\Not the best route to go, but since fucking Tony Hawk Remake still isnt on any other platform.... I mean what could I do? Its still not available elsewhere, not even cracked.
Buy it with a legit account or on a console.
I have never spent a cent on EGS and never will.
OK. Keep missing out on all the free games they give out, bullshit-free, all the time. We've had this discussion before on here. I prefer to get games on Steam, but there's multiple storefronts out there and Epic isn't any different than the likes of Origin, UPlay, Battle.Net, etc. I'll likely get this game on EGS over a console. It's not a big deal.
I dont care about the free games man, I have so many games Ill never have the time to play them all. Also 90% of their free games, I already have. Epic is different, they tie up games to be exclusive to their storefront. Origin doesnt do that, Uplay doesnt do that, Battle.net doesnt do that (Im talking about third party games not developed by those companies). I dont want to support that.
I dont have a current gen console at the moment so that option is out. I will buy any EGS exclusive if it comes to Steam later, and it's good and I have interest in it. I just dont want to spend anything on a guy calling out "walled gardens" but in the meantime making his own walled garden of his own.
"I don't want to support THE EVIL EPIC, but I will pirate games instead!" OK. Really supporting those developers!
Who cares whether or not it's third-part or not? If you want to play all the games available on PC, you have to use multiple storefronts. If you don't like that, get a console- oh wait, they have exclusive third-party releases too.
Also, while it's nice to see EA put their games on Steam again, don't you need to still have Origin to play them? Ditto for the Ubi games. So boot up Steam to then boot up another storefront to then play the game.
Wrong. You shouldnt have to. That's what Epic is trying to enforce. Most if not all publishers have already returned to Steam. I am trying to not support that "multiple launcher is a neccesity" bs.
And yes, I would rather pirate games than buy them on Epic Games Store. The developers chose themselves to align on that store, they know the consequences of barely any sales on EGS. EGS games barely sell. Their ROI is horrible.
But Tim Sweeney gives them a big sack of money to pay for their exclusivity. Im fine with that, and I hope they are fine with me pirating their game untill I can purchase it on a launcher that I trust, have put my money towards and have built a library on.
Yes I have some games on Uplay. Yes I have some games on Origin. But those are publisher only games that were exclusive to that launcher because they themselves developed the game. I'm fine with that (although I see more positives to put the game on all launchers).
If developers want to succeed, and spread their chances, increase their userbase, then it might be smarter to not launch exclusively on EGS. But instead launch on all platforms!
Wasnt Tim Sweeney's big thing about choice being important? Wouldnt his 'exclusives' give more back to the consumer? Cheaper games? I have seen none of that. In fact I have seen games stay at their high price (Kingdom Hearts) because they are only available on EGS. Fuck all that bro.
PC space shouldnt splinter like the console space. It never was that way, and it shouldnt be that way.
Going pretty offtopic in all this but hey. I have all Saints Row games on Steam. Why would I want to get the fifth one somewhere else?