It was kind of a shitty post.
True, but people are starting to being apologetic with Twilight because “sexism between liking trash”.
Im not going to lie combined with the avatar and the dudes defending of Pyra I kind of assume he's one of those....My bias.
But as for your Twilight comment I think it was that nostalgia girl critic that put up a good video about it. Maybe twilight is crap, but male nerds do treat plenty of things that are for women with much vitriol while praising the latest shounen anime or whatever other lame male centric crap there is. There is unbalance in how these things are viewed I think and while I wouldn't say it's some malicious sexism, I think it is there. Twilight was dumb. Xenoblade 2 is also dumb and features a a dude getting 2 waifus. Women are allowed to like dumb shit just as I'm allowed to ducking love shit like Gundam Wing.
It's funny I'm watching Gundam Wing again and it's a stupid show, but I remember people giving Relena shit probably because she was the girl in a boy show character. She's the only ok character in the show honestly.
I don't give a fuck about Twilight. But I doubt it's anything people should be embarrassed about liking.
Twilight is trash for stupid tweens. Transformers is getting the same if not more hate yet we don't see distinguished mentally-challenged fellows like you whining about sexism against men. Fuck off with this shit and with your terrible comparisons with stuff that are decent or even very good but kinda schlocky. If you can't see the difference there nothing can save you.
Your idiot ass just made me point. Thanks you Edge lord fuck.
Like you can't even fucking read you Ayn Rand cocksucker. Now where did I say Twilight is good. It's whatever since I'm not an insfurable cunt like you I don't give a fuck about it and easily ignore it. And because I'm not a raging fuck like you I don't need to label it trash because I don't care. It sounds ducking dumb, but so is a bunch of things.
My two examples are fucking dumb as shit. Probably on the same level of twilight. You're an insercure man baby fuck if you can't fucking see that schlock like Gundam Wing and Xenoblade is just as dumb as Twiglight and serves the same function.
But since I'm not a fucking pos like you I don't care and I do need to rage out because the shit I like is also silly and/or some other idiots like this other idiot thing.
Of course no one is crying sexism against transformers. Are you fucking stupid? That's not how the fucking power dynamics that people have been talking about forever would play out you fucking imbicile.
Get the fuck off the bore you fucking peice of edge lord shit.