ADAM SILVER QUESTIONS NYC VACCINE MANDATES NYC residents to be vaccinated but not out of staters is so peak NY liberalism. FUCK!!!
Once again the the r/NYC comments make me feel incredibly not insane and alone and not guilt tripped by some insane f.aggot Borean from Europe or Australia. I hope and pray online liberals hang themselves.
I’m 100% pro vax but the mandates are silly. They were done on the premise that being vaccinated prevents you from spreading it. We’ve long known that the vaccines only keep you from getting severely ill and don’t prevent the spread much. Repeal the mandate.
Entire countries are dropping them with great success. Denmark even had to put out an official correction to misinformation site when persistent misinformation indicated they are now struggling, which they aren't.
It's very hard to continue to call it science, when the hard evidence, on country scales, disagree.
I'm both vaccinated and pro-vax, but the mandates are completely out of alignment with reality.
I understand the mandates were meant to get the majority of the public vaccinated. More people vaxxed, more people are safe. It’s a macro aggregate thing.
But the minor details in this do matter. Now what? You lift the restriction after firing 1% of public service employees? That seems wrong to me.
Visiting players and entertainers can be unvaxxed, but my friend from out of town who isn’t vaxxed can’t do much of anything? Again, minor detail but seems wrong to me.
I’ve never understood what we were aiming for here. 100% vaccinated? Where else in life are we 100% anything? Is it 90%, 99%? If it was 99% was it really worth firing all these people recently?
Because this specific NYC mandate is not and never was about protecting people, it was designed to incentivize people to get vaccinated
Thats the odd thing about all of this. People can talk around in circles, but the mandate isn't really about protecting people and never was, it was a designed as a punitive measure.
Thats also the reason visitors can play... obviously. Its about protecting NYers, if you're not from here, they didn't care about you getting vaxxed. Stupid loophole shows intentions. (that being said, if this did apply to visitors, I'd bet the NY teams would all be playing games in NJ to avoid any issues with visitors, so of course the exemption is there)

My unvaccinated partner can't drink
coffee with me in NYC because she's not vaccinated and doesn't have vaccination proof. Never mind eating at a restaurant. Do liberals really think we will forget this?
KISS, MY BLACK ASS. Yes! But remember! My brain doesn't forget! STRAIGHT RED TICKET! Thank you liberals for exposing your authoritarianism to the rest of us. The liberals have no long term plan! Liberal policies DO. NOT. WORK. It's just short term reactionary jockeying. This is true on a local, state, and federal level: the donkeys are USELESS. Vote for something strong. Vote for an elephant. VOTE REPUBLICAN.
Watch the liberals all of a sudden change their motto, their stupid defenses when their "team" decides "you know what, this is dumb" literally overnight after months of guilt tripping, pointed fingers, and gaslighting. But the rest of us won't forget the lesson: FUCK. LIBERALS. Liberals want to FORCE us to live like them, think like them. Fuck. Liberals! Liberals you overexposed your hand with mandates. That was the final domino for many, many, many people. Congratulations on playing yourself!