It's pretty obvious that since the next episode is the big battle with the dead, and there's 3 episodes after, that those episodes will focus on the survivors conflict with Cersei and her bitch ass elephant-less army.
It's also pretty obvious that given the last episode, they're setting a bunch of people up to die. My bet would be on most of the "supporting" cast dying, with at least one person dead that will impact each of the main survivors in some way. My bets, in order of likelihood: Beric Donderrion, Sam, Ed, Ser Davos, Brienne, Jorah, Grey Worm, Theon, Pod, and Gendry. I also think it's more likely that Arya dies than Gendry, I think she'll be the one big "main cast" casualty. Then again, Bran and Sansa are the only Starks left without wolves, so maybe them. Although it's possible Bran wargs into something permanently.