If Trump loses that's the end. The war in Ukraine will continue and escalate into a never-ending war Afghanistan situation, the world economy will be further wrecked by climate zealots and unnecessary conflict, crime and corruption will run rampant.
Dude, are you for real? Have you heard Trump's "plans" to stop the Ukraine war in 24 hrs? When pressed for actual details (and if you take him at his word), escalation (the threat of it anyway) is the key to convince Putin to come and negotiate. Some escalation is bound to happen no matter who is US president in 2025.
That is if the war is not over by then. The Western alliance is more fragile than it looks when it comes to Ukraine. And Russia is on very shaky grounds economically and politically in the next few years. Sooner or later, negotiations are bound to happen no matter who is in the White House. We already have a rough outlook of how it will likely look like (some sort of rapid EU accession, Europe picking up most of the tab for reconstruction, US security guarantees instead of NATO membership, tough compromises on territory, some sort of token Chinese rubber stamp, flow of Western weapons continues).
If Ukraine does not make decisive gains soon, this is likely going to be a frozen conflict and 10-20 years from now, problems are bound to happen again since the peace was not won in a rush for a cease-fire.
Those in power knew that Ukraine did not have a force with enough training and weapons to pull off the counter attack. And they pressed on the attack anyway.
https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1683331924222255104I figured the whole thing was a bluff (and a rather smart one) at first. Ukraine threatens massive counter attack, Putin fears he might lose his precious Crimea.
Never in a million years did I expect the Ukrainians to drive $26 million tanks into minefields with no back-up or air cover. Just like I didn't expect Putin to be stupid enough to actually invade.
Anyway the tab for reconstruction has already been paid for in advance. Zelensky has sold out his country to Blackrock and other investment banks as well as the military industrial complex.
Based on all the fancy presentations Ukraine is basically going to be the perfect digital corporate dystopia. Make no mistake, after Syria and the attempt to go to war with Iran, Ukraine is the last stop for a proxy war with Russia.
After Ukraine there's only a direct conflict with Russia left. One that many in the US foreign policy establishment are willing to start sooner rather than later.
Biden will simply get a cue card: "YOU will launch OPERATION STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM to liberate Ukraine and free the people of the Russian Federation"