Recently I've got this urge to have a non-pirate machine on which I can replay Burnout 3, Silent Hill 2, etc. with HDMI and no memory cards easily. Yet the bc catalogue on the newer XbOnes doesn't look like it's growing anytime soon for the first Xbox. Plus there's almost no games I care about on their newer consoles anyway.
So I thought a 360 would be smarter to get if I want to waste some time during another shit year. I don't really know much about the hardware though. I once heard the original Xboxes break sooner or later, but I don't know about 360, except for the intial RoD units?
tbf there really isn't much I'm interested on for 360 except maybe Lost Odyssey and a couple of other exclusives. So when it comes to harddrive and other features I don't need much that goes beyond using it as Xbox bc. I guess Slim is the best for that? Apparently there's also a 360 E of which I've never heard about.