I've rewatched the prequel reviews over the last couple days, and I have to say, I think the Episode 3 one is the best.
- Stupid Kid Han Solo
- "Where would you rape the Millenium Falcon anyways? ...RIGHT THERE, I'VE DONE IT"
- Commander Nefarious, Captain Imabadguy, and Admiral Bonetopick
- "Mmm... I like to fuck my cat."
- "Like when Yoda is on Kashyyyk, is he like 'Hey... wait a minute... Palpatine's behind it all!'"
- "The entire Senate is filled with stupid idiots." <picture of the US Senate>
- Kneeling before Monster Mash and pledging loyalty to the graveyard smash
- Great filmmaking comparison between the boringness of Anakin telling Mace that Palpatine is a Sith, and the excitement of Star Trek 09
I also really dig his suggested improvements and how the Clone War really should have went down. I dunno, RotS is the best of the prequels but it surprisingly has the most material for a takedown review.