Author Topic: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums  (Read 732465 times)

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  • Have You Ever
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3000 on: March 17, 2018, 02:25:23 PM »
My whole post was about people getting worked up about things that don't matter.  Nobody should be getting all upset about anyone's gender, including their own.  Don't insist on validation and others will have no basis to refuse it, that way neither party gets worked up.

Now what is annoying is people suddenly choosing the subject du jour as the one thing nobody should complain about because it doesn't affect them.  A shitload of things don't affect all of us and yet we still complain about them constantly.  It's a rare person who wouldn't do that. I have no problem with anyone complaining about anything, impactful or not.
This is just a tad bit contradictory, don't you think? In the first paragraph, you make it seems as though outsiders only receive (morally justifiable) pushback if they demand validation. But in the second, you acknowledge that people get upset about all manner of things, including things which don't affect them. Which would include outsiders existing, whether they demand validation or not.
I didn't say anything about outsiders, I was speaking in general.  I think to an extent people make themselves into outsiders, needlessly.  So I'm partly saying don't make yourself into an outsider and people won't treat you like one.

Of course I'm not talking about evident differences like skin color.  I'm talking about people who decide they're squirrelkin and everyone else has to respect that.  Both of these groups are "othered" but one was by choice.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2018, 02:36:36 PM by Uncle »


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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3001 on: March 17, 2018, 02:27:09 PM »
Of course those conquered people weren't thrilled that was happening but there was little they could do about it because they were sold as slaves. In some cases slavery was used as a form of punishment or paying off debt.
The Europeans treated their allies and nobility in Africa with respect and treated the slaves as their masters did. Skin color had little to do with anything, it was all a matter of social standing and slaves were the lowest of the low.

Thank god slavery was abolished but it had or has little to do with the modern concept of racism.
Africans were seen as lesser humans. They were put in zoos, even. That's part of how their subjugation and enslavement was justified. I don't see how you can separate the two in this case.


  • Have You Ever
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3002 on: March 17, 2018, 02:40:22 PM »


  • 🙈🙉🙊
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3003 on: March 17, 2018, 02:45:22 PM »
My whole post was about people getting worked up about things that don't matter.  Nobody should be getting all upset about anyone's gender, including their own.  Don't insist on validation and others will have no basis to refuse it, that way neither party gets worked up.

Now what is annoying is people suddenly choosing the subject du jour as the one thing nobody should complain about because it doesn't affect them.  A shitload of things don't affect all of us and yet we still complain about them constantly.  It's a rare person who wouldn't do that. I have no problem with anyone complaining about anything, impactful or not.
This is just a tad bit contradictory, don't you think? In the first paragraph, you make it seems as though outsiders only receive (morally justifiable) pushback if they demand validation. But in the second, you acknowledge that people get upset about all manner of things, including things which don't affect them. Which would include outsiders existing, whether they demand validation or not.
I didn't say anything about outsiders, I was speaking in general.  I think to an extent people make themselves into outsiders, needlessly.  So I'm partly saying don't make yourself into an outsider and people won't treat you like one.

Of course I'm not talking about evident differences like skin color.  I'm talking about people who decide they're squirrelkin and everyone else has to respect that.  Both of these groups are "othered" but one was by choice.
That clears things up some, but still doesn't entirely resolve the contradiction regarding the bolded statement.


  • Have You Ever
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3004 on: March 17, 2018, 03:03:01 PM »
That clears things up some, but still doesn't entirely resolve the contradiction regarding the bolded statement.

I don't think there's a contradiction in context of my original post on the subject.  People make up shit for a complex web of reasons - they're natural attention-seekers, or want to stand out in a world suddenly so connected that everyone has a voice and most of them are lost in the uproar, or they're essentially trolling because they think or know they can get away with it in a culture that says there can't be any pushback or criticism when someone imposes othering upon themselves.  Some people will complain all day about being misgendered or what-have-you, but the truth is they wanted that conflict and the chance to briefly make the conversation all about themselves.

I'm not saying all the feelings leading to adopting a label are made up, but most of them just mean you're human.  You didn't need the label.  Look at how many people function just fine day-to-day without ever telling anyone one of their labels.

who is ted danson?

  • ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✋💎✋🤬
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3005 on: March 17, 2018, 03:03:46 PM »
Wait wtf

are we getting some stealth "dumpster diving" viral marketing at REE?


  • 🙈🙉🙊
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3006 on: March 17, 2018, 03:08:45 PM »
That clears things up some, but still doesn't entirely resolve the contradiction regarding the bolded statement.

I don't think there's a contradiction in context of my original post on the subject.  People make up shit for a complex web of reasons - they're natural attention-seekers, or want to stand out in a world suddenly so connected that everyone has a voice and most of them are lost in the uproar, or they're essentially trolling because they think or know they can get away with it in a culture that says there can't be any pushback or criticism when someone imposes othering upon themselves.  Some people will complain all day about being misgendered or what-have-you, but the truth is they wanted that conflict and the chance to briefly make the conversation all about themselves.

I'm not saying all the feelings leading to adopting a label are made up, but most of them just mean you're human.  You didn't need the label.  Look at how many people function just fine day-to-day without ever telling anyone one of their labels.
Yes, yes, yes, I get where you're coming from. But the bolded sentence made it sound like you're not cool with people getting upset over the above, either, when that's (now obviously) not true.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3007 on: March 17, 2018, 03:10:54 PM »
Wait wtf

are we getting some stealth "dumpster diving" viral marketing at REE?

Acting as if that's a bad thing. This entire thread is based on it.


  • Have You Ever
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3008 on: March 17, 2018, 03:14:01 PM »
Yes, yes, yes, I get where you're coming from. But the bolded sentence made it sound like you're not cool with people getting upset over the above, either, when that's (now obviously) not true.

No, I'm not cool with people getting upset about either.  Whoever starts it is making things worse for both, whether that's you saying "I've decided I'm ______, you have to respect that now" or "_______s can all go to hell."
« Last Edit: March 17, 2018, 03:18:07 PM by Uncle »


  • Bigender Hypersexual SJW Scum - She/He
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3009 on: March 17, 2018, 03:21:13 PM »
That clears things up some, but still doesn't entirely resolve the contradiction regarding the bolded statement.

I don't think there's a contradiction in context of my original post on the subject.  People make up shit for a complex web of reasons - they're natural attention-seekers, or want to stand out in a world suddenly so connected that everyone has a voice and most of them are lost in the uproar, or they're essentially trolling because they think or know they can get away with it in a culture that says there can't be any pushback or criticism when someone imposes othering upon themselves.  Some people will complain all day about being misgendered or what-have-you, but the truth is they wanted that conflict and the chance to briefly make the conversation all about themselves.

I'm not saying all the feelings leading to adopting a label are made up, but most of them just mean you're human.  You didn't need the label.  Look at how many people function just fine day-to-day without ever telling anyone one of their labels.

Jfc you are incredibly bigoted. Your ignorance about transgenderism is staggering.


  • Cereal mispeller
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3010 on: March 17, 2018, 03:22:44 PM »
"At ResetEra, being open and transparent is one of our core values."

"Do not discuss the moderation! REEEEEEEE!!!"


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3011 on: March 17, 2018, 03:23:01 PM »
*Starts shuffling deck of racist jokes*

It's either that or watching more Yu Yu Hakusho.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3012 on: March 17, 2018, 03:25:34 PM »
Cream is constantly offending me by taking the Lord's name in vain but God forbid you say anything that doesn't 100% fit with his/her beliefs and you will be labelled and derided.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3013 on: March 17, 2018, 03:26:46 PM »
Well, what do you even know? You're just fermented shit in a bottle.


  • Have You Ever
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3014 on: March 17, 2018, 03:28:06 PM »
Cream is constantly offending me by taking the Lord's name in vain but God forbid you say anything that doesn't 100% fit with his/her beliefs and you will be labelled and derided.

Just remember:

People will always try to force you to be a certain way, and antagonize and limit you if you don’t or CANT conform.


  • Bigender Hypersexual SJW Scum - She/He
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3015 on: March 17, 2018, 03:30:44 PM »
Cream is constantly offending me by taking the Lord's name in vain but God forbid you say anything that doesn't 100% fit with his/her beliefs and you will be labelled and derided.

Just remember:

People will always try to force you to be a certain way, and antagonize and limit you if you don’t or CANT conform.

Which is why you KEEP fighting. You don't GIVE UP.

How many times do you have to be told that transgenderism isn't a fucking choice before you believe it?

"You don't need the label."

This is what someone says when they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3016 on: March 17, 2018, 03:33:08 PM »
Irish aren't white even if you change it after the fact.


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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3017 on: March 17, 2018, 03:33:26 PM »
Why is MtF so much more prevalent than FtM? Seems a bit fishy to me  :hans1


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3018 on: March 17, 2018, 03:33:27 PM »
Even if it was a choice, you wouldn't make a decision anyways looking at the bigender thing.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3019 on: March 17, 2018, 03:33:53 PM »
cream when you use "not a choice" you're just reusing old phrases from gay campaigns and people roll their eyes at it


  • Have You Ever
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3020 on: March 17, 2018, 03:34:31 PM »
Which is why you KEEP fighting. You don't GIVE UP.

I know, Cream!  I know!  I'm doing my best!


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3021 on: March 17, 2018, 03:35:36 PM »


  • Bigender Hypersexual SJW Scum - She/He
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3022 on: March 17, 2018, 03:38:38 PM »
cream when you use "not a choice" you're just reusing old phrases from gay campaigns and people roll their eyes at it

So what the FUCK should we say you fucking idiot? It’s the truth!


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3023 on: March 17, 2018, 03:43:01 PM »
cream when you use "not a choice" you're just reusing old phrases from gay campaigns and people roll their eyes at it

So what the FUCK should we say you fucking idiot? It’s the truth!

My aim was to tip you off that the phrase doesn't help you, but I'll answer your Q.

Well it depends on the individual claiming it, but I would say why is "it's not a choice" your argument when discussing why you've focused on your gender as the loudest part of your identity? The questions isn't your gender identity so much as why your identity is your gender. That part is a choice no matter what else.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3024 on: March 17, 2018, 03:48:42 PM »
Irish aren't white even if you change it after the fact.

And that was in response to this:
Happy White Man's Day!

*p.s. footage may or may not be of brown people getting killed on this holiest of white days*

Hard to pick which one is the bigger idiot.


  • Cereal mispeller
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3025 on: March 17, 2018, 03:51:14 PM »
Irish aren't white even if you change it after the fact.

Damn right. We're ultra-white. That's why the sun burns us so.


  • Bigender Hypersexual SJW Scum - She/He
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3026 on: March 17, 2018, 03:52:48 PM »
cream when you use "not a choice" you're just reusing old phrases from gay campaigns and people roll their eyes at it

So what the FUCK should we say you fucking idiot? It’s the truth!

My aim was to tip you off that the phrase doesn't help you, but I'll answer your Q.

Well it depends on the individual claiming it, but I would say why is "it's not a choice" your argument when discussing why you've focused on your gender as the loudest part of your identity? The questions isn't your gender identity so much as why your identity is your gender. That part is a choice no matter what else.

Are you serious? Fucking think. Literally almost everything in the world is affected by gender, and there is pressure to conform to gender norms EVERYWHERE. Transgenderism is INCREDIBLY dibilitating and the only treatment is acceptance of their internal gender. The world is constantly attacking and fighting against transgender people, including malaveolent assholes like Uncle, and you. We are fighting to be treated as who we are. And for some reason, many people use the excuse that trans people are just choosing to act the way they do as a justification for giving them absolutely no respect or consideration, or just being straight up abusive towards them.

This has been explained so many times and is so obviously that I can only assume you just don’t give a shit and refuse to ever accept trans people. I just wish people like you could be honest about preferring to wallow in your ignorance


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3027 on: March 17, 2018, 03:59:55 PM »
This has been explained so many times and is so obviously that I can only assume you just don’t give a shit and refuse to ever accept trans people. I just wish people like you could be honest about preferring to wallow in your ignorance

For some reason this song sprung to mind.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3028 on: March 17, 2018, 04:03:26 PM »
cream when you use "not a choice" you're just reusing old phrases from gay campaigns and people roll their eyes at it

So what the FUCK should we say you fucking idiot? It’s the truth!

My aim was to tip you off that the phrase doesn't help you, but I'll answer your Q.

Well it depends on the individual claiming it, but I would say why is "it's not a choice" your argument when discussing why you've focused on your gender as the loudest part of your identity? The questions isn't your gender identity so much as why your identity is your gender. That part is a choice no matter what else.

Are you serious? Fucking think. Literally almost everything in the world is affected by gender, and there is pressure to conform to gender norms EVERYWHERE. Transgenderism is INCREDIBLY dibilitating and the only treatment is acceptance of their internal gender. The world is constantly attacking and fighting against transgender people, including malaveolent assholes like Uncle, and you. We are fighting to be treated as who we are. And for some reason, many people use the excuse that trans people are just choosing to act the way they do as a justification for giving them absolutely no respect or consideration, or just being straight up abusive towards them.

This has been explained so many times and is so obviously that I can only assume you just don’t give a shit and refuse to ever accept trans people. I just wish people like you could be honest about preferring to wallow in your ignorance

Every part of your life is affected by your height as well.  It's rarely that height is a basis of identity. I knew a kid whose body could not retain salt. If he went more than so many hours without his medication or a bunch of salt nearby, he would die or at the best fall into a deep coma. This shaped every part of his life. It wasn't his identity though.

I'm not attacking your gender identity or making you conform to a gender. I'm telling you that everyone expects more out of each other than a gender identity. So when we run across someone whose main topic of discussion is gender identity, we're like "what the fuck yo?" This would apply to any guy who constantly reminds you how male he is. That's sort of the joke with a character like Austin Powers and his male symbol sex sign necklace.

That's a sort of norm, but not an oppressive norm. It's about encouraging people to be fully realized.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3030 on: March 17, 2018, 04:09:14 PM »

My friends call me things like "slut", "fucktoy", and "cum rag" all the time. "Tails" is really innocent in comparison tbh.


Nah, you get deep enough into the furry community and all that becomes old hat and somewhat normal.

Tails doesn't have a deformity, he's just a young two-tailed kitsune.



  • Have You Ever
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3031 on: March 17, 2018, 04:11:35 PM »
Cream you realize I haven't actually said anything about trans people this whole discussion?  I've been talking about people who make shit up.  By way of example I specifically said etherofemmeself and squirrelkin.  Why are you conflating them with people who have legitimate issues?

People talk about others making shit up and you immediately assume they mean trans people?  What does that say about what you think about trans people?

I also said no one should deny you validation, and that people shouldn't start beef with others who are just trying to live their lives and not bothering anyone.

And I also said:

Of course I'm not talking about evident differences like skin color.

What part of getting extensive physical operations and changing one's dress is NOT an evident difference?


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3032 on: March 17, 2018, 04:11:54 PM »
Irish aren't white even if you change it after the fact.

Yeah, can someone explain this one to me. As an Irish American, I really want to be able to call people racist.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3033 on: March 17, 2018, 04:11:57 PM »

My friends call me things like "slut", "fucktoy", and "cum rag" all the time. "Tails" is really innocent in comparison tbh.


"Hey there cumrag!"
"Hello, friend!"
*gets shoved into a locker*
"Thank you friend! You're getting stronger each day!  Keep it up!"


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3034 on: March 17, 2018, 04:19:38 PM »
I'm so fucking sick of american social-politics dominating online discussion.

Then get some culture worth talking about you basic bitch. Yorup :lol

American Culture

(Image removed from quote.)

"I'll never submit to you Sapphire!!"

Yo. Source.


  • Bigender Hypersexual SJW Scum - She/He
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3035 on: March 17, 2018, 04:19:56 PM »
cream when you use "not a choice" you're just reusing old phrases from gay campaigns and people roll their eyes at it

So what the FUCK should we say you fucking idiot? It’s the truth!

My aim was to tip you off that the phrase doesn't help you, but I'll answer your Q.

Well it depends on the individual claiming it, but I would say why is "it's not a choice" your argument when discussing why you've focused on your gender as the loudest part of your identity? The questions isn't your gender identity so much as why your identity is your gender. That part is a choice no matter what else.

Are you serious? Fucking think. Literally almost everything in the world is affected by gender, and there is pressure to conform to gender norms EVERYWHERE. Transgenderism is INCREDIBLY dibilitating and the only treatment is acceptance of their internal gender. The world is constantly attacking and fighting against transgender people, including malaveolent assholes like Uncle, and you. We are fighting to be treated as who we are. And for some reason, many people use the excuse that trans people are just choosing to act the way they do as a justification for giving them absolutely no respect or consideration, or just being straight up abusive towards them.

This has been explained so many times and is so obviously that I can only assume you just don’t give a shit and refuse to ever accept trans people. I just wish people like you could be honest about preferring to wallow in your ignorance

Every part of your life is affected by your height as well.  It's rarely that height is a basis of identity. I knew a kid whose body could not retain salt. If he went more than so many hours without his medication or a bunch of salt nearby, he would die or at the best fall into a deep coma. This shaped every part of his life. It wasn't his identity though.

I'm not attacking your gender identity or making you conform to a gender. I'm telling you that everyone expects more out of each other than a gender identity. So when we run across someone whose main topic of discussion is gender identity, we're like "what the fuck yo?" This would apply to any guy who constantly reminds you how male he is. That's sort of the joke with a character like Austin Powers and his male symbol sex sign necklace.

That's a sort of norm, but not an oppressive norm. It's about encouraging people to be fully realized.

And I’m trying to tell you that for transgender people, gender norms are incredibly oppressive and damaging to the psyche. You are working very hard to believe this isn’t the case.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3036 on: March 17, 2018, 04:20:50 PM »
Irish aren't white even if you change it after the fact.

Yeah, can someone explain this one to me. As an Irish American, I really want to be able to call people racist.
As a friend and ally of the Irish, I think the dude means it's a national day and not a race day, as well as the Irish, despite being overwhelmingly white, being completely different from other whites around them.


  • Bigender Hypersexual SJW Scum - She/He
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3037 on: March 17, 2018, 04:21:19 PM »
Cream you realize I haven't actually said anything about trans people this whole discussion?  I've been talking about people who make shit up.  By way of example I specifically said etherofemmeself and squirrelkin.  Why are you conflating them with people who have legitimate issues?

People talk about others making shit up and you immediately assume they mean trans people?  What does that say about what you think about trans people?

I also said no one should deny you validation, and that people shouldn't start beef with others who are just trying to live their lives and not bothering anyone.

And I also said:

Of course I'm not talking about evident differences like skin color.

What part of getting extensive physical operations and changing one's dress is NOT an evident difference?

Can you just say for me please “trans people should have their internal gender accepted and respected?” Can you stop trying to gaslight me?


  • stronger ties you have, more power you gain
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3038 on: March 17, 2018, 04:21:33 PM »
Ban all careposters

Make benji great again


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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3039 on: March 17, 2018, 04:23:10 PM »
Cream, you're more interesting to read on The Bore than Reset. On Reset you're are super annoying.    I guess the heavy moderation just kills the natural flow of conversations, which can be heated.


  • Bigender Hypersexual SJW Scum - She/He
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3040 on: March 17, 2018, 04:23:27 PM »
Irish aren't white even if you change it after the fact.

Yeah, can someone explain this one to me. As an Irish American, I really want to be able to call people racist.
As a friend and ally of the Irish, I think the dude means it's a national day and not a race day, as well as the Irish, despite being overwhelmingly white, being completely different from other whites around them.

No, they are saying that historically, the Irish were considered lesser and treated horribly but they were added under the banner of “white” by those in power because it suits their needs. Just like Italians and a lot of white-passing Hispanics.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3041 on: March 17, 2018, 04:24:59 PM »
No, they are saying that historically, the Irish were considered lesser and treated horribly but they were added under the banner of “white” by those in power because it suits their needs. Just like Italians and a lot of white-passing Hispanics.
oh, more american garbage. okay.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3042 on: March 17, 2018, 04:27:57 PM »
cream when you use "not a choice" you're just reusing old phrases from gay campaigns and people roll their eyes at it

So what the FUCK should we say you fucking idiot? It’s the truth!

My aim was to tip you off that the phrase doesn't help you, but I'll answer your Q.

Well it depends on the individual claiming it, but I would say why is "it's not a choice" your argument when discussing why you've focused on your gender as the loudest part of your identity? The questions isn't your gender identity so much as why your identity is your gender. That part is a choice no matter what else.

Are you serious? Fucking think. Literally almost everything in the world is affected by gender, and there is pressure to conform to gender norms EVERYWHERE. Transgenderism is INCREDIBLY dibilitating and the only treatment is acceptance of their internal gender. The world is constantly attacking and fighting against transgender people, including malaveolent assholes like Uncle, and you. We are fighting to be treated as who we are. And for some reason, many people use the excuse that trans people are just choosing to act the way they do as a justification for giving them absolutely no respect or consideration, or just being straight up abusive towards them.

This has been explained so many times and is so obviously that I can only assume you just don’t give a shit and refuse to ever accept trans people. I just wish people like you could be honest about preferring to wallow in your ignorance

Every part of your life is affected by your height as well.  It's rarely that height is a basis of identity. I knew a kid whose body could not retain salt. If he went more than so many hours without his medication or a bunch of salt nearby, he would die or at the best fall into a deep coma. This shaped every part of his life. It wasn't his identity though.

I'm not attacking your gender identity or making you conform to a gender. I'm telling you that everyone expects more out of each other than a gender identity. So when we run across someone whose main topic of discussion is gender identity, we're like "what the fuck yo?" This would apply to any guy who constantly reminds you how male he is. That's sort of the joke with a character like Austin Powers and his male symbol sex sign necklace.

That's a sort of norm, but not an oppressive norm. It's about encouraging people to be fully realized.

And I’m trying to tell you that for transgender people, gender norms are incredibly oppressive and damaging to the psyche. You are working very hard to believe this isn’t the case.

So what? Destroy anything resembling a gender norm? That's not happening.

I find it impossible to have a consistent conversation with you. I am talking about making most of your identity about one aspect of yourself and then shoving that upon others. Instead, every time you respond, it feels like a different conversation.  Like your frantically fighting phantom threats.

Kurt Russell

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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3043 on: March 17, 2018, 04:37:21 PM »
thebore has become like Netflix, at the beginning we were offering other creators content until we attracted enough subscribers to create our own. Cream is our House of Cards, it wasn't particularly ambitious but it a big hit, hopefully more distinguished mentally-challenged fellows content is incoming!

Bobberts got cancelled after one glorious season.


  • Bigender Hypersexual SJW Scum - She/He
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3044 on: March 17, 2018, 04:41:29 PM »
cream when you use "not a choice" you're just reusing old phrases from gay campaigns and people roll their eyes at it

So what the FUCK should we say you fucking idiot? It’s the truth!

My aim was to tip you off that the phrase doesn't help you, but I'll answer your Q.

Well it depends on the individual claiming it, but I would say why is "it's not a choice" your argument when discussing why you've focused on your gender as the loudest part of your identity? The questions isn't your gender identity so much as why your identity is your gender. That part is a choice no matter what else.

Are you serious? Fucking think. Literally almost everything in the world is affected by gender, and there is pressure to conform to gender norms EVERYWHERE. Transgenderism is INCREDIBLY dibilitating and the only treatment is acceptance of their internal gender. The world is constantly attacking and fighting against transgender people, including malaveolent assholes like Uncle, and you. We are fighting to be treated as who we are. And for some reason, many people use the excuse that trans people are just choosing to act the way they do as a justification for giving them absolutely no respect or consideration, or just being straight up abusive towards them.

This has been explained so many times and is so obviously that I can only assume you just don’t give a shit and refuse to ever accept trans people. I just wish people like you could be honest about preferring to wallow in your ignorance

Every part of your life is affected by your height as well.  It's rarely that height is a basis of identity. I knew a kid whose body could not retain salt. If he went more than so many hours without his medication or a bunch of salt nearby, he would die or at the best fall into a deep coma. This shaped every part of his life. It wasn't his identity though.

I'm not attacking your gender identity or making you conform to a gender. I'm telling you that everyone expects more out of each other than a gender identity. So when we run across someone whose main topic of discussion is gender identity, we're like "what the fuck yo?" This would apply to any guy who constantly reminds you how male he is. That's sort of the joke with a character like Austin Powers and his male symbol sex sign necklace.

That's a sort of norm, but not an oppressive norm. It's about encouraging people to be fully realized.

And I’m trying to tell you that for transgender people, gender norms are incredibly oppressive and damaging to the psyche. You are working very hard to believe this isn’t the case.

So what? Destroy anything resembling a gender norm? That's not happening.

I find it impossible to have a consistent conversation with you. I am talking about making most of your identity about one aspect of yourself and then shoving that upon others. Instead, every time you respond, it feels like a different conversation.  Like your frantically fighting phantom threats.

Maybe it’s bcause you will use any justification possible to explain why transgender people should just get over it.

But we’re almost getting somewhere.  OK so you believe that we will never be free of gender norms ever. Okay.

Well I’ll tell you that we will NEVER be free of gender dysphoria. Until we come up with a way to completely and convincingly change a person’s biology to match their gender, we have two options:

1. Fight for acceptance of trans identity and hope that one day non-cis people will be accepted enough to actually live comfortable healthy lives.

2. Bury your head in the sand, telling trans people to just move on and get over it, something they literally cannot do, while they are murdered, beaten, abused, denied jobs, and verbally harassed just for being themselves.

So which is it gonna be etiolate?

Kurt Russell

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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3046 on: March 17, 2018, 04:46:36 PM »
I now realize Cream's true purpose was to bring balance to The Borce by burning down this thread and making everyone post in other threads

Cream and the Cream Defence Force featuring Marrec (tm) have all invaded the Bore at roughly the same time.

Trojan Horse?  :ohhh

Other conspiracy? :ohhh

Any thoughts, etoilet?


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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3047 on: March 17, 2018, 04:47:49 PM »
The very fact that you cannot separate a political cause from everyday conversation is why you struggle to get along with people. I am not saying ignore the political interests of your gender identity. I am saying don't bring that everywhere you go. Can you have a "normie" conversation? 

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3048 on: March 17, 2018, 04:49:13 PM »
I now realize Cream's true purpose was to bring balance to The Borce by burning down this thread and making everyone post in other threads


  • Bigender Hypersexual SJW Scum - She/He
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3049 on: March 17, 2018, 04:50:21 PM »
The very fact that you cannot separate a political cause from everyday conversation is why you struggle to get along with people. I am not saying ignore the political interests of your gender identity. I am saying don't bring that everywhere you go. Can you have a "normie" conversation?

......what the fuck is wrong with you? Can you read?

You are gone.  You will use absolutely any bullshit you can to justify not caring about others.

Kurt Russell

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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3050 on: March 17, 2018, 04:53:16 PM »
Cream, do you care about everybody?


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3051 on: March 17, 2018, 04:53:33 PM »
I'll take that as a no.

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3052 on: March 17, 2018, 04:55:58 PM »
Cream. Rank the final fantasies. Now!


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3053 on: March 17, 2018, 04:56:39 PM »
We've made the mistake of thinking we should discuss bullshit like this seriously.


  • Bigender Hypersexual SJW Scum - She/He
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3054 on: March 17, 2018, 04:56:50 PM »
I'll take that as a no.

You’re a fucking idiot. I keep explaining to you that it’s NOT just a “political cause” and you keep responding “but why can’t you just not care like me?!”

A trans girl in highschool starts dressing like a girl and goes by a girl name. Her parents don’t support it, force her to stop. Kids at her school bully her, or even beat her up. What the fuck is she supposed to do, etiolate? What is your advice for her?


  • Bigender Hypersexual SJW Scum - She/He
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3055 on: March 17, 2018, 04:57:38 PM »
Cream. Rank the final fantasies. Now!

I’ve only played X and X-2.

Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3056 on: March 17, 2018, 04:58:40 PM »
Cream, seriously, tell Sweet Nicole to get rid of that banned game list, or at least tell her to remove some games from it. I know you find it ridiculous too.


  • Bigender Hypersexual SJW Scum - She/He
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3057 on: March 17, 2018, 04:59:27 PM »
Cream, seriously, tell Sweet Nicole to get rid of that banned game list, or at least tell her to remove some games from it. I know you find it ridiculous too.

Trust me, I can’t make the mods do anything. I’ve tried.

Kurt Russell

  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3058 on: March 17, 2018, 05:00:04 PM »
A trans girl in highschool starts dressing like a girl and goes by a girl name. Her parents don’t support it, force her to stop. Kids at her school bully her, or even beat her up. What the fuck is she supposed to do, etiolate? What is your advice for her?

Man up?


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3059 on: March 17, 2018, 05:00:35 PM »
You will use absolutely any bullshit you can to justify not caring about others.

 :larry :trumps