There is no benefit in allowing destructive lies to be repeated on a large stage over and over again. This just allows them to infect more minds which in turn paves the way for a fascist takeover. And fascists invariably do away with your freedom of speech completely the first chance they get, because it's the only way they can retain control.
Democracy and uncontested lies can't coexist, as Trumpism should have made abundantly clear to anyone paying attention.
By pretending that lies are a valid opinion (the other side of reality and just as acceptable), the American media enabled Trump and everything that follows. Reality does not have two sides.
Twitter's banning Trump and for instance those who spread misinformation about vaccines (which results in actual deaths) was a belated step in the right direction that is seemingly about to be undone.
Musk now graduates from infantile trolling to actually being harmful to the free world, enabling (would be) autocrats everywhere. Musk is no genius, he has never invented anything in his life. He just repackages inventions of others and markets them. He is a savvy businessman.
Musk's lithium battery powered cars are a net negative for the environment. Furthermore, there is not enough lithium on the planet to replace all combustion powered personal transportation. The actual way to go are hydrogen fuel cells. Not realizing this makes Musk an idiot in his heart of hearts.
Musk basically is a stupid person's idea of a genius, much like Trump is a stupid person's idea of a rich man. Everything about him and his past is based on misrepresentation, from his fake hair to the origin of his money (his father's African emerald mines). And no, he didn't invent Paypal, either. When you think about it, it's really not surprising Musk is so fond of liars. And make no mistake, he couldn't care less about free speech. On Twitter, he regularly blocked critics. He just wants unfettered speech for himself.