Author Topic: Other Forums Containment Thread  (Read 2201320 times)

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  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46200 on: March 31, 2023, 02:20:09 PM »
Quote from: Jessi77
I ranted somewhere else about this earlier. There is no ideology. No TRA. There is no agenda. It's not a cause, it's not a's not a political debate. We are real humans living our real human lives trying to live them to the best of our ability which to truly be happy and free thanks to being transgender especially those of us with Dysphoria (in my case literally life disrupting and destroying my quality of life and ability to hold romantic relationships) involves living openly about who we are and in a lot of cases medically transitioning.

When I say there is no TRA, I mean most of us don't want to be activists of any sort. Most would like to go stealth not for passing sake, and even though it helps not for safety. Mostly so we can just go on with our fucking lives without being reminded we are trans twenty four hours a day and able to just be people. As I like to say me being trans is probably the least most interesting thing about me, but due to the current world it's the only thing that matters to most people to the point they see me as an object not a person. And that includes allies and people on the same political side because while they are on the side of support, they still see us as objects or a cause to support, not actual people.

So you end up in a situation where we are forced to be activists against our will, and standing up to speak for ourselves because we are the only ones who will. Of course we are angry and yell and don't care about the high road or "how we come off" because we are a community that isn't a bunch of activists but we're forced to be, speaking up for ourselves while not being listened to and forcing ourselves in is the only way to be heard and we are also scared because we are on the eighth step of the ten recognized steps of genocide. So we are screaming and yelling for our survival with no true allies with a world that at best thinks of us as a political cause and worst trash to be eliminated and we are stuck at one percent of population with not enough numbers to affect anything forced to stand up and yell anyway because it's our literal lives and no one stands with us.

So yes we are mostly not activists that are scared, tired, have been treated inhumanely and just want to live our lives in peace, so yes it's not pretty, and if you cannot handle that or thinks it drives people away you were never an allie and they never were going to be.

We need action.Donating and voting is great, but we need bodies that are willing to stand up and also risk persecution and arrest, that will speak with us (not for us) that understand we are only one percent of the population and without cis allies willing to do actual work and scream along with us loud and constantly we are fucked, because we literally will never number enough to have voting or economic power.And it has to be loud and constant and uncomfortable or nothing changes. For all the talk about peaceful protests and the right way to do things (and I am not condoning violence) nothing ever changes unless the people being protested feel super uncomfortable and their lives are disrupted I'm pretty sure lunch counter sit ins did more than 100 marches, because it actually grinded business to a halt and stopped the flow of white people money. Same principle, it needs to bring consequences back on them and often, and that can be done legally and non-violently but only if you're willing to throw out decorum and high road bullshit. If your wrestling pigs your going to get muddy.

I don't know if this post is helpful or not but the thread and IceCrashRadio 's passion made me think of all this, which has actually been on my mind a lot, especially in the last few days with everything going on and the ramping up of rhetoric against us, mixed with the fact I have hit the point in transition there is no more hiding, even boy mode hoodies are failing to hide my breasts. And it doesn't matter even if I could hide I won't, I'm out and I am never going back and I will fight for that and even if I have to die even though don't want to I'll happily give my life through all this so in the future some other trans person doesn't have to through the same shit, because I love and care about my community, both in general worldwide and my personal friends many who I met right here and more than a few I have taken the transition journey with, they are my family now, and we deserve to be seen as human and live our human lives just like anyone else and that's a hill I would literally die on.

I thought the Tennessee police department weren't releasing the manifesto....?


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46201 on: March 31, 2023, 02:26:39 PM »

Quote from: Jessi77
We are real humans living our real human lives trying to live them to the best of our ability which to truly be happy and free thanks to being transgender especially those of us with Dysphoria (in my case literally life disrupting and destroying my quality of life and ability to hold romantic relationships)

Yeah, thats the reason, and you're clearly so much better off now


  • Have You Ever
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46202 on: March 31, 2023, 02:27:26 PM »
So you end up in a situation where we are forced to be activists against our will, and standing up to speak for ourselves because we are the only ones who will. Of course we are angry and yell and don't care about the high road or "how we come off" because we are a community that isn't a bunch of activists but we're forced to be, speaking up for ourselves while not being listened to and forcing ourselves in is the only way to be heard and we are also scared because we are on the eighth step of the ten recognized steps of genocide.

"I want something specific, and it is of incredible importance to me, even a matter of life and death. I care so much about this thing that I refuse to even try to be strategic, tactical, persuasive, or use a modicum of intelligence in order to get it."


Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46203 on: March 31, 2023, 02:33:13 PM »
So after a day and a half of inactivity, somebody bumps the Tennessee shooter thread either due to legitimate cultural differences or, you know, to troll:
Quote from: CaptainTunisia
Quote from: plagiarize
Seeing constant misgendering of the killer sucks.
it is a horrible person that deserves no respect.
Quote from: plagiarize
But maybe we can learn and see less children *die* in the future.
I totally agree. If you push some community to the extreme not all of them will keep protesting peacefully also if you are in a community and you think you are the only one that is right and others are inferior terrorism is the natural result of that.
Quote from: CaptainTunisia
I am from Tunisia we suffered lot of terrorism last decade (fortunately it stopped) I have no respect to these terrorists and I really think about them less than any disgusting thing you can imagine. so this terrorist who murdered children has no right to get its identity respected. you can see I doubled down on it because it is not human to kill kids.

This goes over about how you'd expect.

The two big standouts are mostly Jessi77 ranting about gender identity being like 'blonde or tall', and the importance of respecting people's identity while also totally botching the spelling of Caitlyn Jenner's name:
Quote from: Jessi77
Yeah it is, you can fuck right off. You're saying our identities are only valid if we behave the way you want. Which says you don't really think we are the gender we say. And using "it" is user disrespectful, transphobic, and the language used by people that kill trans people. Yes the shooter is a horrible person that deserves no respect, but their gender identity is a reality like blonde or tall, not something you can give or take. Katelyn Jenner is a horrible person and people are dead because of her, but she is still a woman.

So yeah, go crawl back in your transphobic hole we don't need you here, especially when your behavior is the same type as those who would genocide people like me, so by your logic I could call you a terrorist and decide your not human.

But mostly just HE SAID THE LINE:
Quote from: plagiarize
I'm just going to say this to the people who stepped up here.

Thank you.

I know that the mod badge at times puts me one foot outside of the various communities here, but I love you all. And today of all days is not the day for shit like that.


  • Have You Ever
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46204 on: March 31, 2023, 02:39:29 PM »
Quote from: Jessi77
Yeah it is, you can fuck right off. You're saying our identities are only valid if we behave the way you want.

I think some behaviors might suddenly make your identity less relevant to the conversation than your behavior

Greatness Gone

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46205 on: March 31, 2023, 02:45:20 PM »
I know that the mod badge at times puts me one foot outside of the various communities here, but I love you all. And today of all days is not the day for shit like that.
I fucking hate when they start talking like this. Every time the insincere, over the top platitudes come out it's always over some BULLSHIT topic.


  • Have You Ever
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46206 on: March 31, 2023, 02:49:27 PM »
look, at the end of the day, when it really comes down to it, we're a community here. we are united by our common interests, through love and mutual respect that runs much deeper than in other communities. we care about each other -- all it takes is a cursory glance at threads like this to acknowledge that fact. love WILL triumph. community WILL enrich us. mod, mod captain, admin, senior user, junior user...all of us are in this together, and no one can drive a wedge between us. much respect.


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46207 on: March 31, 2023, 02:51:48 PM »
look, at the end of the day, when it really comes down to it, we're a community here. we are united by our common interests, through love and mutual respect that runs much deeper than in other communities. we care about each other -- all it takes is a cursory glance at threads like this to acknowledge that fact. love WILL triumph. community WILL enrich us. mod, mod captain, admin, senior user, junior user...all of us are in this together, and no one can drive a wedge between us. much respect.



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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46208 on: March 31, 2023, 02:56:27 PM »
He got permed  :lol

When you find yourself defending murderers and rapists because they get misgendered its maybe time to pause and see how that looks to everyone else


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46209 on: March 31, 2023, 02:57:47 PM »

As long as they treat the IP with love and it's polished, their McDonald's ass open world template will sell like gangbusters just like Hogwarts did.



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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46210 on: March 31, 2023, 03:49:17 PM »

Quote from: Stath
Hope the people that were continuing to think this wasn't happening are feeling silly right now.

The score is still something like 20-1, and he's not in prison yet. :trumps

Being fair, this score is valued like 10 points given the historical significance.  :elon


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46211 on: March 31, 2023, 04:19:32 PM »
So after a day and a half of inactivity, somebody bumps the Tennessee shooter thread either due to legitimate cultural differences or, you know, to troll:
Quote from: CaptainTunisia
Quote from: plagiarize
Seeing constant misgendering of the killer sucks.
it is a horrible person that deserves no respect.
Quote from: plagiarize
But maybe we can learn and see less children *die* in the future.
I totally agree. If you push some community to the extreme not all of them will keep protesting peacefully also if you are in a community and you think you are the only one that is right and others are inferior terrorism is the natural result of that.
Quote from: CaptainTunisia
I am from Tunisia we suffered lot of terrorism last decade (fortunately it stopped) I have no respect to these terrorists and I really think about them less than any disgusting thing you can imagine. so this terrorist who murdered children has no right to get its identity respected. you can see I doubled down on it because it is not human to kill kids.

This goes over about how you'd expect.

The two big standouts are mostly Jessi77 ranting about gender identity being like 'blonde or tall', and the importance of respecting people's identity while also totally botching the spelling of Caitlyn Jenner's name:
Quote from: Jessi77
Yeah it is, you can fuck right off. You're saying our identities are only valid if we behave the way you want. Which says you don't really think we are the gender we say. And using "it" is user disrespectful, transphobic, and the language used by people that kill trans people. Yes the shooter is a horrible person that deserves no respect, but their gender identity is a reality like blonde or tall, not something you can give or take. Katelyn Jenner is a horrible person and people are dead because of her, but she is still a woman.

So yeah, go crawl back in your transphobic hole we don't need you here, especially when your behavior is the same type as those who would genocide people like me, so by your logic I could call you a terrorist and decide your not human.

But mostly just HE SAID THE LINE:
Quote from: plagiarize
I'm just going to say this to the people who stepped up here.

Thank you.

I know that the mod badge at times puts me one foot outside of the various communities here, but I love you all. And today of all days is not the day for shit like that.

Funny how this was the only time Jessi stepped into that thread. You'd think someone who posted again and again about how trans people need to buy guns would have to say more about this shooting.

Also, it is kind of funny how even the hardcore trans members seem to forget that "it" is a pronoun some people use for themselves, meaning it is not dehumanizing


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46212 on: March 31, 2023, 04:20:34 PM »

Thread’s not public before anyone asks

Quote from: Bufbaf, post: 103489664, member: 1860
(Image removed from quote.)

Happy T-Day :)



Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46213 on: March 31, 2023, 04:25:29 PM »
I know that the mod badge at times puts me one foot outside of the various communities here, but I love you all. And today of all days is not the day for shit like that.
I fucking hate when they start talking like this. Every time the insincere, over the top platitudes come out it's always over some BULLSHIT topic.
Still waiting for B-Dubs to demod Cold Sun for playing that trans genocidal wizard game :bolo


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46214 on: March 31, 2023, 04:31:19 PM »

Thread’s not public before anyone asks

Quote from: Bufbaf, post: 103489664, member: 1860
(Image removed from quote.)

Happy T-Day :)

brb shooting some kids to celebrate T-Day

spoiler (click to show/hide)
In minecraft

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46215 on: March 31, 2023, 04:32:33 PM »
For gt7 alone it’s still worth it. I would have 0 regrets if that’s the only good VR experience I get out of it.
Spending $550+ just for GT7 sure is something.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46216 on: March 31, 2023, 04:32:47 PM »
Having to hide the trans day of visibility thread


Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46217 on: March 31, 2023, 04:43:09 PM »
Still having Black Power logo instead of trans flag :hmph

Hap Shaughnessy

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46218 on: March 31, 2023, 05:40:15 PM »

Quote from: excelsiorlef

Quote from: plagiarize
This is good progress towards seeing it *lose money*. We can get there.

Quote from: Yesterzine
Go Fash, get Bashed.
EXCLUSIVE: JK Rowling’s production company Brontë Film and TV has posted a 74% drop in profits after Covid closed theatre performances of Harry Potter And The Cursed Child.

Hap Shaughnessy

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46219 on: March 31, 2023, 05:44:53 PM »

:cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Dismissive Commentary Around Disability
Quote from: writhingcorpse897
Quote from: GameAddict411
Also the convenience argument is laughable at best.
If someone has a disability that makes it difficult to work with small screws or dealing with installing stuff like SSDs then it could go from being a minor inconvenience to becoming almost impossible to do. Then they'd have to take it to a store and have them pay to do it if they don't have a friend or family member that can do it for them.


Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46220 on: March 31, 2023, 05:53:58 PM »
I'm confused too wth lol

Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46221 on: March 31, 2023, 06:54:26 PM »
Mentally unstable judge disqualifies child for not not having pronouns


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46222 on: March 31, 2023, 06:54:36 PM »

Quote from: IceCrashRadio, post: 103476635, member: 21411
I need to see more cis people in here, I'm calling out the allies you making your calls today? You don't get to go silent on trans visibility day.
Oof, no sweaty, I wouldn't want to center myself on trans visibility day of all days. :jeanluc


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46223 on: March 31, 2023, 07:04:45 PM »

Thread’s not public before anyone asks

Quote from: Bufbaf, post: 103489664, member: 1860
(Image removed from quote.)

Happy T-Day :)

All I'll say about this is that TransSalamander is a member of the "anarchocommunist" Tenacious Unicorn Ranch and you should not visit their Twitter profile at work or when children are nearby, not even to see how often they're neither anarchist nor communist.

Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46224 on: March 31, 2023, 07:05:10 PM »
The moment your bubble bursts and you realize all that support was coming from inside the house


Unshakable Resolve Avenger
Today at 9:56 AM
I need to see more cis people in here, I'm calling out the allies you making your calls today? You don't get to go silent on trans visibility day.

Edit: friend I'm going to ask for my era account to be deleted. Keep up the fight I'm going to focus on my own projects where I feel I can make a real difference.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46226 on: March 31, 2023, 07:14:58 PM »
Mentally unstable judge disqualifies child for not not having pronouns

It appeared that the judge became uncomfortable after Tran had an awkward laugh upon being asked his pronouns.

"OK, I just wanted to check to be safe. I go by they/them so don’t be a jerk about it,” the judge apparently responded.

Tran was escorted off the game stage by the head judge, to whom he explained that his nerves had caused him to laugh.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46227 on: March 31, 2023, 07:20:18 PM »
Mentally unstable judge disqualifies child for not not having pronouns

That judge is Tranphobic.

Greatness Gone

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46228 on: March 31, 2023, 07:21:22 PM »
Mentally unstable judge disqualifies child for not not having pronouns

It appeared that the judge became uncomfortable after Tran had an awkward laugh upon being asked his pronouns.

"OK, I just wanted to check to be safe. I go by they/them so don’t be a jerk about it,” the judge apparently responded.

Tran was escorted off the game stage by the head judge, to whom he explained that his nerves had caused him to laugh.
this is the type of unhinged society Ree advocates for.

there is no reason other than virtue signaling to ask someone what their pronouns are if they're unmistakably presenting as one of the two genders. Hope he gets his $800 back.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46229 on: March 31, 2023, 07:26:03 PM »
Quote from: Jessi77
but their gender identity is a reality like blonde or tall, not something you can give or take. ... so by your logic I could call you a terrorist and decide your not human.
Would you be willing to take this dispute to a panel of independent judges?

Quote from: Jessi77
It's not a cause, it's not a's not a political debate. We are real humans living our real human lives trying to live them to the best of our ability which to truly be happy and free ...

Mostly so we can just go on with our fucking lives without being reminded we are trans twenty four hours a day and able to just be people. As I like to say me being trans is probably the least most interesting thing about me, but due to the current world it's the only thing that matters to most people to the point they see me as an object not a person. And that includes allies and people on the same political side because while they are on the side of support, they still see us as objects ...

we're forced to be, speaking up for ourselves while not being listened to and forcing ourselves in is the only way to be heard and we are also scared because we are on the eighth step of the ten recognized steps of genocide. So we are screaming and yelling for our survival with no true allies ... forced to stand up and yell anyway because it's our literal lives and no one stands with us.

So yes we are mostly not activists that are scared, tired, have been treated inhumanely and just want to live our lives in peace, so yes it's not pretty, and if you cannot handle that or thinks it drives people away you were never an allie and they never were going to be.

We need action.Donating and voting is great, but we need bodies that are willing to stand up and also risk persecution and arrest, that will speak with us (not for us) that understand we are only one percent of the population and without cis allies willing to do actual work and scream along with us loud and constantly we are fucked, because we literally will never number enough to have voting or economic power.And it has to be loud and constant and uncomfortable or nothing changes. For all the talk about peaceful protests and the right way to do things (and I am not condoning violence) nothing ever changes unless the people being protested feel super uncomfortable and their lives are disrupted I'm pretty sure lunch counter sit ins did more than 100 marches, because it actually grinded business to a halt and stopped the flow of white people money. Same principle, it needs to bring consequences back on them and often, and that can be done legally and non-violently but only if you're willing to throw out decorum and high road bullshit. If your wrestling pigs your going to get muddy. ...

even if I have to die even though don't want to I'll happily give my life through all this so in the future some other trans person doesn't have to through the same shit ... we deserve to be seen as human and live our human lives just like anyone else and that's a hill I would literally die on.
I find the rhetoric here very interesting, it uses both claims of not being a cause or debate just people wanting to be left in peace while also demanding endless and constant duties of others to act in specific ways. Remember, it's not a cause or an agenda, but you need to disrupt all of life ceaselessly until... well, there's no cause so there's no known endpoint, the only thing that approaches that is Jessi's demand that others no longer see them as trans or that Jessi can't suspect you don't see them as people which isn't "wanting to live in peace" but a totalitarian state. Which of course Jessi isn't advocating for because this isn't a cause or political debate, you just have to do it or else Jessi wants all of society disrupted until you do what Jessi wants. And Jessi is willing to die for that non-cause.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46230 on: March 31, 2023, 07:30:19 PM »
"Uh, okay. Done."
"NOT LIKE THAT" :social

Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46231 on: March 31, 2023, 08:11:42 PM »

Hap Shaughnessy

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46232 on: March 31, 2023, 08:23:28 PM »

Quote from: Kyuuji
Quote from: xendless
Shit basically just covers the Strike stuff for BBC and Cursed Child theatre showings so it doesn't mean much
Doesn't touch HP in general
Allow me to take whatever shred of positive news I can in these times.


Pissy F Benny

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46233 on: March 31, 2023, 08:27:14 PM »
Hearing rumours that JK Rowling is desitute now :girlaff


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46234 on: March 31, 2023, 08:28:00 PM »

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46235 on: March 31, 2023, 08:33:12 PM »
Why am I getting a sense of deja vu? Just like the last thread we have some supposedly negative PSVR2 sales news, and the, "I KNEW IT!" crowd rushes in to let us know that they "knew it!" I'll just repeat my thoughts from that thread:

"Hypothetically if Sony does come out to refute this report, I wonder how many of the, "I knew it!" crowd in this thread would show up to admit they were wrong. Guessing not many at all."
Lot of angry Ree Sony Ponies mad users are giving PSVR2 negative opinions.

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46236 on: March 31, 2023, 08:41:37 PM »

Already more pages than certain other threads.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
More than the if you don't want trans people to die start giving a shit about them thread  :stahp
« Last Edit: March 31, 2023, 08:56:34 PM by Taco Bell Tower »

Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46237 on: March 31, 2023, 08:51:54 PM »
More people care about Wendy's than the Trans named Wendy

 :-* :-* :P

Straight Edge

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46238 on: March 31, 2023, 08:56:38 PM »

:cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Dismissive Commentary Around Disability
Quote from: writhingcorpse897
Quote from: GameAddict411
Also the convenience argument is laughable at best.
If someone has a disability that makes it difficult to work with small screws or dealing with installing stuff like SSDs then it could go from being a minor inconvenience to becoming almost impossible to do. Then they'd have to take it to a store and have them pay to do it if they don't have a friend or family member that can do it for them.


3 mods signed off on this
Oi Oi

Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46239 on: March 31, 2023, 08:59:42 PM »
the OP for "if you don't want trans people to die" checks out how they are expected to look


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46240 on: March 31, 2023, 09:00:07 PM »
I don't know how we're going to clean it up when the (possibility vast) majority of the population here at home disagrees with our values and ideals. They're generally not as combative and as openly conservative as their American counterparts, but they'll vote Poilievre and his conservatives in behind our backs if we don't do something fast. I'll be cleaning the house at the company I run after finding out people I personally hired and trusted to be progressive admitted to be planning to vote conservative in the next election. I am just waiting for the right time to maximize the impact of pulling the rug from under those bigots. We're at war now, and I will be acting accordingly.
Play it tactical.  :bolo

Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46241 on: March 31, 2023, 09:01:53 PM »
I don't know how we're going to clean it up when the (possibility vast) majority of the population here at home disagrees with our values and ideals. They're generally not as combative and as openly conservative as their American counterparts, but they'll vote Poilievre and his conservatives in behind our backs if we don't do something fast. I'll be cleaning the house at the company I run after finding out people I personally hired and trusted to be progressive admitted to be planning to vote conservative in the next election. I am just waiting for the right time to maximize the impact of pulling the rug from under those bigots. We're at war now, and I will be acting accordingly.
Play it tactical.  :bolo

the way this person is talking, they are prob voting conservative after seeing how the OP acts as a reaction

Hap Shaughnessy

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46242 on: March 31, 2023, 09:21:29 PM »
I don't know how we're going to clean it up when the (possibility vast) majority of the population here at home disagrees with our values and ideals. They're generally not as combative and as openly conservative as their American counterparts, but they'll vote Poilievre and his conservatives in behind our backs if we don't do something fast. I'll be cleaning the house at the company I run after finding out people I personally hired and trusted to be progressive admitted to be planning to vote conservative in the next election. I am just waiting for the right time to maximize the impact of pulling the rug from under those bigots. We're at war now, and I will be acting accordingly.
Play it tactical.  :bolo

Completely different from the place around here where you had to pretend to religious if you wanted to work there long term, though.

team filler

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46243 on: March 31, 2023, 10:47:56 PM »
He got permed  :lol

When you find yourself defending murderers and rapists because they get misgendered its maybe time to pause and see how that looks to everyone else

team filler

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46244 on: March 31, 2023, 10:50:29 PM »
this trans genocide talk is reminding me of the  q anon crazies and their talk of the biden fema  death  camps or whatever.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2023, 03:38:46 AM by team filler »

Polident Hive

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46245 on: March 31, 2023, 10:55:34 PM »
Very anecdotal, I don’t see people switching from voting democrat to voting republican. It’s more than they’re apathetic and won’t bother to vote. Speaking for myself, this is the least engaged with politics I’ve been, and I voted for Hillary Clinton.

Hap Shaughnessy

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46246 on: March 31, 2023, 10:59:48 PM »
this trans genocide talk is reminding me of the  q anon crazies and their talk of the biden fema camps or whatever.

Honestly, I have been waiting to see if Jessie77 ever brings up FEMA.


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46247 on: March 31, 2023, 11:08:43 PM »
this trans genocide talk is reminding me of the  q anon crazies and their talk of the biden fema camps or whatever.

FEMA camps are real, globalist  :info


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46248 on: March 31, 2023, 11:43:36 PM »
this trans genocide talk is reminding me of the  q anon crazies and their talk of the biden fema camps or whatever.
Honestly, I have been waiting to see if Jessie77 ever brings up FEMA.
FEMA camps are real, globalist  :info
Don't think I'm not side-eyeing you all right now as if we don't know the TERF BITCH would complain about putting trans women in FEMA camps. And on trans day of visibility.

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46249 on: April 01, 2023, 12:22:57 AM »
Because it's the same thing as saying "I would have bought an Xbox Series X day 1 if it had Breath of the Wild"

The game has been out for 3 years on another platform, made by a company with no incentive to bring it to competing platforms. If there's nothing on the new platform that excites you outside of a game that has no credible rumors hinting at a port with an already insanely slim chance of seeing a port, then I legitimately don't believe those people will spend $550 on a new platform to play it

People saying "Valve has ported stuff to consoles before" are conveniently ignoring how outside of one recent port of 10-15 year old games to Switch, we haven't seen Valve games on console in over 10 years, let alone Half Life being dormant for 15 years


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46251 on: April 01, 2023, 01:22:18 AM »
Jessi77 avoiding lengthy, unhinged, often unread posts challenge (impossible).


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46252 on: April 01, 2023, 03:14:16 AM »
the OP for "if you don't want trans people to die" checks out how they are expected to look

(Image removed from quote.)


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46253 on: April 01, 2023, 03:16:38 AM »
Well, they are right. It's menstruation leave. Not women leave.

Although that opens up the box (hehe) of having to prove you are menstruating.

Uh oh
Isn't it transphobic to say that a F2M doesn't have a penis?


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46254 on: April 01, 2023, 03:19:04 AM »

Quote from: Jessi77
I ranted somewhere else about this earlier. There is no ideology. No TRA. There is no agenda. It's not a cause, it's not a's not a political debate. We are real humans living our real human lives trying to live them to the best of our ability which to truly be happy and free thanks to being transgender especially those of us with Dysphoria (in my case literally life disrupting and destroying my quality of life and ability to hold romantic relationships) involves living openly about who we are and in a lot of cases medically transitioning.

When I say there is no TRA, I mean most of us don't want to be activists of any sort. Most would like to go stealth not for passing sake, and even though it helps not for safety. Mostly so we can just go on with our fucking lives without being reminded we are trans twenty four hours a day and able to just be people. As I like to say me being trans is probably the least most interesting thing about me, but due to the current world it's the only thing that matters to most people to the point they see me as an object not a person. And that includes allies and people on the same political side because while they are on the side of support, they still see us as objects or a cause to support, not actual people.

So you end up in a situation where we are forced to be activists against our will, and standing up to speak for ourselves because we are the only ones who will. Of course we are angry and yell and don't care about the high road or "how we come off" because we are a community that isn't a bunch of activists but we're forced to be, speaking up for ourselves while not being listened to and forcing ourselves in is the only way to be heard and we are also scared because we are on the eighth step of the ten recognized steps of genocide. So we are screaming and yelling for our survival with no true allies with a world that at best thinks of us as a political cause and worst trash to be eliminated and we are stuck at one percent of population with not enough numbers to affect anything forced to stand up and yell anyway because it's our literal lives and no one stands with us.

So yes we are mostly not activists that are scared, tired, have been treated inhumanely and just want to live our lives in peace, so yes it's not pretty, and if you cannot handle that or thinks it drives people away you were never an allie and they never were going to be.

We need action.Donating and voting is great, but we need bodies that are willing to stand up and also risk persecution and arrest, that will speak with us (not for us) that understand we are only one percent of the population and without cis allies willing to do actual work and scream along with us loud and constantly we are fucked, because we literally will never number enough to have voting or economic power.And it has to be loud and constant and uncomfortable or nothing changes. For all the talk about peaceful protests and the right way to do things (and I am not condoning violence) nothing ever changes unless the people being protested feel super uncomfortable and their lives are disrupted I'm pretty sure lunch counter sit ins did more than 100 marches, because it actually grinded business to a halt and stopped the flow of white people money. Same principle, it needs to bring consequences back on them and often, and that can be done legally and non-violently but only if you're willing to throw out decorum and high road bullshit. If your wrestling pigs your going to get muddy.

I don't know if this post is helpful or not but the thread and IceCrashRadio 's passion made me think of all this, which has actually been on my mind a lot, especially in the last few days with everything going on and the ramping up of rhetoric against us, mixed with the fact I have hit the point in transition there is no more hiding, even boy mode hoodies are failing to hide my breasts. And it doesn't matter even if I could hide I won't, I'm out and I am never going back and I will fight for that and even if I have to die even though don't want to I'll happily give my life through all this so in the future some other trans person doesn't have to through the same shit, because I love and care about my community, both in general worldwide and my personal friends many who I met right here and more than a few I have taken the transition journey with, they are my family now, and we deserve to be seen as human and live our human lives just like anyone else and that's a hill I would literally die on.

Didn't read. Assume it's something batshit crazy though.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46255 on: April 01, 2023, 03:21:07 AM »
You don't get to go silent on trans visibility day.

You don't get to sleep through this one..
Oh, you're visible alright. That's why no one is posting. They know the only outcome will be a ban so the ones with common sense bailed as soon as they saw it.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46256 on: April 01, 2023, 03:39:57 AM »
this trans genocide talk is reminding me of the  q anon crazies and their talk of the biden fema camps or whatever.
Honestly, I have been waiting to see if Jessie77 ever brings up FEMA.
FEMA camps are real, globalist  :info
Don't think I'm not side-eyeing you all right now as if we don't know the TERF BITCH would complain about putting trans women in FEMA camps. And on trans day of visibility.

FEMX :wag

Daffy Duck

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46257 on: April 01, 2023, 03:43:39 AM »


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46258 on: April 01, 2023, 03:47:07 AM »

Kamala Khan killed this game, it never had a chance.

Why do you keep ignoring people when they point out to you that Kamala as the protagonist was the one thing about the game that was overwhelmingly praised?

Seriously, it's a bad look when you're blaming the failure of the game on the PoC lead character with literally zero evidence to support the claim, despite a mountain of other documented reasons why the game failed.

You just keep repeating the same thing without pointing to a single shred of evidence.

User says wrongthing in marvel related thread, zeovagine does what he always does

One of the most annoying things about this cunt is that I'm pretty sure he's a movies only fan. Am i right in thinking he's not a comics guy?
« Last Edit: April 01, 2023, 07:29:13 AM by Potato »


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #46259 on: April 01, 2023, 05:50:16 AM »
I heard that Kamala Khan is more likable in the comics, but is clear she is pushed hard for the tumblerinas. Many fans that complain hard about diversity in comics are casual fans from the films, in any case. The type of fans that wanted to cancel Paul Levitz for pointing out that most comic fans are male in a QA (not even saying that there is no female fans, just that is obvious the demographic that comics attracted when he was writing Legion of Superheroes).

Most people hate Kamala Khan because she gets pushed hard by Marvel in comics and mainstream media.