Author Topic: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!  (Read 427131 times)

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5460 on: February 17, 2022, 07:18:09 PM »



  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5461 on: February 17, 2022, 07:44:13 PM »
I admit I haven't been following either effort but I seem to remember earlier that the school board people were far more confident about their efforts than the Boudin one. Despite all the framing of the school board thing as racism/anti-woke/whatever there were concerns about actual school policies (including COVID stuff) and the woke stuff was just seen as the board members ignoring actual concerns for that rather than disagreement with it as a whole. Also seems the school board people built a real coalition and were doing the hard work to keep the campaign up while the Boudin recall is more of a traditional recall where people are like "yeah, whatever" and sign the petitions and then vote against it and there's no actual coalition to build with grievances beyond "he sucks" that cut across groups.

Looking it up now, Boudin actually barely won election in the first place, so maybe he's more at threat than I realized.

Also, not surprised that stost is in favor of a DA who ignores the crime spree that just happens to coincide with stost's moving to the area and breaking into cars wantonly.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5462 on: February 17, 2022, 08:22:10 PM »
2/3rds of people polled by the DCCC are Himu:

The ACLU of Virginia disagrees:


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5463 on: February 17, 2022, 08:28:33 PM »
2/3rds of people polled by the DCCC are Himu:

The ACLU of Virginia disagrees:


Make sure the Democrats are blasted at the polls for their awful despotic Covid dog shit. Let's show them the power of the center. Let's Go Brandon!


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5464 on: February 17, 2022, 08:35:08 PM »

Indy gang getting in

Problem with the statement polled by DCCC is that it's not congressional Democrats. It's mostly local and state. As well as Federal. The House and Senate Democrats can't get anything done. They're jokes of a joke. Democrats need to be expelled and their incompetence revealed. It's easy to point at them and say,"they're evil" which is really, really easy to do given the past year. But it's much easier to apply incompetence rather than willful evil. The truth is that Democratic Party is an abscess, a tumor, and needs to be zapped from American politics. Look how they've treated the country after a thin marginal win. Fuck them. Make that wave blood red.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2022, 08:40:36 PM by Himu »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5465 on: February 17, 2022, 08:38:16 PM »
Why the fuck are some school board elections national, and now that I know about them international, news?


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5466 on: February 17, 2022, 08:42:18 PM »
Why the fuck are some school board elections national, and now that I know about them international, news?

Critical race theory and Democratic Pedophiles also supporting stuff like this.



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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5467 on: February 17, 2022, 08:47:17 PM »
Read this tweet which is a reply to the original thread.

Democrats and their endless virtue. "BUT PEOPLE ARE DYING!!!!!!!! :stop"

Yeah, and? It's a pandemic. Remember when Trump was Prez and they lost their shit at 400k dying under his watch? But they are really quiet about blaming Biden for deaths when it hits even more than Trump's numbers. Yet they still use PEOPLE ARE DYING!!! as an excuse, even when their rigid policies clearly aren't fucking working.

LET'S DO IT! We have the momentum! Liberals have masks despite being triple vaxxed and endless faggotry. Have to make sure Liberals lose so much ground they lose an entire generation. We have to make sure liberals never see power again.

« Last Edit: February 17, 2022, 08:55:04 PM by Himu »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5468 on: February 17, 2022, 09:06:26 PM »
It's not news but it's obvious there's a decent chunk of Biden 2020 voters who wouldn't vote for Trump in 2024 (or even 2020 if they could do it over) but don't really see Biden with a Republican House as a major problem. I think both Clinton and Obama (and certain Democrats) benefited from Republican Congresses as foils whereas W. Bush and Trump didn't seem to gain much politically from having a Democratic Congress even if the country probably did benefit from partly removing a rubber stamp.

I still think Biden is the best President of this century if only because he has yet to blatantly do anything to suggest he should be impeached unlike the other three.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5469 on: February 17, 2022, 09:08:58 PM »
A big problem is the assumption that us Biden voters support the Democrats. I've hated the Democrats for years. Now I LOATHE them and will do anything to keep them from power.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5470 on: February 17, 2022, 09:19:47 PM »
Why the fuck are some school board elections national, and now that I know about them international, news?
School board elections becoming national issues in the United States actually has some decent history, especially during media lulls, because they connect in ways that lots of abstract issues don't. Most everyone can imagine "what if my kids school was doing [Z]" in ways the more esoteric debates over something like whether Build Back Better should raise the child murder tax credit by 1% in line with deficit projections over a ten year baseline IF and ONLY IF Kyrie Irving were to get vaccinated in Afghanistan during the Winter Solstice.

See, for example, this:
San Francisco school board recall sends a dangerous message


This rhetoric of "parents' rights" is not new to the 2020s; conservatives in Colorado in the 1990s even sought to pass a "parents' rights" amendment "to direct and control the upbringing, education, values and discipline of their children." Yet it is now being reworked to funnel all the discontents of the era into a set of right-wing school politics at the heart of the GOP's strategy for the coming midterm elections.

Political organizing around schools is nearly as old as compulsory schooling itself, sparking battles over access, the teaching of subjects like evolution and sex and mandatory prayer and pledges of allegiance. Parents played a role on both sides of all these issues, advocating for the school rules that they felt aligned with their own values.

Yet because so many of these issues would ultimately be settled in state legislatures, Congress and the courts, the right successfully framed school politics as concerned parents having their rights infringed by politicians, bureaucrats and judges. This was the case with desegregation and busing, with Black parents constantly pressing for equal access to local schools and better education. In Boston in the 1960s, Black parents organized Operation Exodus, an effort to transport their children to better schools in the years before court-ordered busing.

The arrival of court-ordered busing in the 1970s, which occurred after White-run school boards failed to comply with the state's Racial Imbalance Act of 1965, led to the formation of groups like ROAR (Restore Our Alienated Rights), a movement by White parents to resist school desegregation.


That same erasure happened in the debate over African American Vernacular English that exploded in 1996, after the Oakland school board passed a garbled resolution recognizing AAVE, or ebonics, as a language. The resolution, which was widely reported as a requirement to teach ebonics as a replacement for standard English (or "teach black schoolchildren in ghetto-ese," as the Boston Globe put it), was both ridiculed and denounced by everyone from civil rights leader Jesse Jackson to conservative Education Secretary William Bennett.

It was treated as a sign that public schools were incapable of properly educating students, that standards were nearing non-existence under the reign of liberal bureaucrats.

The politics of the ebonics panic allowed no space for the broader story, one that began with the problem of poor Black students being underserved and undereducated within the school system. A lawsuit brought in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 1979 on behalf of poor Black students argued that they were being denied equal access to education because the school system did not account for the socioeconomic and cultural background of these students. A judge ruled that the school had to find ways to identify students who spoke AAVE and find ways to use that knowledge to assist their education. It was in response to these concerns that the Oakland school board acted.


In places like Loudoun County and San Francisco, conservative activists are attempting to do the same today, refashioning a suite of school discontents into a wave of Republican victories.

What these decades of backlash politics show is that narrative plays a powerful role in shaping where politics flow. Democratic politicians often lack courage when backlash politics are in motion, as likely to jump on the outrage bandwagon as shrink into the shadows, waiting for it to blow over. But they and progressive activists have a responsibility to counter moral panics with narratives more rooted in reality and more concerned with those whose needs are being overlooked.

Journalists and commentators also play a critical role in how backlash politics form: whose stories get told and emphasized, what frames are applied to the story of what schools need and where they fail, what policy issues and political concerns are treated as legitimate and which get hand-waved away. Getting those issues right is not just critical for how elections unfold, but how schools are ultimately valued and reformed.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5471 on: February 17, 2022, 09:28:30 PM »
 I am completely illiterate when it comes to school boards, since the concept is completely alien to me.

But I now know about some stuff form the 60's and 90's but not what the San Francisco stuff is or was about.

Are you fucking with me here, benji?


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5472 on: February 17, 2022, 09:28:57 PM »

California starts nations first endemic virus policy? lmfao Liberals patting themselves on the back for doing nothing with their bullshit sophistry. I fucking hate liberals. Anyone with brain cells can see through the lamestream media's dog crap in this news article.

Very disappointing from the AP. Yeah, I'm sure Texas' pandemic response wasn't endemic stage when I visited last year fall when I could buy coffee in a coffee shop and not be forced to show ID as if I were buying a goddamn alcoholic drink. lmfao Kiss my brown cowboy butt, California.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5473 on: February 17, 2022, 09:34:53 PM »
I am completely illiterate when it comes to school boards, since the concept is completely alien to me.

But I now know about some stuff form the 60's and 90's but not what the San Francisco stuff is or was about.

Are you fucking with me here, benji?
I would never. Do you think I would really just go on the internet and try to mess with you?

That said, a few school board issues have become national issues, desegregation notably. But also busing was one because it was happening in a lot of states at the same time, while the CRT in Skewls thing is completely overblown, and not really in the classrooms, it actually is happening in a lot of schools administration across the country at the same time, the trans in sports panic, etc. The media certainly helps a lot to make these into "national conversations" though.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5474 on: February 17, 2022, 09:35:49 PM »
I wasted 5 minutes to skim through an CNN article (I even clicked the link) for your sadistic entertainment :stahp


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5475 on: February 17, 2022, 10:28:19 PM »
One of my formative experiences regarding federalism was in junior high or high school reading a former French Education Minister bragging about how he could know what page every student in the country was on at anytime because of how standardized their system was. I think they've since loosened up and decentralized at least some of it though, he probably would have been describing it in the 1980/90s or even the 1970s.

No wonder they have problems now unlike the good old days when society ran perfectly and according to dirigisme design.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5476 on: February 18, 2022, 12:02:54 AM »
Why the fuck are some school board elections national, and now that I know about them international, news?
In the United States, children are mindless robots that can be programmed at will by the educational apparatus. Whoever controls the schools effectively controls the entire country. This is also exactly why Benji decided to become a college professor.

I became a college professor to hit on depressed 18 year old hotties away from home for the first time in their lives

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of course im lying only idiots get PhDs

Pissy F Benny

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5477 on: February 18, 2022, 09:28:59 AM »
Why the fuck are some school board elections national, and now that I know about them international, news?

Critical race theory and Democratic Pedophiles also supporting stuff like this.

I read this in Alex Jones voice and I'm :rofl


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5478 on: February 18, 2022, 05:44:05 PM »
Yeah she was really channeling Alex energy there :lol


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5479 on: February 18, 2022, 10:20:14 PM »
'The brand is so toxic': Dems fear extinction in rural US



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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5480 on: February 19, 2022, 05:19:35 AM »


Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!! YES YES YES Maybe there's hope for liberalism. Maybe it's not all liberals but it's the progressives. I don't know! All I know is that I'm so happy we aren't California!

The comments on r/nyc have me so happy. Please reopen asylums. Please. Please. Put the extremely mentally ill there. Please. For the rest of us.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2022, 05:29:24 AM by Himu »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5481 on: February 19, 2022, 05:29:54 AM »



Forcing NYC residents to be vaccinated but not out of staters is so peak NY liberalism. FUCK!!!

Once again the the r/NYC comments make me feel incredibly not insane and alone and not guilt tripped by some insane f.aggot Borean from Europe or Australia. I hope and pray online liberals hang themselves.

I’m 100% pro vax but the mandates are silly. They were done on the premise that being vaccinated prevents you from spreading it. We’ve long known that the vaccines only keep you from getting severely ill and don’t prevent the spread much. Repeal the mandate.

Entire countries are dropping them with great success. Denmark even had to put out an official correction to misinformation site when persistent misinformation indicated they are now struggling, which they aren't.

It's very hard to continue to call it science, when the hard evidence, on country scales, disagree.

I'm both vaccinated and pro-vax, but the mandates are completely out of alignment with reality.

I understand the mandates were meant to get the majority of the public vaccinated. More people vaxxed, more people are safe. It’s a macro aggregate thing.

But the minor details in this do matter. Now what? You lift the restriction after firing 1% of public service employees? That seems wrong to me.

Visiting players and entertainers can be unvaxxed, but my friend from out of town who isn’t vaxxed can’t do much of anything? Again, minor detail but seems wrong to me.

I’ve never understood what we were aiming for here. 100% vaccinated? Where else in life are we 100% anything? Is it 90%, 99%? If it was 99% was it really worth firing all these people recently?

Because this specific NYC mandate is not and never was about protecting people, it was designed to incentivize people to get vaccinated

Thats the odd thing about all of this. People can talk around in circles, but the mandate isn't really about protecting people and never was, it was a designed as a punitive measure.

Thats also the reason visitors can play... obviously. Its about protecting NYers, if you're not from here, they didn't care about you getting vaxxed. Stupid loophole shows intentions. (that being said, if this did apply to visitors, I'd bet the NY teams would all be playing games in NJ to avoid any issues with visitors, so of course the exemption is there)

My unvaccinated partner can't drink coffee with me in NYC because she's not vaccinated and doesn't have vaccination proof. Never mind eating at a restaurant. Do liberals really think we will forget this?

KISS, MY BLACK ASS. Yes! But remember! My brain doesn't forget! STRAIGHT RED TICKET! Thank you liberals for exposing your authoritarianism to the rest of us. The liberals have no long term plan! Liberal policies DO. NOT. WORK. It's just short term reactionary jockeying. This is true on a local, state, and federal level: the donkeys are USELESS. Vote for something strong. Vote for an elephant. VOTE REPUBLICAN.

Watch the liberals all of a sudden change their motto, their stupid defenses when their "team" decides "you know what, this is dumb" literally overnight after months of guilt tripping, pointed fingers, and gaslighting. But the rest of us won't forget the lesson: FUCK. LIBERALS. Liberals want to FORCE us to live like them, think like them. Fuck. Liberals! Liberals you overexposed your hand with mandates. That was the final domino for many, many, many people. Congratulations on playing yourself!
« Last Edit: February 19, 2022, 05:55:10 AM by Himu »

Coffee Dog

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5482 on: February 19, 2022, 10:43:55 AM »
You know, I'm starting to get the feeling you're a single issue voter.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5483 on: February 19, 2022, 12:16:34 PM »
not guilt tripped by some insane f.aggot Borean from Europe or Australia. I hope and pray online liberals hang themselves

Nice healthy community you have here bork


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5484 on: February 19, 2022, 12:50:33 PM »
You know, I'm starting to get the feeling you're a single issue voter.

that's not true! vaccine mandates and homeless people are at least two issues  :hmph


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5485 on: February 19, 2022, 12:57:24 PM »
not guilt tripped by some insane f.aggot Borean from Europe or Australia. I hope and pray online liberals hang themselves

Nice healthy community you have here bork
I'm personally insulted that you would call me a liberal.

And the irony of you calling anyone a taco is just


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5486 on: February 19, 2022, 01:38:40 PM »
"And then there was this tiny little mouse, probably from Europe or Australia or wherever the hell it came from. And the elephant said: Look mouse I don't want to trample you but you are in the way. But if you have a mouse and you're zoning out a 24 story residential building and gas starts leaking all over the place....  not good, let me tell ya not good. This guy knows what I'm talking about right? A real builder just like Trump with that wheelchair. Where did you serve soldier? McDonalds, Burger King? Anyway vote straight red folks put it all on red."


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5487 on: February 19, 2022, 03:30:11 PM »
Once again the the r/NYC comments make me feel incredibly not insane and alone and not guilt tripped by some insane f.aggot Borean from Europe or Australia. I hope and pray online liberals hang themselves.

Hey, can you tone it down with this shit?  Thanks.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5488 on: February 19, 2022, 04:54:11 PM »
Once again the the r/NYC comments make me feel incredibly not insane and alone and not guilt tripped by some insane f.aggot Borean from Europe or Australia. I hope and pray online liberals hang themselves.

Hey, can you tone it down with this shit?  Thanks.

Urgh, fine.

I just really dislike liberals. Utterly vacuous people behind smiling teeth.

edit: fuck it, no more compassion.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2022, 06:22:45 PM by Himu »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5489 on: February 19, 2022, 06:11:38 PM »
"The mentally ill should not be allowed to vote."

--Mother Theresa


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5490 on: February 19, 2022, 06:16:41 PM »
"The mentally ill should not be allowed to vote."

--Mother Theresa

I'm not mentally ill. I just hate you and like the reaction to what I wrote clearly struck a chord. I'm glad it did, you weak Australian bitch. Sorry you got in your fee fee's, leftist scum. Find a good rope yet? Try the belt you're wearing. You've dehumanized me for months, including in your reply there. I will not spare a quarter. Go ahead. Kill yourself, fuck.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2022, 06:20:59 PM by Himu »


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5491 on: February 19, 2022, 06:20:53 PM »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5492 on: February 19, 2022, 06:24:45 PM »
I'd suggest you try this Potato but unfortunately guns are illegal in Australia.

Thankfully there's an option!



  • Senior's Member
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5493 on: February 19, 2022, 06:28:46 PM »
I'd suggest you try this Potato but unfortunately guns are illegal in Australia.

(Image removed from quote.)

Thankfully there's an option!

(Image removed from quote.)
Can confirm that they are not illegal and I wont be using mine to do that. But hey, you're a real peach of a human being. Let's hope you come to your senses and give up this ridiculous angry man cosplay you're currently doing. Maybe try getting really deep into knitting or something. Calm your nerves and you penchant for stupidity. Either way, I only wish you the best for your own sake. Stay safe and, remember, don't do anything drastic.

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I thought you put me on ignore? Maybe you should try that instead.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5494 on: February 19, 2022, 06:30:08 PM »
It's time Himu took a permanent walk in the park. 


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5495 on: February 19, 2022, 06:31:46 PM »
It's time Himu took a permanent walk in the park. 
Nah, we should try to help those who are lost. I do not support a ban at all.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5496 on: February 19, 2022, 06:32:06 PM »
Is it me that's wrong for regularly telling people to kill themselves?


No, it's the online liberals for criticizing me.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5497 on: February 19, 2022, 06:32:50 PM »
I'd suggest you try this Potato but unfortunately guns are illegal in Australia.

(Image removed from quote.)

Thankfully there's an option!

(Image removed from quote.)
Can confirm that they are not illegal and I wont be using mine to do that. But hey, you're a real peach of a human being. Let's hope you come to your senses and give up this ridiculous angry man cosplay you're currently doing. Maybe try getting really deep into knitting or something. Calm your nerves and you penchant for stupidity. Either way, I only wish you the best for your own sake. Stay safe and, remember, don't do anything drastic.

Wish me the best. You just called me mentally ill because I wrote something to get a rise. I'm doing pretty fucking great. I just don't like you and rather than give you a nice face I've decided to give you what you've given me for months. It's no sweat on my brow. It's just laughs and games on the internet.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5498 on: February 19, 2022, 06:34:27 PM »
It's time Himu took a permanent walk in the park. 
Nah, we should try to help those who are lost. I do not support a ban at all.

See. It's the online left moral grand standing. Help. Posts after accusing me of being mentally ill.

Your hypocrisy is showing leftist. You've chastised me for months for nothing more than disagreement.

Please, for my sake, kill yourself.

It's time Himu took a permanent walk in the park.

Hey at least I'd be in the park and outside. But that's something you're scared to do isn't it? Do you go to the park mask on or mask off?

« Last Edit: February 19, 2022, 06:39:00 PM by Himu »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5499 on: February 19, 2022, 06:37:04 PM »
Earlier you often made a distinction between liberals and leftists. Now you've twice conflated the two and accused Potato of being both, when he's pretty clearly not a leftist.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5500 on: February 19, 2022, 06:37:54 PM »
Earlier you often made a distinction between liberals and leftists. Now you've twice conflated the two and accused Potato of being both, when he's pretty clearly not a leftist.

He said earlier he's not a liberal. I assume he's a leftist because he's a domineering online asshat, which generally conflates to being a leftist.

Oh, I see what you mean. Yeah. My bad. I edited it to say "online left".


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5501 on: February 19, 2022, 06:42:55 PM »
It's time Himu took a permanent walk in the park. 
Nah, we should try to help those who are lost. I do not support a ban at all.

See. It's the online liberal moral grand standing. Help. Posts after accusing me of being mentally ill.

(Image removed from quote.)

Your hypocrisy is showing leftist. You've chastised me for months for nothing more than disagreement.

Please, for my sake, kill yourself.
But you quite clearly are mentally ill and need to seek some help.

Slow down and maybe when you find the next thing you're going to hyper-focus on, try to take it slow and ease into it rather than diving headfirst into whatever this is. I have had very few interactions with you since you took this massive heel-turn, you've just been raving against everyone and getting more and more angry with (probably ) yourself.

If you think this is harassment, then you need to man up and stop being a fucking snowflake (just like the liberals you apparently so despise).

There's a saying we have here (not sure if you have it there) that might help, "How about you have a cup of concrete and harden the fuck up!"


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5502 on: February 19, 2022, 06:45:41 PM »
I don't really consider it harassment. I just want dialogue and there's none to be had. Just mockery for pretty normal viewpoints. :yeshrug

Harden the fuck up? It's the internet. It's just games. Since you don't want any dialogue, why should I? I'll just shit post instead.

Let's be real: I'm not mentally ill. You're just being an asshat as usual. Since what I say doesn't garner any actual viewpoints beyond mockery I might as well just bait for a reaction. I'm really liking yours right now. I'm feeling pretty good. :)


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5503 on: February 19, 2022, 06:45:51 PM »
Earlier you often made a distinction between liberals and leftists. Now you've twice conflated the two and accused Potato of being both, when he's pretty clearly not a leftist.

He said earlier he's not a liberal. I assume he's a leftist because he's a domineering online asshat, which generally conflates to being a leftist.

Oh, I see what you mean. Yeah. My bad. I edited it to say "online left".

Of all the dumb fucking shit you have spewed recently, this is probably some of the dumbest fucking shit.

Get help.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5504 on: February 19, 2022, 06:46:42 PM »
Himu, you are a 4'2 mental midget and absolutely have some form of mental illness.  You've had like eight different personality crises in a decade and your new personality is based solely around being an antagonistic piece of shit.  Being a cunt might be laughs and games to you but it's annoying as shit to others.  We are not your therapist and not here to help you, and all you do here is spread brain rot, so get lost.   


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5505 on: February 19, 2022, 06:47:17 PM »
I think he's just fucking with you because you unnecessarily snipe at him and foreigners in general. Your personal foes aren't inherently political enemies, democratic politics is about building coalitions, not casting out anyone who dares cross you. A point you seem to grasp with the Democrats current woes but perhaps not with your MAGA chasing.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5506 on: February 19, 2022, 06:49:06 PM »
I think he's just fucking with you because you unnecessarily snipe at him and foreigners in general. Your personal foes aren't inherently political enemies, democratic politics is about building coalitions, not casting out anyone who dares cross you. A point you seem to grasp with the Democrats current woes but perhaps not with your MAGA chasing.

Unnecessarily snipe at him. I have on block for a reason. I legitimately hate him and I'm happy at this reaction.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5507 on: February 19, 2022, 06:49:07 PM »
I don't really consider it harassment. I just want dialogue and there's none to be had. Just mockery for pretty normal viewpoints. :yeshrug

Harden the fuck up? It's the internet. It's just games. Since you don't want any dialogue, why should I? I'll just shit post instead.

Let's be real: I'm not mentally ill. You're just being an asshat as usual. Since what I say doesn't garner any actual viewpoints beyond mockery I might as well just bait for a reaction. I'm really liking yours right now. I'm feeling pretty good. :)

"The mentally ill should not be allowed to vote."

--Mother Theresa

I'm not mentally ill. I just hate you and like the reaction to what I wrote clearly struck a chord. I'm glad it did, you weak Australian bitch. Sorry you got in your fee fee's, leftist scum. Find a good rope yet? Try the belt you're wearing. You've dehumanized me for months, including in your reply there. I will not spare a quarter. Go ahead. Kill yourself, fuck.



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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5508 on: February 19, 2022, 06:51:22 PM »
Himu, you are a 4'2 mental midget and absolutely have some form of mental illness.  You've had like eight different personality crises in a decade and your new personality is based solely around being an antagonistic piece of shit.  Being a cunt might be laughs and games to you but it's annoying as shit to others.  We are not your therapist and not here to help you, and all you do here is spread brain rot, so get lost.   

I haven't been an antagonistic piece of shit at all. You just don't like what I say, and you can't handle it. Which makes me giggle so I double down and down and down.

I said a pretty basic opinion: I am pro-vax but extremely anti-mandate and it was mocked. No dialogue. Just mockery. Time to double down. Then triple down. Just to spite you all while having giggles.

Let's be honest. This is an online persona. I'm not like this in real life. I absolutely will vote Republican but all this? It's all show. It's theatre and giggles because I'm the villain just for existing. If that's the case, I might as well play the part. The fact you think this thread and this forum is real life is the true mental illness.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5509 on: February 19, 2022, 06:51:57 PM »
I don't really consider it harassment. I just want dialogue and there's none to be had. Just mockery for pretty normal viewpoints. :yeshrug

Harden the fuck up? It's the internet. It's just games. Since you don't want any dialogue, why should I? I'll just shit post instead.

Let's be real: I'm not mentally ill. You're just being an asshat as usual. Since what I say doesn't garner any actual viewpoints beyond mockery I might as well just bait for a reaction. I'm really liking yours right now. I'm feeling pretty good. :)

"The mentally ill should not be allowed to vote."

--Mother Theresa

I'm not mentally ill. I just hate you and like the reaction to what I wrote clearly struck a chord. I'm glad it did, you weak Australian bitch. Sorry you got in your fee fee's, leftist scum. Find a good rope yet? Try the belt you're wearing. You've dehumanized me for months, including in your reply there. I will not spare a quarter. Go ahead. Kill yourself, fuck.


find a rope yet?


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5510 on: February 19, 2022, 06:54:48 PM »
I think he's just fucking with you because you unnecessarily snipe at him and foreigners in general. Your personal foes aren't inherently political enemies, democratic politics is about building coalitions, not casting out anyone who dares cross you. A point you seem to grasp with the Democrats current woes but perhaps not with your MAGA chasing.

Unnecessarily snipe at him. I have on block for a reason. I legitimately hate him and I'm happy at this reaction.

Make a decision fuckhead.

Am I on block or am I not?

Is it just "laughs and games on the internet" or are you really trying to insult me and tell me to kill myself?

Your own internal logic and philosophy is so twisted and confused at this point that I don't know if you are even capable of making a coherent point.

But whatever, by all means, go ahead and keep posting insane rants about the boogeyman liberals and leftists who are coming to take your rights away, while accusing me, of all people, of being one of those liberals and leftists.

You know you sound like one of those Fox News guests that even the Fox News hosts are embarassed about, right?


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5511 on: February 19, 2022, 06:56:57 PM »
You're on block, but I'm liking your reactions here so much I just keep clicking view post which is a simple click.

It's absolutely laughs on the internet and the fact you called me a fuckhead shows you're starting to show emotion. I'm getting a crack.

Do you prefer leather belts or the elastic kind?


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5512 on: February 19, 2022, 06:58:52 PM »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5513 on: February 19, 2022, 07:00:41 PM »
Unnecessarily snipe at him. I have on block for a reason. I legitimately hate him and I'm happy at this reaction.
I think it's pretty unnecessary to take shots at foreigners like you have, especially since they're just as welcome here. Nintex is on "your side" and you don't really target him, but Potato and Madrun and whoever else disagrees with you gets attacked for being foreigners and told to get out. All while most of your posts are just rants about "liberals" being jerks to you, even though your current dispute isn't really with "liberals" broadly but with COVID and homeless policies in New York City.

Maybe Potato is taking it too personally, I don't know, he just seems to be giving you some shit back rather than pursuing any kind of leftist agenda. (Madrun is trying to sow discord as is typical of the Canadian menace.)


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5514 on: February 19, 2022, 07:01:16 PM »



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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5515 on: February 19, 2022, 07:02:48 PM »
Unnecessarily snipe at him. I have on block for a reason. I legitimately hate him and I'm happy at this reaction.
I think it's pretty unnecessary to take shots at foreigners like you have, especially since they're just as welcome here. Nintex is on "your side" and you don't really target him, but Potato and Madrun and whoever else disagrees with you gets attacked for being foreigners and told to get out. All while most of your posts are just rants about "liberals" being jerks to you, even though your current dispute isn't really with "liberals" broadly but with COVID and homeless policies in New York City.

Maybe Potato is taking it too personally, I don't know, he just seems to be giving you some shit back rather than pursuing any kind of leftist agenda. (Madrun is trying to sow discord as is typical of the Canadian menace.)

In the past I simply reminded Potato he's injecting a non-American perspective onto my American viewpoint. Pretty simple. :yeshrug He took it personally (good) which is precisely I brought up Euros and Australians in the aforementioned post. Nice, easy, reaction.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5516 on: February 19, 2022, 07:05:21 PM »
Benji, I'm not trying to sow discord, I'm legit tired of seeing Himu's dumb fucking rants in every thread.  It's nintex bad but then also aggressive on top.   The forum would be better without Himu here.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5517 on: February 19, 2022, 07:06:02 PM »
Didn't really have anything to say other than

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Made you look dickhead!


  • Senior Member
Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5518 on: February 19, 2022, 07:06:26 PM »
even though your current dispute isn't really with "liberals" broadly but with COVID and homeless policies in New York City. I tell my perspective from my life and you've got the liberals coming out calling me stupid for feeling that way whether it's Stro or some non-American. Most are liberal so I apply it to liberals. But my main ire goes beyond homelessness and covid policies but liberal policies in general, to which the liberal response in this thread and forum confirm to me: the problem is liberals. Since the liberals are unwilling to engage when I was being intellectually honest and nice, why should they get respect returned? I am nice to those who are nice to me.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5519 on: February 19, 2022, 07:07:14 PM »
Didn't really have anything to say other than

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Made you look dickhead!

Nice avatar.