Author Topic: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge  (Read 24356 times)

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Stoney Mason

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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #60 on: January 25, 2020, 09:31:03 AM »
It was personally about over a year ago that I went in the other threads forum and was pretty horrified. The posts there were borderline nazi material. Right then and there I decided to step back from the bore and cut way back on posting and visiting. It makes no sense to me why that thread exists and why those people are allowed.

It did make sense back in the day when you had a crazy despot running GAF with his handpicked group of lieutenants. Once GAF imploded that thread made no more sense. It basically feels like an alt-right recruitment thread to rail against those liberals at ResetERA. Fuck that. I don't have any thing against those people. Certainly not politically. And if you want to mock silly threads over there then it should be that. Not some crazy recruitment circle for racists, and crazy over the range right wing nuts. I'd be scared to read that thread and see what has happened over the past year. I can't imagine some of the vile shit that has been posted there.

My attitude remains the same. It's not my board. People are gonna do what they are gonna do. That's fine. It's up to them. But me personally outside of NBA stuff, I don't want to participate anymore if that is the kind of stuff that is around.


  • 🤷‍♀️
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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #61 on: January 25, 2020, 09:32:57 AM »
The other thread continues to spill out and fuck up a pretty nice community. The containment theory disproved.

Stoney Mason

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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #62 on: January 25, 2020, 09:35:46 AM »
The other thread continues to spill out and fuck up a pretty nice community. The containment theory disproved.

Sadly I use to be pro-containment on that thread. It did serve that purpose once. I didn't envision that it would turn into a recruitment thing for the worst of the worst.

Human Snorenado

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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #63 on: January 25, 2020, 09:41:03 AM »
This place has become increasingly more trash. It has minor upticks but then continues its steady downward spiral.

The real solution would be to just ban everyone that only posts in the shit thread, put the forum on private, delete the shit thread, then ban anyone that ever talks about gaf or reeeeeee. And also to ban filler, of course.

But everything timu said about the mods is on point. I like Joe, Rumbler, and bork in a lot of ways but they just don't give a shit and like "the lulz." demi is just as bad but also likes Advent Rising, so is worse as a human being.

So I'm probably about to bounce too. Ultimatums aren't really my style but it's been increasingly clear that this place tolerates shitty behavior that I'm just not down with on a personal level as the years have gone by. Peas out, turds.


  • Senior Member
Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #64 on: January 25, 2020, 09:46:27 AM »
That kind of contradicts the idea that the containment thread is not working.

Human Snorenado

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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #65 on: January 25, 2020, 09:50:27 AM »
That kind of contradicts the idea that the containment thread is not working.

It's working in that it's keeping the vast majority of the shit contained, but what it's containing is so gross just even catching the occasional whiff is enough to want to make me leave. Who the fuck wants to live next door to nazis?


  • Senior Member
Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #66 on: January 25, 2020, 10:04:37 AM »
That kind of contradicts the idea that the containment thread is not working.

It's working in that it's keeping the vast majority of the shit contained, but what it's containing is so gross just even catching the occasional whiff is enough to want to make me leave. Who the fuck wants to live next door to nazis?

filler, ResetBanBot and Nintex are not Nazis. They are just Edgelord trolls with ResetBanBot being the only one that takes himself seriously. They are annoying fucks, but hardly Nazis.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
of course, that doesn’t mean they don’tlook like trumptards or bigots at worst.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #67 on: January 25, 2020, 10:05:13 AM »
I see we're just going to get increasingly delusional and vaguely paranoid, now the place is overrun with unnamed Nazis!

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #68 on: January 25, 2020, 10:10:48 AM »
Just PM with the names, breh.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #69 on: January 25, 2020, 10:13:37 AM »


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #70 on: January 25, 2020, 10:15:39 AM »
It was fun while it lasted, but my time here is (actually ((no alts or lurking ex: Jack 👀)) done here.

I’d like to thank all the great posters here, but sometime next morning this account will (pending mod approval) be nuked!

It’s been a fun few years, really! But this site is increasingly being filled with actual dangerous folk begin to threaten real world action for calling out their bs, and as old entertaining members move on or are banned, it’s become an increasingly source of fun drain. Personally, the lack of entertainment and the evolution to the Trash Thread’s current state (currposting and/or blatant racism/transphobia and/or coalitions of terrible posters dictating the thread into hate/vitriol instead of light/humorous etc. etc.) just makes posting on this forum when combined with people now threatening doxx/real world action not worth it.

Anyways, I’m not yet done (there’s some stuff that needs to be done), and the primary reason I’d like to announce my departure to read any messages or whatever.

It was fun being a B-Tier poster propped up entirely by moblin likes  :salute

Note: I’m typing this on a phone in that back of an Uber and I’m a Floridian who (for the first time) is seeing how the cold just delays nerve activity like shitty netcode :nerd  Apologies for terrible writing

To be honest with you: I'm feeling the same. AutistBot and other Voat-tier posters not being thrown into the woodchipper/allowed to fester because Bork, Rumbler, Joe, and Demi want to be "cool moms that allow coke in the house"/not moderate and kick these shitty toxic folks out is the problem.

It was fine before the Shower Goblin-era hit because we didn't have thousands of literal who accounts registering, so being relaxed about moderation was fine.

But that time has passed. And the board is going down-hill fast. It's turning into Voat which is fucking horrible. I told you this in PM, but you shouldn't let them win. You should be hassling Bork, Rumbler, Joe, and Demi to actually do something like I've been trying to do. But frankly, again: I don't blame you for throwing in the towel. To be honest with you, I'm pretty close to it myself. Wrath knows how to get me off-site, outside of maybe you 21337, Cats, PD (who doesn't use the off-site contact, I should look into his, I know I have an account for that one for a board-game I play but never really use because it's for Corporate Shills), the rest of the board can fucking die tonight. They seems to allow these Voat-tier posters to fester just because it's "good drama."

But the thing is: Good drama should be seen, not heard. Hence me saying that AutistBot should really just be an account that posts bans and shuts the fuck up (IE: No voat-tier shit). When Benji was linking those posts about ridiculous bans, that was a service. Instead, AutistBot seems to think we're Diet-KiwiFarms when we have literal gay, lesbian, and transgender posters here.

But no, Bork and his weeb-titty fetish has allowed these shitty folks that hate people like Cindy, Me, Shaka and wish we were dead to fester here.

So I agree with you.

This has been going for a while and I pretty much gave up as well. I just swim in the fuckery while having the alt-right "left can't meme but here's something I think is funny lol are you triggered yet" on ignore. There's not much else you can do when the shit thread, which is barely a containment thread if it even counts anymore, specifically targets some of the crazier "woke" accounts on an insular forum. If this forum wanted stop the influx of shitheels, it would have done so a long time ago.

We "closed borders" according to Shosta's thread. I wouldn't know, I do know there was a huge issue with spam bots registering and Joe/Demi were too lazy to actually check accounts so they just turned it off. Which, hey, is a good thing! But at this point the horse already bolted from out of the barn (AutistBot, CopmalaJoe or IdontKnowHerName.gif is spelled) and the board has already been infected by Voat-tier shit.

Just put them on ignore and be done with it, dude.

That's fucking shit/do nothing and you know it. ACTUALLY FUCKING MODERATE FOR ONCE IN YOUR GODDAMN LIFE. Jesus Christ. Stop being fucking lazy because you like drama until someone like C.R.E.A.M. puts a bug up your ass because they shitpost non-Voat-tier "all attention on me," as opposed to AutistBot doing the same shit with Voat.

Otherwise we know which side your bread is buttered on.

Same to you, Benji. "Oh, KiwiFarms isn't that serious." Meanwhile, we've had Stufte fucking admit that he had folk(s) calling his place of work from ResetEra and you're saying KiwiFarms wouldn't do the same shit with their "lolcows?" Fuck off and die both of you thinking 21337's concern isn't valid.

bore should have went private years ago. Too late now.

It should've done it once Amir0x was outed as a Pedo, so yes. Ever since, the board has been going downhill fast.

(And I respect you, gurl but you've been coming back after saying you were done like 2-3 times now over the course of the years here)

Instead of whining and making more forum drama, try reporting this shit.  Or sending a PM.  We can't catch everything.  The poster who made a threat was gone last night- that's not something that is going to be tolerated.

I don't even know what the hell you're going on about with "liking forum drama."  I popped into the shit thread to respond to a handful of posts and didn't see all the other crap going down. 
« Last Edit: January 25, 2020, 10:22:03 AM by pork »


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #71 on: January 25, 2020, 10:18:25 AM »
Same to you, Benji. "Oh, KiwiFarms isn't that serious." Meanwhile, we've had Stufte fucking admit that he had folk(s) calling his place of work from ResetEra and you're saying KiwiFarms wouldn't do the same shit with their "lolcows?

For one thing, there's a fundamental difference between targeting perceived enemies you wish to punish because you're a paranoid narcissist especially out of ideological kultur warfare and targeting people you think are weirdos to enjoy/gossip about. We aren't interesting enough for the latter and only the unhinged like the other Film Roberts or prominent members would consider us the former. For another, Kiwi Farms is very much not serious at all. This is not actual footage.

Besides, taking a single occasional spammer in the garbage thread seriously to the point of being ragingly obsessed with it for months on end while feeling that making your own threats is the only path available then you probably aren't losing anything by leaving because the entire rest of the forum clearly doesn't matter.

If you've got a list of tens of these other non-garbage-thread-only posters you want "woodchipped" I'm sure the corrupt brothers on the staff would love to see it. I'll also see about fucking off and dying for you.

My dude, KiwiFarms is horrible. Yes, we may not be "serious enough" to where they build a dossier (oh hey, you) on, but that doesn't mean we should allow them free-reign here.

In fact, you flat-out admitted you're part of their group. Why the fuck should I trust you?

It was fun while it lasted, but my time here is (actually ((no alts or lurking ex: Jack 👀)) done here.

I’d like to thank all the great posters here, but sometime next morning this account will (pending mod approval) be nuked!

It’s been a fun few years, really! But this site is increasingly being filled with actual dangerous folk begin to threaten real world action for calling out their bs, and as old entertaining members move on or are banned, it’s become an increasingly source of fun drain. Personally, the lack of entertainment and the evolution to the Trash Thread’s current state (currposting and/or blatant racism/transphobia and/or coalitions of terrible posters dictating the thread into hate/vitriol instead of light/humorous etc. etc.) just makes posting on this forum when combined with people now threatening doxx/real world action not worth it.

Anyways, I’m not yet done (there’s some stuff that needs to be done), and the primary reason I’d like to announce my departure to read any messages or whatever.

It was fun being a B-Tier poster propped up entirely by moblin likes  :salute

Note: I’m typing this on a phone in that back of an Uber and I’m a Floridian who (for the first time) is seeing how the cold just delays nerve activity like shitty netcode :nerd  Apologies for terrible writing

To be honest with you: I'm feeling the same. AutistBot and other Voat-tier posters not being thrown into the woodchipper/allowed to fester because Bork, Rumbler, Joe, and Demi want to be "cool moms that allow coke in the house"/not moderate and kick these shitty toxic folks out is the problem.

It was fine before the Shower Goblin-era hit because we didn't have thousands of literal who accounts registering, so being relaxed about moderation was fine.

But that time has passed. And the board is going down-hill fast. It's turning into Voat which is fucking horrible. I told you this in PM, but you shouldn't let them win. You should be hassling Bork, Rumbler, Joe, and Demi to actually do something like I've been trying to do. But frankly, again: I don't blame you for throwing in the towel. To be honest with you, I'm pretty close to it myself. Wrath knows how to get me off-site, outside of maybe you 21337, Cats, PD (who doesn't use the off-site contact, I should look into his, I know I have an account for that one for a board-game I play but never really use because it's for Corporate Shills), the rest of the board can fucking die tonight. They seems to allow these Voat-tier posters to fester just because it's "good drama."

But the thing is: Good drama should be seen, not heard. Hence me saying that AutistBot should really just be an account that posts bans and shuts the fuck up (IE: No voat-tier shit). When Benji was linking those posts about ridiculous bans, that was a service. Instead, AutistBot seems to think we're Diet-KiwiFarms when we have literal gay, lesbian, and transgender posters here.

But no, Bork and his weeb-titty fetish has allowed these shitty folks that hate people like Cindy, Me, Shaka and wish we were dead to fester here.

So I agree with you.

This has been going for a while and I pretty much gave up as well. I just swim in the fuckery while having the alt-right "left can't meme but here's something I think is funny lol are you triggered yet" on ignore. There's not much else you can do when the shit thread, which is barely a containment thread if it even counts anymore, specifically targets some of the crazier "woke" accounts on an insular forum. If this forum wanted stop the influx of shitheels, it would have done so a long time ago.

We "closed borders" according to Shosta's thread. I wouldn't know, I do know there was a huge issue with spam bots registering and Joe/Demi were too lazy to actually check accounts so they just turned it off. Which, hey, is a good thing! But at this point the horse already bolted from out of the barn (AutistBot, CopmalaJoe or IdontKnowHerName.gif is spelled) and the board has already been infected by Voat-tier shit.

Just put them on ignore and be done with it, dude.

That's fucking shit/do nothing and you know it. ACTUALLY FUCKING MODERATE FOR ONCE IN YOUR GODDAMN LIFE. Jesus Christ. Stop being fucking lazy because you like drama until someone like C.R.E.A.M. puts a bug up your ass because they shitpost non-Voat-tier "all attention on me," as opposed to AutistBot doing the same shit with Voat.

Otherwise we know which side your bread is buttered on.

Same to you, Benji. "Oh, KiwiFarms isn't that serious." Meanwhile, we've had Stufte fucking admit that he had folk(s) calling his place of work from ResetEra and you're saying KiwiFarms wouldn't do the same shit with their "lolcows?" Fuck off and die both of you thinking 21337's concern isn't valid.

bore should have went private years ago. Too late now.

It should've done it once Amir0x was outed as a Pedo, so yes. Ever since, the board has been going downhill fast.

(And I respect you, gurl but you've been coming back after saying you were done like 2-3 times now over the course of the years here)

Instead of whining and making more forum drama, try reporting this shit.  Or sending a PM.  We can't catch everything.  The poster who made a threat was gone last night- that's not something that is going to be tolerated.

I don't even know what the hell you're going on about with "liking forum drama."  I popped into the shit thread to respond to a handful of posts and didn't see all the other crap going down.

Then no offense, you're blind as a bat and a horrible mod. TVC was posting and you responded to him as that shit was popping off. You literally have no excuse. None. Zilch. Zero. Nada, to be not seeing that shit unless you have AutistBot on ignore and scrolled past, which means you're a fucking terrible mod if you're not seeing that shit because you're blocking folks. No T, No Shade. But again: Do you're fucking job. I literally scroll back posts and you're telling me you don't do that shit? Really?

You want us to report? Fine. But you have had folks complaining about AutistBot for months, Same as Assy. It's only when you and Rumbler finally get tired of us complaining that you do shit. That's fucking awful moderation, my dudes.


  • Senior Member
Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #72 on: January 25, 2020, 10:19:24 AM »
Same to you, Benji. "Oh, KiwiFarms isn't that serious." Meanwhile, we've had Stufte fucking admit that he had folk(s) calling his place of work from ResetEra and you're saying KiwiFarms wouldn't do the same shit with their "lolcows?

For one thing, there's a fundamental difference between targeting perceived enemies you wish to punish because you're a paranoid narcissist especially out of ideological kultur warfare and targeting people you think are weirdos to enjoy/gossip about. We aren't interesting enough for the latter and only the unhinged like the other Film Roberts or prominent members would consider us the former. For another, Kiwi Farms is very much not serious at all. This is not actual footage.

Besides, taking a single occasional spammer in the garbage thread seriously to the point of being ragingly obsessed with it for months on end while feeling that making your own threats is the only path available then you probably aren't losing anything by leaving because the entire rest of the forum clearly doesn't matter.

If you've got a list of tens of these other non-garbage-thread-only posters you want "woodchipped" I'm sure the corrupt brothers on the staff would love to see it. I'll also see about fucking off and dying for you.

Being fair, I think your KiwiFarms assessment is only true preElection, because right now it feels like Earth2 RE with communities within communities, people that take themselves hyper seriously (coffWeebWarsForumcoff) and behind of scenes drama.

Don Rumata

  • Hard To Be A John
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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #73 on: January 25, 2020, 10:24:13 AM »
Hey, i've only been here a few months, so i'm not gonna pretend i'm super invested on what goes on, but tbf if all you do as a user is post in the stalking thread, you should ask yourself what is even the point of coming here.

Then again, that thread itself is inherently pathetic in nature, so there isn't really a way to participate in it, and coming out looking good.

Anyway i just joined Bore 'cause i was looking for a small, chill community where i could dick around and talk about video games, tv and so on, without the drama that comes with bigger places, nuking that thread wouldn't really matter to me.
It's occasionally funny, but whatever, i'm neither on Resetera nor GAF, so if i don't read them on here, i never even think about them.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #74 on: January 25, 2020, 10:24:48 AM »
My dude, KiwiFarms is horrible. Yes, we may not be "serious enough" to where they build a dossier (oh hey, you) on, but that doesn't mean we should allow them free-reign here.

In fact, you flat-out admitted you're part of their group. Why the fuck should I trust you?
Better put me on the list for the woodchipper!


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #75 on: January 25, 2020, 10:25:29 AM »
Then no offense, you're blind as a bat and a horrible mod. TVC was posting and you responded to him as that shit was popping off. You literally have no excuse. None. Zilch. Zero. Nada, to be not seeing that shit unless you have AutistBot on ignore and scrolled past, which means you're a fucking terrible mod if you're not seeing that shit because you're blocking folks. No T, No Shade. But again: Do you're fucking job. I literally scroll back posts and you're telling me you don't do that shit? Really?

You want us to report? Fine. But you have had folks complaining about AutistBot for months, Same as Assy. It's only when you and Rumbler finally get tired of us complaining that you do shit. That's fucking awful moderation, my dudes.

All of this shit is happening in the dedicated shit thread.  Maybe stop going to it?

I'd be glad to ditch it, too, but you guys would just bitch about that if we stopped it.  Some of you whine and complain and cause more drama at the tiniest bit of moderation here than anyone on reeee, too, so I took a step back in that thread.  I do moderate it when something is needed, but I don't make a big stink about it and PM the person to ask them to stop whatever thing it is.   If someone gets banned?  Open the floodgates; here comes all the bitching.  When I say to report a post, what happens?  Cue joke reports from some of the same people in this very thread pretending to be serious.  If something or someone is legit bothering you that much, then be a fucking adult for once and report it.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2020, 10:35:00 AM by pork »


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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #76 on: January 25, 2020, 10:26:52 AM »
Wtf are you talking about doxxing who is gonna doxx you?

nobody thats who

And yeah stop going into the shit thread, it fucking sucks and im glad I left there ages ago. I got better things to do with my time than read what those morons at reee are doing so dont bother m8

Mr Gilhaney

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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #77 on: January 25, 2020, 10:27:57 AM »
I need eschs opinion on this before taking side


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #78 on: January 25, 2020, 10:32:08 AM »
Someone made a report for a recent Banbot post.  He's gone now, too. 


  • Senior Member
Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #79 on: January 25, 2020, 10:33:03 AM »
Instead of whining and making more forum drama, try reporting this shit.  Or sending a PM.  We can't catch everything.  The poster who made a threat was gone last night- that's not something that is going to be tolerated.

I think the reason no-one reported/sent PM's is because we're not used to being in a situation where we have to. Also, and I don't mean this in an accusatory way, there is maybe a belief that you might consider it not a big deal. You're the bossman and you make the rules and I respect that, but I hate banbot and I can't just put him on ignore. I don't like the idea of guests viewing the forum and seeing my posts on the same page as his and thinking I tacitly approve of what he's saying because i'm not calling it out. I understand that's a me problem.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #80 on: January 25, 2020, 10:33:07 AM »
I barely ever even look at the other forum trash thread because 99% of it is trash, which is the point. If there's something truly heinous in there, I probably won't even see it. Use the report button or just send me a PM if you want someone banned. You know I'm good for it.


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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #81 on: January 25, 2020, 10:33:10 AM »
It was personally about over a year ago that I went in the other threads forum and was pretty horrified. The posts there were borderline nazi material. Right then and there I decided to step back from the bore and cut way back on posting and visiting. It makes no sense to me why that thread exists and why those people are allowed.

It did make sense back in the day when you had a crazy despot running GAF with his handpicked group of lieutenants. Once GAF imploded that thread made no more sense. It basically feels like an alt-right recruitment thread to rail against those liberals at ResetERA. Fuck that. I don't have any thing against those people. Certainly not politically. And if you want to mock silly threads over there then it should be that. Not some crazy recruitment circle for racists, and crazy over the range right wing nuts. I'd be scared to read that thread and see what has happened over the past year. I can't imagine some of the vile shit that has been posted there.

My attitude remains the same. It's not my board. People are gonna do what they are gonna do. That's fine. It's up to them. But me personally outside of NBA stuff, I don't want to participate anymore if that is the kind of stuff that is around.

The fuck kinda threads are you talking about man? I never seen some shit like that O_o

Stoney just come to the gaming side man, seems to be pretty bad on the ot side then I guess?

Ive been here for years and never seen some shit or drama that some of yall are talking about


  • Senior Member
Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #82 on: January 25, 2020, 10:33:27 AM »
Wtf are you talking about doxxing who is gonna doxx you?

KerpalaJoe threatened to Doxx people for not liking ResetBanBot. KarpalaJoe is full of shit, btw.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #83 on: January 25, 2020, 10:35:09 AM »
Then no offense, you're blind as a bat and a horrible mod. TVC was posting and you responded to him as that shit was popping off. You literally have no excuse. None. Zilch. Zero. Nada, to be not seeing that shit unless you have AutistBot on ignore and scrolled past, which means you're a fucking terrible mod if you're not seeing that shit because you're blocking folks. No T, No Shade. But again: Do you're fucking job. I literally scroll back posts and you're telling me you don't do that shit? Really?

You want us to report? Fine. But you have had folks complaining about AutistBot for months, Same as Assy. It's only when you and Rumbler finally get tired of us complaining that you do shit. That's fucking awful moderation, my dudes.

All of this shit is happening in the dedicated shit thread.  Maybe stop going to it?  I'd be glad to ditch it, too, but you guys would just bitch about that if we stopped it.  Some of you whine and complain and cause more drama at the tiniest bit of moderation here than anyone on reeee, too.  If someone gets banned?  Open the floodgates; here comes all the bitching.  When I say to report a post, what happens?  Cue joke reports from some of the same people in this very thread pretending to be serious.  If something or someone is legit bothering you that much, then be a fucking adult for once and report it.

Oh boo-hoo, poor Bork-san needing to do his goddamn job by moderating and being a lose-lose position on the internet. *mock faint here* Whatever will I do for your lazy-ass?

You think you have it bad? Reddit moderators on large subreddits have it worse, so I literally do not give two fucks about your whining. Do some fucking moderation, bro.

Again: You want us to report? Fine, I'll start reporting. But it's shameful that you flat-out admit that you're not scrolling 1-2 pages back, seeing shit popping off in there and going "hmmm... nah, it's just shit posters (when one of them is flatout admitting to going to get an internet army to doxx for another one/white knight) NAH! THAT'S COOL! IT'S JUST SHITPOSTERS! Oh, what!? TVC is posting!? Time to make some comments while skipping past fucking obvious-serious drama!!!! Yay! No moderation to do!"

 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) x 1million 's here at that.


  • Senior Member
Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #84 on: January 25, 2020, 10:37:28 AM »
I barely ever even look at the other forum trash thread because 99% of it is trash, which is the point. If there's something truly heinous in there, I probably won't even see it. Use the report button or just send me a PM if you want someone banned. You know I'm good for it.

They're too lazy to report shit. Just make me a mod.

And jesus timu calm down with the red text shit, makes you look unhinged.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
see? I'm already paying for myself

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #85 on: January 25, 2020, 10:38:27 AM »
Someone made a report for a recent Banbot post.  He's gone now, too. 

bless up


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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #86 on: January 25, 2020, 10:39:06 AM »
Being fair, KarpalaJoe is full of shit. And threatening by using a “personal army” is mocked by troll communities.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #87 on: January 25, 2020, 10:39:20 AM »
Instead of whining and making more forum drama, try reporting this shit.  Or sending a PM.  We can't catch everything.  The poster who made a threat was gone last night- that's not something that is going to be tolerated.

I think the reason no-one reported/sent PM's is because we're not used to being in a situation where we have to. Also, and I don't mean this in an accusatory way, there is maybe a belief that you might consider it not a big deal. You're the bossman and you make the rules and I respect that, but I hate banbot and I can't just put him on ignore. I don't like the idea of guests viewing the forum and seeing my posts on the same page as his and thinking I tacitly approve of what he's saying because i'm not calling it out. I understand that's a me problem.

LOL, hell no.  The last time we had drama over the shit thread, it was for moderation.  Now there's drama over there not being moderation.  Can't win with you guys.

So again, if you have a legit problem with a poster, report them.  If you want to be cute and make a stupid little report for the lulz, it's not going to help things either. 

Some of you guys tend to have fun being unfiltered and going off the rails, but the minute someone says something you don't like, you get bigger sticks up your asses than anyone you're making fun of on the other forums.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #88 on: January 25, 2020, 10:40:23 AM »
Being fair, KarpalaJoe is full of shit. And threatening by using a “personal army” is mocked by troll communities.

Threats aren't cool- he was perm'd for that.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #89 on: January 25, 2020, 10:41:12 AM »
The actual "flatout admitting to going to get an internet army to doxx" and "threat to doxxxxxxxx" which was bork's greatest failure:
For the record, I'm also convinced if Kiwi wanted to shut your mouth up, it would be shut already. Don't push your unknown-luck too much though : they might notice you one day if you continue desperately to wave your arms at them that much. You can ask some of your friends what it's like when it happens.
As is obvious from reading the actual text, it's neither of these, but instead more cocksucking of banbot/KF that feeds the nonsense that they're serious hardcore doxxer killers for hire.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #90 on: January 25, 2020, 10:42:24 AM »
I barely ever even look at the other forum trash thread because 99% of it is trash, which is the point. If there's something truly heinous in there, I probably won't even see it. Use the report button or just send me a PM if you want someone banned. You know I'm good for it.

It's like they think we're reeeeeeeeee mods and hover over every fucking post.

Complaining about how shitty the shit thread is  :lol- just stop clicking on it and check out the other threads.


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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #91 on: January 25, 2020, 10:43:40 AM »
Being fair, KarpalaJoe is full of shit. And threatening by using a “personal army” is mocked by troll communities.

Threats aren't cool- he was perm'd for that.

Not defending him, like at all. Just saying that the thread was laughable and he shouldn’t be treated like some kind of legendary troll and harasser.


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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #92 on: January 25, 2020, 10:43:52 AM »
What’s ResetBanBot’s beef with Too Leet to Be You?


I’m literally shaking guys

I just noticed that’s what 213372bu spells out


What the fuck is going on


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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #93 on: January 25, 2020, 10:44:23 AM »
Now that this whole issue has been resolved
But has it?


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: :drudge 213372bu Account Nuke Tomorrow :drudge
« Reply #94 on: January 25, 2020, 10:45:19 AM »
Now that this whole issue has been resolved maybe lock this dumb thread.

Best post in this thread.