Author Topic: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible  (Read 4200103 times)

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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33960 on: August 01, 2019, 10:12:53 PM »
... wut

I also don’t get the Hitler youth thing ???

One of the jokes about Street Fighter V has is all the blonde characters in the game. Some people will mock it by calling it Blonde Fighter V.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33961 on: August 01, 2019, 10:13:02 PM »
The logic is probably: a trans woman having masculine features implies that trans women cannot be distinguished from cis ones, which can be a form of transphobia depending on the context and viewpoints of those involved.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33962 on: August 01, 2019, 10:13:25 PM »
... wut

I also don’t get the Hitler youth thing ???

One of the jokes about Street Fighter V has is all the blonde characters in the game. Some people will mock it by calling it Blonde Fighter V.
That’s cuz they’re himbos  :shh


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33963 on: August 01, 2019, 10:21:26 PM »
The logic is probably: a trans woman having masculine features implies that trans women cannot be distinguished from cis ones, which can be a form of transphobia depending on the context and viewpoints of those involved.

It doesn't make sense because the game has other female characters are just as muscular if not more so.  Cammy looks more ripped than Poison does. 

Pretty much sums it up:


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33965 on: August 01, 2019, 10:22:41 PM »
Considering I often talk about my anxieties with current political events during my sessions, it's comforting to know that my therapist isn't the kind of person who goes home to rant about "college intellectuals" trying to turn this country into Venezuela on Facebook.

Shame the fuckers, dehumanize them for being shitlords

I would argue that the vast majority of right wing individuals lack the empathy to properly administer mental health care.

“let’s help you become more productive at work, little bee. yes, open up to me about your anguish. after all, your pain is my financial gain.”

I have reservations about therapy.
Unless you work in politics or it relates in some other way, talking to your therapist about national politics is some pretty privileged totally American shit. "Anxieties about current political events" might as well be anxieties about your favorite sports team.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33967 on: August 01, 2019, 10:23:41 PM »
40% of the characters in SFV are blondes and like 10% are actually dressed like nazis


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33968 on: August 01, 2019, 10:24:27 PM »
disclosure: mine's a dumb boomer who worked on the McGovern campaign

it was in the only state McGovern won, so maybe he should have gone into politics instead :thinking


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33969 on: August 01, 2019, 10:24:39 PM »“no-friends-vox.132458/

 This is going to be amazing :rejoice

Assuming I can count shosta as my friend..

Lol what losers imagine not having a friend


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33970 on: August 01, 2019, 10:25:42 PM »
I have no friends, only pawns and enemies.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
All of them get Steam Keys.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33971 on: August 01, 2019, 10:27:20 PM »
poison's face looks worse than sfiv but she looks fun. maybe enough to bring back into sfv. that is if i don't kill myself before she's released.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33972 on: August 01, 2019, 10:28:37 PM »
don’t kill yourself :uguu


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33973 on: August 01, 2019, 10:32:34 PM »
rather than kill yourself you should get fat and then lose weight while publicly talking about it in a positive way


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33974 on: August 01, 2019, 10:36:53 PM »
Quote from: Frank O'Connor
Defeatist is the laziest and most selfish position and is also the Boomer and Internet Edgelord memefeces position because it requires no effort of intellect, activity or finance and carries the least risk.

Ironically I understand the loser edgelords and Libertopian Rand teenagers more easily because they don't have any perceived skin in the game. The same Boomers saying either "we can't fix it now" or "it's fake news" are the ones most likely to post Facebook pictures of their grandchildren and frankly did the most voting to get us here in the first place.

The Koch brothers have off armed guards and off the grid ranches with solar and deep wells and buy beachfront properties at least thirty feet up the cliff so we know how they're thinking about it even if we're charitable enough to think they care about their spoiled grandchildren.

I'm not saying all Boomers behave or have behaved that way but the demographics and optics are pretty clear. They're retired, they had a good run (or didn't because of welfare Queens and the gays) so screw you young people they're outta here!


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33975 on: August 01, 2019, 10:37:03 PM »

Motion smoothing  :yuck :yuck :yuck :yuck :-X :-X

Motion smoothing and snapchat filters prove that just because something can be done, doesn't mean it should be done

Technology was a mistake


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33976 on: August 01, 2019, 10:37:57 PM »
from what i've seen of the preview vid poison's second VT looks more optimal because it turns her toolset into allowing her to zone. I was surprised by her moveset in general because she was a zoner - one of if not the best zoner? - in sfiv. I'm really liking her moveset changes. Giving her a whip so she's less sexualized than SFIV's  BDSM switch is a great start but you won't see Platy talk about that. :doge

outrage OUTRAGE OuTarGEee


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33977 on: August 01, 2019, 10:38:55 PM »
It's hard to be positive when you could reduce the US to zero emissions and it would only slow it down due to other nations.

But let's be real. When it comes to the point that we HAVE to reduce global CO2 emissions, the US will just reduce everyone else to zero by bombs or computer attacks.


Operation Freedom Rains when


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33978 on: August 01, 2019, 10:40:31 PM »
All our biggest cities/productive service areas are in the coast. New Orleans is literally going to sink. Manhattan will turn into Venice, probably.
uh, those things are already the case

New Orleans is already below the sea level and has been sinking since it was built

Venice was built on islands and connected, it didn't fall into the sea :lol


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33979 on: August 01, 2019, 10:42:20 PM »
Saving people from climate change with UBI is a joke, but chances are humans are too greedy to stop climate change. The only way I can see this changing is if there is some miracle fuel invented that makes oil's energy return on investment look tiny or something drastic and dangerous is done. One of these drastic and dangerous things could be a major country saying fuck it and spraying a bunch of aerosols into the atmosphere in an attempt to simulate a volcanic eruption to cool global temperatures.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33980 on: August 01, 2019, 10:43:53 PM »
Quote from: Slayven
I thought this was about him pushing white genocide myths?
Quote from: Slayven
Yes, notice how he mentions white people but include himself as "Our"
Quote from: Slayven
The way the tweet is framed as something only effecting white people is a dog whistle. The last sentence comes off as covering his ass, but not really.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33981 on: August 01, 2019, 11:01:39 PM »
Near the top of page yuka

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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33982 on: August 01, 2019, 11:19:03 PM »
User banned (1 day): driveby, hostility

You sound like a massive dickhead


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33983 on: August 01, 2019, 11:22:09 PM »
User Banned (1 Week) : Inflammatory commentary, hostility over a series of posts.

All. Cops. Are. Bastards.

There's only 1 type of cop that's good....
this isn't the I know and love :nope

User Banned (duration pending): Transphobia

Ignoring the host for a second (we all know Candace is racist trash), he didn't say anything shocking or wrong. I agree generally, and am very on the fence when it comes to children who want to transition, especially regarding hormone blockers, test/estr.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33984 on: August 01, 2019, 11:27:32 PM »
scrolled down a bit and:
Quote from: sabrina
Ignoring the host for a second (we all know Candace is racist trash), he didn't say anything shocking or wrong. I agree generally, and am very on the fence when it comes to children who want to transition, especially regarding hormone blockers, test/estr.
Yo. You don't get to choose for them. This is a horribly transphobic take.
I hope she's okay.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33985 on: August 01, 2019, 11:40:20 PM »
It's a video game. Not real life.

Not real.
Imagine using this line against games being criticized for blatant sexism, racism or any other bigotry.

What a lazy obnoxious retort devaluing the medium that touches the lives and discrediting the influence and effect they impose and have respectively on myriad people around the world.

As I said before, regardless of where people come down on white phosphorus in a game that has had a history of normalizing other horrible means and methods and killing, where there is seldom any line between depiction and endorsement, using the aforementioned line is utter banal and implication-wise untrue bullshit.
Nothing reminds me more that ERA is still mostly (cishet) men than threads like this one.

You’ll never be able to have an honest discussion about the shit they’re pulling with the new MW, because most people will always be like „but what about nukes?? What about guns lol should you just get rid of all military shooters??“ Honestly? Yes, why the fuck not? You wouldn’t lose anything of value by doing so.

Depicting war without doing something like Spec Ops: The Line did was always shitty, even before nukes got added or now white phosphorus. The fact that people are so desensitized to this shit shows how much we’re in need of something like Valiant Heart or Spec Ops again. Military fetishism & glorifying war are a horrible hill to die on, which is just made far worse by them also wanting to be „a realistic war depiction“ & „controversial“ with MW2’s No Russian & fucking American Sniper of all movies being the inspiration this time around.

„B-but you kill people/monsters in other games!!1!“ There’s a difference between something being over the top & fantasy like DOOM and something trying to be fucking realistic just for the sake of being controversial.

As someone who lost way too much family & family friends in the Bosnian war & knows what experiencing war does to people, it’s honestly depressing as fuck that most people don’t see anything inherently wrong with military shooters who aren’t even in the slightest trying to be anti-war.
Like I said, when COD takes a weapon like WP and uses it lighlty they legitimise it furthur in the eyes of people not familiar with it.

When they hear about it on the news and how certain countries usit WPthey will remember COD and how it is just a gass bomb. They wouldn't know what kind of gass bomb it is and how brutally it kills people because in COD the player dies and nothing can be seen. Just like any of the past gass bombs in the past games.

They are contributing to the legitimacy of the weapon when the scenario I just described happens. If they instead showed the aftermath and how horrible the affects is then people will start questioning what their government is doing instead of going "eh whatever" when WP is being used.
You are greatly overestimating the influence COD has on someone’s political views. This is like 90s parents and violent video games all over again
I experienced the affects COD has on people myself. Infact I made a thread about it on hesr a while back. You can dismiss as much as you want but COD does influence the person's thinking. It is a well known propaganda piece that army uses to get recruits.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33986 on: August 01, 2019, 11:45:33 PM »
Help me out benji, I am not seeing the connection between being a cishet male and war crimes.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33987 on: August 01, 2019, 11:47:09 PM »
And I am pretty sure the Bosnian war was fought with goofy music vides. :ufup


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33988 on: August 01, 2019, 11:51:57 PM »
And I am pretty sure the Bosnian war was fought with goofy music vides. :ufup


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33989 on: August 01, 2019, 11:54:00 PM »
Imagine using this line against games being criticized for blatant sexism, racism or any other bigotry.

Yeah, just imagine...


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33990 on: August 01, 2019, 11:54:15 PM »
Damn, that song is fire emoji. :whew


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33991 on: August 01, 2019, 11:55:02 PM »
trans children of color cannot afford white phosphorous with their meager allowance, especially since they have to donate much of it to stop Bernard

I call on the Trump Administration to immediately create a free market in white phosphorus!


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33992 on: August 01, 2019, 11:55:56 PM »
He never says what his mother told him  :maf


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33993 on: August 01, 2019, 11:57:51 PM »
fourteen stupid pages before somebody mentions the actual thing wrong with the white phosphorus killstreak and the thread immediately dies:
So some MP gameplay leaked before the official reveal but some dude dropped White Phosphorous and all it does is disorient you, doesn't take away your HP or anything


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33994 on: August 01, 2019, 11:58:20 PM »

The Pope annihilated :gladbron


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33995 on: August 01, 2019, 11:59:56 PM »
Hold Jeff Gerstmann Accountable for his Bosnian War Crimes


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33996 on: August 02, 2019, 12:01:34 AM »
The Pope annihilated :gladbron

Remove Pontiff from premises.

team filler

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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33997 on: August 02, 2019, 12:02:25 AM »
his girlfriend is a trans resetera mod?
apologies for this post I made earlier. I used trans instead of tranx, won't happen again :bowsette


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #33999 on: August 02, 2019, 12:18:55 AM »
This isn't surprising at all given gaming eras track record. See the amount of the GTA thread that's about defending companies that engage in predatory tactics on top of their horrific tax evasion.

The normalisation of crunch and acting like it's a universal thing that must happen is the dumbest most anti-labour position I've ever heard.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #34000 on: August 02, 2019, 12:21:02 AM »
The point is that crunch is not healthy and should not be normalized. Then again Era is a forum where people will literally brag about not using sick days or PTO so my expectations of this discussion here were already pretty bare minimum
sounds like some inflammatory generalizations about the community to me


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #34001 on: August 02, 2019, 12:26:01 AM »

who posted this shit in the first place, this shit IS GODLIKE

 :lawd :lawd :lawd :lawd :lawd :lawd :lawd :lawd :lawd

pogi needs to open the railroad one more time this man needs to be here


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #34002 on: August 02, 2019, 12:29:19 AM »
3-in internet i can also be wolf unlike in reallity when im just a lion..

blame space

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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #34003 on: August 02, 2019, 12:37:41 AM »

how do we get the badges here


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #34005 on: August 02, 2019, 01:11:30 AM »
I am curious about what they want for the whole crime and self-defence aspect.
They don't like cops which leans anarchic/libertarian, but they also don't like carry for self-defence which tends to push power back to cops or some entity that enforces the state.

blame space

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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #34006 on: August 02, 2019, 01:21:05 AM »
maybe guns and the imminent threat of death shouldn't be the implied power of the state  :brain


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #34007 on: August 02, 2019, 01:24:45 AM »
In that case, I'd be reading a bit too much into the discourse then, all they really want then is bodycams and accountability like other countries manage


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #34008 on: August 02, 2019, 01:26:44 AM »
Transhuman, your tech support fucking sucks. There’s no right-click on my phone.

Smoking is for fuckwits, and I say that as a 20-a-day smoker. It’s a terrible deadly money-sink. Weed ain’t much better.

Vaping is for cowardly fuckwits.

I never thought you could be cooler but yet you are.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #34010 on: August 02, 2019, 02:07:59 AM »

Modern society’s a disgrace for providing what people need. Friendship and companionship are major parts of being a human, having followers on social media is not.


Yeah count me in with no friends/aquaintences. Haven't had any friends since 2015 and recently gave up socializing at work. I go through weeks to months without conversing with anyone. Never made an internet friend either. I been thinking about getting a dog just to keep myself from going crazy.

How fortunate, you don't have to deal with bigoted and republican friends !

Quote from: Elegant Weapon
friends been overrated

You don't say !

Alot of us millenials dont go out to socialize anymore because a night out is going to cost $100+ that could be spent on something smarter.

I’m lucky that I have a ton of friends both in real life and online, but it isn’t hard to see why 22% of millennials don’t have friends.

Between working 2+ jobs, perhaps raising children, passive use of social media, and a general lack of economic stability and poor emotional/mental health due to a number of factors, people are crumbling under it all. Some things have to give and it tends to be friendships the thing that takes the hit first.

Working more + isolation + lowered self-esteem + depression really makes it hard to reach out to others or try to make friends.

If I had one shot at time travel I'd go back and kill the man who invented generational labels.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #34011 on: August 02, 2019, 02:13:17 AM »
Alot of us millenials dont go out to socialize anymore because a night out is going to cost $100+ that could be spent on something smarter.

Your Amiibos aren't friends


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #34012 on: August 02, 2019, 02:31:05 AM »


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #34013 on: August 02, 2019, 02:34:44 AM »
If a child under 18 is deemed to be not mature enough to understand sex and can therefore not legally consent to intercourse, then how can a child under 18 (or 3 as per Mario Lopez's comments) also be determined to be mature enough to understand the consequences of gender transition and be given hormone treatments and stuff?

The fuck is wrong with people?


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #34014 on: August 02, 2019, 02:43:24 AM »
Marianne is an example of how dangerous memes can be. Shes like the opposite of trump if they were on the same spectrum of what memes can do.



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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #34015 on: August 02, 2019, 02:49:21 AM »
Marianne is an example of how dangerous memes can be. Shes like the opposite of trump if they were on the same spectrum of what memes can do.


kojima warned us


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #34016 on: August 02, 2019, 02:54:24 AM »
memes are #cancelled


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #34017 on: August 02, 2019, 03:08:38 AM »
Quote from: Slayven
I thought this was about him pushing white genocide myths?
Quote from: Slayven
Yes, notice how he mentions white people but include himself as "Our"
Quote from: Slayven
The way the tweet is framed as something only effecting white people is a dog whistle. The last sentence comes off as covering his ass, but not really.

yeah definitely a big oof that makes his irrelevance relieving


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #34019 on: August 02, 2019, 03:12:25 AM »
If a child under 18 is deemed to be not mature enough to understand sex and can therefore not legally consent to intercourse, then how can a child under 18 (or 3 as per Mario Lopez's comments) also be determined to be mature enough to understand the consequences of gender transition and be given hormone treatments and stuff?

The fuck is wrong with people?

Why do you link sex and being transgender?  You ain’t slick  :ufup