But why would I take your opinion into account you watch animu and have an animu avatar
Maybe the order needs more waifu dragons?
If we're discussing taste in games, shall we address your obsession with Ad Hominem?
Liking anime and having a big titted anime avatar is relevant in a discussion about taste in videogames, as its indicative of ones taste. It directly adresses somones tastenor lack thereof. I don't venture off topic.
If there is anything else you would like to add feel free
One could say you are the one making this ad hominem chrono, as it has nothing to do with taste in games or taste in general.
I'm not saying Rax opinion is invalid to me due to something arbitrary like having a bee allergy (or the way he communicates like you are doing now), but by account of his taste.
No, look up "ad hominem." I was attacking your logic, not your character.
You're making broad-stroke attacks on someone based on an anime avatar,
which I'd normally support, except that you're positing it relates to taste in videogames as opposed to forms of passive entertainment, i.e. anime. At a stretch, I can accept that it relates to media/entertainment, but if I accept your judgement, I'd have to stand ready to defend my
oglaf avatar as though it relates to my penchant for vidya, when it speaks more toward my appreciation for adult-focused sequential art.
Anyhow, cutie, know your fallacies. I'd go so far as to suggest you'd do well on TheBore to make your arguments falla-centric.