Author Topic: USA Politics Thread  (Read 306007 times)

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5520 on: November 07, 2024, 06:52:16 PM »
Someone posited that Elon will grow bored of being second fiddle to Grumpy McPoopypants, but I fear being handed purse-strings to the no-bid contracts will keep Musk interested for longer than most expect.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5521 on: November 07, 2024, 09:30:15 PM »
brb putting my pronouns in my email
« Last Edit: November 07, 2024, 09:35:57 PM by Himu »

Let's Cyber

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5522 on: November 07, 2024, 11:37:29 PM »
Someone posited that Elon will grow bored of being second fiddle to Grumpy McPoopypants, but I fear being handed purse-strings to the no-bid contracts will keep Musk interested for longer than most expect.
Trump eventually burns all bridges, there is a decent shot they have a major falling out within the next 6-18 months. But also Musk is such a pathetic, needy weirdo he might be in Trump's good graces for a long time.

I really hate that this shit is happening again, but this time we'll have a cabinet member with actual brainworms. RIP FDA. Can't wait to see the EPA gutted and rollbacks on both air and water quality protections, AGAIN.



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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5523 on: November 08, 2024, 06:49:04 AM »
I’ve given it a day to think. I’m beyond impressed Trump is already making strides to help the people when he’s not even in office. Guy has the rest of the world bending the knee and showing respect to our country. Hamas and Netanyahu want to end the war and are considering a ceasefire just hours after Trump became elect. Trump promises to deport many as soon as possible. We need our borders defended! It’s why I voted for Abbott. Trump called NYC mayor Eric Adams and they’re ending the vouchers and services for the migrants after Trump’s call. Trump even talked about lower sports ticket pricing and is out there fighting for the little guy. While seemingly “small” issue it’s not. People need leisure time and if things are too expensive to attend then the population gets more stressed out.

I didn’t vote for him but as a Republican I’m sold. I don’t like the rhetoric but he seems to get it. I’ll give him a chance.

Even worse, what has made me pause is how so much of the Democratic party’s arguments against him are just theater. Like his crimes. DOJ immediately drop the charges and if he were as dangerous as they say they wouldn’t. It feels like fake chest puffing.

Moreover I’m looking at the statements being made by Trump and his allies and how the media is treating or framing their words.

Look at this video RFK JR made. He’s correct! Food in America is poison.

Look at the video here:

Many American foods are so poisoned and laced with chemicals it’s illegal to have them in Europe. European food of the same type have completely different ingredients. Take for instance orange fanta. Google the difference between European Fanta and American. HFCS should be banned or extremely limited.

They are poisoning us for money and to keep us addicted. The fact gop is talking about that and liberals who tend to be more health conscious aren’t is damning.

It also shows liberals despite their ire at corporations suck corporate cock and want a status quo. You can say his take on vaccines and stuff is questionable but acting like he doesn’t raise any goods points is bizarre.

Watch the video then read this article.

 Incredibly damning how the media does their agenda and attack a man making very cogent points.

If you took them at their word you’d think he was a quack. But watch the video and he raised very good points that we all as Americans should get behind. The mainstream media is not to be trusted and this radicalizes everyday folks.



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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5524 on: November 08, 2024, 10:20:01 AM »
Why does his voice sound wobbled? Is that how he sounds or is my video skipping? It sounds AI generated


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5525 on: November 08, 2024, 11:25:19 AM »
Yeah his voice is weird

Let's Cyber

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Let's Cyber

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5527 on: November 08, 2024, 12:18:46 PM »
Even worse, what has made me pause is how so much of the Democratic party’s arguments against him are just theater. Like his crimes. DOJ immediately drop the charges and if he were as dangerous as they say they wouldn’t. It feels like fake chest puffing.

"Presidents may not be prosecuted for exercising their “core” constitutional powers, and even in situations where former presidents might be prosecuted after leaving office, they are entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for official actions they took as president."
Now reelected, Trump will control the DOJ in a few months and with Presidential Immunity granted by the supreme court, their case(s) is fucked.
"But the former president actually got quite a bit more. The court made clear that if he is re-elected, he will be free to simply order the Justice Department to drop the charges against him, and that his pardon power is unlimited."
It was either drop them now or have them dropped in January. :trumps


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5528 on: November 08, 2024, 08:20:07 PM »
I've realized I've backed the wrong candidate.

LOOK AT WHAT TRUMP IS DOING. Look at how he fights for the people.

Contrast with the Do Nothing Dems.

For years the Democratic Party refused to acknowledge that the President was experiencing mental decline until it blew up in their faces. And now after their loss, one of the key people that begged Biden to drop out is now pointing the finger at him for their loss rather than looking inward. This is the Democratic Party that "fights" for you.That loses for you. That humiliates you for supporting them.

team filler

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5529 on: November 08, 2024, 08:24:32 PM »

Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5530 on: November 08, 2024, 09:37:24 PM »
If Joe were a gentleman he would resign so Kamala still gets to be the first black, woman, Asian, cop president.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5531 on: November 08, 2024, 09:51:19 PM »
If Joe were a gentleman he would resign so Kamala still gets to be the first black, woman, Asian, cop president.

A candidate that was so rejected by the people getting to become President as a participation trophy might make people turn from the Democratic Party even further.

Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5532 on: November 08, 2024, 09:56:33 PM »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5533 on: November 08, 2024, 09:59:09 PM »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5534 on: November 09, 2024, 01:31:52 AM »
I was watching the Joe Rogan Trump interview. I came to a conclusion. The Democratic party is the party with all of the nerds who did well in college.

Let me explain. It seems clear the only reason they have it out for Trump isn’t because he’s a “fascist” or dictator but because he’s an outsider and they resent an outsider coming in and outranking them while skipping the political career of going from mayor to governor to president or whatever. He basically broke the “rules” and cut in line.

The Democratic Party (and Republican Party of old) is full of manager types and they feel slighted that this bumbling outsider could outclass and defeat them and the system.

There’s a typical order of steps to become prez and he evaded all of it while tearing down their political dynasties - Bush, Clinton, and now Obama.

They’re nerds slinging shit because some outsider outperformed them and did what they couldn’t with none of the heartache of being a professional sychophant to do anything to get votes.

This is why they couldn’t give the Trump McDonald’s stunt credit: because they view such a job as beneath them to begin with.

So when you question why the Dems dropped the fascist rhetoric just remember it was hatred he cut the line and political theater.

Look at this shit. Dems are fucking nerds dude. LOOK AT THE CHART! No social skills, no humanity. Just data, data, data.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2024, 12:38:10 PM by Himu »

Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5535 on: November 09, 2024, 02:18:44 PM »
If Obama hadn't publicly humiliated him at a party that he was invited to in 2011, we might live in a very different world. Trump had (has?) no serious political convictions. He hurt a lot of feelings in the GOP by also cutting the line, but ultimately they realized he was popular and useful.

Imagine if he had run as a Democrat. Democrats would be dismissing the fascist label without a thought (once elected). The thing about fascism is it's a popular movement that comes from *outside* the traditional political economy and Trump, as a famous, influential billionaire with a long history of rubbing shoulders with the Clintons, Obamas, Epstein, etc. is not outside of it.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5536 on: November 09, 2024, 02:43:44 PM »
Years of telling me NYC won’t go red. Now NYC is closer to being red than Texas is being blue.

Well, well, well…

This is what happens when you have leftist politicians that appease criminals.

This is what happens when you make peoples quality of life suffer and lock toothpaste and deodorant in grocery stores instead of punishing thieves.

This is what happens when you take BILLIONS from taxpayers to fund homeless care only to continuously baby them and inconvenience regular people. The far left New Yorkers said it was fascist to not let homeless people sleep on the train with an entire shopping cart of stuff and expose themselves to children.

This is what happens when you say you’re struggling and the libs say “the economy is great”.

Chickens coming to roost. For years you were warned. For years you didn’t listen.

Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5537 on: November 09, 2024, 02:48:14 PM »
Homeless people are regular people. They just don't have stable housing.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5538 on: November 09, 2024, 02:54:36 PM »
Homeless people are regular people. They just don't have stable housing.

Sure, but should they be allowed to congregate in parks and subway trains shooting up heroin, and yelling “GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!” when you step inside a subway car occupied by one? When you’re in New York and you step inside a train and there’s a homeless person and he’s the only person in that car everyone knows the modus operandi and that’s to get into the next car for survival. You never know who that person is and if they will have a mental breakdown and start screaming or assaulting you. While it’s true homeless people are regular people saying that doesn’t actually fix the issue. Meanwhile the government is taxing my ass off and sticking it in me raw without the luxury or lube or spit, as they fund 4-5 billions in homeless care and you’re worried about being stabbed on the train that children ride by themselves at 7 am on their way to school.

Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5539 on: November 09, 2024, 03:15:16 PM »
It sounds like you are frustrated about financial strain and public policy priorities that seemingly don't benefit you and you have little control over. It seems like you might also be afraid of homeless people.

Homeless people are likely also frustrated about financial strain and public policy priorities that don't benefit them and they have little control over. Is it possible that you are also afraid of becoming homeless?


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5540 on: November 10, 2024, 12:36:18 AM »
No I’m not afraid of homeless people. I’ve volunteered with numerous orgs like Food Not Bombs to give homeless people food. I regularly bought food for my homeless neighbors that I know by name  in Brooklyn and gave them money. I’ve advocated for the homeless so much so one time I was at my cousins graduation at Morehouse and we were in line to get food at a Chicken and Waffles joint. A homeless woman walked up and asked for change and my family begged me not to because of drugs and I still gave the homeless person change, as my family looked at me disapprovingly.

So no, I’m not afraid of the homeless.

I have and will continue to advocate for them.

But we should not coddle them. The homeless situation in NY is different than it is other cities due to the density. You have people living on top of each other. This includes homeless people. Most people use the train to travel so you’re almost always on foot so you can’t avoid them in a car. One of the main NY maxims is “don't look them in the eye”. I have had a person run up to me, ask me to go with them to a Chinese restaurant so he can get food and when I declined he took his dick out and peed in my direction. In the trains you’ll have some maniac screaming and screeching and making a mentally ill tantrum screaming at passengers and sometimes harassing passengers. “Don’t look at them” is the rule. All this and yet New Yorkers pay 4-5 billion in homeless care for an issue that doesn’t seem to be solved. Just throw money at the issue: the Progressive Credo.

Homeless deserve care but many of them refuse to go to the shelter citing violence and threats of theft of personal belongings, preferring to sleep in the street. Homeless people are people but we should not tolerate homeless encampments in the park where people mingle and children play shooting up heroin or turning an entire train car into their personal house.

Homeless man literally pushes homeless advocate off the train platform, killing her

Multiple offenses with a warrant and not in jail because the left mind virus prioritizes being nice over a healthy society. Having lived I have irrefutable evidence that progressivism does not work and will not work and the government just wants to tax us as they get fat and live it large as no issues get solved.

I was almost directly in a mass shooting held by a homeless man. Literally the next train. He shot up a subway and had multiple offenses but the woke DA didn’t keep the fuck in jail. Thankfully no one died.

Put them in the shelters. Don’t allow them to not live in our trains. But if you say you’re a fascist. Progressivism is brain AIDS. Throwing money at issues and hoping it sticks.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2024, 12:51:49 AM by Himu »


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5541 on: November 10, 2024, 11:35:11 AM »
I was watching the Joe Rogan Trump interview. I came to a conclusion. The Democratic party is the party with all of the nerds who did well in college.

If you and the rest of the Bore don't mind, I'm gonna springboard off your post, Himu, and dump my thoughts about the election.

Since the mid 2010s, the Dem party is less the "nerd" party (I mean, the Repubs now have the first millennial awkward techbro nerd in the White House) and more the "HR Karen" party, imo.
However, that is in no where near the primary reason she lost.

Kamala I think wasn't a strong candidate, but IMO she did pretty damn good for herself even with being handed a terrible deck. The economy/inflation is by far the biggest issue, and although the US handled inflation the best out of all the industrialized countries, and I'm privileged enough to say my 401k has boomed during the era, the fact of the matter is - a lot of the working class people are suffering, the cost of living has absolutely EXPLODED post-covid. While salaries have been catching up slightly, it's still not enough. And a grocery bill increasing by 50% is gonna hurt to those people who were living day-by-day even before the pandemic. I do think Biden and the FED have done their best to mitigate this, but unfortunately it was a shit "unprecedented" (most overused word the past few years) situation causing every single incumbent party to lose.

All the other reasons why people are saying she failed, are much smaller but they did skim the margins of her vote little by little. Gaza, not appealing to the youth, their oblivious celebrity endorsements, being perceived as being too invested in identity politics. I think Kamala did a good job of not getting bogged down in identity politics, however you had a period from the mid 2010s onward where leftist academists and others would be using terms like "toxic masculinity", "white supremacy", etc. These things obviously exist and white people as a whole could stand to be more mindful of others' situations, but when they get harped on by the "HR Karens", you start seeing even your typical college white lib get tired of being perceived as "the enemy" for stuff they probably have at most a tiny hand in perpetuating. Especially the "ethnic whites" i.e. those Ellis Island descendants who still may have slight ties to the old world were a big Dem constituency in the new deal era, but now go pretty hard for Trump. He made some big inroads in the Northeast and outright won the Rust Belt in 2016 and 2024 (where you have a large portion of Ellis Island descendants). Many of these people, whose families have been in this country way after slavery ended, way after the wars against the Native Americans, and who have faced tons of discrimination before being adopted into the "white" umbrella, question why they're getting the blame for atrocities perpetuated while their descendants were still in the old world mining coal in Poland, farming in Sicily, trying not to starve during the Irish famine.

We're having a realignment here - it's no longer a multicultural/multiracial "big blanket" party vs. a neoliberal wealthy white party with large evangelical and military support. It's shifted to a working class (with their uber rich overlords) vs. the "professional managerial class"/"laptop class" or what have you, with some remnants of the neoliberal/military divisions. And the Dem leadership however still thinks we're in the mid 2000s and fighting those same battles, which is a fools errand, since the coalitions within the Obama-era party have fragmented and are now increasingly at odds with one another. The Dems have let the working class slip away as they double-down on the failed neoliberal policies present in American politics since the Reagan era.

So where do the Dems go from here? Well, I think 2028 will be much more favorable to them so they probably can continue to stagnate doing what they're doing. If the tariffs Trump is pushing actually go through, it'll do further economic damage and stifle the tenuous recovery we're in, and then the field would be advantageous to them. Especially so if some of the Project 2025 horror comes to pass. But I'm hoping that Dems go through their own realignment and re-embrace their new deal/leftist roots. Many leftist/large government policies are extremely popular (Medicare for All, lower medicine costs, make the billionaires pay their fair share), while others are absolute poison to the electorate (defund the police, identity politics). But I also think the leftists are terrible at picking-and-choosing, along with messaging (the Right's most iconic and accurate meme is by far "the left can't meme"). The one person on the left who has a clear and concise message is, of course, Bernie. And happens to be the political figure with the highest likeability ranking. Sadly his successor pool is looking pretty thin (AOC is great but pushes some of the unlikable leftist policies and already has the GOP building up a smear campaign against her).

And finally, the DNC absolutely needs an enema.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2024, 11:42:06 AM by tiesto »

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5542 on: November 10, 2024, 04:07:08 PM »
I voted for Harris but was unsurprised at the results. Know of several people who voted Democrat since 2008 and voted for Trump this go around. My scorching hot take is Biden badly misfired on not prioritizing inflation. I read countless articles about how inflation isn’t ackchually real but people were regularly seeing double digit percentage increases on their grocery bills. I don’t know anyone on either side who has been happy about inflation this decade.

I have zero faith in another Trump administration but I’m hoping whoever takes the mantle of the Democratic Party focuses more on quality of life issues like making sure the basics of life such as groceries and housing are affordable and accessible. I’m sure someone will rush to share that ackchually Harris had the best policy since FDR on doing those things but that’s not what people thought.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5543 on: November 10, 2024, 07:58:02 PM »
Another Trump administration will break so much stuff, I think the bright side is it will speed meaningful political change. The democratic party, realizing how much of their expected support from blue collar workers vaporized at the voting booth, may be forced to recognize how out of touch they are with the average joe and jane.

Even so, Trump's promises are less than worthless. They're harmful because no-one actually believes he'll follow through on any of them. I guess people in the same mental state as Insurrection Buffalo Shaman or wearing shirts with Trump's head on a bodybuilder body might believe it. Are they the majority now?

Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5544 on: November 10, 2024, 10:35:22 PM »
I notice that nearly all political predictions for the Democratic Party predicate on the fact that it *wants* to win and it *wants* to make meaningful political change. I wonder how much that is true, though.

This is just my opinion and I can't cite insider sources or anything, but the more I watch the Democratic Party fumble, waste its influence when in power, campaign on "we're not the other guy," blame its own voters for its losses, etc., the more I can't help but think this is maybe this is all it's for.

In a two-party system in which both sides represent neoliberal economic interests in a weak, quasi-democratic political system that does not pretend to empower the vast majority of its citizens, it doesn't make sense for there to be a party that is actually intent on up-heaving the status quo.

We all have known someone who has a dating type that isn't good for them. Every time they are in a relationship it's the most wonderful thing ever and then it ends disastrously. The friend is beside themselves until they meet someone new. "They're completely different" they say. Except they aren't, and it's the same thing over and over. There is something psychological at work here: repetition compulsion, the death drive, who knows? But this how I have started to view not just Democratic voters but the party itself.

It does what it knows how to do: run poor campaigns that enrich media companies, technology companies, and consultants, alienate large portions of the electorate, suck the teat of the technology and financial sectors, and talk about how much the other guys suck. It's easier to be the perennial opposition than govern. It also seems to make them more money.

And their voters are the same: waste their revolutionary political energy on social media posturing, alienate large portions of the electorate by demonizing them, and line up every 4 years delusionally thinking that by voting they are participating in the most important political process of their lives. If they win, they get more status quo. If they lose, they basically get more status quo but it's sad coded.

It really feels pathological. I don't mean that as a judgement or normatively. It's interesting to watch.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5545 on: November 11, 2024, 12:22:53 PM »
President-elect Donald Trump on Sunday demanded that the next Senate GOP leader allow him to make appointments to his administration and the courts without Senate approval.

The fascist takeover beginneth.

Now back to the regularly scheduled pronoun discussion.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5546 on: November 12, 2024, 01:59:48 AM »
Great video.

This shit is precisely why I am now registered Republican.

I notice that nearly all political predictions for the Democratic Party predicate on the fact that it *wants* to win and it *wants* to make meaningful political change. I wonder how much that is true, though.

This is just my opinion and I can't cite insider sources or anything, but the more I watch the Democratic Party fumble, waste its influence when in power, campaign on "we're not the other guy," blame its own voters for its losses, etc., the more I can't help but think this is maybe this is all it's for.

In a two-party system in which both sides represent neoliberal economic interests in a weak, quasi-democratic political system that does not pretend to empower the vast majority of its citizens, it doesn't make sense for there to be a party that is actually intent on up-heaving the status quo.

We all have known someone who has a dating type that isn't good for them. Every time they are in a relationship it's the most wonderful thing ever and then it ends disastrously. The friend is beside themselves until they meet someone new. "They're completely different" they say. Except they aren't, and it's the same thing over and over. There is something psychological at work here: repetition compulsion, the death drive, who knows? But this how I have started to view not just Democratic voters but the party itself.

It does what it knows how to do: run poor campaigns that enrich media companies, technology companies, and consultants, alienate large portions of the electorate, suck the teat of the technology and financial sectors, and talk about how much the other guys suck. It's easier to be the perennial opposition than govern. It also seems to make them more money.

And their voters are the same: waste their revolutionary political energy on social media posturing, alienate large portions of the electorate by demonizing them, and line up every 4 years delusionally thinking that by voting they are participating in the most important political process of their lives. If they win, they get more status quo. If they lose, they basically get more status quo but it's sad coded.

It really feels pathological. I don't mean that as a judgement or normatively. It's interesting to watch.

Democrats do not fix anything.

For the past three years I have been calling them the Do Nothing Democrats. This post strikes to the heart of that. They pay lip service to issues and do not strive to actually fix them. Compare the Republican ran Staten Island with Democratic ran Brooklyn. Night and day. Clean streets, lower crime;etc.

Look at this shit. You would think it was in the midwest.

I realized during this election and all the celebrity endorsements and Kamala hanging out with celebrities that Democrats want to be seen as Hollywood rather than helping American people.

That's not to say Democrats are utterly useless. I think living in a blue states can be pretty good. I think Democrats on the local level (with proper regulation so they aren't too left) are far more useful, but on the national level they keep flubbing it over and over and over and over.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2024, 03:21:26 AM by Himu »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5547 on: November 12, 2024, 02:15:53 AM »
I was watching the Joe Rogan Trump interview. I came to a conclusion. The Democratic party is the party with all of the nerds who did well in college.

If you and the rest of the Bore don't mind, I'm gonna springboard off your post, Himu, and dump my thoughts about the election.

Since the mid 2010s, the Dem party is less the "nerd" party (I mean, the Repubs now have the first millennial awkward techbro nerd in the White House) and more the "HR Karen" party, imo.
However, that is in no where near the primary reason she lost.

Kamala I think wasn't a strong candidate, but IMO she did pretty damn good for herself even with being handed a terrible deck. The economy/inflation is by far the biggest issue, and although the US handled inflation the best out of all the industrialized countries, and I'm privileged enough to say my 401k has boomed during the era, the fact of the matter is - a lot of the working class people are suffering, the cost of living has absolutely EXPLODED post-covid. While salaries have been catching up slightly, it's still not enough. And a grocery bill increasing by 50% is gonna hurt to those people who were living day-by-day even before the pandemic. I do think Biden and the FED have done their best to mitigate this, but unfortunately it was a shit "unprecedented" (most overused word the past few years) situation causing every single incumbent party to lose.

All the other reasons why people are saying she failed, are much smaller but they did skim the margins of her vote little by little. Gaza, not appealing to the youth, their oblivious celebrity endorsements, being perceived as being too invested in identity politics. I think Kamala did a good job of not getting bogged down in identity politics, however you had a period from the mid 2010s onward where leftist academists and others would be using terms like "toxic masculinity", "white supremacy", etc. These things obviously exist and white people as a whole could stand to be more mindful of others' situations, but when they get harped on by the "HR Karens", you start seeing even your typical college white lib get tired of being perceived as "the enemy" for stuff they probably have at most a tiny hand in perpetuating. Especially the "ethnic whites" i.e. those Ellis Island descendants who still may have slight ties to the old world were a big Dem constituency in the new deal era, but now go pretty hard for Trump. He made some big inroads in the Northeast and outright won the Rust Belt in 2016 and 2024 (where you have a large portion of Ellis Island descendants). Many of these people, whose families have been in this country way after slavery ended, way after the wars against the Native Americans, and who have faced tons of discrimination before being adopted into the "white" umbrella, question why they're getting the blame for atrocities perpetuated while their descendants were still in the old world mining coal in Poland, farming in Sicily, trying not to starve during the Irish famine.

We're having a realignment here - it's no longer a multicultural/multiracial "big blanket" party vs. a neoliberal wealthy white party with large evangelical and military support. It's shifted to a working class (with their uber rich overlords) vs. the "professional managerial class"/"laptop class" or what have you, with some remnants of the neoliberal/military divisions. And the Dem leadership however still thinks we're in the mid 2000s and fighting those same battles, which is a fools errand, since the coalitions within the Obama-era party have fragmented and are now increasingly at odds with one another. The Dems have let the working class slip away as they double-down on the failed neoliberal policies present in American politics since the Reagan era.

So where do the Dems go from here? Well, I think 2028 will be much more favorable to them so they probably can continue to stagnate doing what they're doing. If the tariffs Trump is pushing actually go through, it'll do further economic damage and stifle the tenuous recovery we're in, and then the field would be advantageous to them. Especially so if some of the Project 2025 horror comes to pass. But I'm hoping that Dems go through their own realignment and re-embrace their new deal/leftist roots. Many leftist/large government policies are extremely popular (Medicare for All, lower medicine costs, make the billionaires pay their fair share), while others are absolute poison to the electorate (defund the police, identity politics). But I also think the leftists are terrible at picking-and-choosing, along with messaging (the Right's most iconic and accurate meme is by far "the left can't meme"). The one person on the left who has a clear and concise message is, of course, Bernie. And happens to be the political figure with the highest likeability ranking. Sadly his successor pool is looking pretty thin (AOC is great but pushes some of the unlikable leftist policies and already has the GOP building up a smear campaign against her).

And finally, the DNC absolutely needs an enema.

Great post.

I agree with HR Karen but I think nerd is more apt because nerds are rigid. When I say nerd, I mean overeducated binary "I'm so smart" nerd. While JD Vance is technically nerd (and he is one of us), he has far more better social skills than most nerds and is also charismatic. Most Dems are not really charismatic. They're very robotic and clinical and step by step versus Trump's shoot from the hip approach.

Expounding, Democrats are nerds in the worst sense. The elitist type.

As a nerd, I know nerds. And nerds have awful social skills. That's Democrats and liberals. They're always so caught up in data and empirical metrics they never account for human factor or primal instinct. Over the course of my life liberals have said the following about people that vote right:

- they're dumb and vote against their own interests
- conservatives can't make art because to make art it would require understanding humanity
- fashion dude on twitter outright said just the other day that cons can't make a conservative fashion twitter account because in order to be that fashionable it would require getting past not being seen as gay and conservatives are clearly incapable of doing that

They always think they're the smartest in the room yet for some reason can't fucking win.

They're like *points at this chart and that chart and this graph* and wondering why you're not believing their arguments.

Look at the old Bore posters that left. Mandark, Triumph, Arvie, Glen;etc. all holier than thou moralistic nerds. All of them. They couldn’t handle talking to people with different views than them and abandoned their friends and outcasted others for some moral truth conceding the site to people they deemed immoral. This is the same for Dems in the political arena: they conceded the messaging war to republicans because people like Joe Rogan didn’t fit their purity test because how dare he talk to and platform conservatives like Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson on top of Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Bernie Sanders? How dare he platform people I don’t like. So they decided he was a right winger and basically gave the right a monopoly on messaging. Nerds. They’re fucking nerds.

Just the other day was talking to a Dem/lib about the working class and dude said they don't have a working class problem and their working class outreach is great.

You've seen the way they throw minorities under the bus when they vote Republican.

Look at the way Obama scolded black men. Not making compelling arguments but did so in a "I know better than you" way.

Your examples for them being HR Karen's, while true, is more evidence they're nerds. Nerds are rarely rule breakers. By nerd, I am using book worm study all the time type nerd. They're not rule breakers. Kid wants to copy your homework and you say no because it's against the rules. Emphasis on rules. Liberals make everything about the rules. Don't do this or you're racist. Don't say that or you're toxic. Have different political beliefs and I'll end a decade plus friendship. They're the teachers pet grown up. The hall monitor in political office. They're fucking nerds.

Continuing, you're right. The Dems refuse to accept the new political paradigm. They still think it's the 60's or something and can't accept that MAGA is the new post-racial tent coalition except it's not bonded by identity, it's bonded through shared values and culture and class. I work construction jobs. The guys at a construction job all get along because we are cut from the same cloth regardless of race, religion, country, or creed. We share a similar culture with similar values. You're new and some guy calls you a cigarillo on day one to see how you react. If you get defensive you truly are a cigarillo. If you throw it back and say something back like, something about fucking their mom, you're one of the boys. The guys at the construction site voted Trump even most of the black ones. Democrats have lost sight of America and have no idea what the fuck is going on. Kamala didn't even go on Joe fucking Rogan despite them trying to reach young men. Like what in the absolute shit.

I will give Kamala credit in many avenues. I think she didn't run an entirely awful campaign. I was impressed she didn't rely upon her identity or gender or race to get brownie points. She said outright she wanted to be elected for what she offered not who or what she was.  The problem is everyone surrounding her from Obama to the Democratic elite made it about those things. She was given a bad hand.

As for the Dems future, their only hope is for them to go populist, which is bad for the Democratic Party because they abhor populism. Doing so would "break the rules" and as established in my post, Dems hate breaking rules. They're very strict on what they think works. Populism is why they hate Trump, not because they think they he's a fascist, but because he's not only a political outsider, he's also a populist. Dems had their own populist and did everything in their power to try to kill his momentum. In order for dems to win 2028 they will have to fight fire with their own breed of populism, which is precisely why they will lose. Even now in the aftermath of a landslide they refuse to admit they have a problem.

Oh well, I got a new MAGA hat.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2024, 09:03:50 AM by Himu »


  • Senior Member
Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5548 on: November 12, 2024, 02:23:57 PM »

Fucking nerd ass party


Every President places loyalists in his cabinet better reeeeeeeeeee since it’s Trump

Imagine being a loser ass registered Democrat


« Last Edit: November 12, 2024, 03:40:25 PM by Himu »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5549 on: November 15, 2024, 09:31:03 AM »
I hope that every single pick of Trump is confirmed.

Give the people what they voted for.

team filler

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5550 on: November 16, 2024, 04:21:57 AM »
I hope that every single pick of Trump is confirmed.

Give the people what they voted for.
stay cucked   :biden

team filler

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5551 on: November 17, 2024, 04:43:22 PM »

Lol. Being forced to eat garbage to own the libs  :lol


  • Senior Member
Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5552 on: November 19, 2024, 04:20:03 PM »


  • Senior Member
Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5553 on: November 19, 2024, 08:18:41 PM »
Imagine being a librul

Imagine being a weak ass bitch. A big part of the left losing influence is because the past decade they ran away from discussion. They called people like Joe Rogan right wingers just because he interviewed people like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson. How dare he? He must be cancelled because of it. Due to that they just gave one of the liberal figures up to the hands of the right. They tried to cancel universities hosting events and debates with Ben Shapiro and other cons because they’re “nazis”. All they ended up doing was acquiescing from the public square and now right wing views are becoming mainstream because they remain mostly unchallenged. A big part of that is the left basically handing the right the keys to messaging because they think they’re above discussion and above debate.

They lost an election to a guy the whole system wanted to beat and what’s their response? It’s not to understand, it’s to run to another bubble because they can’t stand conservative voices even existing.

Weak, ineffectual, and pathetic.


  • Senior Member
Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5554 on: November 24, 2024, 04:19:16 AM »
New York Magazine article on the enduring popularity of Trump and what caused former Biden voters to vote for Trump - particularly in AOC’s district.

FYI I can corroborate the story of those in Jackson Heights. I went to Jackson Heights alllllll the way from Brooklyn for some birria tacos and it was jam packed full of hookers and brothel storefronts. This was in 2022 if I recall.

Let's tackle some of the quotes in this article, shall we?

I've been calling the Democrats the Do Nothings for years, have I not?


Everyone I talked to in Corona considered their presidential vote through the prism of local concerns, but it was not hard to see the national implications. The area’s pro-Trump turn mirrored Democratic losses on the U.S.-Mexico border and other predominantly Hispanic areas where the migrant crisis was acutely felt as well as in cities like San Francisco, where voters, fed up with its ongoing mental-illness and drug crisis, ousted the incumbent mayor in favor of a wealthy moderate with no public-sector experience. One theme connecting these geographically disparate regions was the inability of Democratic officials to fix or sometimes even acknowledge problems that were staring them in the face and that residents were imploring them to address. The party of government, predicated on using the state to help citizens in need of it, didn’t seem to be governing at all.

For years, people abjectly refused to listen whether online or offline. The only result was to punish the Dems. Benji in my original MAGA post said "the solution isn't to go MAGA". Bro, there's only two real choices.

Quote from: Benjipwns
There are Marxists who are opposed to social studies warriors and COVID hysteria. Nothing precludes them from voting Republican for a cycle, especially in a local race, if they determine these are the dominant issues of the moment and a Republican candidate has the best take on them.
It is nonsense for libertarians to "might as well go MAGA" considering they oppose most of the MAGA agenda like its founding principle of complete opposition to free trade and freedom of movement. Its increasing hostility to liberal principles like the rule of law, freedom of speech and the press, etc. are also troublesome to where they weigh heavily against, not for, "might as well go MAGA."

You argue this from purity testing. MAGA isn't perfect, but much better on these issues than the Do Nothings.

Adams is trying to clean up Jackson Heights and is being met with resistance by Prog feggits.

The sweep was unpopular with progressives. State Senator Ramos, who has announced a bid for mayor, told me Adams’s move was mostly performative and wouldn’t root out the traffickers or gangs exploiting women. She added that prostitution has been thriving on Roosevelt for decades and was reluctant to point to the migrant crisis as a chief cause of Republican success in her district. But she acknowledged that this was probably not what voters wanted to hear. She herself lives across the street from a brothel. “My boys are in middle school; they take the train to school. They actually have to walk down Roosevelt Ave at 7 a.m. I don’t want them to be propositioned. I don’t want them to see adults in their worst possible behavior. That’s what is top of mind.”

Every thing progs do is emotional grand standing. Notice the pattern?

"THE HOMELESS HAVE NOWHERE TO GO" - as if this solves homeless sleeping on trains and making it their homes

"SEX WORK IS LEGAL WORK" - as if it doesn't attract crime and men. And where sexually starved men go, crime goes with them.

"IF YOU DON'T TAKE THE VACCINE, WE WILL FIRE YOU EVEN IF YOU'RE A TRUCKER." - Remember that? Turns out, people will remember that. And pay you kindly for being a communist taco.


"HIGHER TAXES MEANS HIGHER QUALITY SERVICES" - half of those services don't work

Progs try to emotionally force us, the common people, to view the world through their myopic black and white world model that only operates on Goodness and not Real Life and Solutions. Liberalism, and by extension progressivism, is an abject failure.

That Prog is a Senator her solution is No Solution. PROSTITUTION AND CRIME ARE JUST PART OF LIFE. JUST IGNORE IT.

Here's a quote from the article:

Several blocks away, the manager of a grocery store complained of a spike in thefts — he didn’t want me to use his name to avoid risking further incidents — as well as of street vendors pouring their grease directly into the sewer, which he said attracted rats that wound up in his store basement. He says he voted for Biden in 2020 and Trump this time around. Carmen Enriquez, a substitute teacher from Ecuador who lives nearby in what is technically Elmhurst, says she’s a registered Democrat who voted Republican this year for the first time. She complained that migrants had received free shelter and benefits while existing residents struggled. She directed her ire at not only the Biden administration but also Ocasio-Cortez, who appeared at a local rally last year to support migrant vendors, and State Senator Jessica Ramos, who co-sponsored a bill several years ago to decriminalize sex work. (It has not passed.) “You can see it all, the boobs out. That is outrageous. That is what I am telling you — especially the Venezuelans, they came with attitude.”

Here's a quote from Rufus after I bought my MAGA hat.

No moral compass, just 100% with whoever makes you feel good at the moment.

You're a foreigner. You're not American. Always remember that.

You remember these pics, don't you?

You could have read the tea leaves, but you refused because libs always know best.  :success

For all their talk, they dehumanize others life experiences while they sit on soapboxes and say they fight our rights and care about us as workers. Justice has never felt so sweet. Please continue to ban people and run away from discussion and run even deeper into your Ivory Towers. JD Vance 2028.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2024, 05:02:11 AM by Himu »


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5555 on: November 24, 2024, 09:20:35 AM »
So many folks are coming out saying,
"you know what maybe I was wrong about Trump and this corporate funded climate communism that worships top surgery scars and Hamas isn't such a good idea after all. I didn't dare to say I didn't like my street turning into an open sewer and Minnie Mouse swinging their dick around my kids but I guess now it's safe to do so."

If you look at MSNBC you kind of feel sorry for folks who watch that and have been brainwashed to believe that their neighbors are Nazis.  :brain

Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5556 on: November 24, 2024, 02:32:13 PM »
It seems like maybe this adherence to false dichotomies (including but not limited to Republican vs Democrat) does more to benefit the power structures that ensure those are the only options than the people who do the labor (physical, emotional, psychological) to support them.


  • Senior Member
Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5557 on: November 25, 2024, 09:29:42 PM »
So many folks are coming out saying,
"you know what maybe I was wrong about Trump and this corporate funded climate communism that worships top surgery scars and Hamas isn't such a good idea after all. I didn't dare to say I didn't like my street turning into an open sewer and Minnie Mouse swinging their dick around my kids but I guess now it's safe to do so."

If you look at MSNBC you kind of feel sorry for folks who watch that and have been brainwashed to believe that their neighbors are Nazis.  :brain
I’m so happy I don’t have to pretend anymore, Nintex. I was bushed for a month and a half on the coli for supporting Trump. For the last year I’ve been hiding I’m Republican and support their agenda. I can finally do so freely when in the past I just got a bunch of screaming at me for being “wrong” and “they hate you!!!!!” Good God I’ve had to pretend offline, I’ve had to pretend online and it’s exhausting. All so you don’t get banned or face social suicide. I want to say I don’t hate liberals. We have to be better than the liberals and show them their backwards ways but it’s tough after how they’ve treated people like us. Ending 20 year friendships because you’re against vaccine mandates. Good Lord it’ll take every fiber of my being to forgive them, Nintex.

My mom is an MSNBC watcher and she’s been taking it surprisingly well. I told her I lied that I voted Kamala and I actually voted Trump.

Basically this lmao

Keep banning everyone and run to Bluesky, libs.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2024, 10:31:53 PM by Himu »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5558 on: November 26, 2024, 12:15:41 AM »

New shoe

team filler

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5559 on: November 26, 2024, 04:01:22 AM »
Voting Republican leaves you just as cucked  :lol

Nintex, are you really still falling for the "khamas is in the hospitals and every where else we want to bomb children at" I truly believe you are much more intelligent than that

team filler

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #5561 on: January 21, 2025, 03:54:12 AM »
So US grocery prices will be halved today?
Looking forward to the end of Russia's war against Ukraine 10 hours from now.


  • Senior Member
Re: USA Politics Thread
« Reply #5562 on: February 11, 2025, 07:08:22 PM »
New York Times Pitchbot
Whether it's Hillary Clinton sharing risotto tips on a private email server or Elon Musk giving full access to all government information to a nineteen-year old named Big Balls with ties to a child pornography collective known for its extortion techniques, both sides have played loose with security.
February 11, 2025 at 7:00 PM


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Re: USA Politics Thread
« Reply #5563 on: February 16, 2025, 03:21:50 AM »
So Trump is mass-purging goverment officials for their political views to show his deep love for the constitutionally enshrined freedom of speech. I'm sure that his supreme court will agree that this is super legal.


  • Senior Member
Re: USA Politics Thread
« Reply #5564 on: February 19, 2025, 05:28:36 AM »
Trump official announces that Trump has signed an executive order claiming that only the president can speak for “what the law is”


  • Senior Member
Re: USA Politics Thread
« Reply #5565 on: February 20, 2025, 04:37:39 AM »

Yes. This is a real post by the official White House account.


  • Senior Member
Re: USA Politics Thread
« Reply #5566 on: March 11, 2025, 01:44:35 AM »

"Trump Administration Seeks to Expel a Green-Card Holder Over Student Protests

Immigration officers arrested a Columbia University graduate for helping lead campus protests against Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. President Trump said the case was “the first arrest of many to come.”"

To further show his love for the first amendment, Trump also cancelled $400 million of grants and contracts with Columbia University.

Full article, which is behind a paywall.
spoiler (click to show/hide)
The Trump administration invoked an obscure legal statute over the weekend in an attempt to deport a recent Columbia University graduate — and lawful permanent resident of the United States — who helped lead campus protests against Israel last year, people with knowledge of the action said on Monday.

Mahmoud Khalil, 30, who graduated in December from Columbia with a master’s degree from its School of International and Public Affairs, was arrested by immigration officers in New York on Saturday and sent to a detention center in Louisiana. Mr. Khalil, who has Palestinian heritage, holds a green card and is married to an American citizen who is eight months pregnant.

On Monday, a federal judge in Manhattan ordered the government not to remove Mr. Khalil from the United States while the judge reviewed a petition challenging the legality of his detention. Mr. Khalil’s lawyers also filed a motion on Monday asking the judge to compel the federal government to transfer him back to New York.

President Trump said Mr. Khalil’s case was “the first arrest of many to come.”

“We know there are more students at Columbia and other Universities across the Country who have engaged in pro-terrorist, anti-Semitic, anti-American activity, and the Trump Administration will not tolerate it,” Mr. Trump said on social media on Monday.

“If you support terrorism, including the slaughtering of innocent men, women, and children, your presence is contrary to our national and foreign policy interests, and you are not welcome here. We expect every one of America’s Colleges and Universities to comply,” he added.

The arrest and attempted expulsion of Mr. Khalil by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, has provoked alarm over free-speech rights and the Trump administration’s escalating crackdown on immigration and on universities that Mr. Trump and his aides argue are too liberal.

The administration did not publicly lay out the legal authority for the arrest. But two people with knowledge of the matter, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive internal deliberations, said Secretary of State Marco Rubio relied on a provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act that gives him sweeping power to expel foreigners.

The provision says any “alien whose presence or activities in the United States the Secretary of State has reasonable ground to believe would have potentially serious adverse foreign policy consequences for the United States is deportable.”

Mr. Rubio also reposted a Homeland Security Department statement that accused Mr. Khalil of having “led activities aligned to Hamas.” But officials have not accused him of having any contact with the terrorist group, taking direction from it or providing material support to it.

Rather, the rationale is that the anti-Israel protests Mr. Khalil helped lead were antisemitic and fostered a hostile environment for Jewish students at Columbia, the people with knowledge of the matter said. Mr. Rubio’s argument is that the United States has a foreign policy of combating antisemitism around the world and that it would undermine this policy objective to tolerate Mr. Khalil’s continued presence in the United States, they said.

“We haven’t seen anything like this as far as I’ve been a practicing attorney,” said Robyn Barnard, an immigration lawyer at Human Rights First. “It’s just really deeply concerning to see the U.S. government deciding to use their limited resources in terms of enforcement of immigration laws to target someone whose speech they just disagree with, but otherwise doesn’t seem to violate our First Amendment.”

Mr. Trump has taken measures to try to suppress protests and other activities on campuses that officials in his administration consider anti-Israel or antisemitic, often conflating the two. On Friday, the Trump administration announced it was canceling $400 million of grants and contracts with Columbia, citing “the school’s continued inaction in the face of persistent harassment of Jewish students.”

While a student at Columbia, Mr. Khalil, who was a negotiator and spokesman for the protesters, played a major role in campus protests that broke out after Hamas launched an assault on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, killing about 1,200 people and kidnapping about 250 others. The Israeli military carried out strikes in Gaza that have killed nearly 50,000 Palestinians, according to health officials there.

Pro-Palestinian protests and a student encampment at Columbia — as well as the university administration’s response, which included asking the police to clear out protesters — became a lightning rod in national debates over public criticism of Israel. Some protesters adopted slogans like “globalize the intifada” and called for freeing Palestine “from the river to the sea,” a phrase that has radically different interpretations by Israelis and Palestinians and that led to accusations of antisemitism.

The State Department declined to comment on Monday. The Homeland Security Department referred questions to the State Department.

During the 2024 presidential campaign, Mr. Trump previewed that he intended to expel foreign students who had participated in anti-Israel protests as part of his broader plans for a sweeping crackdown on immigration. He generally framed that plan in terms of canceling student visas, however — not expelling lawful permanent residents.

Mr. Khalil, who was born and raised in Syria, became a lawful permanent resident in 2024 after having entered the United States on a student visa around December 2022 to pursue a master’s at Columbia, his lawyers said.

His lawyers said Mr. Khalil was detained on Saturday night by four people dressed in plain clothes who entered the lobby of his New York apartment building, which is owned by Columbia, and identified themselves as D.H.S. officers looking to arrest him. Ms. Khalil’s wife and his lawyers, whom Mr. Khalil got on the phone, told the officers that Mr. Khalil had a green card, but the agents arrested him anyway, his lawyers said.

A lawful permanent resident, or green-card holder, is protected by the Constitution, which includes First Amendment free-speech rights and Fifth Amendment due-process rights. The Trump administration’s attempt to expel Mr. Khalil under that statutory provision is likely to face a constitutional challenge, several legal experts said.

Amy Belsher, the director of immigrants’ rights litigation at the New York Civil Liberties Union, said she could not recall any previous instances in which a secretary of state had invoked that provision since Congress enacted the Immigration and Nationality Act, or I.N.A., in 1952.

“It’s an escalation,” she said. “This provision has not been historically invoked and is incredibly vague and would raise real concerns about the weaponization of the I.N.A. to remove people who the administration just disagrees with.”

Because any prior use of the provision appears to have been rare at most, legal specialists were still sorting through what it would mean procedurally — including whether an immigration judge would need to formally revoke Mr. Khalil’s green card and issue a final removal order.

It was also not clear whether administrative removal proceedings, should they be a necessary first step, would delay the ability of Mr. Khalil’s lawyers to pursue a constitutional challenge in federal court. Mr. Khalil’s lawyers did not immediately reply to a request for comment on Monday.

Nor was it clear whether any legal challenge to his detention and deportation proceedings would play out in New York, where he was arrested, or in Louisiana. The appeals court that oversees federal judicial proceedings in Louisiana is particularly conservative.

At a rally in Iowa on Oct. 16, 2023, Mr. Trump declared that, “in the wake of the attacks on Israel, Americans have been disgusted to see the open support for terrorists among the legions of foreign nationals on college campuses. They’re teaching your children hate.” He added: “Under the Trump administration, we will revoke the student visas of radical, anti-American and anti-Semitic foreigners at our colleges and universities, and we will send them straight back home.”

At a speech in Las Vegas on Oct. 28, Mr. Trump said that “we’ll terminate the visas of all of those Hamas sympathizers, and we’ll get them off our college campuses, out of our cities and get them the hell out of our country.” And at a Nov. 8 campaign stop in Florida, he said he would “quickly cancel the student visas of all Hamas sympathizers on college campuses, which have been infested with radicalism.”

On Monday, Mr. Rubio met in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in part to discuss efforts to end the war in Gaza. As a Republican senator representing Florida, Mr. Rubio was a vocal supporter of Israel in the war, telling one protester confronting him in the Capitol that the “vicious animals” of Hamas were to blame for all the devastation and civilian deaths from Israeli military strikes in Gaza.

Trump threatens funding cut to colleges allowing 'illegal protests'

Goodbye, freedom of speech. But at least eggs are cheap now and the stock market is booming. Right?


  • Senior Member
Re: USA Politics Thread
« Reply #5567 on: March 12, 2025, 04:24:23 PM »
Egg Prices Are Still Surging, Hitting Consumers’ Wallets
Prices for the staple rose 10.4% in February even as overall inflation eased a bit.
