because you
obviously had a biased/leading opinion toward a game that I think is alright and made me cue rolling my eyes out of my head when "yep, Himuro hates it. Why did she even bother with downloading it instead of just playing Street Fighter?"