Author Topic: Other Forums Containment Thread  (Read 2179976 times)

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Polident Hive

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37500 on: January 15, 2023, 07:32:49 PM »
Ten warning signs of a potentially unsafe group/leader.

Absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability.
No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry.
No meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget, expenses such as an independently audited financial statement.
Unreasonable fear about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe, evil conspiracies and persecutions.
There is no legitimate reason to leave, former followers are always wrong in leaving, negative or even evil.
Former members often relate the same stories of abuse and reflect a similar pattern of grievances.
There are records, books, news articles, or television programs that document the abuses of the group/leader.
Followers feel they can never be "good enough".
The group/leader is always right.
The group/leader is the exclusive means of knowing "truth" or receiving validation, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible.

Ten warning signs regarding people involved in/with a potentially unsafe group/leader.

Extreme obsessiveness regarding the group/leader resulting in the exclusion of almost every practical consideration.
Individual identity, the group, the leader and/or God as distinct and separate categories of existence become increasingly blurred. Instead, in the follower's mind these identities become substantially and increasingly fused--as that person's involvement with the group/leader continues and deepens.
Whenever the group/leader is criticized or questioned it is characterized as "persecution".
Uncharacteristically stilted and seemingly programmed conversation and mannerisms, cloning of the group/leader in personal behavior.
Dependency upon the group/leader for problem solving, solutions, and definitions without meaningful reflective thought. A seeming inability to think independently or analyze situations without group/leader involvement.
Hyperactivity centered on the group/leader agenda, which seems to supercede any personal goals or individual interests.
A dramatic loss of spontaneity and sense of humor.
Increasing isolation from family and old friends unless they demonstrate an interest in the group/leader.
Anything the group/leader does can be justified no matter how harsh or harmful.
Former followers are at best-considered negative or worse evil and under bad influences. They can not be trusted and personal contact is avoided.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37501 on: January 15, 2023, 07:36:30 PM »
I think one of the funniest things about "social justice" Twitter is how often people ignore that people openly claim plural status on their profiles and we're supposed to act like they are totally rational and honest people.

It feels like one of these things that managed to slip by because of the need to be tolerant to everything, even when someone is clearly having issues and all the science tells us that there's no such thing as multiple personality disorder.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37502 on: January 15, 2023, 07:38:46 PM »
I'm convinced all that happens when we post the cult warning signs, in this or any other context where it's appropriate, is it just re-enforces that we're out to get everyone in the cult and steal them from its warm embrace.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37503 on: January 15, 2023, 07:43:55 PM »
I think one of the funniest things about "social justice" Twitter is how often people ignore that people openly claim plural status on their profiles and we're supposed to act like they are totally rational and honest people.

It feels like one of these things that managed to slip by because of the need to be tolerant to everything, even when someone is clearly having issues and all the science tells us that there's no such thing as multiple personality disorder.
The last part doesn't even matter to me because like 95% of these people don't even keep the lies going or consistent let alone try to match some fake condition from movies, the number of "plural" idiots on Twitter who are never any personality "fronting" except their main one is easily a supermajority.

Though I do love pointing out that anyone who claims knowledge of their alters is inherently proving they don't actually have it. "Self-diagnosis" is the only way to achieve this because even the speculated DID (formerly MPD) requires it to be detrimental to your functioning because you don't have control or knowledge of when you've disassociated. All the potential cases involve blacking out not watching another personality take "control" let alone being able to reassume control. (If you know your mental disorders, this is also key to why they speculate it's not an actual thing.)

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37504 on: January 15, 2023, 07:49:05 PM »
Don't remain friends. How are you in love?
I've been "dating"(taking her out shopping and going out for dinner etc) with her for the past few months even though technically we aren't official. She tells me she has a lot going on in her life and wants to take things slow, but she never shows me any signs of affection outside of giving me hugs. I'm afraid I'm going to get too invested when things are going nowhere. She's all I think about. :/
So to be clear… you take her shopping? As in you buy her things, and she hasn’t even kissed you or shown any affection?

Sure sounds like she’s taking advantage, no one “takes it slow” to the point of seeing each other for months without showing any affection. You gotta get away from this woman.
Yes. No kissing, holding hands, or anything verbal. She's a co-worker, but maybe moving soon and wants me to move with her


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37505 on: January 15, 2023, 07:49:23 PM »
Meanwhile Slayven is off telling his comic book pals about whitey's weird obsession with trains


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37506 on: January 15, 2023, 07:59:21 PM »

:lol @ her twitter

Why are they always furries? Why are they always hyper sexual and creepy? Why are they always “lesbians”? :lol

Because these are terminally online incels that have decided they’re trans because they can’t get chicks

90% of them are like this; furry, hyper sexual, lesbian

Why do companies bend over backwards for these losers?

Your resident Trans Dragon Girl | Certified Scalie | 26 |
's dragon-girl gf | I ❤️ Au Ra | 🔞 | Trans Lesbian, She/Her | Autistic
That passionate queer girl on your timeline. Autistic, disabled, plural, and transgender.
 is my dragon girl GF, and
 is my headmate.
#ActuallyAutistic plural trans woman.
's headmate
She/her. Really likes Kirby!!  (੭。╹▿╹。)੭

Humouring the mentally ill was once seen as being cruel and objectionable these people are encouraged to put themselves on display.

This person shouldn't be running free on society. They should be in an institution to sort their problems out before they hurt themselves or someone else.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37507 on: January 15, 2023, 07:59:36 PM »
Don't remain friends. How are you in love?
I've been "dating"(taking her out shopping and going out for dinner etc) with her for the past few months even though technically we aren't official. She tells me she has a lot going on in her life and wants to take things slow, but she never shows me any signs of affection outside of giving me hugs. I'm afraid I'm going to get too invested when things are going nowhere. She's all I think about. :/
So to be clear… you take her shopping? As in you buy her things, and she hasn’t even kissed you or shown any affection?

Sure sounds like she’s taking advantage, no one “takes it slow” to the point of seeing each other for months without showing any affection. You gotta get away from this woman.
Yes. No kissing, holding hands, or anything verbal. She's a co-worker, but maybe moving soon and wants me to move with her
TaySan, my man, you're here, don't listen to them exactly but do at least talk to her about this especially if she wants you to move. She might not be a bitch like they're suggesting, she might be shy too! Women are also people! Yeah, forcing an issue can be scary but if she's not taking advantage of you she'll forgive you, especially if this is what she wants but can't commit herself to. If she is taking advantage of you, you'll find out. What they're suggesting is just going to leave you wondering rather than resolving the issue. (Ironic considering Messofanego provides therapy to people in real life. Supposedly.)


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37508 on: January 15, 2023, 08:37:30 PM »
Don't listen to those sex offenders Taysan. The next time you see the little minx put her over your knee and give her a good spanking. Go on. You know she wants it.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37509 on: January 15, 2023, 08:42:56 PM »
Don't listen to those sex offenders Taysan. The next time you see the little minx put her over your knee and give her a good spanking. Go on. You know she wants it.
Don't give him problematic advice from a less progressive time, spankings are only for not store testing the coffee:


  • TheBore rulez
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37510 on: January 15, 2023, 08:52:09 PM »

Now making the echo chamber comment, very good. ‘Just asking questions’ ‘playing devils advocates’ ‘having a discussion’ etc. You are very transparent.

A forum website where asking questions, playing devils advocate, or discussing is looked on as sus, side eyes, I See You.

Asking questions is wrong to these people!  You can't ask questions!  What?

Defending ideology and positions is SOOOOooo boring and tiresome. Just accept it wholesale like a good little soldier.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37511 on: January 15, 2023, 08:54:11 PM »
We still don’t know shit about Roiland charges but it sounds that at very least, he was creep like Pyrocynical and Projared, something that is bad but dunno to the grade of cancellation. Some reporter talking about him like he was rich enough to pull a Weinstein for years pre-2020, something that sounds insane given the MeToo years.

Definitely sounds like he is an annoying creep, at very least. But dunno if he is Weisntein or just a Warren Ellis (everyone knew he was creep, even if not outright malicious, and nobody had a problem with it until Netflix Castlevania). The worst case scenario is being a John. K , killing everything he touched.

Hap Shaughnessy

  • Canadian Ambassador to Guam (Ret.)
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37512 on: January 15, 2023, 08:58:55 PM »

:cop User banned (permanent): troll account
Quote from: snakeenjoyer1
Quote from: Servbot24
Impractical clothing isn't bad design. Sexist clothing and poorly composed clothing is bad design though, which that design is
>Local male forum dweller in a thread for criticism by women calls out professional female Japanese artist’s designs for being sexist and trash.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37513 on: January 15, 2023, 08:59:04 PM »


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37514 on: January 15, 2023, 08:59:28 PM »
Like, Patrick Klepek bitching about how everyone knew Roiland was a creep, but the dude hangs out with known grifter like Brianna Wu, like: “Trust me, bro. He is scum.”

Hap Shaughnessy

  • Canadian Ambassador to Guam (Ret.)
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37515 on: January 15, 2023, 09:03:27 PM »

Now making the echo chamber comment, very good. ‘Just asking questions’ ‘playing devils advocates’ ‘having a discussion’ etc. You are very transparent.

A forum website where asking questions, playing devils advocate, or discussing is looked on as sus, side eyes, I See You.

Asking questions is wrong to these people!  You can't ask questions!  What?
:cop User Banned (Permanent): Dismissing sexual assault and human trafficking
Quote from: Microsoft
I don't know about things he has done. I don't know if the allegations against him are true. I'm inclined to believe they aren't, but if there's hard evidence, obviously i won't deny it. However, one day he just started popping up on my YouTube feed. And i started watching most his videos. I tend to agree with almost everything he says, and the advice he tells young men to do. Basically, don't be lazy, work out, focus on yourself, try to make money, and don't date promiscuous girls, don't simp. I like to consider myself a level headed guy, i can usually tell who is a bad influence. I do not think Andrew Tate is a bad influence. Keep in mind I'm basing my opinion from his advice. What he says when the cameras are pointed at him. He could totally be a piece of shit behind the scenes, but his advice is still good advice imo.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37516 on: January 15, 2023, 09:06:39 PM »
We still don’t know shit about Roiland charges but it sounds that at very least, he was creep like Pyrocynical and Projared, something that is bad but dunno to the grade of cancellation. Some reporter talking about him like he was rich enough to pull a Weinstein for years pre-2020, something that sounds insane given the MeToo years. .

That part seems strange to me because I can't really imagine that a cartoon show would make you "untouchable" rich, especially when we're talking years ago


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37517 on: January 15, 2023, 09:08:52 PM »

:cop User banned (permanent): troll account
Quote from: snakeenjoyer1
Quote from: Servbot24
Impractical clothing isn't bad design. Sexist clothing and poorly composed clothing is bad design though, which that design is
>Local male forum dweller in a thread for criticism by women calls out professional female Japanese artist’s designs for being sexist and trash.

Poor guy thought they cared about the opinion of women  :girlaff


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37518 on: January 15, 2023, 09:18:02 PM »
We still don’t know shit about Roiland charges but it sounds that at very least, he was creep like Pyrocynical and Projared, something that is bad but dunno to the grade of cancellation. Some reporter talking about him like he was rich enough to pull a Weinstein for years pre-2020, something that sounds insane given the MeToo years. .

That part seems strange to me because I can't really imagine that a cartoon show would make you "untouchable" rich, especially when we're talking years ago
I have to be honest with you, I don't think the guy who created a single somewhat popular cable TV cartoon is similar to one of the most powerful independent producers to ever exist in Hollywood.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37519 on: January 15, 2023, 09:18:45 PM »
We still don’t know shit about Roiland charges but it sounds that at very least, he was creep like Pyrocynical and Projared, something that is bad but dunno to the grade of cancellation. Some reporter talking about him like he was rich enough to pull a Weinstein for years pre-2020, something that sounds insane given the MeToo years. .

That part seems strange to me because I can't really imagine that a cartoon show would make you "untouchable" rich, especially when we're talking years ago

I mean, I totally see Rick & Morty being big… but dunno if Bill Cosby Show big or Harvey Weinstein big. Right now it sounds like he is pervert and a drunkard. But how many “he was grooming me” shit a lot of YouTubers suffered these past years from, ironically, people that were also asshole and perverts.

Until we know more about the case, it sounds like the only thing confirmed is that he should stop drinking and interacting with fans of any kind.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37520 on: January 15, 2023, 09:21:22 PM »
We can all tell ourselves that deep down they don't really believe that any white cishet male gets the same privilege as a Trump or Weinstein or a Musk or a Gates or a Buffet or etc. but they certainly are intent on making clear that yes, they really do honestly believe this is the case.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37521 on: January 15, 2023, 09:32:20 PM »
Benji, what do you think about being able to maintain a case like this in low profile for 2 years? Doesn’t sound particularly anormal if you have competent lawyers and your case is not outright case closed, specially since it sounds like both parties wanted to keep it private.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37522 on: January 15, 2023, 09:46:36 PM »
2 years to start proceedings is not abnormal, and for one thing COVID happened. You can't keep it "low profile" unless nobody actually cares. If she is not cooperating and isn't truly interested in pursuing it, that ties the states hands because she is the only evidence they have. This is the original thing about "rape culture", not the absurd new thing where accusations mean guilt, that it was relatively easy to intimidate victims into silence and often the state would be an active participant in that. This isn't the case anymore, you think prosecutors don't want to bust some faintly known "star" if they have good evidence? That they're going to drop it because of the powerful strings Justin Roiland can pull rather than a slam dunk that'll put them in the papers?

Do men get away with this stuff too much? Maybe! We have no idea how many do though, let alone whether it should apply to any individual case and establishing a standard where the police are supposed to be even more encouraged or maybe even mandated to pursue shitty cases is really what all of us here on the ACAB right side of history want to do?

This is why they always fall back to "well, just because he wasn't found guilty doesn't mean I can't still hate him for it." Well, yeah, great, but nobody has to give a shit what you think.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37523 on: January 15, 2023, 10:12:40 PM »

Lots of concern dismissing going on  :popcorn

This kind of sounds like Square would have been better off just making the main character a white girl. Far less chance of any controversy.

oh wait, FF16 where the writers room is exclusively Japanese guys got in trouble for not enough black characters

His outerhaven twitter profile has 4000+ followers and zero likes on their tweets.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37524 on: January 15, 2023, 10:55:09 PM »
Two years for a homicide case to start is completely normal.  This amazement is the usual Era crowd after a white shooter targets black people.  They ask, "why does he get a trial?  Someone is going to defend him?  He's allowed to face his accusers?  Sounds about White!"

And then some black arab kid sets a bomb in a playground and Fox News says, "OMG, the state is giving him rights?  Who is his lawyer, let's go firebomb his house. Never in history has . . ."  Those same Era types then call the Fox News guys dumb. 

Polident Hive

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37525 on: January 15, 2023, 11:18:31 PM »
Like, Patrick Klepek bitching about how everyone knew Roiland was a creep, but the dude hangs out with known grifter like Brianna Wu, like: “Trust me, bro. He is scum.”

Embarrassing to admit I tried following waypoint way back after liking Austin at giant bomb. There was an instance where they were going after some teenager making edgy remarks. Weirdos retaliated by finding Patrick’s photobucket account from his 20s… full of edgy racist and sexist remarks. Shocking. Think they addressed it with the stock “he was but a boy!” Point is, if you’re gonna get caught, make sure you’ve already been born again.

Hap Shaughnessy

  • Canadian Ambassador to Guam (Ret.)
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37526 on: January 15, 2023, 11:24:40 PM »

Quote from: Blackie
Yes, I believe this still rings true. This very topic, and Sagan's thoughts in particular, have been on my mind a lot these past few years.

We live in, despite all the bad new, dangers, etc., what I can't help but feel might be the apex, and golden age, of the human race upon this planet (barring a secret Atlantis, or Battlestar Gallactica past, in our history). Standards of living, science, literature, television, movies, videogames, art, philosophy, etc., all seem, again, at least to me, like they have never been better (not for all, of course, but many). I find myself constantly amazed by what we as a species have accomplished, and are still accomplishing, driving society, progress, invention, creativity ever more forward...

But no, it's not all good. I could spend all day listing the things that disappoint, worry, or terrify me, from civil rights, to nuclear war, climate change...

But to adhere to the point of this topic most appropriately? And address what may be, if not at the root of all our problems, than at least, possibly, most? Fear. Anti-intellectualism. Demagogues, and demons.

We as a species may, in the aggregate, have a reach that has exceeded our grasp. We may have bitten off more than we can safely chew. The wondrous progress, knowledge, and nearly God-like powers we have amassed hold, perhaps, equal or greater risks to us when not used safely, by the right people, with the right mindsets.

Does that mean I think we will necessarily blow ourselves up, or poison the planet to 100% death, create a terminator scenario, the matrix, planet of the apes, Frankenstein's monster, or become some non-human monsters ourselves? Yes and no. Yes it's possible, but that is not really my worry. As a science fiction fan I want the Star Trek utopia future, or something like it, and the only way to get there is to keep pushing, risks and all.

No, what I mean is that our education systems have been failing us, and perhaps the base code of our species as well.

Change can be frightening. Very frightening for some. Confusion too. We want to know. We crave knowledge, and the mastery, safety it gives us. As a species we have thrived, set ourselves apart from other animals for 1000s of years because of our hyper inquisitive nature, "outsmarting" our so-called lesser, inferior animal neighbors, domination of them and the planet. Knowledge meant prosperity. Ignorance meant death.

But for many now, sadly, the world makes little to no sense. They don't understand how things work anymore. Heck, they hardly did 100 years ago. Social structures. Self identities. Technology... I mean, I consider myself well educated, a science lover, technology fetishizer, have spent countless hours, days, weeks, months, years of my life studying, reading, researching tech and science, and much of the devices, technologies, and discoveries we have, and are still improving and evolving today boggle my mind.

For me? It just drives me to learn more, understand better. For others? Without my passions, inclinations and history? Who couldn't escape, unharmed, from repressive homes, peer groups, institutions with more open and adventurous minds in tact? Understandably, there is an impulse to go back. To reverse the clock to when things "made sense". To say modern society is wrong, and getting wronger. To want to, perhaps, burn it all down, ala luddites, or fight club, or x y z.

I believe my viewpoint is "better", insofar as I am generally more informed than they, process things in a more logical and consistent way, and am supported by healthier, less self destructive impulses. I believe that the achievement of their misguided goals will not make them happy, and is instead just an endless rabbit hole of scapegoating, demagoguery, and decline on all fronts. But a part of me does, at least a little, appreciate their predicament.

Change is scary. Progress is disorienting. Remaining in the same place, static, unchanging, immortal in ideology and lifestyle, has a certain smotheringly safe, stale savor to it, and I mean that in all honesty. There are parts of myself, and likely parts of all of us, even Sagan, that we would never want to change without a fight.

And yet...

I still have hope. I still believe in this golden age of hours, warts, scars, self-devouring monsters and all. As a lover of fiction, epic fiction, science fiction and fantasy, our era has something of the tragic and heroic to it. A narrative of conflict, upheaval, dread and glory that appeals to me. Call me naive, but I still think we can pull through. Not that we will, but that it's possible. That we have the tools, knowledge, and brave figures willing to work hard, campaign, and push us all forward. Hell, I even believe the majority still basically want us to, that the opposition is still more a vocal minority than anything else.

Could I be wrong? Possibly.

Might we become idiocracy, or worse, a desolate hellscape devoid of life, or some dystopian nightmare? Possibly.

But life has never been guaranteed, and never will be, even if we go the route of Children of Time, can clone, upload our consciousness to machines, and achieve pseudo immortality and nearly true godhood.

Heat death. Universal contraction. Gamma Ray's. Alien invasions. Dimensional warping...

Anything could happen. The universe is infinite, maybe anything, everything already has, and will again.

But I still like our odds. I still relish the struggle. We have come far, almost farther than I can believe, and imagine. Who knows what the future may bring :D


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37527 on: January 15, 2023, 11:31:51 PM »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37528 on: January 15, 2023, 11:32:18 PM »

Quote from: Blackie
Yes, I believe this still rings true. This very topic, and Sagan's thoughts in particular, have been on my mind a lot these past few years.

We live in, despite all the bad new, dangers, etc., what I can't help but feel might be the apex, and golden age, of the human race upon this planet (barring a secret Atlantis, or Battlestar Gallactica past, in our history). Standards of living, science, literature, television, movies, videogames, art, philosophy, etc., all seem, again, at least to me, like they have never been better (not for all, of course, but many). I find myself constantly amazed by what we as a species have accomplished, and are still accomplishing, driving society, progress, invention, creativity ever more forward...

But no, it's not all good. I could spend all day listing the things that disappoint, worry, or terrify me, from civil rights, to nuclear war, climate change...

But to adhere to the point of this topic most appropriately? And address what may be, if not at the root of all our problems, than at least, possibly, most? Fear. Anti-intellectualism. Demagogues, and demons.

We as a species may, in the aggregate, have a reach that has exceeded our grasp. We may have bitten off more than we can safely chew. The wondrous progress, knowledge, and nearly God-like powers we have amassed hold, perhaps, equal or greater risks to us when not used safely, by the right people, with the right mindsets.

Does that mean I think we will necessarily blow ourselves up, or poison the planet to 100% death, create a terminator scenario, the matrix, planet of the apes, Frankenstein's monster, or become some non-human monsters ourselves? Yes and no. Yes it's possible, but that is not really my worry. As a science fiction fan I want the Star Trek utopia future, or something like it, and the only way to get there is to keep pushing, risks and all.

No, what I mean is that our education systems have been failing us, and perhaps the base code of our species as well.

Change can be frightening. Very frightening for some. Confusion too. We want to know. We crave knowledge, and the mastery, safety it gives us. As a species we have thrived, set ourselves apart from other animals for 1000s of years because of our hyper inquisitive nature, "outsmarting" our so-called lesser, inferior animal neighbors, domination of them and the planet. Knowledge meant prosperity. Ignorance meant death.

But for many now, sadly, the world makes little to no sense. They don't understand how things work anymore. Heck, they hardly did 100 years ago. Social structures. Self identities. Technology... I mean, I consider myself well educated, a science lover, technology fetishizer, have spent countless hours, days, weeks, months, years of my life studying, reading, researching tech and science, and much of the devices, technologies, and discoveries we have, and are still improving and evolving today boggle my mind.

For me? It just drives me to learn more, understand better. For others? Without my passions, inclinations and history? Who couldn't escape, unharmed, from repressive homes, peer groups, institutions with more open and adventurous minds in tact? Understandably, there is an impulse to go back. To reverse the clock to when things "made sense". To say modern society is wrong, and getting wronger. To want to, perhaps, burn it all down, ala luddites, or fight club, or x y z.

I believe my viewpoint is "better", insofar as I am generally more informed than they, process things in a more logical and consistent way, and am supported by healthier, less self destructive impulses. I believe that the achievement of their misguided goals will not make them happy, and is instead just an endless rabbit hole of scapegoating, demagoguery, and decline on all fronts. But a part of me does, at least a little, appreciate their predicament.

Change is scary. Progress is disorienting. Remaining in the same place, static, unchanging, immortal in ideology and lifestyle, has a certain smotheringly safe, stale savor to it, and I mean that in all honesty. There are parts of myself, and likely parts of all of us, even Sagan, that we would never want to change without a fight.

And yet...

I still have hope. I still believe in this golden age of hours, warts, scars, self-devouring monsters and all. As a lover of fiction, epic fiction, science fiction and fantasy, our era has something of the tragic and heroic to it. A narrative of conflict, upheaval, dread and glory that appeals to me. Call me naive, but I still think we can pull through. Not that we will, but that it's possible. That we have the tools, knowledge, and brave figures willing to work hard, campaign, and push us all forward. Hell, I even believe the majority still basically want us to, that the opposition is still more a vocal minority than anything else.

Could I be wrong? Possibly.

Might we become idiocracy, or worse, a desolate hellscape devoid of life, or some dystopian nightmare? Possibly.

But life has never been guaranteed, and never will be, even if we go the route of Children of Time, can clone, upload our consciousness to machines, and achieve pseudo immortality and nearly true godhood.

Heat death. Universal contraction. Gamma Ray's. Alien invasions. Dimensional warping...

Anything could happen. The universe is infinite, maybe anything, everything already has, and will again.

But I still like our odds. I still relish the struggle. We have come far, almost farther than I can believe, and imagine. Who knows what the future may bring :D

That's cool and all but he doesn't seem to know what apex or golden age would imply. Not that he isn't right in spirit and especially needs to hear it sometimes.


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37529 on: January 16, 2023, 12:49:07 AM »

Quote from: Uncivilized Elk, post: 99743176, member: 58124
Do guillotine memes still (stupidly) get you a ban here?

Daffy Duck

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37530 on: January 16, 2023, 02:23:10 AM »
I think one of the funniest things about "social justice" Twitter is how often people ignore that people openly claim plural status on their profiles and we're supposed to act like they are totally rational and honest people.

What is a plural? Never heard of this before and have no idea what it means

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37531 on: January 16, 2023, 03:23:30 AM »
Do not move in with her. Things aren't going anywhere. You're just spending time with her and that's not love, it's an obsession. This just seems like a one sided transactional relationship. You deserve someone who shows you affection and does things for you. It has to be a two way street.

Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37532 on: January 16, 2023, 03:34:13 AM »
I think one of the funniest things about "social justice" Twitter is how often people ignore that people openly claim plural status on their profiles and we're supposed to act like they are totally rational and honest people.

What is a plural? Never heard of this before and have no idea what it means

Effectively multiple personalities.  They have their own terminology like "headmates" (which can apparently die including the "dominant" personality of the body itself).  There is at least one ex-Era staff that claims to be a plural system (their headmates have their own twitter accounts).

Frankly, progressives are not ready for plurality if it becomes a civil rights battle  Assuming it actually turns into one of course and doesn't just go the way of otherkin that was pretty agreed on to be mental illness.  If we take an objective stance and assume it's real, it will genuinely be a nightmare that will split people's opinions down the middle and probably lead to some new terminology similar to TERF that separates the pro-plural progressives from the anti-plural ones.  There are so many fucked up scenarios (many of which have been tackled in fiction) that makes a rights battle for plurals extremely difficult.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37533 on: January 16, 2023, 03:44:03 AM »
Hey Cosmic, how you doing?

Daffy Duck

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37534 on: January 16, 2023, 04:14:15 AM »
I think one of the funniest things about "social justice" Twitter is how often people ignore that people openly claim plural status on their profiles and we're supposed to act like they are totally rational and honest people.

What is a plural? Never heard of this before and have no idea what it means

Effectively multiple personalities.  They have their own terminology like "headmates" (which can apparently die including the "dominant" personality of the body itself).  There is at least one ex-Era staff that claims to be a plural system (their headmates have their own twitter accounts).

Frankly, progressives are not ready for plurality if it becomes a civil rights battle  Assuming it actually turns into one of course and doesn't just go the way of otherkin that was pretty agreed on to be mental illness.  If we take an objective stance and assume it's real, it will genuinely be a nightmare that will split people's opinions down the middle and probably lead to some new terminology similar to TERF that separates the pro-plural progressives from the anti-plural ones.  There are so many fucked up scenarios (many of which have been tackled in fiction) that makes a rights battle for plurals extremely difficult.

That is, for want of a better word, mental.

Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37535 on: January 16, 2023, 04:22:12 AM »
Hey Cosmic, how you doing?

I hate my life, myself, and the way the world works, but slightly less than I did at this point in 2022.  How about you?


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37536 on: January 16, 2023, 06:52:51 AM »
I do not underestimate the work required to feel ‘slightly less bad’ in these times. Respect.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37537 on: January 16, 2023, 07:11:34 AM »
Hey Cosmic, how you doing?

I hate my life, myself, and the way the world works, but slightly less than I did at this point in 2022.  How about you?

Damn. I'm sorry about that. What happened?

Things are good here.


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37538 on: January 16, 2023, 07:14:59 AM »
We still don’t know shit about Roiland charges but it sounds that at very least, he was creep like Pyrocynical and Projared, something that is bad but dunno to the grade of cancellation. Some reporter talking about him like he was rich enough to pull a Weinstein for years pre-2020, something that sounds insane given the MeToo years. .

That part seems strange to me because I can't really imagine that a cartoon show would make you "untouchable" rich, especially when we're talking years ago

In my head he's just doing like, 5 different voices to reporters talking about what a great guy he is, like that time trump pretended to be his own publicist

"aw jeez, no these accusation can't be true aw jeez, he's a really great guy aw jeez"


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37539 on: January 16, 2023, 07:22:16 AM »
This Andrew Tate stuff is confusing me, because I do not know or care who the fuck he is, but on one hand you have people (eg era) acting like hes a slam dunk proven rapist and the nail in his coffin was a pizza box, but on the other hand you have the reality that the authorities let him go for supposed rape + kidnap + trafficking charges in a matter of hours because he got SWATed with those as fake allegations that turned out to be fake.

And I can't help but think of Keffals who literally orchestrated their own fake swatting and got treated like a martyr, versus this guy whose Swatting is being treated as the final piece of evidence.

I fucking hate the internet sometimes.


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37540 on: January 16, 2023, 07:43:45 AM »
I remember an R&M episode where Rick murders The King of Jellybeans or whatever his name was for trying to sexually assault Morty. WTF was going through his head when he was writing and voicing both of those characters? Proactively portraying himself as fighting child abuse to get ahead of inevitable abuse would be an insanely cynical move, but I guess it's possible that's what he was doing.



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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37541 on: January 16, 2023, 07:47:25 AM »
And locked.

Too much of this thread is a list thread and has thus been locked.

Lol. List threads are banned now apparently


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37542 on: January 16, 2023, 08:19:44 AM »
Andrew Tate bragged about having....over 30 cars? And spending all that money? It's not a good look and kind of pathetic.


Daffy Duck

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37543 on: January 16, 2023, 09:03:20 AM »
And locked.

Too much of this thread is a list thread and has thus been locked.

Lol. List threads are banned now apparently

Hahahahahahaha, they haven’t got the balls to say “stop saying the wizard game!” I bet the reports were nuts with people visibly shaking with rage reading the posts


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37544 on: January 16, 2023, 09:13:47 AM »
Lol, the same dude made a similar thread for last month that remains unlocked. You can find them for most months if you Google, in fact, particularly when it’s a stacked month. I wonder what changed.

Pissy F Benny

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37545 on: January 16, 2023, 09:25:19 AM »
Tate is basically Roger Stone for zoomers :trumps

Taco Bell Tower

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  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37547 on: January 16, 2023, 10:15:11 AM »
Quote from: Crossing Eden
A (yes it's homophobic) joke made during a slideshow at a presentation is not actually indicative of how they legitimately approached the design process.

User banned (1 month): Dismissing concerns of homophobia over a series of posts. Prior bans for dismissive commentary.

Quote from: Crossing Eden
I'm being completely straightforward to you. You're lying to us all right now. You are deliberately presenting a revisionist history to downplay the homophobia that went into making this game.
Like deadass how dare you call me a liar without actually watching the thing you're criticizing. Or at best misremembering it.

Hell, if you think i'm lying, then please, report me to the mods to see if i've said anything false in the above paragraph. I've provided time stamps, Would YOU like to provide quotes and timestamps?

Prove i'm lying. I'll wait. Again, here's the readily available video. I provided timestamps. If you would like to quote him, by all means, do so. By my knowledge i'm not making shit up AND I called out that yes, the brokeback mountain thing was blatant homophobia.


  • TheBore rulez
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37548 on: January 16, 2023, 10:18:06 AM »
Quote from: Crossing Eden
A (yes it's homophobic) joke made during a slideshow at a presentation is not actually indicative of how they legitimately approached the design process.

User banned (1 month): Dismissing concerns of homophobia over a series of posts. Prior bans for dismissive commentary.

Quote from: Crossing Eden
I'm being completely straightforward to you. You're lying to us all right now. You are deliberately presenting a revisionist history to downplay the homophobia that went into making this game.
Like deadass how dare you call me a liar without actually watching the thing you're criticizing. Or at best misremembering it.

Hell, if you think i'm lying, then please, report me to the mods to see if i've said anything false in the above paragraph. I've provided time stamps, Would YOU like to provide quotes and timestamps?

Prove i'm lying. I'll wait. Again, here's the readily available video. I provided timestamps. If you would like to quote him, by all means, do so. By my knowledge i'm not making shit up AND I called out that yes, the brokeback mountain thing was blatant homophobia.

(Image removed from quote.)

 :neogaf :gladbron :heh :lawd :sabu :preach

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37549 on: January 16, 2023, 10:23:21 AM »
Quote from: Crossing Eden
A (yes it's homophobic) joke made during a slideshow at a presentation is not actually indicative of how they legitimately approached the design process.

User banned (1 month): Dismissing concerns of homophobia over a series of posts. Prior bans for dismissive commentary.

Quote from: Crossing Eden
I'm being completely straightforward to you. You're lying to us all right now. You are deliberately presenting a revisionist history to downplay the homophobia that went into making this game.
Like deadass how dare you call me a liar without actually watching the thing you're criticizing. Or at best misremembering it.

Hell, if you think i'm lying, then please, report me to the mods to see if i've said anything false in the above paragraph. I've provided time stamps, Would YOU like to provide quotes and timestamps?

Prove i'm lying. I'll wait. Again, here's the readily available video. I provided timestamps. If you would like to quote him, by all means, do so. By my knowledge i'm not making shit up AND I called out that yes, the brokeback mountain thing was blatant homophobia.

(Image removed from quote.)
What's the line Ree loves to use a lot... oh yeah, fuck around and find out lol


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37550 on: January 16, 2023, 10:23:38 AM »
I always knew Crossing Eden was homophobic. Probably a TERF and trans genocider too.


  • TheBore rulez
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37551 on: January 16, 2023, 10:28:04 AM »
In other Constructive Discussion news...

Quote from: MechaX
So there was a ban in this thread that, honestly, several posters in the thread and myself found pretty mystifying:

Personally with the OP, I have never really seen any history of trolling or posting sexualized images in my entire time being on Era (if anything given what I have seen from the OP over the years, it was likely just pointing out similar designs for that kind of a woman character in early to mid 90s fighting games), so I honestly don't have an idea what the mod is talking about here.

But that notwithstanding, what is exactly the rule or take away from this ban going forward? The images posted were not especially sexual, but mostly characters in standing poses or fighting stances wearing the same or similar 90s anime ninja-adjacent outfit and stuff. One gif does have breast jiggles, but if that is something ban worthy in of itself, I kinda wish the mod just made that clear so there's a clear standard going forward for the community, especially for fighting games. Threads that cover Street Fighter 6 or Bayonetta might as well be turned into graveyards at this point because what exactly tipped OP's topic over the line is pretty vague right now.

Quote from: Android Sophia
Nothing about that ban seems odd to me - their original post was entirely female characters with some sort of sexualized aspect in them. A number of them have breasts prominent, an emphasis on legs, and/or boobs jiggling. The follow up post where the ban was placed immediately starts with boobs jiggling. They also had another post after that which was ALSO just an image of a woman with boobs jiggling. The ban message is an accurate description, and if anything, staff went light with a week ban. Had I been staff still, I almost certainly would have pushed for the month ban because that kind of behavior in a public place is creepy and disturbing to me as a woman.

Quote from: Morrigan
Agreed with Sophia, that thread totally came across as an excuse to spam pics of a sexualized characters to ogle her. And the follow-up posts with more boob jiggling make that intention completely transparent. It's creepy-ass behaviour honestly. A week is light and y'all are whining?

Edit: checking the thread and this one too, of course it's all dudes whining about the ban. Fucking Christ, so predictable you can set your watch to it. 😂 PSA on how not to get banned, male posters: stop being a fucking creep

Quote from: Joe2187
That's an asinine justification for a ban when the context of the thread was entirely about that.

It's a thread about 90s era fighting game character designs. It's all official art from the games, like highlighting the sexualization of the designs is now a bannable offense?

I didn't think we need to overly explain ourselves in every post whenever we post something without fear of being banned now, but I guess here we are.

You have multiple people in the thread being extremely confused at the ban, when it was a lighthearted thread


Quote from: Android Sophia
Keep in mind, I'm not staff anymore. I don't have any say in this beyond my personal opinion. So it's possible they feel differently than me or have more to add.

But it's honestly one of the most clear cut bans I've seen at Era. You can see the obvious intent by how Jaded Alyx posted only sexualized characters and posted multiple animated gifs of boobs bouncing around. The few posts that weren't this were replies to others, and the only male character they posted was a link to a Fandom page with no images of the character posted in the thread.

It's also very clear that the topic itself is valid. Expies and similarly designed characters are commonplace among fighting games from that era. The topic resonated with a lot of posters, and even Transistor himself acknowledged that the topic is valid. The fact that they didn't remove the images makes it even more obvious that intent was a considering factor in the ban.

If you wanna make the thread, maybe write a new OP and run it by Transistor to see if it gets the OK to post it. I'm sure if you genuinely want to discuss the topic and can show you have a good OP for discussing it that it'll be allowed.

But don't pretend that Jaded Alyx wasn't just horny posting. Unless you are going to sit here and tell me that somehow the only examples they personally could find were all somehow women. With large breasts. And legs. And that they had to post three animated booby jiggling images across three different posts in the thread.

Quote from: Mr. Snuffleupagus
Goodbye all Nier threads.

Quote from: Toasty
His post coincides with the breakers rerelease. The post is about an observation he made from the game and others all the while using official art. This idea here that jaded is a creepy horny poster just comes across really shitty when the op itself was actually super tame.

Quote from: Siege.exe
Even if you wanted to take the worst possible interpretation of why that thread was created, I don't think you can look at that explanation post and not think something else is going on there. When you claim that someone has a history of that kind of behavior as justification for the action taken, and everyone else familiar with that person says "um, that's blatantly untrue"... that's taking things a step further than the content of that thread. Proceeding to close the thread after that claim so nobody can question it is also a really weird move. Now you're left to look at Jaded's post history, and when you don't see a history of trolling/horny posting, it just looks like somebody saw an opportunity to tear down a person they don't like with no consequences. I'm not expecting anyone to come out and admit as much, but making the leap to lying about somebody's character instead just saying like "after further review, we stand by this decision" is kinda wack.

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37552 on: January 16, 2023, 10:30:44 AM »
I love how CE tried to shame someone for their join date
So you'll acknowledge this, but not how much fan input taken into account for DmC DE.
Crossing Eden
This is a weird post given how recently you joined this website. 😬

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37553 on: January 16, 2023, 10:38:15 AM »
In other Constructive Discussion news...

Quote from: MechaX
So there was a ban in this thread that, honestly, several posters in the thread and myself found pretty mystifying:

Personally with the OP, I have never really seen any history of trolling or posting sexualized images in my entire time being on Era (if anything given what I have seen from the OP over the years, it was likely just pointing out similar designs for that kind of a woman character in early to mid 90s fighting games), so I honestly don't have an idea what the mod is talking about here.

But that notwithstanding, what is exactly the rule or take away from this ban going forward? The images posted were not especially sexual, but mostly characters in standing poses or fighting stances wearing the same or similar 90s anime ninja-adjacent outfit and stuff. One gif does have breast jiggles, but if that is something ban worthy in of itself, I kinda wish the mod just made that clear so there's a clear standard going forward for the community, especially for fighting games. Threads that cover Street Fighter 6 or Bayonetta might as well be turned into graveyards at this point because what exactly tipped OP's topic over the line is pretty vague right now.

Quote from: Android Sophia
Nothing about that ban seems odd to me - their original post was entirely female characters with some sort of sexualized aspect in them. A number of them have breasts prominent, an emphasis on legs, and/or boobs jiggling. The follow up post where the ban was placed immediately starts with boobs jiggling. They also had another post after that which was ALSO just an image of a woman with boobs jiggling. The ban message is an accurate description, and if anything, staff went light with a week ban. Had I been staff still, I almost certainly would have pushed for the month ban because that kind of behavior in a public place is creepy and disturbing to me as a woman.

Quote from: Morrigan
Agreed with Sophia, that thread totally came across as an excuse to spam pics of a sexualized characters to ogle her. And the follow-up posts with more boob jiggling make that intention completely transparent. It's creepy-ass behaviour honestly. A week is light and y'all are whining?

Edit: checking the thread and this one too, of course it's all dudes whining about the ban. Fucking Christ, so predictable you can set your watch to it. 😂 PSA on how not to get banned, male posters: stop being a fucking creep

Quote from: Joe2187
That's an asinine justification for a ban when the context of the thread was entirely about that.

It's a thread about 90s era fighting game character designs. It's all official art from the games, like highlighting the sexualization of the designs is now a bannable offense?

I didn't think we need to overly explain ourselves in every post whenever we post something without fear of being banned now, but I guess here we are.

You have multiple people in the thread being extremely confused at the ban, when it was a lighthearted thread


Quote from: Android Sophia
Keep in mind, I'm not staff anymore. I don't have any say in this beyond my personal opinion. So it's possible they feel differently than me or have more to add.

But it's honestly one of the most clear cut bans I've seen at Era. You can see the obvious intent by how Jaded Alyx posted only sexualized characters and posted multiple animated gifs of boobs bouncing around. The few posts that weren't this were replies to others, and the only male character they posted was a link to a Fandom page with no images of the character posted in the thread.

It's also very clear that the topic itself is valid. Expies and similarly designed characters are commonplace among fighting games from that era. The topic resonated with a lot of posters, and even Transistor himself acknowledged that the topic is valid. The fact that they didn't remove the images makes it even more obvious that intent was a considering factor in the ban.

If you wanna make the thread, maybe write a new OP and run it by Transistor to see if it gets the OK to post it. I'm sure if you genuinely want to discuss the topic and can show you have a good OP for discussing it that it'll be allowed.

But don't pretend that Jaded Alyx wasn't just horny posting. Unless you are going to sit here and tell me that somehow the only examples they personally could find were all somehow women. With large breasts. And legs. And that they had to post three animated booby jiggling images across three different posts in the thread.

Quote from: Mr. Snuffleupagus
Goodbye all Nier threads.

Quote from: Toasty
His post coincides with the breakers rerelease. The post is about an observation he made from the game and others all the while using official art. This idea here that jaded is a creepy horny poster just comes across really shitty when the op itself was actually super tame.

Quote from: Siege.exe
Even if you wanted to take the worst possible interpretation of why that thread was created, I don't think you can look at that explanation post and not think something else is going on there. When you claim that someone has a history of that kind of behavior as justification for the action taken, and everyone else familiar with that person says "um, that's blatantly untrue"... that's taking things a step further than the content of that thread. Proceeding to close the thread after that claim so nobody can question it is also a really weird move. Now you're left to look at Jaded's post history, and when you don't see a history of trolling/horny posting, it just looks like somebody saw an opportunity to tear down a person they don't like with no consequences. I'm not expecting anyone to come out and admit as much, but making the leap to lying about somebody's character instead just saying like "after further review, we stand by this decision" is kinda wack.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37554 on: January 16, 2023, 10:57:59 AM »
In other Constructive Discussion news...

Quote from: MechaX
So there was a ban in this thread that, honestly, several posters in the thread and myself found pretty mystifying:

Personally with the OP, I have never really seen any history of trolling or posting sexualized images in my entire time being on Era (if anything given what I have seen from the OP over the years, it was likely just pointing out similar designs for that kind of a woman character in early to mid 90s fighting games), so I honestly don't have an idea what the mod is talking about here.

But that notwithstanding, what is exactly the rule or take away from this ban going forward? The images posted were not especially sexual, but mostly characters in standing poses or fighting stances wearing the same or similar 90s anime ninja-adjacent outfit and stuff. One gif does have breast jiggles, but if that is something ban worthy in of itself, I kinda wish the mod just made that clear so there's a clear standard going forward for the community, especially for fighting games. Threads that cover Street Fighter 6 or Bayonetta might as well be turned into graveyards at this point because what exactly tipped OP's topic over the line is pretty vague right now.

Quote from: Android Sophia
Nothing about that ban seems odd to me - their original post was entirely female characters with some sort of sexualized aspect in them. A number of them have breasts prominent, an emphasis on legs, and/or boobs jiggling. The follow up post where the ban was placed immediately starts with boobs jiggling. They also had another post after that which was ALSO just an image of a woman with boobs jiggling. The ban message is an accurate description, and if anything, staff went light with a week ban. Had I been staff still, I almost certainly would have pushed for the month ban because that kind of behavior in a public place is creepy and disturbing to me as a woman.

Quote from: Morrigan
Agreed with Sophia, that thread totally came across as an excuse to spam pics of a sexualized characters to ogle her. And the follow-up posts with more boob jiggling make that intention completely transparent. It's creepy-ass behaviour honestly. A week is light and y'all are whining?

Edit: checking the thread and this one too, of course it's all dudes whining about the ban. Fucking Christ, so predictable you can set your watch to it. 😂 PSA on how not to get banned, male posters: stop being a fucking creep

Quote from: Joe2187
That's an asinine justification for a ban when the context of the thread was entirely about that.

It's a thread about 90s era fighting game character designs. It's all official art from the games, like highlighting the sexualization of the designs is now a bannable offense?

I didn't think we need to overly explain ourselves in every post whenever we post something without fear of being banned now, but I guess here we are.

You have multiple people in the thread being extremely confused at the ban, when it was a lighthearted thread


Quote from: Android Sophia
Keep in mind, I'm not staff anymore. I don't have any say in this beyond my personal opinion. So it's possible they feel differently than me or have more to add.

But it's honestly one of the most clear cut bans I've seen at Era. You can see the obvious intent by how Jaded Alyx posted only sexualized characters and posted multiple animated gifs of boobs bouncing around. The few posts that weren't this were replies to others, and the only male character they posted was a link to a Fandom page with no images of the character posted in the thread.

It's also very clear that the topic itself is valid. Expies and similarly designed characters are commonplace among fighting games from that era. The topic resonated with a lot of posters, and even Transistor himself acknowledged that the topic is valid. The fact that they didn't remove the images makes it even more obvious that intent was a considering factor in the ban.

If you wanna make the thread, maybe write a new OP and run it by Transistor to see if it gets the OK to post it. I'm sure if you genuinely want to discuss the topic and can show you have a good OP for discussing it that it'll be allowed.

But don't pretend that Jaded Alyx wasn't just horny posting. Unless you are going to sit here and tell me that somehow the only examples they personally could find were all somehow women. With large breasts. And legs. And that they had to post three animated booby jiggling images across three different posts in the thread.

Quote from: Mr. Snuffleupagus
Goodbye all Nier threads.

Quote from: Toasty
His post coincides with the breakers rerelease. The post is about an observation he made from the game and others all the while using official art. This idea here that jaded is a creepy horny poster just comes across really shitty when the op itself was actually super tame.

Quote from: Siege.exe
Even if you wanted to take the worst possible interpretation of why that thread was created, I don't think you can look at that explanation post and not think something else is going on there. When you claim that someone has a history of that kind of behavior as justification for the action taken, and everyone else familiar with that person says "um, that's blatantly untrue"... that's taking things a step further than the content of that thread. Proceeding to close the thread after that claim so nobody can question it is also a really weird move. Now you're left to look at Jaded's post history, and when you don't see a history of trolling/horny posting, it just looks like somebody saw an opportunity to tear down a person they don't like with no consequences. I'm not expecting anyone to come out and admit as much, but making the leap to lying about somebody's character instead just saying like "after further review, we stand by this decision" is kinda wack.

"Pictures of a pixel woman and her boobs jiggle in some of the examples, so creepy"

"Yes, totally creepy!"

But don't call them prudes  :wag

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37555 on: January 16, 2023, 11:01:39 AM »
Goodbye all Nier threads.
I feel like the fact that it's like 50 images is the important point here. There's really no reason to use that many to make a point about character design, so it's kinda sus to have that many (and also given how when it came to male characters OP posted only a wiki article from what I've seen).

Like I can believe that OP really did make that thread with genuine intentions but there's definitely some sexist biases at play then.
Sexist? :lol


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37556 on: January 16, 2023, 11:18:13 AM »
I always knew Crossing Eden was homophobic. Probably a TERF and trans genocider too.
Has anybody ever seen marrec, Crossing Eden and Joanne in the same place?

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37557 on: January 16, 2023, 11:18:43 AM »
In other Constructive Discussion news...

Quote from: MechaX
So there was a ban in this thread that, honestly, several posters in the thread and myself found pretty mystifying:

Personally with the OP, I have never really seen any history of trolling or posting sexualized images in my entire time being on Era (if anything given what I have seen from the OP over the years, it was likely just pointing out similar designs for that kind of a woman character in early to mid 90s fighting games), so I honestly don't have an idea what the mod is talking about here.

But that notwithstanding, what is exactly the rule or take away from this ban going forward? The images posted were not especially sexual, but mostly characters in standing poses or fighting stances wearing the same or similar 90s anime ninja-adjacent outfit and stuff. One gif does have breast jiggles, but if that is something ban worthy in of itself, I kinda wish the mod just made that clear so there's a clear standard going forward for the community, especially for fighting games. Threads that cover Street Fighter 6 or Bayonetta might as well be turned into graveyards at this point because what exactly tipped OP's topic over the line is pretty vague right now.

Quote from: Android Sophia
Nothing about that ban seems odd to me - their original post was entirely female characters with some sort of sexualized aspect in them. A number of them have breasts prominent, an emphasis on legs, and/or boobs jiggling. The follow up post where the ban was placed immediately starts with boobs jiggling. They also had another post after that which was ALSO just an image of a woman with boobs jiggling. The ban message is an accurate description, and if anything, staff went light with a week ban. Had I been staff still, I almost certainly would have pushed for the month ban because that kind of behavior in a public place is creepy and disturbing to me as a woman.

Quote from: Morrigan
Agreed with Sophia, that thread totally came across as an excuse to spam pics of a sexualized characters to ogle her. And the follow-up posts with more boob jiggling make that intention completely transparent. It's creepy-ass behaviour honestly. A week is light and y'all are whining?

Edit: checking the thread and this one too, of course it's all dudes whining about the ban. Fucking Christ, so predictable you can set your watch to it. 😂 PSA on how not to get banned, male posters: stop being a fucking creep

Quote from: Joe2187
That's an asinine justification for a ban when the context of the thread was entirely about that.

It's a thread about 90s era fighting game character designs. It's all official art from the games, like highlighting the sexualization of the designs is now a bannable offense?

I didn't think we need to overly explain ourselves in every post whenever we post something without fear of being banned now, but I guess here we are.

You have multiple people in the thread being extremely confused at the ban, when it was a lighthearted thread


Quote from: Android Sophia
Keep in mind, I'm not staff anymore. I don't have any say in this beyond my personal opinion. So it's possible they feel differently than me or have more to add.

But it's honestly one of the most clear cut bans I've seen at Era. You can see the obvious intent by how Jaded Alyx posted only sexualized characters and posted multiple animated gifs of boobs bouncing around. The few posts that weren't this were replies to others, and the only male character they posted was a link to a Fandom page with no images of the character posted in the thread.

It's also very clear that the topic itself is valid. Expies and similarly designed characters are commonplace among fighting games from that era. The topic resonated with a lot of posters, and even Transistor himself acknowledged that the topic is valid. The fact that they didn't remove the images makes it even more obvious that intent was a considering factor in the ban.

If you wanna make the thread, maybe write a new OP and run it by Transistor to see if it gets the OK to post it. I'm sure if you genuinely want to discuss the topic and can show you have a good OP for discussing it that it'll be allowed.

But don't pretend that Jaded Alyx wasn't just horny posting. Unless you are going to sit here and tell me that somehow the only examples they personally could find were all somehow women. With large breasts. And legs. And that they had to post three animated booby jiggling images across three different posts in the thread.

Quote from: Mr. Snuffleupagus
Goodbye all Nier threads.

Quote from: Toasty
His post coincides with the breakers rerelease. The post is about an observation he made from the game and others all the while using official art. This idea here that jaded is a creepy horny poster just comes across really shitty when the op itself was actually super tame.

Quote from: Siege.exe
Even if you wanted to take the worst possible interpretation of why that thread was created, I don't think you can look at that explanation post and not think something else is going on there. When you claim that someone has a history of that kind of behavior as justification for the action taken, and everyone else familiar with that person says "um, that's blatantly untrue"... that's taking things a step further than the content of that thread. Proceeding to close the thread after that claim so nobody can question it is also a really weird move. Now you're left to look at Jaded's post history, and when you don't see a history of trolling/horny posting, it just looks like somebody saw an opportunity to tear down a person they don't like with no consequences. I'm not expecting anyone to come out and admit as much, but making the leap to lying about somebody's character instead just saying like "after further review, we stand by this decision" is kinda wack.

"Pictures of a pixel woman and her boobs jiggle in some of the examples, so creepy"

"Yes, totally creepy!"

But don't call them prudes  :wag
Sophia's gf out in Reddit getting upset how Sophia has huge tits and was told she shouldn't expect them to get much bigger :thinking


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37558 on: January 16, 2023, 11:21:14 AM »
In other Constructive Discussion news...

Quote from: Android Sophia
But don't pretend that Jaded Alyx wasn't just horny posting. Unless you are going to sit here and tell me that somehow the only examples they personally could find were all somehow women. With large breasts. And legs.


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #37559 on: January 16, 2023, 11:21:41 AM »
Seeing Crossing Eden getting eviscerated and dogpiled in that thread and his hypocrisy plainly called out was hilarious, especially from someone who regularly instigate and engage in dogpiles themselves.