Notice how this guy from eastern Europe thinks carrying AK-47's around is not the issue here. 
I wonder what he thinks America must fix. 
Not sure what you mean, but the citizens in many European countries are armed to the teeth (we're not all like the UK), and yet hardly anything ever happens with firearms. And if something happens, it's usually with illegal firearms, so nothing stricter legislation could fix. So clearly, the right to own guns in itself isn't really the problem.
My dad used to be a government official during the last days of the Red Army Faction, and he was responsible for issuing guns and carry permits to other officials. There was an actual, tangible threat, and even so he handed out tons of guns and permits at the time (was a government mandate after all), he told me that not a single person he knew ever actually carried their gun with them. He took his issued gun, put it in a safe in his office, and only took it out to return it once the mandate was lifted. And he's in a gun club, so it's not like he was afraid of or didn't like guns - he simply saw no point in carrying one. And that's what most people did. I think it's very much a psychological/ societal difference. Most Europeans don't consider guns "problem solvers" or means for self defence, if anything carrying a gun is seen as pointless and potentially dangerous escalation.