Rahx is just fixated on defending every japanese AAA game release this gen. This time he wants to die on FF7R hill.
Sure? I mean this is a pretty dumb and shallow insult...Should I not not be intersted in things like Resident Evil 2R, DMCV, Death Stranding, Gravity Rush 2, Bloodborne, and....well what other Japanese AAA games are there? Monster Hunter? I don't give a shit. MGS5? Awful game. Nintendo stuff? Fuck no. But hey if you want to call those games bad, well thats on you....
What we are talking about here is devaluation of scope.
We are now going to be restricted to one city. There is probably a way to make an interesting JRPG that is set in one building alone (with multiple rooms) but that does not scream adventure to me.
That's because people like you have a narrow minded and shallow idea of scope and ambition. For some unknown reason you want to compare this to an over 20 year old game and then think they should match up 1:1. Then think just because this game also doesn't have different multiple 1 screen screens or what you want to call towns that somehow that makes the game less ambitious in scope. When in reality for all you know this Midgar will be bigger in scope than anything in the original game. More expansive and detailed then anything comparable. But you get stuck on "durr it's one city" and internet memes that lack any understanding of game development "like durr HD Towns are hard". when in reailty you have no idea how big in scope this Midgar will be. How much land mass and environments it will include.
Of course you'll want to compare this too Rockstar and Rockstar is probably the only other company thats creating something akin to whatever Square is doing. But you'll also forgot the scale of the world they go for is different. Where one city block is highly detailed window dressing for you to quickly drive past. Where if anything Midgar will probably have the scale of something like the Yakuza games. Where one city block will be a very important landmass to travel through. No doubt the world will be more detailed. But then people like you also forgot things like animation, texture detail, texture rendering, ai and npc managment, lighting and so on. Things that Square is pushing to the cutting edge to bring about a Midgar never seen before. And that is epic to me. Midgar is a fantastic setting and it's going to be epic to see in rendered unlike anything possible before.
You want to say games are constrained. Fine. But I also don't care that Skyrim is smaller then whatever the 2nd Elder Scrolls game is when Skyrim's world feels far more brought to life with all the detail the game has. And I don't even like Skyrim as many of the environments do feel copied and pasted.
Oh no the Witcher 3 had less choices then Witcher 1. Who cares when the game world was as amazing as it was. When character models had a lot of emotion in thier animation. I don't. Presentation matters and while people like Cindy want to throw a nebulous idea like "Square has no ambition" or whatever that is impossible to argue against. I fail to see how anyone can say that. Fine they aren't trend setters, but I mean I don't agree with that when the FF series and Square games in general do thier own thing and haven't had to become super anime or pantyshot shit. They still have some integrity. They still produce games that look outward and not inward. You want to say Remake lacks ambition. Fine. But you have a game using cutting edge technology to recreate one of the most iconic games imaginable. And they decided to do more then any other company would have. You people easily could have just gotten I don't know something with the scales of Tales game. Meh character models in whatever environments and cities that are basically one screen backgrounds. very exciting, but instead Square is going further then that. But I guess that lacks ambition because the first part is just Midgar. Well whatever.
And lol at using Assassins Creed as some shinning examples. Oh boy they create boring ass landmass that lack any character and in the end blur together.
Also Dragon Quest XI is your example. Yeah its a good looking game with good production values. It doesn't look anything close to the scale of VIIR. Oh boy I guess its got rather small cities with-4 buildings each connected by somewhat open zone environments. And this is my point entirely, you hear "it's just Midgar" and don't actually think past that.