Author Topic: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ] jordan peterson Jordan Peterson JORDAN PETERSON  (Read 250146 times)

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Great Rumbler

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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #180 on: February 23, 2018, 12:48:45 AM »
I'm such an angry tyrant that I left in place etiolate's edit changing the title to "Great Rumbler's Child Porn Stash." :lol


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #181 on: February 23, 2018, 12:49:22 AM »
I take more shit than anyone. I only say chill when its becoming pathological with some of you.

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #182 on: February 23, 2018, 12:51:23 AM »
I'm such an angry tyrant that I left in place etiolate's edit changing the title to "Great Rumbler's Child Porn Stash." :lol
LMAO I didn't even notice that. It's like when a little kid gets put in time out and starts scribbling on the walls cuz it's the only power he has

 :umad :umad :umad


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #183 on: February 23, 2018, 12:51:41 AM »
I take more shit than anyone. I only say chill when its becoming pathological with some of you.
Oh please you're a condescending prick all the time you don't get to complain about others being mean


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #184 on: February 23, 2018, 04:50:08 AM »
I take more shit than anyone. I only say chill when its becoming pathological with some of you.
Oh please you're a condescending prick all the time



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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #185 on: February 23, 2018, 05:05:19 AM »
I'm such an angry tyrant that I left in place etiolate's edit changing the title to "Great Rumbler's Child Porn Stash." :lol

"I'm going to accuse you of being a pedophile because you changed my thread title"
                   - a totally normal, well-adjusted and definitely not triggered person


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #186 on: February 23, 2018, 08:46:15 AM »
Bookmarked for later.

OK, thank you. I understand better now.

You might enjoy this series:
All parts seem to be readily available on Youtube.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2018, 03:54:01 PM by Rufus »


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Swallow It Down
« Reply #187 on: February 23, 2018, 05:41:57 PM »
this obv wasn’t directed at me but if y’all don’t mind I’d like to try to give a thoughtful response because this is an honest post, and I feel like I could add something to the conversation.
conservatism is like a sociological immune system which would literally keep people safe from disease

And in the psychological lectures, you know, the idea that liberals and conservatives are just people of different biologically pre-determined psychological temperaments that serve important sociological purpose blows my mind too. It's one thing to respect other (common) political views because you're "nice" and "empathetic", which is arbitrary and takes some training, it's another thing entirely when the entire success of your society has been predicated on the interdependence of the full diversity of the personality spectrum and everyone needs everyone else or else society falls apart and dies.
This is functionalism, specifically the kind that treats in organic metaphors. It has all the attendant pitfalls of functionalism, viz. struggles to explain change; deliberate between external and internal causation; and, since society is essentially just the name we give the large aggregation of means-end relationships, where culture (among other things) is the means, we’ve assumed the ends as given (which i assume for Peterson is going to be simple perpetuation of the ‘organism’). I don’t mean to give an overwhelmingly negative picture of this as a schema, functionalism has its proponents in the social sciences (although its organic variety is definitely passé), but it is one among several lenses to view ‘the social’.

And he'll do this while also integrating moral philosophy (as it arises from basic psychological study)
could you elaborate on this? Point out where he talks about this?

So in this way he really is the stupid man's smart man
i agree, in both a) the non-pejorative sense that it’s important to have gateways, so to speak, into academic discussions, especially ones which impinge on deeply felt needs in everyday, lived experience (more on that below) and b) the pejorative sense that we should be demanding a better gateway.

he's exposed me to stuff I never would have discovered otherwise.
this is great! It’s exactly what you want out of a gateway, provided you keep reading. Just with respect to philosophy, if you took Peterson at his word, you’d come away with a gross misunderstanding or eclipsed view of: Newton, Nietzsche, the American Pragmatists, Heidegger, and French poststructuralism. Ditto any contemporary work done in phil of sci, phil of the social sciences or history of phil because he largely doesn’t engage with any of it. Again, this isn’t absolutely damning. Selective readings, or even outright misreadings, can still be philosophically productive (and happen fairly frequently)*, but, at least in my estimation, they shouldn’t determine our stances towards the sources in question.

What was it in this for me that blew my mind?...I'm a materialist, atheist, hedonist, moral relativist. I don't care about religion. Knowledge for me is hard empirical science. I'd never considered before that mythology or literature of all things could be a source of knowledge, or that truth could be encoded in every single one of us literally in our DNA or reflected through society, which is some crazy Spinoza-level monism. Just saying something like "artists are mystics" is straight up new age nonsense I would have never said before but here I am saying it. And never had I considered there to be a universal human morality because, you know, that's not self evident at all, especially when you don't believe in God, it's everything goes, man, but here I am now believing in a universal morality determined and discovered by evolution itself and baked right into our social structures and laws. And I never considered that ideologies of all kinds, like political ones especially but even stuff as simple as environmentalism and veganism, were primitive unsophisticated religions and rituals that replaced Christianity as a sophisticated value system, because we are hardwired to codify and act out and ahdere to value systems by virtue of being social creatures. Here I am saying I'm not religious and yet I'm revering Mother Earth just like a Wiccan would.
theres a lot here, but where I’d like to start is the descriptors you outline initially. What follows is supposed to be ideal typical, I’m not saying this is what you experienced exactly. We start with a worldview that takes a (at the risk of sounding blunt) bastardized view of Newtonian mechanics as an exhaustive ontological description of the world. The world is at bottom a physical process of things bouncing off each other in predictable patterns; if we knew the sum total of things and their causes at any initial point of origin, we’d successfully be able to predict every resulting thing and cause from that point, including human activity. What’s more, there is no transcendent end or good towards which we should be orienting ourselves. Life doesn’t have any objective meaning beyond which we give it; and we experience this process of meaning-defining as rational deliberation but as we already know, this is just another thing that can be reduced to collisions between physical objects happening at some microscopic level (which level? tbd; it’s pretty much causal factors all the way down). So what we’re left with is self-interested eudaemonic accumulation until we die and return to nothing.

It’s not hard to see how someone can feel caged in by this worldview, and I think that goes to explain in large measure how liberated someone can feel when they shake it, or something like it, off -as you mentioned how hungrynoob, and possibly you yourself, felt. Suddenly, the world has meaning again, it’s re-enchanted vis-à-vis myth being made non-trivial, there are real values to strive/fight for and all of this is an intrinsic part of being human so there’s no need to experience a kind of schizophrenia when intentions clash with worldview. But I want to point out how this liberation was purchased. Myth was rescued, but only at the expense of completely naturalizing it. Everything gets shoved into a Darwinian framework even though it’s not clear why we should take ‘natural selection in a zero sum competitive environment’ as our guiding metanarrative. The good/end ascribed to what it is to be human is self-perpetuation, so not only have we not gotten rid of the anxiety-causing specter of the will to power, but now we have to contend with it in the cultural sphere, too. So it seems if the goal was to eliminate “the malaise of modernity” we haven’t gotten any closer to solving that problem.

Which would be a bummer if we didn’t recognize that the either/or we’ve outlined above isn’t actually the Sophie’s choice we made it out to be. It isn’t at all settled that the world is atomically physical in the way a certain understanding of Newtonian mechanics describes or that any endeavor outside the domain of empirical science wasn’t worthwhile (neither newton, nor the most logical of the postivists thought this). It isn’t settled that myth needs to be interpreted genetically in order to do the most justice to it (although I can think of two off the top of my head, cassirer and blumenberg, that do exactly this, just better than Peterson). And it isn’t settled that there is no ethical yardstick by which man is obligated to measure himself -the majoritarian stance in meta ethics is moral realism and the anti-realist position doesn’t necessarily imply relativism. That all of this is contained in scholarship with such a huge barrier to entry -in terms financial, time-wise, effort-inducing, etc.- constitutes a legitimate tragicomedy. And...

People are so hungry for this stuff, in our cold, dead, rational world. And they want answers for who they are and what they should do, because nobody's telling them, and there's so much power in a positive and human centric philosophy that doesn't require a tyrant living in the sky. And I can honestly say I felt the exact same thing.
i think the fact that the person who has been one of the most successful at speaking to and capitalizing on this very real felt need did so publicly, freely, and accessibly speaks volumes.

*although I do think that in Peterson’s case since his narrative history of phil is tied so closely to his political project, the latter is undermined if we recognize the former for what it is, highly tendentious at best.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #188 on: February 23, 2018, 06:43:06 PM »
Everyone else is fine having fun except for a few people who are taking it personal and asking people to change their name so they can mock them more or change thread titles to mock those that threaten them.

Literal Nazis. :ohhh


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #189 on: February 23, 2018, 07:02:18 PM »



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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #190 on: February 27, 2018, 02:04:55 PM »
This is the guy from the OP. Went over his Blue Church idea. I feel like he struggles to relate his idea, but if you've already gotten to the destination then it's a bit easier to see what he's getting at.

The guy himself is a harvard law guy who was a part of the boom and bust of the internett bubble. Started up, was co-founder and CEO of divx.

I am curious if his Blue Church is the same thing as Eric Weinstein's TIM. (Tech, Information(which includes intel agencies), Media)


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #191 on: February 27, 2018, 04:02:18 PM »



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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #192 on: February 27, 2018, 04:21:31 PM »
i sure hope theres a peterson zizek debate on youtube.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #193 on: February 28, 2018, 06:37:34 AM »
it's so sad to see slavoj like this, regularly being coherent and on-topic

i just hope whatever terminal illness he's coming to the end of is painless for him


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #195 on: March 02, 2018, 01:17:36 AM »
Takes like 5 minutes of looking at this guy's twitter to know he is an idiot himself.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #197 on: March 02, 2018, 04:15:36 PM »
it's so sad to see slavoj like this, regularly being coherent and on-topic

i just hope whatever terminal illness he's coming to the end of is painless for him


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #198 on: March 03, 2018, 06:12:51 PM »

Van Cruncheon

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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #200 on: March 04, 2018, 06:15:09 PM »
i saw "intellectual" in the thread title, then noted etoilet started it, and sure enough: jordan peterson. i mean, i feel like i wasted my time confirming it.




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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #201 on: March 04, 2018, 08:34:47 PM »
Yet here you are posting.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #202 on: March 04, 2018, 10:57:03 PM »
Yet here you are posting.

And this is how third graders respond. :crowdlaff


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #203 on: March 04, 2018, 11:17:11 PM »
I might be more embarrassed for people defending goofiness like the lipstick argument than getting a tat.

Cause I feel the best possible case for Peterson would involve some kind of caveat about separating his more rigorous work* from his off-the-cuff bullshit, but from what I've seen hungrynoob is pretty representative of the fandom in terms of going to bat for the whole oeuvre.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
*"rigorous work" still being popular consumption, cause his academic work is mostly on the effects of alcoholism and finding correlations with the Big Five and that's not bringing in the Patreon cash


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #204 on: March 04, 2018, 11:46:30 PM »


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #205 on: March 05, 2018, 01:56:14 AM »
I'm not exactly sure what a soyboi is, but if I had to describe one, I'd say "Jordan Peterson". I can't believe anyone can get riled up by a guy who sounds and comes off as such a gigantic pussy.

I'm sorry sir, but does THIS look/sound like a gigantic pussy to you:


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #206 on: March 05, 2018, 03:00:48 AM »
This thread is distinguished mentally-challenged listen to this guy instead


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #207 on: March 05, 2018, 03:02:50 AM »


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #208 on: March 05, 2018, 07:49:30 PM »
Blyth talk is worth checking out, but I don't see the link between heirarchy or gender norms and authoritarianism that he uses in his Trumpetism reasons.  Neither are authoritarian by default. They need a lot of things associated with them to be authoritarian.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #209 on: March 06, 2018, 11:50:56 AM »
Blyth talk is worth checking out, but I don't see the link between heirarchy or gender norms and authoritarianism that he uses in his Trumpetism reasons.  Neither are authoritarian by default. They need a lot of things associated with them to be authoritarian.
After an hour and a half of nuclear truth bombs your take away is to single out  a sentence on a slide by pondering the questionable correlation between authoritarianism and misogynists?
« Last Edit: March 06, 2018, 02:12:30 PM by warcock »


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #210 on: March 06, 2018, 01:04:24 PM »
I could take exception to his putting his head in the sand on immigration and wahhabism by just calling it racism. There's things about him that are hand-me-down leftist takes that don't stand up to pressure.

However, his talk is interesting and full of information. I did recommend watching it after all. =P

 I just found the hierarchy/gender norms bit to be non-scientific in a list of scientific studies. Gender is a largely bimodal distribution, so belief in traditional genders is closer to the truth than rejection of gender nroms.  Belief in hierarchies are a belief in known biological structures. Nothing authoritarian about it. Some people are going to see these errors and ditch the talk. He'd reach more people if took out the pleasing lies for leftists. It may also better inform his idea of global trumpism.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #212 on: March 07, 2018, 01:39:17 AM »

Honestly scientists shouldn't be allowed to talk about the humanities for their own good


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #213 on: March 07, 2018, 01:42:56 AM »
I get all my fashion advice from Stephen Hawking.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #214 on: March 07, 2018, 02:25:50 AM »
Peterson saying spirals in ancient art are depictions of the DNA double helix.

This is hotep shit for white people. It makes so much more sense now.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #215 on: March 07, 2018, 12:11:12 PM »
Why does Peterson threaten y'all? I made this thread about the general group of discussion, but the whiners focus on Peterson. I know why I threaten some of you. I don't get why you'd care to be threatened by Jordan.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #216 on: March 07, 2018, 12:23:51 PM »
So it's jealousy. Always jealousy with you people.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #217 on: March 07, 2018, 12:32:27 PM »
Your first (incorrect) presupposition is that anyone is "threatened" by this WASP-ass motherfucker. :lol

Spoiler: we're laughing at him cause he's dumb, and you're dumb for stanning him so hard :crowdlaff


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #218 on: March 07, 2018, 12:37:35 PM »
I'm just laughing that he's a god damn professor who gets paid to speak for a living yet he was speaking like a valley girl with Kermit The Frog's voice.

Also, this.



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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #219 on: March 07, 2018, 12:45:56 PM »
I think Jordan Petersen says interesting stuff, I also think he's a loon for believing the bible is a series of transcendent metaphorical wisdom. These books were written by people who fuck goats.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #220 on: March 07, 2018, 12:49:26 PM »
I think TVC says interesting stuff, I also think he's a loon for trying to coerce people into fish and or 7/11 dumpster sex


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #221 on: March 07, 2018, 12:52:22 PM »
I think Jordan Petersen says interesting stuff, I also think he's a loon for believing the bible is a series of transcendent metaphorical wisdom. These books were written by people who fuck goats.

That's not a fair take on how books like a bible get created. Those works are the collected wisdoms of a people that have been passed down, often in oral traditions for great periods of time.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #222 on: March 07, 2018, 12:58:42 PM »
And some of that wisdom was "guys, c'mon, stop fucking goats."


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #223 on: March 07, 2018, 12:58:58 PM »
Peterson looks too deeply into the ramblings of drunk, bored goat farmers. Is there some practical stuff in there (like don't eat pork cause it probably made them sick from under cooking it?), sure. But it's not the year minus 589 anymore and we can explain these folktales. To take the lessons and meanings he does from it is insane.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #224 on: March 07, 2018, 01:04:23 PM »
It's not that insane when you realize they had ancient forms of reciprocity theory. The sheathed sword wisdom is quite good as well. Many ideas of then still have value today. We repeat them in different ways, but we understand them at a certain level. This is not because we just don't have anything better. 


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #225 on: March 07, 2018, 01:06:50 PM »
The Cain and Able lecture is really good.

I bet it's not.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #226 on: March 07, 2018, 01:10:53 PM »
I think Sam Harris annihilated Peterson on this subject when they debated it. Go collect all Jack Remington's posts and analyse them and you'll 100% be able to insert the same kind of metaphorical wisdom into them.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #227 on: March 07, 2018, 01:17:30 PM »
I bet it's not.
does anyone like you
Women sometimes wear lipstick around me, so at least I know I'm the object of their sexual desire.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #228 on: March 07, 2018, 01:29:40 PM »
Also if you want to use the Bible to justify traditional gender roles, bringing in Jungian myth analysis and speculation about genetic memory seems a pretty fuckin' roundabout way of doing it.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #229 on: March 07, 2018, 01:36:42 PM »
Why does Peterson threaten y'all? I made this thread about the general group of discussion, but the whiners focus on Peterson. I know why I threaten some of you. I don't get why you'd care to be threatened by Jordan.

I think most of us are focusing on Peterson because he's the one that's been given the current title of lead right-wing "intellectual". I don't recall if someone like Steven Pinker makes $70k/month on Patreon for telling Trump fans to wipe their asses.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #230 on: March 07, 2018, 01:39:26 PM »

Glad to see Peterson applies as much academic rigor into confirming whether or not that's a real twitter account, as he did with the C-16 bill.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #231 on: March 07, 2018, 02:26:36 PM »
Peterson goes around and speaks to groups of mostly young people who are mostly young men to encourage them to focus on their lives and responsibilities, not get caught up in collectivism and not end up the psycho who shoots up schools.

And this is the person that you focus on attacking.

One of the many reasons I think people on this forum are fucked in the head.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #232 on: March 07, 2018, 02:30:31 PM »
You know if he didnt succeed in siphoning money from that dumb ass cultural niche of ours, he would of fucked right back off to communada instead of dying a poor martyr of individualism in the bastion of liberty.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #233 on: March 07, 2018, 02:30:40 PM »
speculation about genetic memory

What's Peterson's ranking of the Assassin's Creed games?


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #234 on: March 07, 2018, 02:43:16 PM »
Peterson goes around and speaks to groups of mostly young people who are mostly young men to encourage them to focus on their lives and responsibilities, not get caught up in collectivism and not end up the psycho who shoots up schools.

Welp. I certainly did not expect "Jordan Peterson's fans are the sort of dudes you'd expect to snap and murder a bunch of their classmates" to show up in this thread as a pro-Peterson take.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #235 on: March 07, 2018, 02:51:49 PM »
I attack him because he is popular and makes money.

But it's not out of jealousy, I swear.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #236 on: March 07, 2018, 02:58:20 PM »
Or it's because people go in at the first target on the front row. Of the youtube "intellectuals" this is the only guy I know

I'm liking the you're just jealous routine though. It's like we're back on NeoGAF.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #237 on: March 07, 2018, 03:08:39 PM »

*User was warned for: Making light of sexual assault. S1.

Did peterson touch you eti? Do you want to talk about it? :-*


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #238 on: March 07, 2018, 03:14:37 PM »
I attack him because he is popular and makes money.

But it's not out of jealousy, I swear.
Oh damn, inserting two more premises and insisting on them being correct is gonna do it.


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Re: The Intellectual Dank Wad [ ot ] Hour Long Youtubes unf unf
« Reply #239 on: March 07, 2018, 03:41:18 PM »
I attack him because he is popular and makes money.

But it's not out of jealousy, I swear.

Don't forget his huge cock as well.