All that matters is the retro stuff,
But I wouldn't expect any bells & whistles to it. Just the same PS1/PS2 classics we got on PS3 and some PSP rom dumps. If they actually put effort and touch any of this stuff up (4k rendering, trophies, save states, rewind, etc...) I'd buy it, but otherwise I'm good.
The Playstation Now stuff is good for people making their first leap into a Sony machine and getting the backlog of Sony PS3/PS4 and some PS5 titles and 3rd party stuff. For people who've been around for those eras and had Sony systems there's not gonna be much new.
Wasn't expecting a Gamepass competitor because Sony isn't willing to spend the $$$ to compete there and doesn't think they need to. Was expecting something similar to the half-ass Nintendo Online. Seems like we get Gamepass + Nintendo Online with the half-ass here for a lot of bucks. But at the end of the day, this is all nothing until we see the game lists and how they run.