Honestly, if the game is that button mashy for you it sounds like you either got those "game journalist" items equipped. Or you are barely using the full extent of your abilities.
By mashy I mean the enemies just sit there and it's brainless.
I phoenix dash in, do a hold [] jump launcher, slash x 3 double jump slash x 3 double jump, slash x 3, []+[x crash down to triangle (usually enemy is dead by now), holding [] or triangle while doing the last part and then do a burning slash or magic shot at the next enemy and either phoenix dash to them or jump at them and garuda grab and air juggle, etc...also weaving in Torgal attacks between attacks.
technically that's not mashing because I'm doing technical things, but compared to DMC or Bayo it feels brainless to me because the enemies just sit there.
Even the larger enemies, I'm basically doing the same combos and stuff only with keeping an eye on them and R1 evading at the last second whenever they do their moves (btw the evade timings in this are weird and a lot earlier than most games). I don't even understand the parry mechanic. It says just slash them right when the attack is about to hit you but I do that and just eat it, meanwhile I've activated parry on a pheonix dash at the initial dash part which isn't an attack wat. So I just evade and counter and don't mess with the parry at this point.
On larger enemies I also pop all my R2 cooldowns when I can because normal combos take forever to stagger them. Unfortunately this usually means when they do stagger it's while 3/4ths of my R2 attacks are in cooldown which isn't great for damage but oh well. Also mashing on a staggered enemies sitting there doing combos is boring. Feels like no matter if I do some fancy combo or just mash slash slash slash until cooldowns pop it does the same damage when they're staggered.
Also at this point in the game the enemies don't even seem to have attributes in terms of weaknesses/strengths. Like the combat would have a bit more variety/edge to it if these enemies were weak to fire and these enemies were weak to wind, and these enemies were weak to physical and these enemies were strong against physical and weak against magic. That would cause me to use a different approach on each enemy set which at least would add variety. But so far there is nothing to differentiate the enemies that just stand there.
Plus if you pop your cooldowns on grunts you can basically just one-shot them and end the battle in 5 seconds. And your cooldowns are recharged by the next grunt battle.
If I was making the game, here's what the game could use to make it 10x better in combat (maybe some of this will unlock as the game progresses):
-Style meter with XP/Gold/Ability points/drop reward chance increasing based on your style rank at the end of each battle
-Enemies with actual fucking stats and a Libra-type ability to check them, strengths and weaknesses, maybe even go the extra mile and have different body parts take more damage like Monster Hunter. I guess the Adamantoise enemy sorta does this since only the head takes real damage and the rest of the shell bounces off weapons, but I'd like to see this on every enemy and shown in a libra-like breakdown.
-I'd also like to see MonHun style drops based on breaking horns or claws before you kill the enemy.
-A better goddamn camera. This camera really sucks when big enemies can come swinging in from off-screen and do huge damage. I would not want to do Smough and Ornstein in this game.
-A hard mode available from the start. And don't do a bullshit hard mode where you just pad HPs because the big enemies/bosses have enough HP already. Keep the HP the same, but bump the aggressiveness of every enemy in the game so that you can't just wail on mannequins but actually have to keep moving and dodging and weaving in attacks between. From small grunts to bosses. Right now boss fights feel like an MMO where every 10 seconds there is a boss attack that you dodge and between that you just wail on them with whatever combo you want over and over. Really should be more of a dance of moving and dodging and attacking constantly.